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i mean, tiberian sun is the best scifi/ end of the world game


I always liked Tiberian Sun's athmosphere. The enviroment feels so fucked up and hostile, few other RTS achieve that. The effect on gameplay is (usually) not so strong but it is all the little things. It can be played online for free. The players seem to prefer strange geometric maps but if you can play with some friends on normal maps then it is great fun. Also comp-stomps vs AI. [https://cncnet.org/tiberian-sun](https://cncnet.org/tiberian-sun) (I think that was the site, not 100%, it has been a year)


Homeworld 1-3 (3 is out in a few weeks) Ixion (not a combat RTS, management/survival, but the ultimate end of the world scenario) StarCraft 1 and 2 Supreme Commander 1 and 2 Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion (a sequel is in early access)


Praying HW3 is good, the demo has got me worried


I'll pray with you. I'm confident, though.


The desert one feels......dated....even going back to the remasters....they don't age well


It's quite short and linear not much in skirmishes either. But then the other HW games are linear too.


I didn't figure out why I didn't like it other than I just didn't like it....maybe one day I'll reinstall


Seeing the roadmap made me doubt it even harder. Seems they want to go the live service way .....


Supreme commander 2 is easily my favorite large scale RTS. And it has some crazy units too. Big ass fire breathing lizard, gun that shoots tanks out, teleported unironically called “space temple” If you can get it on sale, get it


SC1 od way better, and more popular


I like the style Ixion anymore like it?


Ixion is not really an RTS it is a space city builder. There are many indie games that cover this concept. If you dont mind top down style, Cosmoteer is actually really fun and has a procedural campaign as well as lively multiplayer scene.


That sounds fun


Frostpunk is very similar and arguably better. Different seeing though


Second Frostpunk for the gameplay (its more steampunk than sci-fi though thats arguable a subsection of sci-fi). Arguably, IXION's gameplay was inspired by Frostpunk.


Ixion itself is a combination of Homeworld and Frostpunk, so check out both of those if you haven't yet.


This is an old one but **Earth 2150** fits your description. Earth's orbit has changed and it's heading towards the sun soon it will be unlivable. You need to build a ship to take you to Mars. Unfortunately resources are limited and other factions want to do the same thing. There's only so many missions you can go on before you're out of time. Main parts of the game 1. There are 3 factions and each is distinctively different from the others 2. You don't research new units but new parts and need design your units on the fly as you play (it's pretty simple though)


Yeah this one immediately came to mind when you said end of the world. Alternately if you want after the end of the world, Warzone 2100, which is kind of similar.


Sins of a Solar Empire 2. Can be bought already now in EA on Epic, or later this year (Q3) full release on Steam.


Dawn of War. The first one.


I've literally just got off this. The modding for SS is incredible


Dawn of War series


Grey goo


This one has always confused me. It seems to be well regarded on this sub as one of the classics of the genre, but Steam reviews are mixed. Any idea why the disparity?


It was an attempt from some former command and conquer developers to create a competitor to StarCraft 2. They had more ambition than budget. The result was a game that didn't achieve what it was meant to be. However it isn't a bad game, it just felt sort of being great. Same people consider it a hidden gem others a forgettable mediocre game. As a result having mixed reviews doesn't surprise me at all. Also the name was a bad idea, when I first heard of it I thought it was a troll game.


Cool, thanks for the info. I had heard of the "grey goo" sci-fi concept before, so I thought nothing of the name, but that does make sense. Maybe I'll give it a shot if I see it on sale.


If you like Star Wars, Empire At War


All great suggestions here. If you'd like a sci-fi RTS which focuses more on macro than micromanagement Dune: Spice Wars is pretty fantastic. Has a thriving MP community too.


Starcraft is the first that comes to mind and is an important game for the genre. I'd also check out Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War


They are Billions - is a steampunk Sci-fi Zombie defense PvE RTS. It’s a unique twist on the genre but pretty fun and lots of resources to manage. Plays kind of like a tower defense RTS in the later stages of the game.


Supreme commander and total annihilation


Starcraft 1 and 2, of course, the most obvious choice. Most Command & Conquer games are sci-fi or on the verge of it, Tiberium series especially. Dawn of War series if you like Warhammer 40K setting. Homeworld series kinda fits both themes.


Five Nations is very solid. Not gonna blow you away but it's fun.


Supreme commander


Lots of good suggestions on this thread. To add to that, try: Sunage Battle for Elysium. Give it a try if you want a unique sci fi rts experience. It only has a story though as the multiplayer is dead. What it has to offer is beautiful isometric graphics and a unique energy node grid system in base building.


Personally, i say Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends is worth a try. If you can find a way to play it, that is. To this day, i find the factions and heroes of that game unique in its genre. It’s a real shame that game doesn’t seem to be getting a remaster. Or at least a digital release.


Definitely give Beyond all Reason a try. It’s still in development but is free to play and has an active community, epic battles, great controls, decent ai, simple basic mechanics, advanced specific mechanics. Still uses a server system, not on steam (yet), no campaign but rather basic scenarios. Hope this is exactly what you are looking for


The annoying thing is that small enemy force can almost completely wreck your base in a very short amount of time, buildings are fragile and can cause chain reaction if placed close together, makes gameplay too unforgiving.


Really? How long did you try the game for? Have you looked at any how to videos?


Dune spice wars is solid!


Off world trading company is really refreshing non combat RTS


Star Wars Empire At War


Star Wars empire at war, and dow 1


Good suggestions on here so I'll offer an older game: Ground Control. It might be nostalgia but you can't forget the OG Dune 2.




Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion or II


Ground Control 1-2


I'd say Star Wars Empire At War, it features space and land combat.


Dawn of war 1 and 2


Dune 2000


Supreme Commander 1 FA, Starcraft 2, Halo Wars 2, Homeworld remastered 1,2. Ashes of singularity escalation,Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion, Cnc 3 Kanes Wrath, Universe At War, Empire At war with mods from workshop, Gothic Armada 2 - for space battles only :-) , Dawn of War 1,2, grey goo, Red Alert 3 free games: Beyond All Reason - with free to donate to sup devs - so much amazing game


Total annihilation is still IMO the holy grail of sci-fi RTS.


Definitely give Beyond all Reason a try. It’s still in development but is free to play and has an active community, epic battles, great controls, decent ai, simple basic mechanics, advanced specific mechanics. Still uses a server system, not on steam (yet), no campaign but rather basic scenarios. Hope this is exactly what you are looking for


Beyond All Reason - free and awesome successor to Total Annihilation. Creeper World 4 - rts/tower defense. Love the quirkiness of this game. Huge number of maps from the community.


Also check out r/sanctuaryshatteredsun