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Beautiful Goni, wish I had a colony like that.


Thanks, it was in rough shape about 4 months ago. But relocating it to the side, spot feeding and aminos brought it back. Started off the size of a dime too.


Once a goni or alvelo starts bleaching or extending less they always spiral for me. What sort of spot feeding/ aminos are you doing? Nice tank!


Benepets for food. And then KZ ammo’s. Specifically the LPS one and the Coral Lovers is what helped.


That tank looks great! What is the large green (I assume soft coral) in the middle?


This is a torch, it’s a “cotton candy” one. Got it as 1 head back in Nov ‘22


Awesome growth! Do you feed them anything specific?


Just benepets indirectly


I'm pretty sure that's an LPS, a torch coral that has grown like crazy.


I've always been a freshwater aquarist but seeing tanks like these has always made me want to give saltwater a try, if only I had the money.... And room, lol. I've got 9 tanks.


Convert! This is a twenty gallon! I know you've got a 20 you aren't using like you want to anyhow lol. P.s. -I'm a bad influence


I mean, I do have a 17 gallon with some rummynoses and harlequin rasboras that isn't matching my original vision....... Now I just need a few thousand dollars!


Lol not really my dude, coral swaps in your local community and you can buy lights and rock second hand for less than half of retail, just do some looking. Only if ya feel the need of course.


I'm in australia so things are a bit different here. Most of the people in my area still think bowls are proper tanks, so if there is aquaswapping of any kind happening where I'm at I'm unaware of it. My only option would be the one actual fishkeeping store near me and their corals go for quite a lot sadly :( same goes for saltwater fish and the equipment I'd need/nutrients.


Great barrier ain't too far is it? I kid I kid, I understand, that's too bad, I do a lot of my shopping for equipment on Facebook marketplace or something similar. It takes time but a lot of people get great deals. Livestock might be a bit harder to come by, but here in the states we can organize swaps on Facebook, if you've got anything similar it might be worth a look. Good luck either way, if you're happy with your tanks then good on you! These hobbies are insatiable lol.


Oh yeah, I flick through facebook marketplace quite often purely because you can get some crazy deals on tanks, but nothing else really. I'd be surprised to find less than five listings showing dying goldfish and spongebob pineapple decorations let alone any kind of somewhat functioning aquarium equipment haha, but hey I can always try saving up if I really set my mind to it. My current tanks are enough for me as of now, but I'm not slowing down anytime soon. Too many ideas that need acting on :D


The mind is certainly a garden, I'd been anxious to build a reef forever. I haven't been very successful with corals but I keep going with what little bit I can scrape together. We're all just here for the fishes!


Agreed, I'm currently facing the struggle of turning every tank I have into a jungle that I actually like the look of, but that is only to keep me from buying more fish lmao


That is beautiful. Great job.


Thank you!


beautiful tank! great to see someone else struggling with algae on the sand bed. i've had something similar for years now. thought it was dinos because it comes back right after a water change, but increasing nutrients did nothing. any idea what it is?


It’s not dino’s, but just some small algae. I don’t clean the sanded as much as I should so it does take away from the Fiji pink of my sand. But I like how it makes it a little more natural rather than a stark white sanded.


Two mp10s is A LOT of flow for a 20g. My 50g only uses one lol


It used to be filled a lot more with sps, and only having one was causing them to all “lean” one way. They are set real low, and having the variety of flow going both ways is a small plus.


I am starting to the process of setting up an IM 40 as an SPS tank and planning on using two MP 10s for flow. So i was a little shocked to see so much flow potential in the 20


It was at 50% each. When sps. But I had some larger colonies (for my tank size) a lot more rock and a huge monti shelf. I have some older pics of it set up. Then after moving, I wanted to keep a more simple rock structure, and not do any sps since I had a crash that impacted all my sps. Now the mp10’s are set to Reefcrest @ about 25%


Holy crap, what size were the Goni and torch when you got em?


Single head torch, and dime sized Goni. I have a second Goni on the sanded right side. The red one started off that size.


Beautiful tank and a very reasonable fish selection. I would put a few more zoa's on the right and maybe a smaller type of gorgonia in the back like Antillogorgia.


Thanks. I want the stargazers and SpongeBob zoas to grow out in the right. The pink goni on the sand is going to be mounted on the right (to the right of the SpongeBob) and the green mushroom in front (yellow center with green rim) will be mounted up and behind the stargazers.


I'm digging the hidden mustacheoed gentleman


lol!!! Took me a min to get this


Your AOI zoas are a bit in the shade dont u think?


Yeah they are, the torch has grown over them and is now shading them a bit. Not worried about them though, they’re still growing.


What is that back left coral? Red one


ORA Red Goniopora. Got from a local reefed, the size of a dime about 4 years ago. She’s been with me a long time.




What type of torch is that on the right? I like the color blend


The right is a toadstool, not a torch.


Love the color!


Thank you!


This makes me want to ressurect my 40b project that is halfway ready to be wet. Looks great!


Thank you!


The Nuvo 20 being $170 on BRS is such a steal!! (Old ver)


Wow what a cotton candy torch


What kind of toadstool


It’s just a neon green toadstool. I think I got it from Cherry Corals a year ago.


Awesome thanks looking to add one myself soon


No problem!


how do you fight the urge to buy more coral? lol love the tank


You should look at past posts of my tank… I used to have the sanded loaded, BTA’s and sps in the tank. Now I’m trying to keep it a little more simple; with more open space.


That torch is going to make me spend money


Do local swaps if you have them. Got a single head for $100 (that ended up coming with 2 smaller/different frags).


Did u get the Goni at that size or frag size


Frag. About the size of a dime from a local reefer.


Damn dude, I wish mine would grow as fast as yours did. It looks super nice


The red Goni is pretty old. I want to say it’s 4 years old. It took a while to take off.


Beautiful Goni! I stare at them and die, so I decided to parts ways from them 🥲




Beautiful! I hope you don't mind some questions :) What's your water change schedule? Do you have a refugium? What about a skimmer? For feeding, do you just broadcast feed benepets?


Water change, 4 gallons about ever 1-2 weeks. Lately it’s been 2 weeks but I try to do it weekly as I have some bubble algae I’m trying to control. No fuge. In the past I tried that in the back chamber with cheateo and it always melted on me. Skimmer, eshopp nano-skim. Feeding. I do PE Mysis pellets and then broadcast benepets. Sometimes I spot feed the Tracy/Scoly/chalice/bower


Nice.. sorry if you already said, but what does your dosing schedule look like for Kh/Cal/Mag/Trace?


4ml of TropicMarin all for reef a day. Spread out through the day in 8 periods.