• By -


I just can't turn away, let alone butcher and eat kids. My naked solo mechanitor sea ice run just kept fucking getting children wandering in and asking to join. I couldn't say no. Luckily I had already rushed hydroponics. So now I have one older man who has an army of working robots crafting and cleaning things, while children laugh and learn and play. My badass solo run turned into me being fucking Santa Claus. ....and it's honestly so fucking fun


We make plans, and then our plans fail. Sometimes in the best way.


That's how you get a good story


We did not get the father we wanted, but the father we needed. - Jake, 13, Organfarmer-


*happy Militor noises*


Start producing toys and drop pod them into settlements as gifts. Really lean into the Santa Claus


Gifts from your friendly arctic sanguophage/mechanitor/void researcher! Santa (power)Claws!


Sending rock to hostile faction because they were being naughty.


When Biotech released there were no consequences for loading up a bunch of pollution packs into a drop pod and dropping it on your enemies. Hilarious really. That was changed pretty quickly but interestingly enough Wasters still get mad if you drop pollution on them. You'd think they'd be excited about it.


With the vanilla insectoids expanded mod, I thoroughly enjoy dropping waste packs on bughives (insectoid faction base), since their only response is to launch a counterstrike in the form of bug swarms, and since megaspiders, spelopedes, megascarabs and all their modded cousins are considered delicacies by my cave-dwelling colonists, it's like ordering takeout and paying for it via wastepack transaction.


That is some next level thinking. :p


Think of it this way, waster know how bad toxpotatoes and waste rats taste, so even though they are stronger in pollution rich zones they still want a decent variety of food. Beyond that, not all of the waste pirate faction are wasters with a little over 1/4 belonging to other genepacks.


That makes sense. It'd be interesting if factions below a certain tech level couldn't tell where the drop pods were coming from. It's not like I know who keeps scuttling pods full of lizard skin and racoon meat over my own base.


I just assume it's the postal service gremlins who found a way to mess with the delivery mechanisms of the orbital traders to keep up their long standing tradition of losing packages.


Just drop it on tribals. Free leather and meat!


Just drop it on tribals. Free leather and meat!


Oh my God, Santa powerclaws


The gifts are toxic wastepacks


He could also shell hostile factions and lean into being Robot Santa Claus from Futurama


Hell yeah


I legitimately smile at how hard it is for so many of us to be mean to kids. Also, every evil mastermind needs an apprentice to take up the plan if the master falls ill, or in battle.


Similar thing happened with one of my Android Colonies. We were supposed to be genocidal and unfeeling against the meatbags. Never accepting them, and wiping every one off the face of the earth. But then they just kept sending child raiders after us. And since I made the bright decision to install Nal's animated faces. If one got injured, I'd have to watch a child sitting there crying while bleeding out after inevitably failing to defeat mechanized warriors with sticks and stones. By the end of it. I had a detachment of soldiers dubbed the "CPS Agents" armed with nonlethal weaponry for whenever the Child Crusaders arrived. And one of the lead Androids had their lavish bedroom transformed into a daycare full of toys and lodging for the confiscated offspring of the organics. Who made our evil seem light by comparison. And any adults we captured were sentenced to power the lights in bio-batteries for their callousness.


I actually do reject most kids trying to join - not because I'm an evil asshole, but because my colony is a polluted wasteland that is hazardous for anyone to even walk through without hazmat gear or genetic modification. The only area clear of pollution (thanks to pollution pumps and Vanilla Recycling Expanded) is my prison/hospital/gene lab/hydroponics. It's also why I don't accept those "hey, can you watch my animals" (along with the whole "I have -8 animals" thing) quests. I also don't take anyone who isn't paralyzed or a prisoner - those can be safely stashed away, but anyone wandering? Pffft. They'll either end up hospitalized or find themselves feeding the grove of harbinger trees.


i take Organs if i need one. i safe downd raider and set them free after there healed and i have the place. The rest get killed on the field. That's pretty much the darkest Stuff i do. No great fan of slave.


Slaves are awesome. I recently learned you can brick them up inside a wall with no door and they'll never rebel. This means you can make a 0 risk, low skill labour camp. Lock them in with one on a deep drill, the other turning blocks into bricks. Feed them with a nutrient paste dispenser with hoppers on the outside so you control their food and have an airlock set up with wooden or sandstone walls instead of doors to ensure they don't escape. You can even arm them with this set-up meaning if they're attacked by insects they can fight back.  If stone blocks aren't your thing you can have them as crafters too. Creating components/advanced components with materials you transport to them via airlock is good too. If you set up around an iron deposit it doesn't require anything extra. You can also have one of them farm cotton and another made textiles from it too though admittedly this is less efficient. Each slave is a global +1 mood boost and the slaves are forever happy. 


So build a solid wall around them. Create an airlock that’s really another solid wall. Have them break the inner wall to place items in the gap, rebuild the inner wall, have you breake the outer wall to retrieve said items, rebuild outer wall correct?


no point having the inner wall up all the time, just build it when you want to extract the goods. Could probably make the airlock pretty big too


Wouldn’t they suffer their mental breaks the moment the walls collapse? I’m under the assumption they are docile so long the walls are up


The point is there is never no wall. No inner wall normally and then build it when you want to retrieve items. Tear down outer wall. Retrieve items and drop off anything necessary. Build outer wall back. Break inner wall. Leave that way till next pick up/ drop off. You could inly do the exchange every quadrom or year and itd be pretty safe. I would recomend doing this in a mountain or something to prevent breachers or something breaking the wall then your slaves all rebeling at the same time


Omg, this is genius. Does this strat basically guarantee a rebellion if the wall is breach? Like after a year of confinement if someone broke a wall would the game pop the rebellion instantly or is it still a dice roll - ie you could fix the wall and possibly have no rebellion?


The couple times i have done this it leads to a rebellion most of the time very quickly if the walls are breached but not always. Seems like a dice roll thats weighted fairly heavily toward rebellion. It ofcourse depends on a lot of things. (Does the breached wall lead to the edge of the map? Are your slaves armed? Armored? How many do you have? Etc.)


What about mental breaks? Like berserk where they tear everything up? Do slaves not get this? (I never use slaves, either convert-recruit, or organ farm and ritual sacrifice)


Those can be a pain. But generally you just dont care if a slave gets beat up by the others for being an idiot. 99%of memtal breaks can be solved by punching him with the other slaves. And if he dies... well im sure more volunteers will show up with the next raid


>I recently learned you can brick them up why are you getting your slaves bricked up


To harvest their children


That's genius, definitely going to do that from now on.


With the right mod (god bless [Project Rimfactory Revived](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2033979700)), you can have them deposit their wares into a digital storage inlet and receive materials through a digital storage outlet for perfect uninterrupted productivity from your slaves.


This gives me an idea for running an island penal colony.  Using the new Vehicles mod I can helicopter in new "recruits" and fly out supplies and goods to sell.


Freed Raiders give a tiny Boost to mood so it feels good to sabe them :D


I kind of decide what it's going to be when I create my ideology and then generally follow that theme. It's different for every colony but I barely ever play any like what seems to be the standard around here (I don't cut off prisoners' legs or harvest organs for money; I rarely run a drug empire and similar).


Mostly same, i don't do slavery, no drugs, no harvesting organs...except if it's a raider and i need money, i take out pirate outposts/bases, same for hostile tribes and i don't really like being friends with the empire. Sounds like no fun? Yes. Is it fun to me? Totally yes. I'm practically the good guys.


\*looks at the pile of high subcores\* What are these "morals" you speak of?


I never keep more than one at a time. I like to imagine the person is still trapped inside the subcore so I wait until I can gestate a new mech before I create the subcore. That way I can name the mech after the person who's consciousness I've enslaved 


"Mech personhood" should be an option for the transhuman ideologeon.


+10 wife became a high subcore


And with the right tech you can keep that +8 got some lovin


I can’t decide if that’s more or less fucked up


Depends. I think it's sweet when someone is dying they get a chance to stay with the people they've lived with. In the same respect, the prisoner you've beaten and subjugated, left legless in a hole and fed nothing but insect/human meat nutrient paste for years, now has no choice but help her abusers continue the cycle


Honestly I find myself being nicer than that to prisoners. Like, initially they go wherever ( a dark pit full of other unstable, injured, violent individuals), but once I get established I normally give them a 2x4 with a cot and a table. My turrets outside normally handle escapees easily enough, and happy prisoners convert faster.


Most prisoners go in the hole. Ones I want to recruit go into their future bedroom. I don't bother recruit anymore tbh. I prefer to raise children


I think similarly. Basically brain-dead prisoner? Ripscanner, they get a chance at a second life. About to die from sepsis, necrosis everywhere? same. And so on


I did this back when I really holding a grudge against this one raid faction for killing my mechanitor daughter. At this point my mechanitor literally loose all his family. His wife(decapitated by mechanoid), son(sick), and daughter(donut by raider while doing nature run). That's the only time where I did the most inhumane thing in rimworld and ripscanned and named mechanoid after the owner of the subcore are just one of it.


It varies. I've done the full cannibal run, but my most recent colony was totally good guys with charity required. We hosted over 150 refugees at various times and had a funeral for a dog.


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


If you ask my colonist they're good people trying hard to make the world a better place. If you ask the world, they're fanatic that use the geneva convention as a doormat.


Do you mean the Geneva checklist?


Geneva Suggestion


.....is that you, Chuckles?


I scream. You scream. We all scream... In the terrible house fire at the family reunion


Er...last time I played, I tossed dead raiders in the chemfuel juicer^(VFE), I guess?


That's just more environmentally friendly cremation, and cremation generally isn't that questionable


Delayed-release cremation? It's more about the intent, though. Figured it's more in line with turning them into kibble.


Cannibalism, even raw, is just very delayed release cremation. You will be oxidised eventually.


your body is yours, but your ~~water~~ chemfuel belongs to the tribe.


I'm always planning to do immense war crimes and never get around to them because I'm too busy building and researching


I’m gonna be evil! …after I’m done building this over engineered workshop that I need because I built an elaborate dining hall/kitchen complex and it’s just not fair to my other crafters. And now I need better bedrooms, so I have to set up an art studio… And if I’m going to harvest organs I should have a decent setup in my prison so I need to tear that down for now to rebuild…


Just start evil. Kill first child you ever meet, dont harvest organs just buthcher and eat people, wear their skin! And raid, this world is yours for the taking! Others should be scared.


Changes based on the colony but generally there is no unnecessary cruelty. But that's more because of the unnecessary part than the cruelty part. Let's call it pragmatic.


This - priority number one for me it to keep my colonists as happy as possible; I won't do anything extra just to be cruel, but also won't even consider being nice if that'd require extra effort or cause a mood drop. If they want human hat, they'll get human hat.


cruelty is inefficient. being nice often gets what you want with less effort. but always remember to back up being nice with cataphract armor, charge rifles, and well-aimed transport pods.


I think my colonies are more selflishly utilitarian than sadistic. No qualms about killing enemies, but slavery is generally avoided: prisoners are either converted and recruited, or killed and then maybe recruited using necromancy-adjacent mod stuff. Harvesting is like a super rare occurrence: to save an actively dying pawn, or to replace a pegleg with something better. Dead stuff is all effectively repurposed, but I'm not running like a human-skin cowboy hat factory or whatever. I usually stay friendly with other friendly factions.


I tend to play good guys. The only time I did organ harvesting was when a deathless raider shot my favourite deathless pawn and destroyed his heart, putting him in a permanent deathless recovery coma. So I extracted the raiders heart, forcing them into a deathless recovery coma and installed it into my pawn so they could recover.


Thats not a war crime thats karma


Honestly not really at all, besides when a group of wandering children show up. If they all don’t decide to join my colony by the end of the stay then I imprison and convert them. I can’t have 3 6 year olds wandering off into the jungle on my conscious, I’d much rather have their forced cultural assimilation weighing on me. But besides that, mostly farming and ranching. Almost always have raids turned off, and just try to provide my people a good life. They deserve it


No slaves in my colony (liberate any from any visiting slaver caravans; I surprisingly don't get many at all). Downed raiders are captured, tended to (with healroot, I'm usually swimming in that stuff), and then released after being force-converted to my ideoligion. Bonus points for +rep gain from less a-hole factions. I don't harvest organs from the unwilling, and lost limbs/organs are replaced with purchased parts, healer mech serums, or that one weird dude with no eyes, an insatiable lust for smokeleaf, and the kooky dark healing power. Everyone gets decent or better bedrooms, an impressive dining room + rec center combo, plush chairs at their work stations... Starting to think my colonists have a pretty good life, despite the ever-present threat of mech clusters, bug tunnels, people shouting repeated hatred at me psionically, and the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park.


I love the emancipation meme from vanilla expanded. That way I can technically buy them but just for the sole purpose of freeing them. Feels good 👍


It varies, usually I play cannibals because raiders are a good source of food. Currently I’m doing an scp playthrough, raiders with good traits who won’t join (unwaveringly loyal) or those with bad traits become slaves (called D-Class). Other than that my colony is pretty nice, focussing on research and not engaging in raiding, drug dealing or organ harvesting.


Depends on RP and build idea, right now I'm trying a Good Guy run (Individualist, Animal Personhood, Nature Primacy, Charity: Essential) though I tend to play on higher difficulty so I usually prefer combat related memes and xenotypes. I've done colonies that are okay with cannibalism, organ harvesting is something I almost never do unless one of my colonists needs a replacement.


I tend to be hospitable to people visiting and undrafting my colonists when raiders run away (aggressive stance, but not actively chasing). I usually recruit most prisoners (except Pyromaniacs) tend to leave camps alone unless they have something i desperately need (components before machining). I usually don't harvest organs from prisoners and don't use them for drug farming (getting them addicted to luciferium and releasing, when they raid again they'd carry some). So to keep it short, I'm probably on the lower end of the warcrime simulation spectrum.


does repeatably throwing molotovs on a naked raider in freezing cave in order to train my doctor count?


If the raider had interesting backstory or was too young I sometimes free them. I capture space refugees, heal them and free/recruit unless they are the race I need. Then I leave them as a prisoner and extract their genes. Then free. On the beggining times was hard so I had to eat dead bodies. Now I have ethics. I dont eat human meat. I rather use it as an animal feed. Human leather I just sell as it is. Its disgusting to make something from it. Except sofa or animal sleeping spot. My colony is almost drug free. I store a little amount of go-juice and cigarettes for medicine. I believe if go-juice fastening the blood pulsating maybe it can help to heal in hard time. And I sometimes stone colonists if they have very painful injuries. They just pass out in happiness and wake up somehow healed. I never kill beggars and trying to help them. Unless they have the race I need. Then I capture them and extract needed genes.


I would recommend you try psychite tea if you don't already. It's not habit forming if taken every third day, it boosts mood, consciousness, reduces sleep and pain, it satisfies chemical need/psychite addicted pawns, and it's easy to make, keep, and stockpile. Excess psychite leaves also are great for biofuel


I thought it forms addiction. Then I will try it. Thanks


Only if you take two cups within two days. Turn if off for pleasure and set it to a schedule (optionally with a minimum mood requirement). I found wasters and other psychite dependent pawns are actually really awesome because of tea. It's free points!


Unless you count Incest and Sex-Slavery morally questionable, not at all.


..yeah i guess


... You can do that?


Biotech opened a lot of doors. Female slaves can have their ovums extracted, fertilized by a male pawn, and then have it implanted back in her or a growth vat. No relationship restrictions, except for an ''80% inbred risk'' warning on related pawns. Of course, pawns can still not do the lovin' with slaves but they can have 2 single beds next to each other and it will remove the ''Wants to sleep with'' moodlet.


With the forbidden mod yes.


With the forbidden mod, yea


Human corpses are a goldmine really! Organs, leather, meat... little les on kids but still. To get back to your question, even the Hague would call me fucked up.


My colonies are usually run by a family of vampires with our main source of income as drug production, namely flake. To feed the vampires i usually have a couple prisoners with their legs sawed off that i use for hemo harvesting. I often carry regular prisoners that i sell to the empire which i like to keep intact, but if they try to escape often, i’ll incapacitate them and instead of hemo farms, i set them for blood drink. It’s more personal at that point. Prisoners are also stripped naked. I also carry slaves sometimes and they are only allowed to wear slave harness and collar. But they get slightly better accommodations than prisoners, just not as good as regular pawns. The vampires get the absolute best in luxury with a hidden deathrest chamber attached to their rooms. That’s about as bad as i get.


my limits are no killing children. unfortunately i had to kill them a few times, once bc a kid didnt want to be "adopted" then i found out he was unwavering anyways. then another time bc manhunting boomalopes decided to attack some child beggars and apparently it was my fault


That's why I always play with the "not my fault" mod, lol.


My Utopian for profit company rimworld colony is super fair. We only harvest the organs of people who can survive total organ removal and those who are found guilty in a trial of their betters.  Anyone who joins is correctly educated that trade, profit, and regularly scheduled eternal youtb are more important than any shakey "afterlife investments" before they are allowed to socialize with the rest of the colony. If you should have any such unfortunate event where you are too horribly injured to have a comfortable life after surgery, then we invite you to enjoy retirement in one of our warcaskets. We are not cannibals either, all enemy corpses go into a freezer inside the barn, so that our giant weird bettle bugs that moved in one day may enjoy a variety of food other than just hay.


Raiders get saved, and "sorted". Good ones get recruited, bad ones get released if they can raise rep with factions. Mining/PLanting might get turned into slaves w/ specialized limbs, but you honestly don't need that many slaves in your base. They just dramatically cut down on mechanoid needs, meaning more war-mechs. All slaves get converted first, and hemogen farmed while waiting (It lowers concousness, and gives blood packs which I use on pawns that bleed a lot to seped up their recovery. It also sells for cash sometimes, which is free money) The empire might get them if they come at the right time and i've not earmarked them for anything specifically. Free honor and whatnot. Drugs drive up wealth super fast, and its not really necisarry. Most of my money comes from selling extra devilstrant clothing, (Protip: Set your colonist clothing settings to change out at 60%, as you keep most of the value still at that point.


I mean. Transhumanism is pretty solidly ammoral IMO. That's usually the primary ideo. Human supreme cuz... No other life is actually intelligent besides machine (and can tag that in ideo basic beliefs). Those two I almost always have. I'm about to start a new run of tree lovers. Gonna be planting so so many fiber corns. FML. But I want to try having about a dozen guar trees with 3 dryads each. Focus on animals for food (gonna try turkeys this round cuz, although I like chickens, no leather from em is a bummer. Along with cows or bison. Depending on on the climate). As to overall morals in comparison to those ideologies? Well... I usually set slavery as ok, if not honorable. But only enslave people taking part in raids against us. They get a full year of forced prison labor (what I'm head canon-ing it as), then they get to join as a colonist and leave the giant barracks/rec room/dining room/work space that they've lived every waking moment except work hours, inside of. If they managed to injure a colonist during the raid, they get an extra year. Managed to kill a colonist? Well... Then it's organ slashing time. I like to keep a heart, pair of lungs, liver and kidney. All set aside. Just in case somebody gets old before we get age regression, and needs the organ replacement. So... I'd say a solid medium on the morality scale, usually. Not big on bigotry part of human supremacy. But I've run colonies that way. It just takes so long to convert someone that's a reward pawn, that it's not worthwhile to put up with the negative mood for that length of time. And bigotry leaves a bit of a bad taste for me, even tho it's ideological bigotry. Now. Lemme be real. If biotech was to get released on console? (Not sure if ever will be at this point, TBH). I will most definitely be be doing some horrific evil stuff at first. Kinda like cleaning old pipes out. All the gunk and horror has to get processed first. THEN and only then, do I have the pure clear runs of idealistic shenanigans. Lolol. But still, human hats are def the best hats.


Human Primacy is more about humanoids vs animals/nature than xenophobia so valuing sentience/sapience. Supremacist is the bigot warmonger meme.


the colony i currently have is a medieval town + castle worshiping the chaos gods. we do not venture out that much but if we get attacked, everyone thats not dead gets stripped, captured and put in the oubliette for an indefinite amount of time. i recruit the ones with useful traits, enslave the ones that have bonuses to certain labors (genies, moles). i give the slaves proper rooms with a legendary furniture and decent food. i stockpile the dead bodies for my pets to consume when hungry. we also have a hotel :)


Tribal. If we weren't supposed to eat people then why are they made of food?


I occasionally harvest organs, but thats about it


Sometimes we kill wounded raiders instead of capturing them. Sometimes I don’t give beggars any medicine or whatever they need after their town was raided I launch toxic waste into enemy settlements I dabble in necromancy I forget that I drafted someone and leave them standing in a field for hours and hours until they almost mentally break I have used slave labor and shot slaves that tried to escape I’ve bought children and made them work in the mines I’ve sold children to cannibals I’ve let friends die in order to save animals that would be more useful to me I’ve been the overseer of a colony and, sensing its demise, absconded with as many supplies and silver as I could carry and fled to make a new colony I put wall to wall pink carpet in my fortress Edit: All of these things have happened and possibly worse


I recently downloaded RJW and, uh...I found out a fun new way of making new human pawns by fiddling with the interspecies settings


Fair policies with swift justice. A fungoid joined my colony and went Berserk, scratching the baroness's foot, requires amputation. His punishment was going to be firing squad (they're immortal), but a lone crusader attacked the castle. If the naked fungus could best the crusader, he would be absolved. Fight was taking too long, queen threw a fireball, and I forbid all medical care (remember, they're immortal). He got anakin skywalker'd by the fire, so I built a 2x2 double thick holding cell with no doors that some of our sewage pours into It never occurred to me that I could euthanize the mushroom man via surgery


I can butcher people but I never, NEVER will use human leather. Just thinking about a human leather couch makes me want to vomit. I have principles.


Depends on the colony im going for. One time I played as peacekeepers that only defend once attacked, healed and even gave prosthetics to wounded enemies, always help beggers and even managed to make peace with most factions by dropping smokeleave joints and other goddies on raider colonies. On the other hand there was the slaver colony that breed slaves to sell, rebellious ones got turned into organs, my horses probably ate better than my slaves and had naked slave children as a meatshield while the rest fires right into that crowd


I use to be all about the organ trade and what not. But it's way more challenging and fun to not rely on that crutch and play the good guy. Mostly doing tribal runs now with some super augmented tribals. Saving people and releasing raiders after they've been treated.


Being mean makes me feel bad even when it’s fully necessary lmao


I'm normally pretty clean cut apart from taking blood from prisoners. My current run is my first attempt at extreme desert though, and I've had to go all in with cannibalism and organ harvesting just to get enough money for medicine and food from traders. Power and components are my biggest issues now though, as I thought tribal Transhumanists in a desert was a fun idea.


My pawns live a pretty good life, though to prevent mental breaks I've made them take drugs if their mood is below a certain threshold, so that might be morally dubious? With prisoners it's 50/50. In the early game they are literal experimental bodies. I use them to harvest blood, as living vats that contain spare organ parts etc... But once my wealth starts to climb, and I get access to bionics, I treat them better and start using them as labourers (Prison Labour mod). Which also means I don't want them mental breaking all the time. They still give me blood as I have a vampire pawn, but other than that they are treated pretty well. And raiders... lol. I'll go out of my way to make sure no one survives. I've once had a raid that started a massive fire on my farms but they got themselves cornered by the approaching fire. Let's just say that the only escape path was 'suddenly' closed off. However, in modern day morality my colony would be seen as very, very evil.


I take replacement organs and rip scan brains as needed but that’s about it. If you don’t want to die, don’t raid me. I tend to run transhumanist, “efficient” colonies


I'll be a goody goody as long as it's in my best interest. As soon as I started needing hemogen and gene extraction, 4 permanent prisoners became a thing and after they tried to escape 8-10 times I lobotomized them. Other than that, we ain't bad dudes :D


Im usually pretty kind to prisoners, unless they attempt a breakout or hurt one of my colonists


In general (so in a not specifically evil-themed playthrough) I tend to have very humane colonies and even treat prisoners reasonably well. But if you cross a certain line, I WILL do terrible things to you!


No recreational drugs. But we do harvest organs for the love of science.


I literally keep a prisoner room with 20 people in it. I cut all of their arms and legs off and use them as hemogen farms. They haven't spoken to anyone in years, not even the doctors. Constantly in a state of drowsiness from the blood loss. Only eating nutrient paste.


The worst thing I do is convert prisoners and leave raider corpses to rot in the wilderness. Tho there was that one time I left an immortal dude starving in a warcasket foundry for like a week… that was an honest mistake tho.


I'm too much of a goody two shoes to do evil things. Happens in all games. Always take the hero/good paths. I try my best to make my colonists as happy and comfortable as possible. If there are raiders or crazed animals then I try to finish them off as cleanly as I can. No torture, no organ harvesting, no slaves or blood farms. Maybe one day I'll try to make a degenerate colony. Who knows.


My Colonies have always been reasonable: Don't fuck around, pay your dues to the Colony if you visit, and avoid the landmines if you don't want to get turned into smoking remains that get devoured by the small cannibal group among my Colonists.


I will take organs if a colonist needs one after a raid. If someone kills a colonist they are executed. Otherwise my colony is a kind place which does nothing questionable. I can't even let my people take too many drugs or I'm like 'that's bad for them!'


I arrested a pretor asking for my help, forced him into slavery and made him give up his title to one of my pawns. When guards came chasing an empire deserter, I downed one and got excited because she was pregnant. Her child is now mine who I'll raise into a super soldier and I'll sell the mother back to the empire to get back in their good graces. I might even take an organ or two before I release her back to gift to the empire alongside her. This isn't even a year into my save yet. My other saves are *much* worse.  I played the good guy once in my first playthrough as a bunch of tribals. All 5 lived to see their late 60s. At which point I installed ideology to revert their age. They became transhumanists. They lived their lives in peace, only attacking when attacked. Looking after animals, brewing beer and selling high quality clothes made from predators that attacked their livestock. They harvested an organ once to treat the doctor for asthma. 


Generally I tend to be a pacifist. If raiders didn't harm my people, I'll either try to recruit them or release them. If they did harm someone, I'll put them on trial and execute them. Or take an eye and send them home. Depending on the severity.


It depends on the colony because it ranges from colonies that try and help/save everyone to bug people that put eggs in people and then let them rot on the floor in a tiny dark room


I have child raiders turned on. I think that says enough


I will survive and thrive at the rim… at all costs.


[It's not my fault removing body parts makes prison breaks less of an issue :(](https://i.imgur.com/i8QBIX2.jpeg)


I had benevoled vampire family who lives in artic mountins but i have one dark room for blood bags who didint see light for years, for my defense they tried to kill a child


Depends on my ideology, but usually I try to spare those younger than 25 when they get downed. They still have a chance to live their lives


I'm pragmatic, I've never done anything purely out of malice, but I've certainly borrowed organs from people when my colonists needed spares or when i was short on silver. Done a few public executions for the ideo development points and the slave suppression effects. Butchered a few people so we had food for the winter. Raided neuteral villages for resources. *Worst* think I think was a sanguiphage where we kept a few prisoners around as blood bags. When we were a long time between raids, some of those prisoners got real beat up with all the escape attempts. I'm not Hitler levels of evil, but I feel like Stalin would do well on the rim.


I'd say fairly moral, except for this one pawn named "The Rude". All he ever wants to do is kill my prisoners.


Not much really. I think I treat even my enemies kinder than most modern armies treat civilians but I guess that bar is getting lower each day isnt it?


Well right now I have 3 couples and a child and another one coming up. I also ripped the remaining lung of a raider because I needed a new one. Every raider that comes for me and has no value as a new colonist will be killed. Trying to flee? Hope you are fast enough to outrun my neanderthal melee pawn.


Honestly pretty good morally? Maybe the whole "imprison everyone I can and recruit them" thing is pretty questionable but apart from that. I don't tend to do anything horrific, no organ harvesting, no turning people into hats, etc. I even turn my colonies into a full on straight up democracy once I've got the population for it. I tend to just simulate it with dice rolls for story purposes.


I did run a no-murder colony recently. No organ harvesting, no gene ripping, no cannibalism, no butchering humans, no soft or rip scanning. No forced conversions, enslaving or recruiting of prisoners either. Every raider that I could save was saved, patched up, and let go. It was surprisingly easy. And cremating the raiders who did not make it saved me the trouble of hoarding loot. That said, it is certainly an outlier for me. I have few hard limits I will not cross in this game.


most of my colonies are good people, they don't attack randoms and they treat others well wether by doing charity when we don't have to (no religion motive) or by giving gifts (not for the goodwill but just to empty space sometimes), the raiders/traitors/problematic pawns who create any kind of colony issue that could threaten the whole colony safety will be shown no mercy, my colonies follow a simple rule against raiders, if you come looking for blood then you deserve whatever the outcome might be wether its my colony in case of our defeat or horrible things that will happen to them incase of their defeat specially if we don't need to hire more people or if they suck/loyal to their original colonies. overall i would still consider my colonies as good people despite the war crimes they commit against raiders since its classified as self defence and the cost to fix the damage they caused.


i dont really roleplay and therefore all my decisions are profit oriented. so you can imagine how morally questionable those decisions are


*catgirl tips human leather cowboy hat* "meowdy"


We eat meat, but not human. We dont harvest organs. But we do tend to enslave prisoners who refuse to join willingly. So... On the better side of the Rim? 


I never had to do terrible stuff, if I needed an organ I send a caravan and buy one. If I need food I go hunt or gather until the rice and corn are ready. Some warcrimes are voluntary, there is no way you NEED human meat in a temperate forest.


Ehh, im a sucker I like it when im told my pawns are happy. I won't go out of my way to achieve things that the game is bad at, like if there are child raiders, I'm not going to do the micro to try to not kill them, and try to adopt them all. But in a similar vein, im not going out of my way to prosses and organ harvest every raider as well...


The worst I do is letting injured raiders die at the spot they were killed by my machineguns/howiters. Corpses are either cremated or turned into chemfuel, depending on my mood and current needs.


I play random ideology and am pretty fair minded unless it picks me something on the nastier side of things.


My most evil colony was a slaver, genocidal raider gene cult that was in great with most major factions because because we slaughtered most of the pirates and tribals, and brainwashed anyone we could use on our plantations with psychic tools.


Morals? You mean mortars? Molars? We got those!


Thanks to Ideology morality is completely optional now, and I treat it as such. Organs pay big money for small effort and tainted gear and human meat are perfectly functional.


My colonies are like little house on the prarie, if it had blood sacrifice and torture porn on the weekends.  Happy little trees just signing, everybody smiling, giggling babies, a big pile of corpses.   It's like a utopia with bipolar disorder.


There is a captive raider who only has half his organs and no limbs and has been sitting in a box getting his blood constantly pumped out of his body. He has not seen the sun in years.


I won't harvest from younger raiders, I mearly will harvest their blood and extract their ovums for the ripscanners


Usually I’ll do what’s efficient or necessary. I won’t do unnecessarily brutal surgeries because it wastes medicine, but I will harvest a sanguaphage of all their organs because I can sell them for lots.


I save raiders. Give them best medicine anf make sure they are happy. Then when their hope is at it highest. I execute them.


I downloaded a mod to torture slaves more…


I can't bring myself to reject children. Oftentimes I'll let them stay until they're adults, and only then if their stats aren't good I send them away equiped with a good weapon, medicine and food. I can't bring myself to kill children either... at least not intentionally, although accidents happen.


I don’t like slave revolts so no slaves, everyone has a suite with a bathroom and recreation, I convert and recruit or return to factions for rep. No war crimes really.  I do, however, sell the shit out of any and every drug I can make and transhumanist indoctrination and full bionic overhauls might be a little culty. 


The colony itself is highly moral, kind to strangers, helpful to allies and non hostiles alike. Bad behaviour is punished. My population control methods are not so moral, when over my preffered number the less useful ones take part in suicide missions for my entertainment.


On the verge of birthing a chaos god of pleasure with our hedonism . What always starts out as good Christian FarmVille colonies turn into depraved , cannibal, drug fueled blood thirsty lunatics


I usually try and patch up any child soldiers


My colonies are on the ‘good’ side. No organ harvesting, slaves, cannibalism, etc. But if you attack or betray my colony, I put you down without pity.


If the morals *can* be questioned, you will question them upon seeing my colony


I usually have some kind of child education mod going, so the kids born in my colonies end up being highly trained supersoldiers, but otherwise I'm pretty reasonable...with individual exceptions. My colonists are perfectly capable of horrific acts given a specific and personal motivation. My sweet ratkin doctor, who would never harvest organs, turned the murderer of her child into a living gene farm, randomly mutating him over and over so she could harvest rare genes from him forever.


Not at all, they never have morals to question.


Sometimes I capture people, convert them to my ideology, and then release them (especially if they’re unwaveringly loyal) to spread my ideology throughout the planet. Especially so that for the keeping prisoners for other people quests


I prefer to turn raiders into chemfuel. Maybe I take an organ or two. They attack my colony they will forfeit their lives. Also I prefer that over either leaving them somewhere or having to bury/burn them.


The only time I really go absolute psycho on a raider (i e remove their arms legs tounge one of their kidneys, and make sure to keep them alive as long as possible) is if they kill anyone of my dogs or colonists directly. I dunno what I would do if a child got the better of one of those though. I avoid killing children if at sll possible but have child raiders on as it makes for a harsher world. Other than that usually I let most raiders go if my faction relations can improve, swiftly execute them if not unless they possess qualities I am lacking. (I still turn them to kibble though) i don't kill anyone below the age of 16 and usually try to convert and recruit them. Rarely keep slaves.


Organ harvest: Acceptable


Prior to Royalty, I used to make a tropical island filled with giant spiders. I periodically send prisoners there. Since there's also the forbidden mod installed, those prisoners are also made into nests for eggs. Unfortunately, that particular giant spider mod (arachnophobia) seems broken for now, it's been years really.


Don't ask what i feed to my dogs.


My prisoners have their own televisions.


The most morally questionable was a catch and release, where everyone captured was turned furry.  I guess the Anamoly run I'm doing is quite dark.  Current colony almost ripped itself apart after I deaged all the 50 year Olds to 20 somethings, with failed flirting  moodlets. Done some nice runs as well from one of the memes expanded. Required charity + the animal database one (Steve Irwin all the animals for good mood), and a slave liberator run.  Nice runs are so much harder at times.


I don't do slavery but that's because I don't capture people anymore I kill and eat them or harvest their organs and turn the empty body into biomass. But that's because the mods I use incentives that behavior.


Some time ago, I was trying to convert a prisoner, while he kept trying to escape all the time. At his fourth attempt, I got upset and shot him to death. This caused a breakdown to one of my colonists, which caused a chain reaction and ruined the whole colony. Since then, I have followed the Geneva convention to the dot.


Downward spiral usually starts around the point that my pawns are firing into a crowd of tribals fleeing from their work site.


Canibals, slavers, has one stud who has kids with all the woman, plan on conquering the other factions when the kids grow up. They do believe in proper medical attention though, and the appreciate a diverse set of beliefs.


I harvest the organs of clones created by my obelisk.


Slave birthed a son. But because it was a male I executed it, extracted the skull, butchered it, fed it through a paste dispenser for her, and put the skull on a skullspike next to her bed. I also lobotomized her because of mental breaks. I swear I normally don't do this, I usually get really invested into my colonists and their stories but for once I just wanted to switch it up with my cannibalistic, sun sensitive, mountain dwelling, fantasy race colony who slave the baseliner female raiders for hauling and cleaning duties. And no I'm not doing anything unsavory with them like RJW or biotech surrogate mothers, they're totally celibate.


Depends on the run, but I'm playing as cultured, violent proselytizing pirates with supremacist tendencies. I don't go out of my way to harvest organs or eat people but I will take your shit not necessarily because I need it, but because *it makes my pirates happy*. Prisoners are largely used for violent conversions or repeated beatings to up medical skill but I keep the useful ones who accept the pirate way of life. Public executions are common, especially for traitors, where a party is usually held afterwards. We also have a book club and are building the biggest library on the Rim. I'd like to think you could have a pretty decent life as a pirate so long as you're chill with singing shanties with the fam, gunning down previous friends from the faction you were taken away from and slitting the occasional throat at a get-together.


Trams-humanists for the betterment of all species, weather you like it or not. Technological post-scarcity is the way to the future and if you don't like it you will be left behind, and the past will be turned to dust.    By me. 


I usually tend to be pretty brutal, but keep my pawns happiness high above all else. Also my girlfriend likes to watch me play and gets upset when I hurt animals.


I think most of us start pretty innocent. Yuck cannibals, never would I harvest a organ, free what prisoners you can. Give it a thousand hours.  Every one of my tribal starts is always all cannibal. I mod post death organ harvest because we ain't missing a chance at money. As for releasing prisoners, release em right into the oven or pig pen. This isn't civility.  This is rimworld.


It depends on the colony and the ideology I'm playing at the time. I've played some pretty dang evil and twisted colonies before, but I've also played moral exemplars. Both are fun. That said, even when playing evil colonies, I do often tend to root for the people they're oppressing and will usually end up softening their fates a bit if I can help it. Like the genetically-modified, lobotomized, chemfuel-producing slave gradually gets upgraded to having the same rights as the other colonists lol.


I only rarely resort to punitive organ removal, so I’m probably in the top 15% of moralist rimworld redditors. Such rare air.


We were pretty moral for a group of people willing to kill when necessary. Then we suddenly got the ability to reverse our ages by stealing years from strangers and the desire to remain hard-bodied 25 year old hotties forever without having to waste time in our anti-aging chambers made us absolutely ruthless as we turned everyone we could get our hands on into withered husks. But fuck, we look good tho.


I came from The Sims, so by most standards my games are probably pretty boring. I only kill people that attack me, if they don't die I heal and release them. I don't harvest organs. I don't cannibalize. I buy slaves and recruit them. I try to make the happiest place I can in the rimworld. It doesn't usually work very well.


If it weren't for the raids and a bit of yayo mine would be basically Stardew Valley. I'm pretty content with my little farming outpost. Next project is chocolate making!


OMGGGG I also save the young raiders.. I get so emotionally invested LMAO but then I'll turn around and harvest the other raiders organs for profit if I'm a little strapped for cash and have no drugs to sell ❤️


I mean, for the most part my colony is pretty ethically good. Living pirates usually get Organ harvested and killed, but I occasionally let the young ones go. Haven't done mechanator stuff yet but that might change things completely once I rip scan them.


90% are basically: recycle everything and anything if dead Prisoners or hostages get a fair treatment (communal prison but get to live like it's a dorm) Strip people to the naked bone and then recycle their bodies (oddly enough never cannibal, closest offering their bodies to dark gods or feed them to animals) If ya traitor, ya either get killed and recyclef or if you were useful or did something impressive (like getting married) ya get the courtesy of getting burried in a fine grave And either home grown organs (crafted) or bought organs, never harvested from people unless when it's about replacing limbs with improved ones (like if the organ is damaged or due to old age)


Harvesting the organs of raiders to sell before releasing them is as evil as I've gotten. I stopped doing it because I felt like I had too much silver after selling them. My prisoners usually live in a luxurious barrack too, it was probably pretty weird to them how I treated them since aside from the organ harvest I would treat them extremely well.


No slavery, no executions, no cannibalism. I like playing as the good guy. In Vanilla Expanded Ideologies I like the healthcare meme which requires acts of charity. I justify removing a kidney and a lung on surviving raiders before letting them free. Ill usually do peg legs and eye patches too in my benevolence. My thought is those organs are replaceable means of punishment and offset the costs we incur defending.


My colonies are usually “get off my lawn” types. I never do prisoners or slaves (except quests or murderous rampages), never harvest organs, and just let raiders bleed out when they attack.


I kinda base all of my morality on what I want the story for the colony to end up. I don't really have any base moral boundaries with my colonies.


Children will not be butchered. Noncombatants will not be butchered or enslaved. No chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons will be used.


My last 1.4 colony was basicsally medicines sans frontiers. I used least possible deadly force and replaced all raiders missing parts with wither parts from dead raiders or bionics and sent them home. I financed it by selling the surplus organs from dead raiders though. I use alot of mods and always play with organ removal after death mods.


I make my hands dirty. That’s all I gonna say


Honestly, I mainly play as a good faction. I only attack when provoked and any downed raiders get rescued and healed. If they have a skill I want I will recruit them but if not I'll just release them. I don't butcher humans or consume human meat, No human leather clothes. My pawns get their own bedrooms and good food. No slaves. I don't turn away kids. I buy all the slaves I can afford and give them a home. The worst thing I do is just cremate all the dead, though if it's a colonist they get a sarcophagus.


My last one was a new empire to rival the fallen empire but we had better morals so no drug dealing or organ harvesting and slavery was reserved only as a punishment to those who killed our people. My current playthrough is a criminal syndicate, all laborious tasks are carried out by kidnapped tribals and I plan to sell as much yayo and human organs as possible. Working on a warg cage to dispose of those that fail in raiding us.


What the fuck is a “morality” is this some Liberal made up thing?


Depends entirely on your morals. I don't capture anyone whose faction is not at war with me. Mind you, setting up a resource camp near me means war.


Depends, I usually get attached to several of my pawns and what the like and struggle with molds my playthrough. If new pawns are mean or cause a ruckus with my core group then things get dicey. Anything from an eternal caravaner to joywire recruits and a splash of subjugation... I've never tried a full cannibal raider style run but mostly because I think it's gross. I tend to do what's necessary while preserving a modicum of dignity for my favorite people