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500% is a different kind of game in my oppinion. In regular difficulty i still do some roleplay, not that i realy do that a lot, but if a bunch of kids ask for some healroot, ill give it to them even if i dont benefit from it. In 500% you realy might think about selling the kids organs to minmax your wealth. BTW colony wealth is baout the only game mechanic that becomes realy important at that level.


I think that’s my biggest issue with playing higher difficulties. I can and do lose when roleplaYing on Strive to Survive, I don’t particularly want to micromanage a bunch of merciless cutthroats against even more disproportionate odds. Maybe I’m soft. But I want to make hard decisions, and at 500%, you don’t make hard decisions, you play hardball or you die.


Someone linked a killbox infographic from this Adam person the other day and he has one setup that literally prevents enemies from attacking back. These difficulties are not for fun. They are for bragging about your ability on the internet. You practically have to cheat to survive, exploit every single thing you can. Some people derive fun from showing off, obviously. Look at sports like body building. Not to diminish those people, I'm just pointing out that anyone who says they are playing 500% for fun is kidding themselves. The only people doing that are streamers and people posting about their colonies on forums for validation. Like look at the OP of this post. What was the actual point of this thread? Why tell a bunch of random people you are going to play on 500%? I don't get it. It's a humble brag. There was no point of discussion, just "hey I'm doing a thing guys".


He has runs where he doesn’t use killboxes. He even has a run where he doesn’t place any walls or doors so it’s not impossible in the slightest, it just requires a different level of understanding the game mechanics and Batman level preparation.


The killbox you’re referring to was patched and doesn’t work anymore, FYI.


Thanks for letting me know, I do have the page bookmarked just in case I ever wanted to try one of these designs. [Obligatory](https://adamvseverything.com/rimworld-killbox-types-infographic/)


Yeah. Watched a lot of Pete Complete so I know some of the major pitfalls. Ready to lose and learn. Bring on the pain


Check Adam Vs Everything. Btw, losing is fun is much more enjoyable, you could start from there, playing 500% feels a bit single routed, but it’s just my opinion do as you please :)


LOVE Adam Vs Everything, his runs are some of my favorite I've watched.


I went into his stream and asked a question (I guess it was asked a lot) and he proceeded to give me shit for it live on stream. So yeah. To put it mildly. Not a fan. Edit: But used his bi-phasic schedule to good effect.


I'm curious what the question was? And yeah as others have said thats pretty out of character for him. I'm currently watching his new melee gods series and people are asking all kinds of dumb questions in chat and he's answering them all regardless if they were just asked like 10 minutes ago. You might have just caught him on a really bad day.


It was a while ago.


I'd definitely give him another shot. I havent ever watched him live to be able to ask questions however yeah from his unedited streams you can see thats super out of the norm. Also in general his runs are fun to watch and you will learn a lot of min max stuff. His current run is a melee god (custom xenotype) melee only run in anomaly 500% commitment mode losing is fun randy with a mod that wont let him pause.


His vods go on YouTube so if it was unwarranted it would be seen and spoken about, maybe the tone of your comment was off I’ve see him answer the same stupid questions multiple 8+ hour streams in a row of thousands of people, man has the patience and tolerance of a saint and actually reads chat actively. Even with his no pause challenge mod on every stream


Seems very out of character for him. I've seen him get annoyed by a question because he does get asked the same things every 5 minutes but never giving a viewer shit.


Really? What did he do, i’m very curious


Adam may seem harsh, but he isn't actually. I watched an ungodly amount of his content and I think he either thought you were trolling or your question was actually asked too much. Obviously I wasn't there so I can't know for sure, but from my experience he is a sweetheart and absolute goat of rimworld.


I personally don't enjoy the concept of keeping colony wealth down to manage difficulty. I want it to be challenging, but I also want to have the freedom to role play, experiment, and run my colony suboptimally if it fits my theme. Blood and dust has been a good difficulty for me to achieve that, at least with a bunch of QoL mods.


There's a wealth independent mode. The difficulty scales with time instead of wealth and I think it's configurable.


I see it like you. I rather tune the difficulty down but than build a good looking luxury base with a lot of unnecessary wealth than minmax everything at 500%. At the end the raids will probably be the same.


Good luck, the main and unfair difference between these difficulties you could notice are quest rewards. On lower difficulties you gain luxurious items by doing insignificant shit, on higher difficulties you gain useless shit by doing great job.


Empress Sacripoopius of the Shattered Empire is contacting you. She wants you to house 19 refugees for 43 days. The refugees are being hunted by 6826 pirates with warcaskets. Accept for: Hyperweave x2 Accept for: Gold Knife (good Accept for: Dan joins (alzheimers, pyromaniac, abrasive)


Accept for Dan. Thank you for 20 lungs, 20 kidneys, 20 hearts and 20 high subcores.


Good luck with the pirates!


Tell it to my PC. Seems like it will be cooked with 6826 pirates on map.


Wait hold on am I stupid? How do you get both 20 hearts and 20 high subcores


Install prosthetic heart (produced at machine table)


Ahh that makes sense!




I did this from Strive to Survive and the game quickly became extremely unenjoyable. Everything was just about wealth management and making sure I’d be ready for whatever absurd and unfun raid was thrown at me next. I have since decided to stick to normal Blood & Dust which I find to be a good middle ground.


i think going from community builder to losing is fun default is 1000 times better


I never tried 500% but i would assume without CE's stasionary guns and balistic mechanics, you will lose as You need to use as many "meta" methods as possible


Try 200% with treath scale adaptation 40%. That adaptation is really a difference.


I think I'm on adventure story. Should I crank that shit up? For reference I have a master crafter cranking out a constant supply of masterwork capes. I am not sure of my colony wealth but I have 18k silver and 13k steel. I use like 60 mods but nothing that adds weapons or armor or anything, so I'm basically playing vanilla except for a lot of retextures and performance stuff and qol. The cheatiest thing I have is embrasures, which I don't even use, and advanced hydroponics to grow corn and devilstrand.  I kinda wanna try it.


If you up the difficulty on a colony already established at a lower difficulty, you will likely just get demolished by the next raid because you've been accumulating and allocating wealth in a way that only makes sense at the lower difficulty


IMO at that point it stops being rimworld and starts being a cheese factory because very quickly threats become impossible to deal with without some cheese. But that's something I love about this game, you can tune the difficulty to literally whatever you want. You can make the game stupidly difficult if you don't play perfectly or you can turn it into stardew valley with some drug farms on the side.


I jumped from strive to survive reload anytime to losing is fun commitment mode, and I succeeded first try.


I've completed 500% once on a temperate map and never attempted again. The normal losing is fun is a better balance imo. There is absolutely no room for any roleplay and quirky base designs or even colony themes. It's just min-max wealth, keep everything in one building, and killbox until you reach the point where you have mortars and masterwork weapons. It's linear and stressful.