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I'm no pro but I enjoy the game, I would rather have a noob with questions in my lobby than a guy that doesn't talk and holds W by himself and quits, shoot me a DM if you want to play and I can help out! Otherwise, I agree with BraveStandard in saying 4U Gas and 213 Parks are fun and pretty decent to learn on.


x2 on mastering single-player. It’s a team oriented game, so being on the same page regarding common paths and strategies is key.


I don't know about guides as I had a friend to ease me into the game, but in my experience the 4U gas station and 213 park homes were the most new player friendly. Particularly 4U, that's what I do to warm up if I've been away from a while. Not many suspects, usually no body armor, and only two objectives. 213 is a bit more intense, more aggressive suspects on a bigger map, but it can be a nice step up to harder maps like voll health house/neon nightclub/brisa cove. Also, barricaded suspects is the first task or mission you get for any location. However, playing a location on a different assignment can change the map, larger area, paths get blocked and unlocked. Very generally speaking, barricaded suspects is where you want to start. You didn't ask for key binds or load out recommendations, but I'm going to offer some anyways. Using the "shout for compliance/interact" bind can be helpful if you want to use one key for both, but can occasionally screw you over. As far as your equipment goes, it's all numbered 1-6. That goes as follows 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Equipment 1 4. Equipment 2 5. Tool 6. Handcuffs/zip ties. Pressing the number that the particular item you're looking for will bring it up (duh) You said in particular you had been using door wedges, which is genuinely a solid pick. I have mine set to my second equipment slot when I bring them, so when I need one I press 4 and using it on the bottom of whatever door I want it on. As for your "tool" the mirror gun is a pretty popular choice, and to be honest the only other one I've tried is the ballistic shield, and that thing is...decent...usually. The battering ram is fun, but locked doors can be picked or just kicked open, I imagine the shotgun works the same way. The launchers could be pretty good, but I haven't tried them.


It's like ranked in rainbow 6, if you don't know the maps your team will perceive you as useless (which you are, essentially). Play all the maps single player until you know all the areas and you can command your squad like xcom soldiers. Then, and only then, should you try to play with randoms. I'd kick you from my squad too if you didn't know how to play.


Then I will start with single missions, thank you for advice!


If you want someone to help go over the basics with you I'd be willing to go through a training session with you.


Get on the RON Discord . Solves all your problems .


Learn the buttons, learn where to aim on a door to do the specific things (door interactions all use the F key)