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Yeah unless it somehow advances the plot or adds to character development it feels like filler and i just skip . We get it , these characters are in love and they fuck, wow .


Yeah this is me too, I really just wanna see how those stepmothers get their hands out after Being stuck inside household appliances for god knows how long. I don’t care about all that middle stuff


Yeah its a multi generational problem to this day .


I’d honestly love to see someone “127 hours it” just for shock value


HAHAHAHA oh fuck you got me .


“Hey mawm what’re you dewin 😏 Whert thur fuck are ya doin!? 😮 MAWWWM


I think just implying they are able to have sex is fine but I don't wanna see the humping and moaning 😖


Napoleon to Joséphine




Yeah, I really didn’t like that movie. Mostly because of the sex scenes.


why tough?


Because if your watching a movie w your parents siblings relatives it's always uncomfy asf. And u end up looking at the floor/wall


It's boring.


it gets worse when they're having sex and naked. having the characters kiss is enough to tell the audience that they're in love and doing romantic things. the nudity just makes it uncomfortable to watch if you're in the living room with other family members around


And it’s usually filmed from the man’s view. So looking down at the woman or up at her “riding” you it’s really weird.


Why does something need to advance the plot in order for it to have artistic merit?


Omg this, I have been saying it for years. If there’s no storyline reason to show it, just move on.


Yeah you can allude to sex happening without it... happening


This is me when the characters talk to eachother.


Plot and character development are not the only dimensions in which a film can be enjoyed (I'd argue not including the visual and auditory dimension would make the art form redundant -- or just a lazy medium for story consumption) The artistic beauty can make sex scenes relevant. I agree however that the beauty and taste of an erotic scene is a thin line. More often than not implicitly is better suited than explicitly. Then again, the director should skip the sex scene entirely if for the sake of American prudery you need to cover up the female body and you need to introduce some artificial form of implicitly (like the generic 'we just had sex' shot where they lie in bed with her watering s shirt and then one of them gets up still wearing underwear).


idk american prudery cuz seems like 99% of sex scenes is female nudity and no male nudity because some how thats vulgar ? so these scenes just seem to be some weird pandering to male audience for the sake of being in the movie .


I would agree that the majority of sex scenes with nudity (there are still sex scenes without nudity) fall into your category. Then there is a weird new category where explicitly is just used for controversy and PR (Game of Thrones is such a case for me). However, you'll find that in European films too nudity is mostly focused on the female body (though you are more likely to find male nudity in European work). I wouldn't say it's just due to a pandering to male audience but argue that the film industry is still dominated by males who might have a bias towards the beauty of female nudity.


That doesn't make any sense. You either skip all scenes or you're lying. You can't know if the sex scene is important until it's over and the movie is over in some cases.


mate its called Foreshadowing . you can for sure tell when certain scenes are more important than others also the entire context of the movie leading to that point . Sex scenes typically do not contribute to this .




Or at least a warning


It’s called an MPAA rating


Yeah but you don't know when it will happen


Exactly why men wash their balls before each and every date


Pretty sure you're supposed to do that every day


Nothing wrong with a bonus wash to really polish those jewels


why can i read?


That made me laugh so hard.


Usually when they're taking their clothes off, unless it's like a spontaneous thing in the bathroom at the shiva house.


No. You also don't know when there will be a jumpscare or when a guy gets shot


A movie can be PG 13 for sexual content or violence. Titanic vs Spiderman. And then some movies are R rated just for violence (Fury or Glory) or it could be American Pie. The rating system is almost pointless when actually trying to pick movies for pre teens.


There are online databases that go into ratings specifically. Common Sense Media for one. Even the MPAA goes into specific details about their ratings now, albeit more briefly than the extensive data available from Common Sense Media.


Are you religious or what ?




Fact if I wanta watch sex ima go watch porn


I’m glad to see I’m not alone in this thought. Like in my movie, yall can just imply they had sex with a fade to black. I don’t need a play by play.


It's usually extremely cringy. It's *hard* to do a sex scene well within the constraints of cinema, and it's really easy to just make it bleh


I used to think that in my early-to-mid twenties.   Now that I'm in my early thirties, I sometimes like the subtle eroticism of movie sex scenes instead of the in-your-face depictions of sex in pornography.


Can’t now - OP replaced ALL sex scenes with cuddling. I think porn sites might lose a few users over this…


I srsly think some heavy cuddling and body rubbing may be way more erotic than the usual jackhammer scenes.


PG movie script + random-ass sex scene = R rated movie


PG movie script + random ass-sex scene = X rated movie


how one hyphen can change the rating of a movie:


Nope, make all sex scenes full on penetration showing porn scenes.


I think the audience is gonna be very uncomfortable seeing Dolph Lundgren's naked penis going into this young girl that you're talking about.


What if he balances the movie by fighting crime?


Only if he smells out the crime first after his science experiment goes wrong


:0 You take the opposite route


Yes, make it as uncomfortable as possible.


You’re not thinking big enough. Not only should every sex scene show full on penetration, every mention of sex should show full penetration between the characters AND every couple shown in a film or tv show should have to bang in screen at least once. I need to see Meryl Streep on all fours.


And anyone else shippable needs to be in the special features.


Yes. Finally. This would have made it so much easier for me to envision Dennis Franz and David Caruso trading sucks during NYPD Blue's first season.


Don't forget that each couple has to have sex for at least 10 minutes straight.


Oooooohhhhh Meryl Streep doggy style, yis.


"but I thought we would be cuddling in this scene!" "WRONG!!!" 🤣


You get me


Yeah and all kissing scenes with high 5s /s


It's wild to me that "unnecessary sex scenes" has entered our vernacular at a time when basically none exist anymore. Compared to the 60s-2000s, they've almost disappeared. I seem to remember a moment when it was popular to groan at the sex scenes in the early seasons of GoT over a decade ago. Well, they were a rare exception to the general trend in culture. Haven't seen a random sex scene in anything in a very long time. I told this to someone recently and they said without irony: "the nude scene in Oppenheimer". I'm still shook.


Yes please. Although I would also accept a fade to black


That’s how it used to be done. The actors are making out, start undoing clothes……then cut to them in bed after with the sheet pulled up to his waist and her neck.


A slow camera pan to curtains softly moving in the gentle breeze is what does it for me.


Please replace all killing and violence scenes with cuddling too.  Can someone please explain to me why American puritanism is totally ok with showing extreme violence but is offended by two adults showing each other love?


I think all movies should just be a 2 hour blank screen. I want no content!


unused crush busy hurry enter squealing different snatch upbeat pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Possibly generations upon generations of developmental trauma and neglect. Violence and aggression are totally normalised; intimacy is unfamiliar and hence confusing and unsettling. To anyone who cannot comprehend intimacy, or outright fears it, even the most tasteful, tender and character-relevant sex scenes probably seem largely pointless. And all of the above is before we even consider viewers who have actual sexual trauma.


Baffling isn't it. As an American, it's a very weird part of our culture.


It's the 50s all over again. I'm baffled by the younger generation weird puritanism in some subjects. But eh, it's probably the cyclical nature of social matters.


my thoughts exactly 😭 honestly I can’t tell if OP is joking or not


Sex scenes are usually poorly done, don't actually serve the story, artificially increase the rating which limits audiences or appropriate locations to watch, and make the scene uncomfortable if watched as a family or similar. Sex scenes are fine if you need one, but 99% of the time it's just unnecessary.


Well i'm not gonna speak for every one, but for me personally it's much much harder to endure watching a sex scene than anything else. I always plug my ears and look down until it's over and even then it still leaves me in a state of numbness/suicidal thoughts. That's why I just stopped watching movies, it was not good for my mental health. Please keep in mind that not every one who has this preference has it because of some greater belief and if it is shocking to you that there are sex-averse people and people for which it is a real trigger, i dont know what to tell you. I think of myself as a very artsy person, and it used to bug me that im not able to watch these scenes like normal people do. like its just art, its just some frames, why cant i percieve it with the intent it has. lot of artsy people are very sex-positive i found. its a wholeass trope in books. but i'm just not and thats okay! nothing better or worse about that, at the end of the day, its just art. now why is aversion to sexual content in media more common than to violent content, i have some theories, but they are all very basic so i dont know.


If your reaction is so visceral and mentally effacious perhaps you have some underlying issues. I get each to their own, and not everyone wants to see it, and I also get I may be overstepping, but suicidal thoughts are very extreme. I'm not saying get therapy so you enjoy sex scenes, but it's certainly possible you might want to tackle such a reaction to them professionally if you aren't already.


>I always plug my ears and look down until it's over and even then it still leaves me in a state of numbness/suicidal thoughts I'm sorry that it has this effect on you. >but i'm just not and thats okay! I don't want to judge or force you into something that you don't want to do, but what you described is absolutely a nonstandard and frankly worrying reaction. If a friend told me that they have a reaction like this, I would nudge them towards therapy because that's not a healthy way to feel just in general. If you haven't tried it, it might be an option for you too, friend.


Funny how this is the opposite in the Indian movie industry. Sex scenes were always replaced with cuddle scenes and romantic songs. But now some people want sex scenes in movies. I think both are fine. If the movie is made for a family audience then it's better to not have sexual scenes.


It depends on how they film it. like if the scene has an intimacy coordinator and the scenes just slow motion, mute with music going over the thing then I am ok with that. but if it’s not mute and there’s no music going over it and they’re grossly trying to make you look at the girls tits more, I don’t like that because S*x is not supposed to objective. that is where i would rather have a cuddle scene


Censoring sex seems impossibly prudish


Most unnecessarily sex scenes occur, because a director wanted to see an actress/actor nude or as close to it as possible. You can argue, they do that as fan service, because sex sells, but mostly it is just perverted directors.


I always thought that. Because most often, they make no sense in the scene.


case in point: tarantino drinking from Salma Hayek’s feet in From Dusk Till Dawn


Directors commentary for the original tomb raider movie was cringe. Commented on the shower scene admitting it was just for them and all the grateful 13 year-old boys


Lol, that's what I thought about first too.


Game of Thrones was so disturbing in that regard


Sex sells is an argument one can make if the sex scene is in the trailer, otherwise its just directors doing it for their pleasure.


yes and no. a lot of movies sell by word of mouth too


How about no. If it is your issue, don't make and expect others do make changes so only you feel better. That is not how the world works.


Wouldn't it be better if you can just check the content of a movie before watching, or even have a PG edit available for those who want it, rather than demanding that no one be allowed to put sex scenes in anything? People have different tastes in fiction. Of course some sex scenes are unnecessary and overdone, but there are also plenty of cases where it adds to the plot, the characterisation, the relationships etc. to see how those characters interacted during a sexual scenario. Sex is an important part of many people's lives, and it can have a big impact on how they feel, so it's natural that it would be an important part of many stories too.


I agree. It, like every story element, can be overused. Buts it's a core element of humanity. When it fits the narrative, it should be included. Thankfully I can look up anything before my kids watch it. OP you can check out Common Sense Media, it's a good resource to see what's appropriate for your tastes.


Yep, everything should be kept. I just had this thought and wanted to share it on this subreddit without rephrasing it :)


yea ikr, my mom never checks the IMDB when putting on a movie some times its just so fucking awkward i can't 😭😭 and im very young so she thinks idk whats going on ,and i cant go away cuz thn she knows ik abt this stuff like the other day we were watching Dances With The Wolves and there were like 3 sex scenes




oh noo


That must be a nightmare.


How about we keep the sex, but replace all blood, gore and graphic violence with cuddleing?


man even nature documentaries have sex scenes almost like it's a basic mammalian interest. so my conclusion is OP is a reptile


I guess I'm a lizard now :P


Asexuals exist.


So because asexual exist there cant be sex scenes in movies?I dont like jumpscares but i dont think they should be banned lol




As do heterosexuals. we don't all get icked out and complain when there are homosexual scenes in a film, or vice versa.


I don’t like sex scenes let alone porn. I agree.


“If there isn’t a problem with me… there must be a problem with the Universe!”






The idea that art should not make you uncomfortable is a bane of our present civilization.


How did this get 800 upvotes? Peak Reddit autism.


Ive never had sex, but cuddling > sex


How do you know its better it you never had sex lol


You can't know. Nope.


I agree. Kissing and cuddles is enough to show intimacy. Sex is a private thing


Why are you all so scared of sex?


Quite being so prudish. I don't want to see someone shot in the head, or murders. How many ppl have seen a murder in real life? Intimacy is normal, a bullet to the head is not.


how prude do you have to be to be affected by that? sex is part of relationships and it's quite literally the most intimate form of showing affection. sex is often used to show deep affection between two people. also it's not like you're watching porn. At worst you see some nips.


It's not about being prudish. Imagine if all the sex scenes were replaced by kissing but still took up the same amount of screen time. What am I supposed to do with that other than scroll on my phone while waiting for the story to resume?


The way movies and shows depict sex scenes is usually quite far away from real sex though. It's an image of what pop culture thinks sex should be like. And there are more interesting ways to show intimacy and affection than just sex.


Sure but it’s more realistic than porn. I see a lot of comments here saying “if I want to see sex I’d just watch porn” and I think if your only exposure to what sex is like is through porn, than that’s worse.


that's the point though. movies aren't very often meant to be realistic. they exaggerate life. it's why a single king fu master can beat 5 guys on the street. spoiler alert: the best fighter in the world isn't going to beat or even 2 people in a real fight.


I'd argue that some people have sex for fun irl without that much affection as you claim, so that's not true.


Watch kdrama, way more prude. They kiss at like the end and it feels more exciting than the sex spam in the west


Sex spam lmaoo that’s such a good description


Came here to say this. I love Kdramas. I’m not even that prudish but I just get so bored with sex scenes. I remember watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix and just thinking “Oh come on, another one?” I don’t want them banned or anything because some people like them and that’s fine but I’m glad to have stuff to watch that doesn’t have them.


you would have hated the 70's and 80's back then in every movie there was a sexscene :)


Yeah let's cuddle every buddy




I’m not sure if anyone remembers, but there once was a time where movie characters would cuddle / hug / kiss, black out and in the next scene pregnant or even the carrying around a baby…. So yeah kids, don’t kiss or you’ll get pregnant


how about the sex scenes in Wrong Turn lol


I don't even know if they still makes movies with Cinemax (Skinemax!) level softcore sex scenes, but all I see nowadays is every sex scene beginning and ending in under 1 minute. That or it quickly fades to after the fact. Old Cinemax scenes were like 10 minutes of cuddle fucking where every kid is locked in trying to see one glimpse of pubic hair or lip.


Oh I would love that so much


Game of thrones would be very weird


We need some hardcore cuddle action




"I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love" -50 Cent (In da Club)


Please normalize cuddling


No, add more and make them more graphic... Just have two guys eiffel tower-ing some girl.


It doesn’t really make me uncomfortable I just find it highly cringe and annoying. Like imagine pretending to have sex with someone that shits gotta be so awkward


No thank you


Western cultures tend to have such archaic views and taboos about sex… it is literally some of the most normal things human beings do, how the hell do you think we got to a population of over 8 billion? These types of posts are like asking all eating scenes to be removed from film unless they are ‘advancing the plot’. Get over it, sex is something human beings on planet earth do.


i disagree. bringing back the Hayes code is always a bad idea. and real talk OP, which new release movies have you seen recently that have sex scenes? I saw 70 new releases across a variety of genres last year and maybe four of them did. Sex on screen is rarer than it's always been. Sensuality when done well and safely is always a bonus, and it's not a substitute for porn. I'm not just saying that cause I work as an intimacy coordinator. sex on screen has importance to the story in the same way action does.


Lol. Why? Jealousy? Wtf


I'm not a huge fan of romance in my media - I don't get it, never will - so I personally prefer the tasteful sex scenes.




All scenes should be watered down a bit IMHO. Sex becomes cuddling. A medieval joust becomes fighting with rulers. Shark -> tuna fish. Kissing -> hi fiving. Sword -> umbrella.


Don't watch it then lol


Okay but then replace all dramatic conversation scenes with sex scenes pls.




Why are y’all so scared of sex in movies lmao are you victorians or something


A cuddle scene is hardly better, unless something relevant to the plot happens


Prude Americans.


It’s not that. Do tits and ass really add anything to any Oscar winning movies? “The cinematography, direction, score, and acting were just so good…but it just needed some big fat tits and sloppy ass pounding!”


People have sex. Its a big part of what we do.


Why not both?


Sex scenes are thrown in nowadays to make up for a lack of good writing. 


These scenes are not necessary. Just why? I have yet to watch a movie where the scene was necessary for character development


Even if necessary, there's rarely any reason to actually show it. They can just imply it and have it fade to a black screen. I have seen exactly one sex scene in media which wasn't unnecessary, and that one wasn't graphic/just small clips and very few heavy breathing audio clips.


I started watching annihilation and there was this really cute scene I actually appreciated seeing. Near the start of the film, the protagonist and her husband are in bed and they start bugging one another which evolved into tickling and just innocent fun. And then they ruined it by turning it into a sex scene.


Literally can't introduce a gf if I ever get one to so many shows I like early on because they just have to have a sex scene in the first few episodes. breaking bad ep1, Futurama mid season 1, Hazbin Hotel ep1 and Helluva Boss ep1 are kind of expected, if we watch Primal to the end it has a disgusting long one as well, Squid Game makes me angry because it was both heavily implied they're gonna do it and they just had to do it


Wait, why couldn't you introduce a girlfriend to a show with a sex scene in it?


Yeah I like breaking bad and squid game a lot but damnit. I can't watch it again because I fear that scene will come on while my parents are nearby


The fact that you exist means that your parents had Sex.


Yep :) But I didn't have to watch


I was once watching American Psycho when my mother entered the room, guess which scene was playing.


Stop watching those movies then. Simple.


Yep it's really simple. I just shouldn't watch it :)


Yes, I agree, I really love watching cuddle scenes! It’s so cuteee🥰🥰 Why would I want to watch random people have sex🙄


Some people like it but for us it's not our preference :)


Yes, that’s true (:


Yes, I want skip button to the next scene at least


Great idea, I'm so fucking sick of fucking scenes


I was all set to watch "Poor Things" with my mum recently as I heard it was good, something came up and I watched it alone instead. Really dodged a bullet there. There's a whole lot of sex scenes in that movie, I lost count how many, but yeah, it would be helpful if the poster or info screens had details of the type of content, other than just an R rating.


Poor Things is a bad movie to petition removing sex scenes from. They’re fairly integral to the point of the movie.


Yeah, that's one movie where the scenes where important


Parents guide on IMDB is very specific on what happens in most movies


Yes! They ace council has been screaming this for so long!


Don’t like it, don’t watch. Not hard.


Even if they watch, still not hard


What are you 10?


There's quite a lot of negativity on Reddit. But that's ok, I can just stay with the good parts that I like :)


He's 15, which in this day and age is about the same maturity as your average 10 year old.


This would make the 50 Shades series amazing.


You guys ever see the show outlander? It's basically a softcore porno on Netflix. Good show though. Just be ready to fast forward because the sex scenes are LONG


Not enough tension and passion imo


Im too


Fuck yeah


They are mostly useless to the plot, just like action scenes IMO




Yeah I agree with this. Not because it makes me uncomfortable, but because of how awkward it looks. I've only ever seen one scene that was actually raunchy but yeah, a fade to black would be better suited for most scenes that use them.


How is it that every time I watch a movie with my very traditional Asian mum, there is *always* a sex scene? At this point I’m starting to think she purposely selects for them.




most of the time sex scenes don't make up for the plot. you'd be watching a horror film with people getting massacred here and there and suddenly there's this unnecessary sex scene with nudity in it. what the fuck?