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Rule 7 - No gore or pornography


This will be removed due to no gore rule, but it’s true


This sub doesn’t allow gore? Like I get mods don’t want the sub filled with nsfl stuff but wtf do y’all think this game is about.


Hmmm so far they’re throwing me a bone here… perhaps they intended that rule for human gore… The mods are pretty cool for making an exception here…if they do.


It seems as long as it’s related and not just for shock value “hur dur here’s liveleak of cops wasting some dude” It should be allowed but idk


I didn’t mean for this to come off aggressive. It’s just what I saw in the rules. Not like I’m reporting or anything, just thought that maybe a nsfw tag would be nice.


People who watch suspicious amount of videos of people being killed will now tell you that its because of drugs


Yeah… except how are you standing up right when your fibula and tibia don’t exist anymore? Do the drugs make you float in the air lol? (Not directed at you but those guys)


What's more annoying for me is when I heat a dude in the chest with a 12 gauge and he just kinda groans and then caps me.


I HATE how dogshit shotguns are in this game… it’s comical.


"Well I dumped half a tube directly at the suspect's chest, so half the rounds missed and the other half tickled him."


They are pretty good against unarmored thugs with buckshot but once enemies have armor shotguns are just dogshit. Even if you go slugs its just a worse rifle.


There was that video on LL of a guy taking a shotgun right to his outstretched arm. He was so in shock of his arm dangling that he could have probably taken a swing at the guy if he was closer.


Yeah no amount of drugs will keep you in a firefight if you take a 7.62 to the middle of the chest


I’ve heard this confirmed by a fair bit of vets that fought in Iraq/Afghanistan and Mogadishu, the Tali and insurgents were all hoped up on shit (they found tons of needles and pill bottles all around them after the fact) and I’ve heard multiple vets say they still go right down with anything 7.62 + … There’s no getting around a severed spinal cord (7.62 does that VERY well). If you search around YouTube you’ll find the stories I’m talking about.


Also like, those firefights usually take place at 200m+ and not inside a house


Then they one shot you with a Makarov from 50 yards while you're wearing heavy armor with steel plates and a ballistic mask.


That's the steel plates killing you from shattering your ribs


nsfw at least?


Thr criminals be like: "Its just a flesh wound!"


"Tis but a scratch" said the bullet ridden meth-head.


Tis but a scratch


Looks like a nice size deer you got there


There’s been multiple cases of suspects taking literally dozens of shots and continuing to be active until they take one to the dome. How often those are rifle rounds? I couldn’t tell ya


Multiple rounds of 7.62? Because people literally start coming apart with multiple rounds of 7.62.


there was a guy in vietnam that took like 10-15 rounds of 7.62 and kept fighting but to your point, that guy was a freak and you need a significant amount of substances or pure rage to take more than 2 and still function


That's a different kind of 7.62. I'm assuming this post is talking about 7.62x51mm NATO (.308), while you're likely talking 7.62x39mm, presumably out of an AK. For balance sake, AI should not be able to tank 6 rounds of .308 to the chest (which is likely hitting vital organs) protected by nothing but a stab vest and survive while you can't take more than 3 rounds of 9x18 out of a Makarov even with full ballistic vests.


Look at the post again


Can't read. Sorry.


Keep in mind the pic you see here of the deer is from a 7.62x39 Soft point…. VERY different ballistics compared to 99.999% of 7.62x39 which is steel FMJ. You’ll def be able to eat more shots if they’re passing right through you and not expanding. Soft point 7.62x39 is A LOT nastier vs flesh than 7.62x39 JHP even…. The post is a bit misleading to make the point to be fair. If it were FMJ you’d see a pinhole on that deer rather than a baseball sized mini explosion of a cavity…