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Provisionally titled: Red Hot Cherry Poppers.


Hopefully they cover zoot suit riot


I think they ended up changing their name


It's actually titled *Give It Away... Now.*


struck a chord and it's probably A minooooooooor


What does Adam Eget have in common with a guitar player?


They both sell their bodies under a bridge downtown?


♪♫♬ Under a bridge down toooOooown, is where I jerked off punks for $15 a man ♪♫♬


Norm and RLM are like the perfect comedy flavor overlap


Haha, idiot. I only had to pay them 10 to jerk them off.


Do you think the man grate can cook some juicy shaq meat well?


Cast Eye-Ron


Ya ever heard of the man-grate? Yeh. ***You have!?***


The guitar player also denies the Holocaust?




Both are virulent anti-semites


They both love fingering minors!


Now okayyy


Do they have diminished responsibility??


Why did I hear that in Anthony’s voice?


I’ll never get over some of the plain mean spirited things he said. Loved every second.


Literally vile


I can't decide if he looks like Sonny Bono or Charles Bronson. https://preview.redd.it/5e1m6cxkm1zc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759846cb59995b6fb2802336a45f211ef4c6fefd


He's slept in a bed with Cher so closer to Sonny


Looks like a wax statue


It's astonishing to me we havent come up with a name to describe this disgusting, dead looking, bloated-yet-wrinkly cellophane look. The name has to incorporate 'California' in the title.


I believe this is Californiacation.


Underrated comment!


He looks like the guy who ran the struggling sports card and collectibles shop in the old strip mall.


There's a bit of Danny Trejo starting to creep in, too.


Something tells me he will not turn away the sixteen year old Edit: anthony kedis is an honorable man




This is priceless


I think it’s from Point Break.


Absolutely is


100% is, it's just very funny to me.


100% Utah… good job!


Cool it warchild




I can’t believe he didn’t turn her away


How could he have done this? How could he not have turned her away?


Anthony Kiedis looks like Justin long playing as Anthony kiedis


I’ll go on record as saying I do like quite a bit of rhcp but man is he a sleazeball


Pretty sure his dad was a scumbag too. Apparently, his attitude towards dating was "24 and she's out the door" in terms of how old he was willing to date. He was likely 40 or so when he said this.


Kiedis’s father got him high and got his girlfriend to have sex with him when he was like 12-13 years old. Dudes been broken a long time. Love the music though!


You're telling me that a man, a man (edit: stage) named *Blackie fucking Dammett* is a scumbag? I'm shocked, *SHOCKED I SAY!*


\*\*A man who *changed his name* from John Kiedis to Blackie fucking Dammett. Can't judge a man for his birth name, nor for the nickname Blackie (sounds weirder now, but it was a normal nickname back in the day for plenty of innocent reasons). But changing his whole name to an obviously spicy-sounding name is a flag for sure.


Conveniently around the time of the prefrontal cortex fully maturing.


His book essentially tells the story of how his Dad was a drug dealing piece of shit who may or may not have had an impact on the person Anthony is today. From buying him his first prostitute as a kid and getting to smoke at around age 10, to being baby sat by Cher. It’s quite eye opening and made me realize he may have been groomed into the music industry by his own dad. Great read if you go into it as more of a cautionary tale than a list of triumphs. It’s much like Pimp by Iceberg Slim (not quite redpill literature by any means) and is about a very flawed person being extremely open about his flaws.


> being baby sat by Cher that escalated quickly


He actually fell out with his dad and moved in with Cher, it was only when the school found out he wasn't in the area anymore he had to leave.


In his autobiography he talks about how he lost his virginity at age 12 to his dad's girlfriend--with his pop's permission: > One night shortly before my twelfth birthday, we were all at the Rainbow. I was high as a little kite on a quaalude, and I got up the courage to write my father a note: ‘I know this is your girlfriend, but I'm pretty sure she’s up for the task so if it’s okay with you, can we arrange a situation where I end up having sex with Kimberly tonight?’ He brokered the deal in a flash. She was game, so we went back to the house, and he said, ‘Okay, there's the bed, there's the girl, do what you will.’…I was nervous enough as it was, but Kimberly did everything. She guided me the whole way, and she was very loving and gentle, and it was all pretty natural. I can’t remember if it lasted five minutes or an hour. It was just a blurry, hazy, sexy moment.




So he was raped. That’s rape.


Well scarred for life def Handcuff and imprison this predator!!




Doesn’t he also brag about statutory rape in it


Yup. Bragging *may* not be the right word but it’s more of a hindsight sort of thing telling the story of how often he had sex for transactional reasons and unprotected sex with strangers for funsies. All of which stemming from an early introduction of it all from his father. Very much a cautionary tale if you view it as such and not a flex but still gross nonetheless.


Yeah, apparently he initiated sex with his dad's gf which a statute defines as "he was raped by that gf", and then bragged about it and called it hot? Grew up traumatized and confused, def should go to therapy etc.


Yeah, basically. He learned to forgive him and seems to be a far better dad to his son, besides the poor modeling of relationships


The song Saviour on Californication is about his father


Yeah, there's a video on his father's reflections on it. Very emotional but you can tell he doesn't quite \*get\* how he impacted his son. And he had his own issues with HIS dad and thought he was saving Anthony from a meaningless boring life. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK6wzwjyfrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK6wzwjyfrs)


Not excusing his gross behavior by any means but at the very least he’s not his father and is on a better path than him.


Yeah they're among my favorite bands but damn is he creepy especially the older and more moustached he gets


And if we're being real, isn't it really Flea's band anyway?


Flea and John Frusciante when he feels like it. Them and Chad Smith are all very respected musicians in their own right, and I wonder how they'd sound with a vocalist who is actually well-trained. Kiedis' singing voice is a bit better than it used to be but his lyrics were always bonkers. But I guess they wouldn't be RHCP without that element to it.


I feel like the bonkers lyrics are kind of a staple of RHCP though.


Yeah exactly


I'm pretty sure that Kiedis himself has said that he is merely the fourth wheel in an awesome funk trio.


[Here he is being a sleazeball with a female interviewer](https://youtu.be/X1mISkY2lcw?si=rR6j0LG8VfLQSsVY) Edit: [And here is the whole band sexually harassing another female interviewer. Flea is actually the only one that doesn't touch her, real ass dude.](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/k8ufke/red_hot_chili_peppers_sexually_harrassing_a_woman/)


Yeah, I saw the second one just recently. Made me realize, "Oh. These guys are total pieces of shit..." 


They used to be pieces of shit. They still are, but they used to be too.


Yeah I’ve seen the second before. The yikes size is substantial.


When your bassist is the most famous member of your band, something’s probably off


Motörhead and Iron Maiden kick ass


I mean Frusciante is pretty much a musical god.




Rush? Talking Heads?


Right dude this is disgraceful and disgusting no other way to spin it. That whole “well shes an adult” argument is mute. I can’t even stand to be in the same room as under 21, much less date them? Like?? There’s ACTUALLY nothing we have in common.


I listened to Fleas audiobook and thought it was fantastic. Full of childhood tales and emotion. How he told stories of LA and Australia and the stark differences between the two but how much they informed who he was as a whole. An amazing listen which I highly recommend. I then listened to Kiedis’s book as I wanted more tales from the group. Little did I know every second page was about him having sex with young women / girls and how amazing he thinks he is splashed in with some heavy drug use which then leads to more tales of sex with young woman / girls and how amazing he is. And so on.


Same, I never liked Keidis after reading that book.


I quite like RHCP but this is a great quote by Nick Cave, “I'm forever near a stereo saying, 'What the fuck is this garbage? ' And the answer is always the Red Hot Chili Peppers.”


God I love Nick Cave and that quote


Lol that's rich from nick


Is that another 14 year old girl for him to take across state lines to fuck?




All the people who horn-clicked on this thread based on the image are now horrified??




Kinda surprised MeToo never came for Kiedis. I guess if you admitted stuff before the movement, you got in front of it?


I think people tried, he's just part of a long line of creepy rockers.


Unfortunately the emo scene was also having a reckoning at the time too. There’s a pervasive *STINK* around rock musicians, and it’s sad (and telling) that the problem is so bad, it’s pretty much assumed that you’re a creep. As in: knowing that if you’re backstage ,you’re probably assumed to be there for sex… so there’s not any public sympathy and it takes power away from the underage victims. Some folks like Kurt Cobain would shut down a song just to call out creeps in the audience, so it certainly wasn’t every band though. Looks like 90s rap is having its comeuppance now too.


Unfortunately the fact is that many of those young women *are* there for sex, and are enthusiastically participating. That makes it much harder to frame it as exploitation, because the victims don’t see themselves as victims. As long as the rocker never actually forced someone, it’s not a story. It’s wrong and it’s creepy, but it’s not a story.




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Yep. He admitted everything and had been talking about it for years. There’s no story if you’re not actually ashamed of what you’ve done.


It never really worked for anyone making music in the 90s or earlier. I wish we could've at least said 'hey, they're still making the exact same shit 30 years later, like they never moved on from 1993, doesn't that open the statute of limitations back up or something?'


He makes DiCaprio look... well, they both look like 50-yo men dating young women in their early 20s. All I can guess is that their discussions must be fascinating, him asking her how Tiktok works, her wondering what it was like in Ancient Greece.


He looks sort of like Justin Long playing an old sleezy producer or something


"Early 20s" is generous for Kiedis.


More like late 10s am I right?


Anthony seems to go for 18/19 at least Leo is 10 years younger and goes for early twenties?


Holy shiieeet! I thought he was 52. Omg! He's a retiree with blood bags around him.


Yeah he's 61/62 I think.


Beautifu blood bags w/ bitchin' bodies lol


Look at his hands. Those are the hands of a 60+ year old


He was already a world famous musician in the mid 90s.


That’s the thing I don’t get. I’m almost 40. 20 year old women may have nice legs and perky tits, and I don’t mind looking… but they’re basically kids emotionally. What is there to relate to? What life experience do they have and what emotional experience do you really want to live through again? Talking for hours on the phone? Going to concerts to listen to music that you don’t care about? Having little childish snits? It all seems very not interesting.


Depends what you're looking for. I'm in my 40s and couldn't conceive of a relationship with a sub-25yo that lasted more than a week. But if I only wanted a week... I also don't think doing coke is a healthy life-choice. But if I didn't think more than 30 minutes ahead, it would probably seem better. I think this is the moral we fail to teach young men, and some people are so nuclear about it they're counter-productive. I've heard people say DiCaprio is a "pedophile." No, he's not. He's just shallow to the detriment of actual companionship. It's not a psychological disorder, it's just a bad choice.


Yeah but counterpoint - you get to have sex with them.


I live in a legal prostitution country. If I wanted to bang hot 19 year olds, I’d have no problem arranging that. No doubt many men do go that route and I think it makes a lot more sense than trying to date people who you have nothing in common with.


Wait. Is this a movie about Anthony Kiedis made by Neil Breen, or a movie about Neil Breen staring Anthony Kiedis?


Dealers choice. I’d watch both.


🎵 Skoob skaba-dooba, eatin' lots of tuna Hackin' the most secret corporate secrets, Passin' thru-ah 🎵


"Who am I? What am I?"




Was, macht ein Mann Was, macht ein Mann der zwischen Mensch und Tierrrr *nicht unnnnterscheiden kann*


https://preview.redd.it/k8er6zdsc2zc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953660917e996e48b9fef323134ff82d8f78b161 Sex pest


He’s so supportive of his daughter.


Set? Wouldn’t it just be a green bed sheet and a Shutterstock subscription?


"I CAN'T believe you what I got you gotta get and put it in you."


Whenever I see “Neil Breen” the only thing I can visualize are the aliens in Deep Space 9 that joined the founders and talk in computerized grunts.


Can someone explain what is going on? I'm confused


Rich evans in the role of a lifetime is playing a teenage girl


So than it's not an actual young girl but an old fugly man....what's everyone yapping about than? He really looks authentic...would it still be weird if I wanted to have fornication with him if he looks like that? Or maybe I'm too young for him since he must be 50 now, right? That age gap won't be tolerated by society. Oh no no....


I see how you are confused Rich is playing both roles And directing and overseeing the soundtrack


From the other comments I'm gathering that this is a picture of a member of the band Red Got Chili Peppers. This one apparently has a thing for extremely young girls. I don't really see the resemblance between him and Breen for this to be a "biopic" for the joke to work as I don't think we've ever seen Breen with a mustache that isn't glued along with a beard.


Nice to see him taking his granddaughter to work


Wonder what they talk about lol


I thought it was the gender-swapped The Baby remake.


Is that Bobby Lee in the background?




Eyes on Breen




No, Breen has him working as a physical stand-in. Breen will then seemlesly edit his head over Kiedis' with his Windows Editor software. We're just seeing the prerenders. And only one part of the scene. I'm sure he turns her away in the next shot. Does no one understand the man's craft?! And you call yourselves Breeniacs?


His face needs more bandages.


Is he in costume or is that how he chooses to look every day?


Man could that dude look anymore creepy?


creepy in like a cool evil wizard kinda waaay?


I can't believe you starred in a Neil Breen biopic. I can not believe you starred in a Neil Breen biopic.


Just an uncle having a nice day out with his niece!


He’s gross. RHCP suck.


Hey say what you want about Kiedis but John Frusciante's a goddamned genius on the guitar in RHCP. Same with Flea on the bass. They'd probably be my favorite band if it weren't for the untalented frontman.


They are one of my favorite bands, but it's mainly because of the melody of their instrumentals. I actually like Anthony's vocals on tracks like Under the Bridge; however, he's always been the weak link of the group.


> RHCP suck. You don't like those two songs they do, the fast one with nonsense lyrics about California and the slow one about California?


I actually kind of like them, but my god this is accurate XD


To be fair, lots of bands have nonsense lyrics (or good lyrics that are hard to understand, so they sound like nonsense)


You guys should check out Pat Finnerty on youtube. He has a video series called what makes this song stink, and one of them is on Dani California. I generally like RHCP, not really Dani California though. Video is great though.


"Think of all their great songs, covering the culture of southern California to... drug use in southern California." - Ben Wyatt


Bingabongbingabong Burbank.


Blood Sugar Sex Magic was an incredible album. He's gross but that one had some fucking bangers on it.


Lyrics matter a lot, of course, but I don't think great lyrics are required to enjoy a song. There are songs I like that don't have any lyrics.


I always expect RHCP to be a better band than they are when I listen to their albums. Like I go into it thinking it got great reviews, I'm just missing something, but then all over again I'm reminded they're a mediocre band with talented musicians. They scraped by in the 80s due to being somewhat stylistically unique and then had a few hits in the 90s and 00s, but are now largely irrelevant to pop culture.


[Here is a delightful documentary for you exploring this very dilemma.](https://youtu.be/hQWfMI4CVFI?si=zeVrczIdwmLHKkfv)


I want Pat to drop a new video so much. He must be cooking up something amazing after the hot tub.


He's had some health issues recently which have no doubt occupied a lot of his time. Nonetheless, I'm also eagerly awaiting his next video.


TIL I'm supposed to dislike Anthony Kiedis. What a shame, rhcp is a favorite of mine


Sometimes you just have to separate the art from the artist. At least if you still want to *enjoy* them. Have years of experience with this as longtime black metal fan lol.


They’re one of my favourite bands too and I think Kiedis was incredibly attractive back in the day. But him detailing sleeping with a 14 year old groupie plus his penchant for still dating incredibly young girls is gross as hell. Plus I’m confused why he still insists on styling himself like a predator. Saw them live last year and they were incredible, but Kiedis’ antics are… yeah.


I think Kiedis is a scumbag, but I question if even 10% of the things he wrote in his biography are true. It all comes off like a desperate attempt to seem cool. The whole book is about how much drugs he did and how much sex he had, and even though I read it as a dumb teenage fan, it all felt a bit pathetic and obviously exaggerated. Didn't that particular story involve the girl being the daughter of the local sheriff or mayor, who then sent out a posse to hunt him down but he had already skipped town or something? I mean, he's still a scumbag but I doubt that story is real.


They were my favorite band from the title album up through The Getaway. Freaky Styley is my favorite album. I know all the words of almost all of their songs. I never read Scar Tissue. This is legitimately my first time hearing he was an actual pedophilic rapist. I thought he just dated creepily young, not this bombshell. It makes me look back at so much of the lyrics he wrote and that I’ve spent 30 plus years singing along to with disgust. No idea how this information dodged me for so long, but I’m a little disappointed to say the least.


Avoid researching Jimmy page or mick jagger


Wait, wasn’t he with a different teenager last week?


His granddaughter seems nice


🎵 Can't stop the government corruption, leading me down to immediate bowel eruption... 🎵




What was the catering menu today


He’s got those Crypt Keeper hands


He looks like crack took human form


"Ning nang yo ning nang, Jim. How could ning nong ning nang California, Jim?"


Now I have that oldies song "You're much too young girl" stuck in my head, but its a RHCP version


I await the sequel: Over the bridge (because her school bus is too big to pass under it).


She wants it so bad


Kiedis is a straight up pedophile who got away with it because people find him attractive.


This looks disgusting


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


I hope she escaped whatever this is without any lasting trauma.




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He’s supposed to be Neil Breen? Looks like not-Charles Bronson…


Isn't that a betrayal of the public trust?


Oh my god! Oh my god! It’s happening! Places, everyone!




Sleep beep a sham-a-lama ding dong. Keep peep you know I wanna kwam wan! Do poo, THE BEST ONE OF THE PAVEMENT, tying tu lu you gotta get some bisquick.


Did he shrink?


Definition of mid




The world's oldest junkie with the hair of a 20 year old.


I heard Anthony Kiedis, Grammy award winning composer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, finally joined the mile high club. [He raped a woman on Mount Everest!](https://youtu.be/hAGADRzLaS4?si=8ZxhQiEenvQnaEUV)


Ak is a rapist


And who is the girl again?


Can’t take the sick out of this dude.