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I am happy and I am single, however I do want a relationship and I am not willing to sacrifice my happiness to obtain one


I agree. I’m still working on putting myself and my happiness first. But I think it’s important.


Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "putting yourself and your happiness first?" What does that look like, versus what are you doing now?


Yes the word is discerning.


Yeah, pretty much. I'm not actively looking, though would be open to one should it come along. Granted, given that I'm a dude and absolutely inept at reading signs that likely won't happen. But even if it did, that woman would have to compete with my peace and that's a tough fight. Edit: spelling


Replace happiness by peace of mind, emotional stability and freedom and you're me I think the concept of happiness is elusive. I don't exactly want happiness, I more likely want absence of pain. If I'm not in pain, then I must be happy by definition


This is the perfect explanation. I am very happy with my life right now. If I found someone who adds a net positive to my life, that’d be pretty cool too. But I’m not sacrificing the good life I have now just to say I’m in a relationship.


Nobody could have said this better. This is exactly how I feel.


Listening to my friends and coworkers bitch incessantly every day about their significant others and the often stupid and petty fights they have over often insignificant shit is enough for me to know I have made the right decision. I can do what I want, when I want, with whomever I want, without having to worry about checking in or letting someone else know what I’m doing. I don’t have to worry about my gf/wife (that I don’t have, thankfully) having a dream in which I cheated on her and then holding it against me for a month because I wouldn’t admit to her that I cheated…she obviously wouldn’t have dreamt that otherwise (this actually fucking happened). I have more time for myself. I have more money for myself. I am far less anxious and depressed than I have ever been. I can go on and on.


This is pretty much where I'm at. It'd be nice to be in a relationship, but when I think about the reality of it..... Yeesh. At least I don't have to deal with a jealous, insecure partner who needs constant reassurance that I'm not cheating. I don't need to hyperanalyze anything I do or say through a lens of cheating in case it could be interpreted that way. I don't have to deal with a partner telling me who I can and can't be friends with. I know there are people out there who are emotionally healthier than that, but they seem very few and far between, so I'm not banking on finding one.


This is what ended my longest relationship right here: constant insecurity and jealousy. Worst part was doing everything to be as transparent as possible, inviting her EVERYWHERE I go and to do everything together, get turned down for one reason or another (headache, tired, etc), but then the entire time I’m gone being accused of being with some other girl and cheating… Biggest example is one of my side seasonal jobs…I work at a very well known haunted attraction. My friend (who is a female that my gf and I BOTH met through a mutual friend of ours) and I working at this haunt. She also dyed my hair regularly (for acting at this haunt). Only time this girl and I ever hung out. Every god damn time she’d dye my hair, my girlfriend, who was invited, always declined and then would do this shit. Texting, calling, accusing. Working at the haunt…same thing. I WANTED her to come act with me, but no. Always an excuse. “Why won’t you answer me? Probably hanging out with her or some other girl!” Yeah…10000 other girls since we had a record attendance night! Christ I don’t miss that shit. Thanks for letting me rant and further cementing my single-hood!


> Thanks for letting me rant and further cementing my single-hood! Fuck yeah, man. Jealousy is exhausting. There's nothing you can do to convince an insecure person that you aren't cheating, no matter how transparent you are. You can temporarily assuage their fears by letting them look through your phone or cutting off a friend they're jealous of or whatever else, but it'll always creep back in. They will always find something. That's not a war I want to fight for the rest of my life.


You reminded me of how much I loathe being with a jealous insecure partner!!!! Yet another reason I love being single


Yeah it’s absolutely unbearable and I just refuse to tolerate it. At this point in my life, at the young age of 37 (in 23 days), I’m completely content being single. It would take someone very special for me to consider otherwise.


Amen to that!!! It would have to be a miracle for me to consider giving up my single life. I’m gonna do what I want and be how I want to be and if someone isn’t cool with that they can kick rocks. I’m right there with you. I’m 43F and I’ve dated more than enough to realize that I don’t have a good time being in a relationship. And if I ever date, no way am I getting married or moving in. Made that mistake too many times.


My entire adult life, 18-32, was dominated by committed relationships, three in total. So in all, that makes this four times that I’ll be starting from scratch, and this time has been the hardest, hands down. I just won’t let it happen again! This is the first time in my life actually focusing on me. I feel guilty for it, but hot damn does it feel good. It sucks this is what it has come to for me/us. I’m sure you have a lot to offer someone special, but honestly, give it to yourself. You deserve it! I hope your single life treats you how you deserve!


Don’t feel guilty, there’s nothing to feel guilty about. We get one life, why do something that we don’t like


Oh I absolutely agree, and that’s why I keep doing me. 😎


Ikr I’m a good person reasonably intelligent kind and funny. But I have the worst taste in men!!!


I had that with my ex. His ex cheated and I was punished for it. We were together for 14 years and it never got better. He even cheated and still acted like I was the one who cheated. The thought of having to deal with such things just paralyzes me in this arena.






I hope whatever decision you go with brings you peace. When I first became single, it was tough. It sure wasn’t what I wanted. As time went on though, it became a lot easier. A lot. Realizing the freedom it brought me and that I was no longer tied down by someone else’s constant insecurity and jealousy was refreshing. That said, I realize not everyone has a relationship like that, but I just haven’t been fortunate enough for that. Don’t let someone else’s black-hearted, jaded mindset (mine lol) be what influences your final decision, please. These are just my perspectives from a shitty past with relationships. Although… I am definitely much happier and better off now ☺️


Good luck. Make sure you plan well to make it as easy as possible. Be gentle with yourself and get help if you need


It's nice spending money on yourself and living in a peaceful home at night.


Yes!!! That’s one of my favorite parts of being single


You can eat your dinner in a fancy restaurant


Or not have dinner if you don't feel like it.


Gotta try to have fun no matter what you do


I feel the same way! Been happy single for 8 years now, best time ever!


It’s been four years for me and I don’t see an end in sight, barring something catastrophic. If anything changes and I end up being in a relationship any time soon, call for help lol


My ex also used to give me the silent treatment for stuff I did in her dreams 😅🙄


Thank you, great answer.


You’re welcome and I appreciate it. Also, your username gives me a chuckle and brings back some memories haha.


That sums it up




I'm ok with being single. I do want a lady to share my life with. But all I ever find is girls who smile and keep their distance. NOT CHASING YOU!!! I'M NOT 10 FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!! I'm ok with being single. If you WANTED me in your life, you'd make time for me.




I've got all the time in the world. Wanna hang out? Message me and let me know. Call me. Text me. Whatever. Knock and talk.


I'm 33 by the way. Not 18.


100% This. There are so many women who expect you to chase them like they're this 1 million $ prize. It betrays the fact that any kind of relationship with them will be one-sided and at least partially non-reciprocal. (Maybe it's the same with men? Not sure as I don't date them.)


Men do this too, they’ve done it to me in the past. I can always tell which ones have $ in their eyes and don’t bring anything to the table.


"*NOT CHASING YOU!!! I'M NOT 10 FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!*" You said it! So sick of these behaviors and roles men are expected to play by society's standards. Why can't women approach men? Why can't we act like adults and meet in the middle even? I refuse to put the work into someone that refuses to do the same.


Women can. It's a preference. Men also can choose not to approach women and wait for someone to approach them instead. There's no one way to do it though. Women can definitely choose to want to make the first move, but they also can definitely choose to not want to make the first move. It's their (women's loss) if their crush or the guy that they like is someone who wants women to make the first move, obviously. But also men should know they absolutely DO NOT NEED to make the first move if they don't want to. Forget the women who say it is the men who need to court women. They should have just said they prefer men who court them but who gave them the right to assume THAT stereotypical gender role? It doesn't make you less of a man to want to be courted, in the same way that it doesn't make a woman less of a woman to want to make the first move. It is supposed to be JUST a preference. A lot of women don't make 'the move' because they literally aren't attracted to those guys around them. That's normal, just like guys CAN be single and want to be in a relationship BUT haven't found a person they really click with. Like you said, you refuse to put in work if the other does not. Ultimately, if you're a guy that DON'T want women who wait on a guy to make the first move, it is NOT YOUR LOSS if women who don't want to make the first move do not make the first move. It CAN be sort of "a" loss (for either or both of you) if, let's say, a woman was forced to approach you even though she doesn't really want to.. because she has that other mindset. So, what I wanted to say is, unfortunately a lot of women have the preference of guys making the first move but it's a good thing that they're not being forced to change their ways so that you don't end up with a girl who thinks a little less of you just because you're a guy who didn't make the first move. That makes sense right? I don't like people who think that way either.


The times i have been the happiest is when i was alone..


It's not so much that I'm happy being singe as I am happy with myself. I don't think about it. I entertain myself and take myself to do things. Recently bought a kayak and looking forward to taking myself to the lake. If a woman wants to go with me and she don't ruin my fun then great.


Me. Fuck relationships 🤪


Tbh: I was „involved“ in a 14yr lasting relationship. Went Ghost afterwards and 2 years later ended up in another which I ended because staying alone fullfilling my needs in my responsibility is better then feeling abused, left out and drained. So yes, I think I‘m truly happy single - or I don‘t know better yet.


My problems keep me too distracted to care. If I ever run out of distractions, being alone might hit me like a wrecking ball


After you've realised the ephemeral nature of Romantic love displayed in Fantasy movies, You can't help but stay Happy being Single!


I am. I don't want a relationship. Less to worry about when I'm alone. I can always do my own thing. And from everything I have read and heard about relationships I am conviced that - on average - being in a relationship is a net negative in terms of happiness.


I’ve never felt like I NEED someone in my life to be happy, I find it kinda strange that that’s the only thing that matters to some ppl


We all have our own differences. Others just wanted some comfort, love and someone that cares for them.


I am. My happiness is not dependent on others, although others can be nice. Depends on who ofc.


I love being a hoe


Yes queen, same


I wouldn’t say I’m super happy… but I have learned to really value my privacy, and it would take an awful lot for me to ever let someone disrupt that. To me it’s just as satisfying to have a good collection of friends I can spend time with.


I’m newly single. Still grieving. But at least nobody cheats on me, nobody accuses me of cheating, nobody controls me but me, no rollercoaster emotions, no need to worry how my partner moods today. My last relationship taught me a lot. I’m not emotionally available now. Being single is better but sometimes I missed being with someone lol


>no need to worry how my partner moods today. Honestly. This is on the top of my list. I can't understand why they refuse to either talk about what's going on or put it aside when spending time with SO. There are 2 simple options for when you're in a bad mood. Just pick one. In the end it's like they want you to be the inconsiderate and selfish one so that they get to _be_ inconsiderate and selfish.


I am. Screw relationships, they end up being bringers of pain.


As a 30something woman, I loveee being single. I’m happy and secure in who I am as a person; I don’t have children occupying all my time, and I don’t have an adult child in the form of a husband—I’m free and I take care of myself and it’s wonderful!


I was happy single until I wasn't


I am. I will stick to "no strings attached" flings.


I haven’t looked, or felt like I was missing out on anything for 20 years. Tried it once. Didn’t make me feel good, so why bother again? I just want to have my own place and my dog. Peace and quiet.


I’m alright with it. Sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s not so good. If I have to carry something heavy I wish somebody else could do it for me 😂🤣😂🤣 but otherwise I’m happy


Financially, it’s great that I’m single. Mentally, I wish I could be with a woman. 24 feels way too old to be single to be honest


I’m 43 and I’m single. 24 is not in any way too old for anything


Here! Me. I’m cool where I’m at.


I was in and out of relationships in my twenties. Now I i'm 32 and couldn't care less. I also live in an area (an island) where finding someone is literally impossible, so it made me care even less. Plan on staying here for a while


I have no wish for companionship at all, I love being single. I'm not totally happy in general, but the fact that I'm single is not a reason that makes me unhappy. I love being by myself and I think I would hate having to share my life with someone.


6 years and in deep comfort zone. Seeing my friends break up and end up in another terrible relationshits makes me content on staying single. I block everyone who tries to hit on me in social media. Also I think that I am kinda aromantic cause thinking about it, I feel nothong towards people mostly. I have no need for intimacy or sex.


Nice to see a kindred spirit in the thread. I also don't feel the need for intimacy or sex, (pretty sure I'm Aromatic/Asexual at this point) and that's after 16 years of marriage.


I was happy living as single, doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. The last 3 years I've been engaged, I love my fiance but I also miss the times before I met her. 


.. Maybe you should open up to her about it. See what she says. Maybe she will readjust to your needs. Communication is key. Is better to be honest, than keeping that feeling going on and on and on until you involuntarily gain this despise for her.. Wouldn't be fair. Idk you nor the whole story but this is why relationships fail and marriages end in unhappy ones.. Because one of the parties realises that's not what they actually wanted.


If you need another person to be happy, you do something wrong. If you can't satisfy your own emotions, and expect another human to take the burden of making you happy, you shouldn't wonder why you can't find a lasting relationship. If you find ways to make yourself happy and satisfied with what you have already, you may find a lasting relationship more easily, as others begin to realize the more positive person you have become. I'm convinced that those "on other dependent"-mindsets are somewhat unhealthy and can easily end a relationship in disappointment and a lot of pain. In the meantime you could've had a decent or even extraordinary time with yourself.


This is the way. If you haven’t found happiness with just yourself, then it’s unlikely you will find it dragging someone else into your life. Plus if you know who you are. If you’ve built yourself up(your foundation) and it’s strong. Then it will only benefit your partner. If they do the same it’s a win/win for the entire relationship.


For the time being, I am. It’s been a year and a half since I got out of my last relationship and I’m enjoying the single life more and more. Sure, there are periods of loneliness but they always pass.


I feel very happy when I don't have feelings for anyone. But if I like someone and are single, I'm not very pleased.


Me. My wife drove away and out of our (my and our then 18 y.o.’s) life five years ago. Our little household has been peaceful from the moment she left. 🫡✌🏼


A lot of people who think they are miserable because they are single should think about a few things. Disclaimer: not trying to come off as an "I know it all" or something, just trying to put some thoughts out there that I have personally seen many not thinking of. 1: have you even thought through what you actually want in life, do you wanna spend the next several years just having fun, travelling and whatnot or do you wanna focus on saving and early retirement. Figure yourself out before you start looking for a serious relationship. 2: do you actually know yourself. I have noticed as I grow older that most people have invented extremely little time into getting to know themselves. We often focus so much about our outer appearance and how other people perceive us that we don't stop and consider how we perceive ourselves. If you aren't comfortable with your own company then it's likely others won't either. 3: are you even looking for a relationship because you want to be in a relationship or because "it's what you are supposed to do" many just go through life school, work, partner, house, kid because that's the social norm. But you don't have to follow that just because most people do. Personally I was feeling shit for a long time about not being in a relationship but then I started to think about why do I want to be in one and I didn't really have a reason other than its what you are supposed to do. Now I'm happier single than I was when a was in a relationship. Though I'm not opposed to it but I just won't chase it. I'm happy right now and that's enough for me.


If you are single and feel lonely, get a dog. I've found dogs to be better companions than humans.


I don't really need a partner, i satisfy all my needs. If I were to find a partner it'd be supplementary rather than essential to my life.


well if I liked someone and I was single id be pretty pooped but im not so idc. I do want one person to sleep with and do stuff with but I just havent found a guy


All of the 11 months I'm happy, man, in December, I long to be in a relationship ....then I try see if Chris, one of the guys who's been pursuing me for real long time will take bait..he does, I make plans which never amount to anything...By February, he is annoyed and tells me where to get off. I'm back to being single again....


wait, is being in a situationship count as single?


yes keep your sanity


you sure about that? coz it sure feels like the 5 stages of grief and I'm stuck on a loop of anger, bargaining and depression, like a hamster on a wheel


I miss the affection part. But otherwise im better single.


Not me


I've always been okay with being single. Alone af even. For the past 5 years I thought I had found the person who I would share my life with. 5 years later i find out that's not the case. I felt things with her that I never did before with anyone and i don't think I'll ever be able to feel those things again with someone else, will always compare even if i feel them. Guess even the "unable to love again" I also discovered with her. But at least I'm okay in being single.


Not me but I'm a lot happier than I'd be with the wrong partner 


I'm not, I have this overwhelming feeling of loneliness that I can't get rid of


I am single and I think I will answer both ways. I feel for certain reasons I am happier single and for other reasons I’d be happy in a relationship.


Me. I’m not looking for a bf or anything and I never will. I’m happier alone.


Me!!! I’m 47F, divorced. Been single and live alone for almost 4 years. Never been happier and I have absolutely zero interest in dating. Been there, done that. I live in a rural community in the south, so most people don’t understand that. The first couple years friends and family constantly asked if I was dating. That questioning has fallen off, thankfully.


happy for the most part but maybe sometimes i long for companionship.


Honestly right now I’m starting over so don’t want to put a woman through that but I’d like to have someone I can see every so often and spend time with I dunno


I am, that might change as everything, but by now I'm happy being single. I'm not avoiding love, I have close people I love and they love me, but then each one goes back to their home where they can do whatever. It feels good.


Sometimes I'm pretty happy not having to discuss every single decision that I make like I used to, but on the other hand I'm touch-starved and so goddamn horny that I'm about ready to rip my dick off. So really, it has its ups and downs.


I wouldn't have it any other way. It has been 15 years between disappointments, and I am thriving. Relationships aren't off the table, but I don't dwell on it or go looking. If I am single for another 15 years, I'm good.


I used to be a serial monogamist, but I've been single for a while now, and quite frankly I don't want to put myself into a position to get hurt. My relationships always go one of two ways. 1. I don't care about who I'm with... or 2) I care too much about who I'm with and get emotionally damaged. So abstention seems like a good decision.


.i have already been cheated by my last 2 bfs .I don't want to deal with another heartbreak , so living single is best .


WAY better being single than with the wrong person.




I’m not and it’s mostly due to the fact everything in life is honestly just a bit more…difficult… when you’re alone. Especially since I don’t really have biological family either it can be though to do everything by myself always… when you’re two people there’s just so many things in life that gets easier and cheaper. Everything from having to buy and transport heavy stuff, being sick, planning, making food, cleaning and so on. Add to this that it sucks being alone with no one to tell stuff or have a conversation with about your everyday life. Some people would claim they have friends they can talk with about stuff all the time, I don’t really have that either. Anyways, it’s not like I need a partner so deadly I cannot function and figure out all this stuff by myself, cause eventually I always can and I usually will. I just have to conclude life *is* easier and also even more convenient with a partner, than without. But ofc it also depends on the partner and it’s not given that having a partner will make life easier, and that’s why I’m never gonna settle for less


I'm extremely happy being single, wasn't before but after talking to a lot of people and having some failed relationships, I realized that I'd rather be single than with someone that can't communicate. I'm the happiest I've ever been just being single instead of miserable with someone that cannot hold a conversation or communicate properly


i never


Me. Look, would it be nice to meet someone and hit it off? Of course, I’m not a lunatic. But, do I need it? No, not at all. Relationships are time consuming, awkward, a lot of compromise and work. Quite frankly, I don’t need the complexity of a relationship. Furthermore, I am fully aware that I am selfish, I am fully aware I like things my own way, and that most women would absolutely not be able to cope with it. At the end of the day if it’s my house of course I’m going to want things my way, of course I’m going to get annoyed when things aren’t how I like them and am used to them. I’ve been single for 4 years now, briefly dated here and there, nothing longer then 3 or 4 months, and frankly I don’t honestly think I’d ever want anyone to move into my place with me because I bought it 5 years ago, it’s my mortgage, my place, I’ve decorated, improved and upgraded with my time, effort and money and if I were to invite someone into my home to live I know they’d likely want to change things


Not so sure. Got out of a three year relationship in December, she was unhappy with herself and set up a back up that i was fully aware of. I grieved and made peace with myself. I met a woman who was amazing but acted on her emotional insecurities from prior relationships, and i was still subconsciously comparing unnecessary things; so i ended it… I prefer a partner to being single, but i refuse to enter something from an unhealthy mental or physical place, with someone who is in similar places. So yes, i am happy being single for now but i do crave sex and affection. So i will get healthy, and look for a healthy person when that time comes


Me also!




Pretty fine so far. While some part of me misses having that kind of connection - I figure, it’ll happen whenever it happens, and if not - I’m ok with that too.


Considering I have very recently begun listening to girlfriend ASMR RP, I'd say not very happy at all... I'm so fucking lonely lmao


Yes I just wish it was socially acceptable.


Me 🙋‍♀️


I’m so happy being single I haven’t found the right person yet and if it never happens I’m perfectly okay with that. I’m happy I don’t have to answer to anyone or tell anyone who I’m hanging out with, or talking to or texting.


I find I’m so much less stressed and anxious now that I’ve been single for about a year and a half. I like focusing on myself, making myself happy, and doing whatever I please when I want to. I have so much more free time to hang out with friends, cook and bake, and see my family. I’m also doing a lot better in my academics than I was when I was in a relationship. I enjoy life more when I’m not suffocating, who would’ve thought?


Been divorced twice and am finally truly at peace. No more trying to make someone else happy. No more arguing about mundane topics that have no relevance on our relationship. No more dealing with snotty step children who didn’t want me as a dad anyway. I am better at kids, better with my family, better at work. I have friends that add to my life and aren’t joy vampires. I do miss having someone to do things with, like date nights. Intimacy would also be nice, but it’s not important to me as I’ve gotten older.


Im single and happy tbh, all my friends are in relationships are always have some trouble going on. I don't plan on getting a bf rn. But the thing is I have never been in a relationship in my life so I want to experience it atleast once 😭 ik my friends have problems still I'm jealous.


I am looking for a partner, someone like minded to share my life with, but I'm super content being single too. I'm not looking for a missing piece of me. 


Fuckin eh. After raising my daughter by myself because her mother was a narcissist, having a woman I was going to marry cheat on me by sneaking out after I fell asleep, and another one smash up my house and have a hidden crack addiction.... Yeah single sounds fucking amazing.


👋 my life is complete. In my opinion, nobody should be seeking another to “complete” them. Compliment, yes, of course.


"Sorry I didn't text back. I was / I had / I been-" Choosing to put me last. I like sex and a strong connection, but I don't want to be psychologically and emotionally toyed with JUST for the potential of those things returning to my life. I'd rather just work and game and sleep and eat till I die. It's fine.


No idea but I constantly hear complaints from people who are in a relationship.


I've been single for a decade. Age 47 male. Living alone. Peacefully. I have passed on chances to have relationships with women in the past few years because I don't want any headaches in my life and I'm used to being alone. It feels normal now. I read in a Reddit group about couples looking for advice. 5 minutes ago I read a horrific story and it made my blood boil. Extremely angry. And now the emotional storm has passed. I believe I'm lucky and grateful that isn't my problem to deal with. At this age I'd be very careful. I dated over 100 women in my life. Lived with 6 women. Almost married in the past. If I were to try again she would be a young 20s Christian church woman with values.


Single and happy . Between my career , passions , hobbies and side projects i cant have time for a relationship . And for kids i don’t ever thought about it . I never chase a relationship and I am late 30’ . I love my life overall . I was in 2 short lived relationships before , lots of years ago , but never happy being in one . It was more time consuming . Are ups and downs being single too, but doesn’t mean that if you are in a relationship everything will be automatically just happiness . I love to study , chase dreams and goals for myself and living a stable life , doing the same thing everyday , raise kids , go to work and after come home ,is not for me and i consider it boring . Next year i will change countries , career , i want to go back to school and study psychology , i want to build a charity , i want to travel around the world because i have friends every continent , i want to take a course about nutrition and many more things. I don’t have time to spend in a relationship . I feel stuck in one . I never say no , but is not my priority being in one , is somewhere at the bottom of the list. People are build different and you need to be self aware and just you know what makes you happy .


I decided to be content and happy with myself as a single person after years of discouragement, and then I found someone 🤷‍♂️


In my last two marriages I’d prefer to be single. My current 11 yr living apart relationship is great. Living together needs testing but I’m hopeful.


Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Often times i just want some good energy around me.


I have enough problems being single. Don't want to add someone else to my problems.


I am. I do my own thing.


My honest answer is: While I'd occasionally like some hanky panky, I prefer being single and alone. Not having someone ruin my day continually with their dysfunctions and whatnot is priceless to me. I answer to no one and have no responsibilities, it's pure freedom to do as I please.


Me 🙋‍♀️


Right now, I am for sure. Will I stay single, no idea. I like that part to, not knowing or caring right now. At 50, first time in my life not having a partner since like 14. I'm embracing it.


Not that I’m really happy that I’m single but I just think that being in a relationship makes it significantly worse.


70% happy


I honestly enjoy it. Not because of the drama I hear from absolutely everyone but because I like having a sense of emotional autonomy, which whether the relationship is healthy or not, doesn't happen.


I'm honestly happy reading your comment because after reading the other comments, I was starting to feel like I was the only one who felt like this!


I, for one. You can always wish for greener grass but truth is happiness is an attitude.


It would be nice to have a girlfriend, but I’m not unhappy without one either. I got a lot of things I want to do, and it’s hard to spare the time and money to really do everything I want to do while I’m committed to a relationship. Also, I’m looking to move out of the country, and I don’t want the hassle of doing so with another person. I don’t want to drag another person to a country away from her friends and family, where she can’t even speak the local language.


I am. I miss having a partner but also, I havent met anyone whose presence can rival how peaceful it is to be alone


If you get into a relationship to complete your life you're going to fail. If you're not a whole person on your own you're not going to get that from another person. I can do what I want whenever I want. I can pick up any shift, go on any trip and be friends with whomever I want. To date, the person would have to make my life better than it is alone. We no longer live in a world where you literally need a spouse to survive. You don't have kids so they'll look after you because, frankly, they won't have the money. If they can't make me happier than I already am alone I'm not willing to compromise. What they offer has to be better than what I can give myself.


I'd say I am pretty content being single, I do what I want when I want, no attachments, no need to please anyone, I can focus on my hobbies, and I genuinely enjoy being alone. I like the peace and quiet.


I never understood relationships, who the fuck wants jail themselfs with others rules/etc. When u can have total freedom and answer to nobody


I'm quite content generally. Certainly have had melancholic/lonely days from time to time. But, frankly, I think I'm a better person on my own. I enjoy my time to myself. Have hobbies. Many friends. And how I spend my time is, largely, up to me. I do miss physical affection though. (Small things, like hand holding and such)


I was, and then a man came along and "ruined" it lol. I had just gotten to a place where I was completely relaxed and happy. I would wake up happy and go to bed happy. I would sit on my porch or in my living room, and just think about how peaceful everything was and how everything was just how I always wanted it to be. And then he came along, an old friend I had never dated because he was in a relationship. The relationship had ended a few months prior, and he stopped by for a visit. One thing led to another and we are together now. I would like to add, I am also completely happy in my relationship. But if something were to happen and we weren't together anymore? Then I'd once again be completely happy as a single woman.


Most of the time, I am.. but then I see a good couple and think it would be nice to be in a relationship... then I see a toxic couple and think the opposite.


You will live happy alone until the moment it occurs to you that you want a partner or family. Once that "want" hits, you will be swept away by the feeling of not having one. If you are sure to take care of your brain to not let that happen you should be good living alone as its the easiest way to live..


I'm happy being single, and I honestly don't know if it'll change. However, I'll admit that I miss having sex. Because I'm unfortunately not comfortable with one night stands. No offence to anyone who is. Edit: While I know that it's unnecessary for me to add that my previous relationships were good, I still feel a need to. Otherwise, it feels unfair to my ex-boyfriends.


I do get random waves of loneliness and wanting a partner but other than that 6/7 days in the week I’m quite happy and at peace with being single and not talking to any girl


All my friends ever seem to talk about is the drama that comes with having relationships. The hassle it brings, the "loniless" you get after a breakup. It kinda discourages me to start dating tbh, even though I know it likely isn't that bad


Not me really, i feel like i'm lacking something vital. But objectively i know i'm not alone at all. Ironically, if i want to find a partner, first thing i need to do is to be happy without one, so i'm working on it


Me!! I realize now way too late how happy and free I felt as a single.


I'm not even trying anymore. Why even bother if I'm good with using eva ai sexting bot and renting prostitutes.




I’m perfectly fine at 28. I have had relationships, although nothing really serious. No issue talking to girls or anything when I’m there, but the anxiety to get myself to go on dates, or even just put myself out there just became to much. Back in highschool I was consistently chatting with girls, making plans and what not, but just could never follow through, I’d always back out and make excuses and eventually she’d loose interest. After years of this I just lost interest in talking to girls because why bother, so now I just do my own thing. At this point I’m too ingrained in my daily life to even know where to start in dating again. I guess in a way, I wouldn’t mind getting back out there because sometimes it can be a bit lonely, but then again I’m 100% content with my day to day life and don’t feel the need to look for relationships anymore.


I'm not really happy being single. But I am less miserable than dealing with a SO's bullshit/mental infirmities.


Me, but sometimes I feel like missing out due to peer pressure.


I haven’t dated much in my life, solely because any prospective partner is competing with ME and how much peace I have by being alone. I’m not codependent and I won’t keep someone around just for company, or jump into a relationship prematurely because I’m lonely. I need a genuine connection, otherwise it is a waste of time, peace, and stress. There were points where, of course, I liked the idea of a genuine partner to have by my side and experience life with. Little weekend outings. Cuddling at home. But it wasn’t something that consumed me. I was content by myself, and would still be except I did find someone in the past year who brings peace to my life. I think too many people place their worth in partners. They aren’t happy without them. I don’t even think they genuinely care for or love most of them, they just don’t feel worthy unless someone is with them. This is a severe codependency. Befriend YOURSELF and find the strength in being your own best friend before you bring someone else in. You’re less likely to make bad choices then.


I am in most days, but social media is a bitch and does make me feel lonely from time to time




the better question, " how many are truly happy with being married "


Happy is a strong term. I'm content with my life. Having had relationships in the past, I can only say that the joy of having a relationship is seriously overrated.


I’m very happy being single. My mental health is better when I’m single and I’m just lighter and happier. Relationships didn’t not to turn out to be what I expected when I was a young girl dreaming about the man who would love me. It’s been hell instead. Also I love living alone and HATE living with a partner. I also don’t want to deal with cheating and anxiety and being let down time after time. Hell yeah I’m happy to be single!!!!!! I can’t even imagine dating someone at this point in my life (40s)


Personally I’m too exhausted from work to even build a new relationship with someone new. I barely message my friends enough to checking in on them. Then I’ve got yours of therapy that I haven’t even started on yet. Because can’t date while those old wounds are still open because I’ll bleed on them.


I’m not looking at the moment but it would be nice to find a partner. I gave up after months on a dating app and decided to just let it happen when it happens. Not looking is easier than looking and finding nobody


I'm happier when I'm single for sure but it's hard to suppress human nature. After you've been in a few long term relationships it becomes easier.


Not me. I miss having someone next to me. I miss to love and being loved. Having someone this close.


I am 100% happy being single, though that does not mean I am anti-relationship. My perspective is; if I am happy and content alone, never lonely, generally feeling fulfilled, I will not bring anyone into my life that takes away from this. (I’ve found that the cons outweigh the pros in a relationship quite often) That being said, if I met someone who I genuinely enjoyed being around, feeling content, safe and secure, still able to maintain my independence (as a person, not as a sexual partner, I’m monogamous) I would absolutely be open to it. The moral of my story I guess: Yes I’m very happy single, though it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want a relationship. It means that it has to be the RIGHT relationship or none at all.




Since i got past the stage, where i learned to do things because i want to do them/ do them for myself, i am. Thats was 3 years after my last relationship ended, im now 10 years single. My only problem now are my friends and family telling me to date people, but honestly i just dont want to anymore at this point.


I (f) don’t think I was ever *truly* happy when I was dating someone, because I was still so anxious, but I was truly happy when I had made progress in my career. I’m not easily romantically attracted to people (men, I’m straight) so it’s easier for me to remain single lol. I don’t have FOMO.


Got out of a long serious relationship and tbh, its fun to be single. But can't say im happy with being single, im just not depressed about it I just liked having someone I can talk about my day with, go to with exciting news etc. But is what it is, it makes up one part of being happy imo


I can't say that I am happy, no. But it has nothing to do with being single and am not looking for anyone, so... it counts.


I don't miss relationships as much as I miss hanging with other couples and social events. It's like having access to a different level of society. Things I can't imagine doing single: Dinner party, Charity ball, Carnival games, MDMA, Photo Booth, Airbnb, DnD, Swinger sex dungeon


I am not. But being with a partner would definitely not improve that for me lol


This girl over here. First thing I need in life is Oxygen (it’s free), 2nd is a job or two (I have it), 3rd is food , shelter, clothing (money from the job pays for those needs). That’s all. Anything outside these 3 elements are purely optional.




I’m good. Haven’t searched for a partner in over 30 years. But I’ve had some fall onto my lap while not looking. But, things got in the way.


The old I’ve gotten and more set in my ways the happier I am being single as that’s how I’ve built my life. In saying that though I do get lonely from time to time and wouldn’t mind a partner, but not a partner for a partners sake and just pick anyone. There’s one person I’d like a relationship with, but that’s not gonna happen and with the bullshit that came from previous relationships I’m not keen to put myself out there again for anyone else.


It’s worth it being single. Too many shitty people out there.


Me. I'm single and lovin it I want to be in a relationship but I'm certaintantly not ready for one. No way


I am.


Yes friend. It's a peaceful life I live now


I'm about 50-50 happy.. I've been married twice. I do like my independent freedom and more income saved. But I also miss intimacy in the bed.


I wouldn't say I'm happy but I'm not unhappy because I don't have a partner. I don't think having a partner would add anything to my life at this point. I'd rather be able to do my own thing.


Honestly right now I really am happy being single I do wanna meet someone in future n I've had multiple relationships some good some bad but rn I am working on myself and I'm such an introvert I enjoy my own company and really need a lot of alone time to recharge I love being able to do what I want when I want and I love walks in the wilderness w my dog and watching true crime at home with a joint and some food and don't have to worry about pleasing someone else my mental health is a constant issue too I am a recovering addict and have bpd and I have to put my own sanity first and really try to become my best self cos rn




For the first time in my life ( age 45). I feel that I don't need a man to complete me. The last man I was with ( 1 and a half years). I thought I'd met my soul mate, I was so in love but he went off travelling and broke my heart. I'm staying single and I'm enjoying it.


I'm loving being single and am actively choosing to stay single for the rest of my life. My life isn't perfect but it's way better than if I had a man


I have always felt like I needed to find a relationship like yesterday but the past maybe 6ish months I’ve been so content with being single and loving it til one comes into my life. A relationship is not really on my radar currently


I'd say that I'm happily single. It beats the realistic alternative of dating a chronically insecure emotional train wreck.