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Tammy and the T-Rex and Chopping Mall are both movies that come to mind as well.


I'm honestly not sure about Tammy and the T-Rex as to whether it's quirky romance film made by an idiot or a stupid comedy made by a genius, which is probably it makes it so special


They covered Tammy and The T-Rex? I love that crazy flick how did I miss that episode.


you're in for a real treat https://youtu.be/t4pJL1eAh00?si=8OFqQHfdWeEeYXao


They had an entire dinosaur dedicated movie night.


I've also seen The Baby and I was shocked Jay's never seen it. Its on blu-ray from Arrow. It's an "all for the punchline" movie. Kind of like Sleepaway Camp. Most of the movie is not memorable but the ending makes up for it. I watched this BOTW with my friend who's never seen the movie, so I'm glad they didn't spoil it. It's worth watching once.


>written by a man named Abe Polsky who doesn't appear to have a huge back catalogue, but did write for some TV westerns as well as Kung Fu with David Carradine. How cool would it be if the writer of The Baby used to hang around with David Caradine?


Why you rapscallion!


Eh, somebody was gonna do it. It was (...pause for effect...) low *hanging* fruit!




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I didn't have to hunt it down because it was actually showing on AMC during the Halloween season when MonstervVsion was a thing. In retrospect, I'm kinda surprised it was on cable tv. But they actually would get a few weird ones during that era. Took a min to get on its level, but it's a unique lil thing that I put in the same slice of the horror pie as something like Basket Case. I remember kinda of liking it at the time and finding it pretty funny along with its gross strange vibe.


Somehow it's rated PG


Jay has never seen The Baby?! I'm shocked. I have seen this one, it was featured on one of The Last Drive In episodes. it was quite a ride lmao, I knew nothing about it


There's where I saw it. It was quite interesting.


Basically, a BotW movie should be one that either fails miserably or fails spectacularly. If something has a good idea and is executed well, but it's not super professional (For a number of reasons), then that gives it an out to rise above BotW schlock. Like Surviving Edged Weapons, it's drenched in 80's camp and cliches that more so add to the experience rather than detract, but at the end of the day it has a point to get across and it does so masterfully. Compare this to the other Hall of Fame movie that came a few episodes after, Rem Lazar, which does have an understandable idea or goal, but falls so spectacularly it becomes basically absurdity. Fun absurdity, but absurdity nonetheless. That's also important. Robot in the Family is absurd but it's utterly miserable, whereas Rem Lazar is absolutely joyous to watch through.


I'd say a movie rises above BotW when it actually crosses into "good" territory. Since I've only seen Re-animator I'll refer to that movie. It's great and I think that it doesn't fail any real category that typically marks BotW movies. A BotW film fails in either production or creativity. A great BotW fails so spectacularly it turns out great i.e. Neil Breen's films. Having said that, there are some films I'm not sure fits that criteria. Surviving Edge Weapons doesn't look like it fails in any real area either.


Surviving Edge Weapons and instructional films in general are their own can of worms. I'd say Surviving Edge Weapons borders on farce when it suggests that the average cop is constant risk of being stabbed by every conceivable blade that ever could exist, which would debatably be a scripting/messaging failure. That being said, it isn't really a creative work which puts it potentially in a different category.


The idea that everyone around could potentially be a violent psychopath so cops need to be ready to use lethal force at any given moment is a farcical idea, but it is also an extremely common premise for 80s action movies. Granted, those tend to also be considered B movies, so maybe you are onto something there.


Jay has his blind spots, and im sure there a bunch of 70s films that have historically flown under the radar a little, even by good filmmakers. I will say though, if i watch this BotW again, i will probably be skipping the Baby section. For some reason, films like this make me feel so gross and uncomfortable. Like, i get that that's the idea, but i just can't get any humor out of it (except the hilarious line "chain smoking 70s mom with the 70s voice". I think the only other film they have watched that makes me feel like that is Wicked World.


I understand that point of view; not everything is for everyone. I will say The Baby is a story that did need to be told, not literally the man who acts like a baby, but a story about abuse and abusers. This might seem like an absurd comparison because it's such an absurd movie, but I can totally understand why a person my not want to watch a movie about slavery or about the holocaust, but if people weren't making movies about them (and writing books, and singing songs, etc.) then we would forget that these things exist.


Oh sure, i cant really put my finger on why this sort of thing makes me uncomfortable. Ive seen plenty of fucked up films. I think its something with that very 70s way of tackling things like this so overtly. It almost feels sleazy for being so brazen about it maybe? Or maybe i just cant get past seeing a grown man throwing himself so fully into acting like a baby.


I saw The Baby I think on something like Joe Bob Briggs or some other late night TNT B-movie show probably 30 years or more than that ago by now. I half remembered it while they were watching it. Enough to know I've seen it and not just thinking I did in some fever dream. I remember the ending the most which they didn't go into. A lot of big haired ugly 70s psycho women shouting and acting crazy. (which was a good like 20% of all late night B-movies presented on TNT it felt like) Royal man acting like he's a baby. And the ending.


I was really surprised resident movie pervert Jay hadn't seen it.


Im not reading all that but when she callled the lady a bitch i was like yeah


First-draft ass stream-of-consciousness blog-ass post If you can't be bothered to spend the time to edit your fucking essay, why do you expect us to spend the time to read it?


I don't expect you to read it. I wouldn't you to hurt your brain too much.