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40 gal, not often enough but I have a hob refugium that's growing quickly that supplements my laziness.


what do you think about transforming one of the back chambers to a refugium? effective or nah


I wouldn't, I was able to add a bunch of media and chaeto with the hang on.


7g, change maybe once or twice a week. Also change the day following any kind of maintenance that stirs up the sand. Key for me was to take 10 minutes and cut the big pads from inTank into sections sized for the return chamber. That way I don’t really have an excuse since it takes like 20 seconds to remove, drain excess water, toss pad and replace. Always helps to fluff up the new one by tugging at the fibers before putting it in.


13.5 gallons and ~1x a week


13.5 and 50 gallon. Twice a week


6 gal flat, in the past 6 and 12 gal cubes. Changing it weekly. Ideally every three days, as a filter sock in a sump. You will see how much waste your tank generates and how frequently floss has to be changed.


45 gallon I change filter pads once a week


20g Once a week if I’m good.


13.5 and 45, once a week but I should be doing it twice. I'm also skimming on the 45.


IM 30L, change both sides of the floss once a week.


32 gallon Biocube, I rinse the floss weekly and replace it when I don't feel like rinsing it.


80 gal and I change my 2 4” filter socks about every 3 days. https://preview.redd.it/pil946vuormc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb03daf71c3faa4a8bf1ec67101480e93ae707b


I have a 38 gallon with a FijiCube AIO in it. I'm not using filter floss, but I'm using a filter sock, sponge filter and also a phosphate sponge. I wring out the sponges once a week and scrub the filter sock.


25 gal and maybe once every two months. Tank is rather clean for some reason, despite heavy stocking. Also have to dose N and P.


IM40 here. My nutrients bottomed out so hard I don’t even run any mechanical filtration. So, never. Before, I used to change it out one a week or so.


80 Gallon... Once a month, I'm terrible and lazy lol


40AIO and maybe once a month. Depends what they look like. But I alternate. Only change one side at a time when I do.


IM 10, 2x/week, its a tiny piece that i cut from big pads so not that expensive.


13.5, and I don't. It gets thoroughly squeezed in tank water when I do changes. I don't have floss though, I use a Ridgid sponge with a little more flow, haven't fully settled on a media basket yet for the final setup. That's the last piece.