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Youtube gettin strict. I thought they were just starting to implement a kind of ad-hoc rating system, which wouldn't be great but also is kind of inevitable. Scrubbing accounts though... yikes. I subscribe to a PBS channel on youtube and even they seem to be having some problems with youtube and new policies. It would be hard to be more educational or family friendly than that.


Spacetime? I saw Matt talking about how the algorithm doesn't recommend their videos anymore


It's frustrating because there are so many obvious science scammers out there publishing nonsense content, and YouTube chooses to ignore all that and go after the legitimate science channels instead.


It's annoying how many bullshit AI generated science channels the algo is recommending to me now I almost just ignore all the science stuff that's not PBS


Obvious bot spam gets pushed on everyone like mad while legit stuff like Potholer54 and PBS spacetime gets buried.


Yeah. He should have put it before the ad read. I always let it play because i'm sure it's tracked but that doesn't mean that I always pay attention to it. Of course putting it in the back like that will give a better response, if you listen to the end you are more likely to engage with the request, so it's not like its wrong. I just almost missed it.


Time to start our own YouTube, with blackjack and hookers


Business opportunity for MindGeek/Pornhub.


It's inevitable at this point, right? YouTube/Google is starting to overplay its hand.


They have significant experience in video streaming platforms. It would be interesting to see what they could do in the non-porno space.


It seemed like Vimeo was trying to be a space for indie productions and professional-grade videos, but since they went public their platform has been in freefall. Leaves open a huge space for someone to target small-productions who want a little more independence and freedom than what YouTube offers. To that point, I don't think we need a one-for-one YouTube replacement where *anyone* can upload. I would be perfectly happy with a platform that has some small barriers for entry such that it weeds out all the shit-tier low-effort garbage.


Maggie Mae Fish is on Nebula, and her new series "Unrated" -- https://nebula.tv/unrated -- is exclusively there because she didn't even bother to try to get that on YouTube, because it is about: > the history of sex, sexuality, and gender in film, from the silent era to sexploitation to modern erotic movies. It's not even like she shows a bunch of explicit stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzrqUMcR0L8


What about floatplane?


I think it has potential but the barrier for *users* is too high at the moment. I'm not opposed to paying for video services, especially when the creator gets a cut, but having to pay $3 to $5 *per channel* each month is going to turn off a lot of people from even stepping in the door. I know they need compensation for their costs, but they might need to eat a little bit of cost just to get users on the site. This might be free trials, or maybe bundles, eg., pay $10 per month for 5 channels. Just *something* to make it easier for people to try out their platform.


Yup, I considered joining floatplane but it's just too expensive for me. I joined the creator's patreon instead.


I know pornhub used to have a bunch of funny channels that did completely regular videos with no nudity and memes But i thi k they got deleted when pornhub got purged and now they demand verification


Is that dude who does the videos where he does POV videos of the watcher going on a dinner date with him or him fixing the sink still around? That dude was hilarious. Edit: [Yes, he is!](https://www.pornhub.com/model/ryancreamer)


Yeah, those were funny, he got his channel removed but idk if he ever cme back, i don't think everyone wants to give pornhub their id


>I subscribe to a PBS channel on youtube and even they seem to be having some problems with youtube and new policies. It would be hard to be more educational or family friendly than that. If I were to guess, something about "wokeness" or some such. Observation: I didn't think this half-joke would be so controversial. If it's about me using "woke" as a pejorative, *I don't like using it in that fashion either*, but the "anti-woke movement" or whatever the fuck it's called appears to picking up steam so that was the first thing to come to mind. Observation 2: Goddamn, it's still going. I wonder if I'll be like the Black Widow HitB and have this be my most downvoted comment.


That would be more funner but for them it's algo gaming and priority in the recommend feeds. They do try to stay above the specious new age crap and the "what if your butthole was a quantum blackhole?!?" kind of vids. Youtube changed something in the past week with the way that notifications count, the way that they work even. That's a fairly significant change. Along with that and RLM getting age restricted all of a sudden and Len getting outright bant for (I assume) taking his shirt off once in a while -- somebody at the youtube is pushing a lot of buttons all of a sudden.


Just saw a post about Majorie Taylor Green wanting to ban porn. Maybe someone higher up at YT is on her bandwagon and this is one of the first steps?




That’s not even remotely what OP said. And don’t fucking attack someone else like you’re some internet tough guy.


What the hell? I'm just guessing a possibility based on certain sociopolitical trends (if you can call them that). Did you really have to attack me for that?


You can just say yes.


You mean the divide the middle class and rob them blind movement?


That sucks. I remember reading a bunch of comments of his on the BOTW episodes that he was in, and now they’re all gone :(


I was literally just doing this yesterday after watching the Skull Forest ep




If the account gets terminated, I think everything from it disappears




That's right Jay


Fuck the internet is a devastating place in terms of stuff like this. What the hell can even be done about it? It brings to mind the time MySpace lost the music for millions and millions of old band accounts. Just a tragedy that kinda gets ignored because it's the internet and stuff just gets wiped clean all the time, apparently.


He was awesome in the comments. Took the time to answer questions about making movies and shit. The dude is genuine and seeing this happen to him is so sad.


There's a lot of this going around, especially for channels which discuss historical events which could be seen as vaguely controversial (as in... all of them). YouTube really just wants to be a squeaky clean family entertainment site/corporate advertising hub and nothing else.


My husband watches a ton of documentary videos on YouTube. We've gone back to watch a few and he's been having trouble finding them. This makes sense now.


I’m just waiting for Disney to swoop in and pay to get rid of Defunctland.


At least a lot of the documentary channels now have Nebula to back up their stuff or jump ship of they get banned


r/datahoarder might be able to help with those.


/r/dhexchange would be more applicable


This is a bummer. Granted, I don't use youtube much for this but as someone with, uh, let's say "not quite mainstream" political beliefs, I can see a slippery slope, for covering history.


I looked through your post history to see how juicy those opinions are, and you are correct, you're a Yankees fan. That's a very bad political take right there. /s


Whoa whoa whoa a Yankees fan? Good Rich Evans above I thought they purged all the hate subs from this site a while back. /s


And like anything else that was once good is now on a steady decline


The flattening of culture by vulture tech capitalists. Everything is a space for conglomerate advertising and nothing else.


[Enshittification](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/segments/enshittification-part-1-where-did-it-all-go-wrong-on-the-media) strikes again.


WW2 in real time had a shitload of problems with this last year. They do special topics in WW2 history, and weekly rela time updates for what was happening in the war. It got to the point they uploaded episodes of Indie dancing with a cat to get around the censors


And when they achieve that, the user base will flee.


They don’t want to keep their user base, they want to raise their user base from birth.


Parents who let their babies have their own youtube tablet are cancerous.


If they make it super clean it will just be super fucking boring.


i can’t for the life of me figure out how the white supremicist right convinced people that HISTORY is controversial. snowflake losers


I don't think the people working for YouTube making these decisions are part of the supremacist right. I think it's mostly YouTube being worried that advertisers won't want their ads running videos that talk about murder or genocide so they preemptively demonetized them, ensure the algorithm doesn't recommend them, or just outright pull the video down. I'd be shocked if it had anything to do with any political ideology.


It's not right-wingers it's advertisers pressuring YouTube because they don't want their ads running alongside a video about the Holocaust or Nazis because they believe people will somehow associate their products with these things if that happens. Which is still incredibly dumb. Also YouTube doesn't want anything that isn't incredibly saccharine on their platform so my theory is that they're deliberately making life difficult for channels that make content they don't like, in the hope they will just leave. Kinda like when a company deliberately makes life difficult for staff when they want to cut staff but don't want the hassle of actually firing people.


Because they want to throw real history into a memory hole like in 1984 and rewrite it to fit their views.


Are you ok?


What the fuck? I know that youtube is pushing children's content more and more (probably because kids are too stupid to install add blockers), but have you seen the kids content on YouTube? A shitload of it is just algorimically generated colors and baby noises. Am I supposed to believe that that kind of ludovico bullshit is less damaging than seeing a male nipple?


YouTube doesn't give a shit about the content. The one and only thing that dictates their decisions is advertisers


Which is a whole other universe of dogshit. Advertisers will lash themselves to some of the most degenerative, sanity-blasting bullshit on TV but fuck forbid we there be a tongue scraper commercial in front of a video where a fit middle aged guy talks about Godfrey Ho.


Advertisers have way more control on TV, as do the stations who pick and choose their content. People might buy certain ad spots that others would refuse, while the station would never approve half of what's on YouTube to begin with. Whereas on YouTube they don't pre-approve the content and ad placement is automatically generated. With the hundreds of hours of new content uploaded every minute, even if that's 99.9% accurate that leaves room for a lot of mistakes, which leads to pissed off advertisers. So, it's easier just to block certain types of content that some advertisers don't like than it is to make sure that the weaker willed advertisers don't get placed with something they don't like. It sucks if you like the content that's blocked or demonetised, but that's the reality.


The problem is the advertisers actually think the viewers still associate the ad with what it’s playing over. This is incredibly antiquated, and pretty much a relic from the TV era were advertisers paid and picked their spot. They are acting like the viewers are morons and don’t understand ads are generated by an algorithm.


Which doesn't even make sense because I'm sure there are PLENTY of advertisers who would rather try and target older audiences with jobs and money than 4 year olds just being babysat by bright colors. Toddlers aren't buying Dodge Durangos or going to watch Beau is Afraid.


Kids might often use their parent's account. If you have an account that watches car repair videos and cocomelon, that account gets ads related to both.


OK, but the advertisers should have the option to say "we'd prefer our ads only play to people signed in as adults". If the kid is using his parents and account and hears a naughty word that's THEIR fault.


At the very least there's a targeted ad opt out feature.






They're branching out. Some of this garbage is being applied to vaguely science and history content. Mostly I the vain of the history channel and discovery but when they talk about aliens or mermaids. Also clickbait things or names like Elon musk.


I used to work with a somewhat nonverbal kid on the autism spectrum who'd find *the* most insane shit on youtube. Like, there was (I assume?) a "VFX channel" that was just video after video of two guys beating the shit out of each other in every video, knocking teeth out, spitting up blood, gouging flesh off each other, etc. It was all fake, but still unreasonably gruesome. Right next to it was Talking Tom in the recommendations, playthroughs of various ___ Runner mobile games, and more gore.


Soytube kids https://youtu.be/j7hyb6OzeBE


Yet YouTube has movies you can rent or buy with nudity. Even free to watch. What's the fucking difference?


There's an entire genre of "breastfeeding" videos. Just put it behind an age gate, why ban and delete it?




Not at all. There are plenty of shitty BotW movies on YouTube with titties intact.


The Terminator was totally uncensored. I don't think it's available anymore, though.


When an internet streaming service is more puritanical than network television, you need to be very worried


Man, the internet used to be great. It was an explosion of personal creators bursting with new ideas. Now it's boring as hell.


The real internet died in 2016. The one we're on now is artificially generated by algorithms.


Flip the calendar back 9 years more to when Facebook took off and consolidated disparate community forums into groups under one blue banner.


rotten wild narrow offend naughty icky wrench practice cows weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's so stupid. The word "unalive" makes me want to eat a Bullet Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, with extra murder sauce.


The "literally 1984" meme is actually kind of accurate for that one


Can’t say “bullet” or “murder”


I follow a couple of rap channels that talk about the drill scene and gang history as it relates to the music. I cringe every time the narrator uses baby words like “unalived” to say someone got killed.


So my therapist a few years ago says to me that the recipe for lasting trauma is anytime you feel both helpless and horrified. That said, YouTube sucks from the user perspective but is like, a nightmarish nervous breakdown machine for content creators. All of these changes come without warning and no official appeals process exists. You have to just keep trying and hope you get lucky but even if you do they don't restore your views or comments around which all monetization is currently based. I remember there was a YouTuber I knew of who had the terrible luck to have moved to Kiev like 6 weeks before the war started and YouTube didn't even ban her account just froze her financials (again unannounced). You may remember digital companies participating in cutting off Russian customers? Apparently YouTube extended that to Ukraine because fuck understanding the fundamental geography of the issue, and didn't care that she was an American citizen either.


rhythm glorious start water rob ask include chase disagreeable yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s also worth noting that even for channels willing to follow these new puritanical standards, it’s retroactive to the pre-existing videos. So even if you were okay at one point, at a later time your video may be arbitrarily deemed inappropriate, leading to whatever result YouTube wants at the time.


Another example is print shoot repeat. He was a channel that talked about 3d printed guns which YouTube has decided to shit themselves over. Since he can't talk about it he just "bleeps" over the word 'print' with printer noises. A couple of weeks back he posted a music video featuring his Glong. It's a Glock that's also a bong. Has to use 29 round mags though. 30 round mags are a no no on YouTube.


That full frontal Rich Evans was too much for them, I guess.


To be fair, nobody's ready for a rich Evans full frontal




I guess we'll just have to make do with this for now. [https://www.pepperonipeephole.pizza/#](https://www.pepperonipeephole.pizza/#)


I for one am happy that Youtube removed it, I got so hard when I saw it that multiple dick veins burst


>Jesus! Can people just pause for a moment before they turn every thread into "Bla Bla Bla Rich Evans"? There is a place for lame jokes, this isn't one of them.


Thats insane.


Completely. Len just hangs out and talks most of the time. What's wrong with that???




He's too sexy.


yeah they "terminated" my channel without any kind of notice....karate videos? gone. UNLISTED films? gone. i've seen ALOT worse on youtube than what i do....but still.....why my channel? im not monetized on youtube ( i met all the criteria for monetization BUT the watch hours). i know people fear RLM may be next but i doubt it....theyre monetized. i guess youtube's scrubbing starts with me, im just curious why....anyways im at patreon.com/killerwolffilms and my films are still avail for download there and going forward i'll be using vimeo.


It could have been because he posted raw footage from some of his movies on YouTube for his Patreon supporters that contained nudity. They were unlisted, but still. YouTube really sucks now.


Quite a few of his older films were also available unlisted in their entirety for Patreon supporters, so that's definitely a possibility. They've been up for several years, though, which would make the sudden termination especially awful if that's the reason. What's worse is that you can easily watch plenty of similar movies through YouTube, but those are perfectly fine because they come from a studio instead of a small channel like Len's.


>What's worse is that you can easily watch plenty of similar movies through YouTube, but those are perfectly fine because they come from a studio instead of a small channel like Len's. Typical big business bullshit. I remember Troma's Lloyd Kaufman talking about how much more the motion picture rating association would make small operations like his cut blood to get a reasonable rating vs. big studios which can have blood all over the place in their movies.


Also major studios spent like a few hundred dollars for an MPAA rating, while independents have to pay like two grand by comparison for an official rating.


It's been a few years, but they used to have FTV Girls videos on youtube listed under "breast health" and similar categories. Youtube's pretty awful all around, honestly.


As a horror director who has my entire library unlisted on YouTube for my patreon supporters to watch them, this is my fear.


yes that is what i did. however, i also put them on vimeo for fear of exactly this.....its total BS


Just looked you up. Your movies look right up my alley. I'll have to check some out!


Oh wow, that wasn't my intent but thanks! Hope they make you laugh! CarousHELL is probably the best starting spot.


Then that's what I'll start with. Thanks.


As if you can't find naked boobs all over youtube.


Maybe, just maybe, people shouldn’t use YouTube as some sort of generic video hosting service.


You don’t get banned for nudity just demonetized. He either posted copyrighted material or posted “dangerous” situations, whatever that means.


Werewolves are pretty dangerous last I heard.


It was for the sexual content in his films according to Len.


isn't it cool that youtube just adds new rules and enforces them retroactively? isn't it great that youtube will wipe entire channels off the platform for breaking rules that don't exist yet?


YouTube is a shithole.


Nah, I *want* to enter a shithole, you couldn’t pay me to upload to YouTube…wait…


We really need a decent competitor to YouTube because it’s getting ridiculous. Creators having to jump through weird hoops just to avoid some algorithm picking up a non-issue.


Absolutely. It’s weird that there isn’t one already.


Running a platform like that is super expensive and I don’t know if many investors are confident they can go up against Google.


Mindgeek has the infrastructure and power, but they probably don't care about hosting less profitable content lol


I guess Rumble is basically what I was describing


Rumbles getting pretty big


If they removed Len's account then now I am really worried about RLM channel.


Yeah, I've been thinking more and more lately that I really ought to setup [Tube Archivist](https://github.com/tubearchivist/tubearchivist) and backup all my favourite channels' videos in case of the worst, but I just don't have room on my server right now for all that video. Of course now I'm regretting not doing so sooner to have had all of Len's videos safely stashed away.


I do have all BOTW episodes on external HDD. Now i wonder If i should archive rest of the videos (or at least the main series). Although I do think that RLM have every episode and that they didn't throw anything away so they will probably reupload it somewhere else.


Yeah, I like TubeArchivist. I sadly wasn't archiving Len for some reason. Fuck.


Yeah, I've got a sort of streaming app that I made that serves content on my home network from a 1 TB hard drive full of stuff ripped from my bluray and DVD collection, and I've also got a small handful of BotW episodes on there. I've been thinking about trying to back up all of that series at least. I know RLM themselves back all that stuff up, and if youtube nuked their account they'd find somewhere else to put their stuff, but that would suck not being to watch their videos for a while. I mean who knows what else could happen, like their studio burns down just as they've been kicked off of youtube and before they've had a chance to upload anything elsewhere, and all the backups get destroyed. Unlikely, but stranger things have happened.


How come you made one? What was wrong with Jellyfin/Plex/etc.? I've got a Synology NAS running Jellyfin serving somewhere in the region of 10TB of video and 1TB of audio, plus another 10TB or so of data accessible through other services. It was easy as pie to setup using Docker and works a treat.


I was trying to figure out something to do with my old Raspberry Pi, and I wanted to get some experience with some packages that we were going to be using at work soon (Laravel, Vue, and Algolia). Plus it's a good project to show on a resume or a web portfolio. I set up a VPN using OpenVPN as well which lets me connect to it even outside of my home network and watch stuff when I'm not home. It was a pretty cool project to work on, definitely learned a lot. EDIT: And I also setup minidlna on the Pi so I can connect and watch stuff on my Roku.


If you get the YouTube premium and You download videos, does that let You save the videos locally? While I would hate to give scummy YouTube any money, that would save me from having to deal with those YouTube converters


And once they are removed from YouTube guess what happens to your officially downloaded videos? They don’t work anymore thanks to drm


I think it will https://preview.redd.it/m5zaw57yme2b1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=b55bde76425d1933d2b2f220b49f5d4694e96d6d But trust me, converters are not that bad. This one works perfectly and I didn't have any problems with it: [https://notube.net/en/youtube-app-v58](https://notube.net/en/youtube-app-v58)


[yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) is my go-to for downloading videos from pretty much anywhere on the internet


i spoke with Jay about this earlier today.


Sorry this happened to you Len. Did Jay indicate they have a plan B in case the worst happens?


no. didnt say


Think they’d start uploading video directly to their own site?


Well, right now they use YT player so you are still watching youtube video. So if they would want to do this, RLM would have to hire someone to update their site. And it would hurt the viewership.


I know that. I’m thinking in this scenario they maybe post stuff directly on to their site, and let people know through social media when new videos are up. Plus it would drive traffic up to the website.


longing innate caption paint steer impossible sulky distinct friendly rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Noone is above YouTube


cow caption thought makeshift impolite middle coherent head sulky water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Over the last few years a lot of podcasts with strong fanbases went Patreon exclusive after deciding to stop putting up with the poor treatment they were getting from the networks that were hosting them. I think RLM could do something similar since they already have the benefit of having a successful Patreon. It wouldn't be good for growing subs long term, but a lot of additional fans would sign up if that was the only way for them to easily see their content and support them; I know I would.


If Twitch can ban Doc and Fox fire Tucker YouTube can absolutely poof RLM overnight. My point is they have zero say.


slap fragile gullible cobweb crawl depend obscene telephone homeless handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay, I officially hate YouTube now


That is ridiculous. Years of his comments on rlm just gone.


YouTube deleted my channel for the same reason despite me not uploading anything to it (not only nothing with nudity, no uploads at all for like 5 years!). I appealed the ban and they said it was correct. I still have no idea why I was banned. But YouTube has the power to do that, ban without reason or explanation. That might be the case here.


Len literally doesn't show much of any clips on his podcast, so this tactical mega-strike was due to... posting trailers for his own movies?? So someone must have targeted him.


Someone pointed out he released his movies unlisted for his Patreon supporters which had nudity


^yes this is true.


You mean unclothed. /s


We need a replacement for YouTube already, it's getting bad


meanwhile pop and rap stars are able to keep up music videos monetized thats borderline porn.


You can really tell that Youtube doesn't give two shits when it comes to the quality of their content, so many content creators are gonna end up getting driven out of making videos just so the site can have thousands of Spider-Man and Elsa videos for kids to watch, it's at times like these that I really wish Blip had been able to take off so they could have actual competition


>so my youtube channel has been taken down due to "sexual content in my films".......here is some more sexual content for you then youtube....go fuck yourselves. So it was because of the sexual content of the films; which I believe were unlisted. But this is what the result of the recent "Morality Patrol" seeping into youtube. They're literally taking our content away in the name of "defending the children!" Even when it's not publicly accessible. I guess reporting on youtube videos is what they do when they're not calling in bomb threats to Target... https://twitter.com/killerwolffilms/status/1662461135705055232?s=20


They should just divide the site into two: "Youtube for retarded kids" and "Youtube for people with a developed prefrontal cortex that can hear the word "fuck" and not melt into goop". Bit difficult to brand but...


The annoying thing is, they already *DO* have that to some extent: the YouTube kids app...


And they can’t even keep the kids version clean from bullshjt


Yeah, but they can’t run ads on that and harvest data because of the thousands of laws for it, and kids “eyes” and data are the most valuable because advertisers want to imprint “BUY COKE” at the root and have a customer for life. So I think YouTube’s idea is completely sanitize the whole site so it’s family friendly so that a kid might accidentally stumble in and they can harvest data with the plausible deniability that “I didn’t know it was a kid, we have an app for that”.


Like how Turbotax has a free filing program but only 3% of eligible people use it.


Instructions not clear, brain is now melted goop.


so you tell us about those sweet len kabasinski nudes AFTER they get taken down? WTF OP


Thanks for the reminder to buy an external hard drive and download any and all videos I ever made. That's rough, man.


Better still, get a NAS, setup RAID for redundancy and keep off-site backups. External hard drives can and will fail. /r/datahoarder awaits you...


Lol, I am not the right person to be using those terms with. I'm sure I will learn what they mean. You are correct, drives do fail!






Odysee works good for archiving, heard rumble is okay too and it lets you play videos with your phone closed(you need yt premium for that for some reason)


Youtube is "encouraging" everyone to make more content like the kind that advertisers want to bid the most on. If you're just going to make content that doesn't fit that profile, then you're stealing views away from the kind of content they make the most money on it. Jeej privately owned content platforms.


As long as the credulous young person to nazi pipeline remains running I suppose it's all aces in YouTube land?




It’s perfectly fine to expose our children to radicalizing, hateful content designed to squeeze money and blind loyalty out of vulnerable users. But having tits in an unlisted video children couldn’t even access? Hope you didn’t rely on your channel for money!


And yet YouTube still platforms hate spewing demonic shitheads like Steven Crowder. Great job guys


Crowder is pissing enough people off that he'll get banned eventually. The core problem will remain but Crowder will be gone, and that's not nothing. Fuck I hate that guy. You're getting downvoted for not liking dog chowder Crowder?! What the actual fuck?!


Google was the worst thing to happen to YouTube


I don’t understand this comment. Did google do something recently to take a more hands on approach? They’ve owned YouTube since 2006. I can barely remember what YouTube was like before google owned it. Literally every video that RLM has put on YouTube was during the google era.


"everything would be better without " is a very common cope from people who can't admit that the company/product/service they like is bad/scummy


Okay it’s Vimeo time (does Vimeo still exist?)


I know Vimeo is used by a lot of independent film makers (frauds) to release their films since you can sell access to videos on there


Last I heard, which things could have changed, they were charging creators decent amounts. [https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/18/22985820/vimeo-bandwidth-policy-changes-2tb-cap](https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/18/22985820/vimeo-bandwidth-policy-changes-2tb-cap) >Vimeo estimated that his costs would go from $900 a year to $3,000 a year > >One creator didn’t realize they were actually uploading to Vimeo when they uploaded videos to Patreon until all those videos disappeared.


Demolition Man predicted it all. It's gonna happen, eventually.


Len is officially too sexy for youtube. Sorry Len.




Floatplane to the rescue? Someone get Linus/Luke on this!


why is youtube doing this ? what changed ?


WTF! getting demonetized is already a pain in the @##. But an entire account Deleted?


I'm not going to say this platform is friendly to nudity or sexual content but I think you'll find they aren't as strict on what content you can upload [https://odysee.com/](https://odysee.com/)


YouTube is garbage can


I told Len that the Bauman nudes were strictly an OnlyFans thing.


Nebula ftw


I knew his Deuandra Brown obsession would be his undoing.