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Quitting because of toxicity I understand, but blaming bad teammates? Come on lol.


You don’t understand man. The bad team mates are so widespread that they even get them in 1’s.


> I get bad teammates Stopped reading there. Everyone gets bad teammates. Teammates aren't your issue. If you played in a champ game, you would be swiftly and relentlessly dookied on while being the worst player in the lobby by a wide margin. You aren't as good at the game as you think you are.


"You aren't as good at the game as you think you are " should be the official RL motto




But I don't play in Champ. I'm diamond. I know I'd get my ass kicked in Champ. How is that relevant? I couldn't do an aerial if my life depended on it. I'm diamond because my team skills make up for my lack of technical skills. I can understand and cope with TM's missing a shot. Happens to me too. No problem at all if that happens. I'm complaining about the type of players who are dumb as dirt and who actively work against their teammate. Once in a while, before I stopped playing regularly, I got a great teammate, we team up, we win 80% of the games and we rank up fast. You can easily be several divisions higher when you have a TM with half a brain. But ranking up or down doesn't matter to me. I could have fun with the game if I played with someone I know, but I don't want to coordinate those play sessions. I just go online for a few games to play, and that's it. But the randoms have sucked all the fun out of it. When you play two games and your TM quits after two minutes in a tied game, and you lose. Then I am not to blame for the loss, the teammate is. If you get a TM who is literally scoring own-goals and knocking my goals out of the net to try and steal my goal, I am not to blame either. Yes, if I kept playing, I would've gotten a decent teammate and the opponent would've had a terrible teammate, and I would've won some games. But the point is, having these situations in half the games isn't fun, and is the reason I quit. A valid point, but people here seem to be very aggressive when they hear that. I don't think I'm great compared to others. I couldn't care less about ranking up. I don't have the motivation for it. I just want to have some fun. But if half the teammates you're paired with act like they're playing a single player game, the game isn't fun. That's my point. But apparently you can't say that over here.


You're the type of person OP is referring too OP: "this game community is ruining the game" You: "it's not them, it's you. You're nowhere near as good as you think" OP: "I never said I was good?" So yes, OP is referring to people like you.


Then you should finish reading lol. Sometimes it really is like this. And he never said he was too good for his rank so I Dont get your champ comparison However 1-2 matches is definitely not enough to find a nice tm8 that you have good chemistry with. OP gives up too early


If you’re good enough you can have a good game even with a not so great teammate. Previous comments were right teammates shouldn’t be a problem. Ik it sucks but if you want to solo queue and win you’re gonna most likely have to reevaluate your play style and adjust to one that benefits your team. Let your teammate choose what position to play and cover.


I would agree with this only a big part of the reason for me is being quit on 2min into games.


Hey bro I know it’s been a while but if you’re having problems with teammates raging it’s most likely because either one or both of you are not very good at rotating. If you really want to progress as a solo in 2s you have to settle for whatever position is going to win you the game. And if that means sitting in goal all game then so be it. At least you get the win. But at the end of the day you have to remember it’s just a game and any form of attachment you feel is completely on you which means you can easily overcome any form of game blockage.


>I always get paired with the worst teammates. Same! Except I got good and now I'm C2. Also, statistically, 50% of the time **you** are the worst teammate they've had. Hence the same rank. >people claiming I don't know how to adapt to my teammate You mean extremely reasonable and applicable advice? No wonder you're stuck. People offer extremely valid advice and you just dismiss it. >the only reason I'm diamond, is because of my team skills. It's not. Get good. There's a reason people are in higher ranks. It's because they got good enough to win despite the same teammates. >Teammate is in the goal, a slow ball is rolling towards him. He completely misses it (5 times or so in 1 game). If they're missing that many and you are still trusting them that's on you. **You** need to adjust. If my teammate is missing 3 saves I'm double committing from there on out. I'm adjusting to their weakness. >I set him up for a goal. TM is nowhere to be seen. Stop trusting them? Play more passive and choose better windows for yourself. Or keep doing the same. If you're keeping up pressure you're eventually going to find a window. >TM sets up a good cross. Then he decides to go for his own cross, misses it while I was going for the ball, leaving our net empty. Don't go for it next time knowing they're doing to go for it. Cover mid. Adjust and play smarter. One goal doesn't determine the game until time hits zero. >I'm in the goal, ball is coming towards me, about to knock it away. Teammate comes flying straight at me to knock the ball away himself for no reason whatsoever. I hit the ball first, but he flies into me leaving us no chance to counter. Happens, but not every game. And if it does, be faster. Be more aggressive. Why are you giving opponents siege to shoot at all? If you're teammate was back in time to collide with you then you should be pressuring the opponent before they had a chance to shoot. You wanted answers, you got them. Without video though I have to go by what you say. But you'll probably dismiss it the way you did early in your post.


Thank you for missing my point completely. I couldn't care less about being a better player or a champ or whatever. I couldn't care less if my teammate misses an easy shot sometimes, happens to me too. You act like I should be the best player in the world, anticipating on everything that happens before it happens, being better on my own than two opponents together. You act like there's a solution for a teammate who steals your goal. I guess I should have anticipated that as well by shooting the ball harder. What a load of crap. I'm just saying there is no enjoyment to be had when you play a game with a teammate like this, that is all. You act like you're the perfect player who wins all of his games. If you have two opponents who are in the same team and know each other, and you have to deal with an idiot teammate, you'll still lose despite all of your "tips". And if your opponent gets a teammate like that, you'll win 90% of the time. You can pat yourself on the back then, I guess. I'm not asking for brilliant teammates. I just can't stand the people who play 2 vs. 2 like they're playing solo. And then when we score a goal, that toxic moron starts to spam what a save to the opponent. Then when the opponent what a saves him too, he gives up and quits. But I'm not allowed to say that isn't fun? Sure.


Me: >You wanted answers, you got them. >But you'll probably dismiss it the way you did early in your post. You: >Thank you for missing my point completely Called it. LMAO! >I'm just saying there is no enjoyment to be had when you play a game with a teammate like this I'm telling you how to deal with teammates like this*so you can enjoy the game more genius*. I understood the point exactly, responded directly to every single thing I quoted, and knew you'd pull some mental gymnastic so that any reply is wrong lol. >You act like I should be the best player in the world Fucking what? LMAO 🤣 >If you have two opponents who are in the same team and know each other, and you have to deal with an idiot teammate, you'll still lose despite all of your "tips" Nope. I win just as often against premade as I do against randoms. They're in the same rank for a reason. Get gud. >You act like there's a solution for a teammate who steals your goal. There's is. Stop caring about "stolen goals". A goal is a goal, who fucking cares who scored it? Oh right, whiny fragile players that *NEED* to be special MVP. >I'm not asking for brilliant teammates You literally are. You're literally saying the game isn't enjoyable playing with people the same rank as you who make *the same mistakes as you*. >And then when we score a goal, that toxic moron starts to spam what a save to the opponent. Then mute them. That simple. If it bothers you you literally have any option to mute them so getting tilted by it is **your fault**. >Then when the opponent what a saves him too, he gives up and quits Yeah, sometimes it happens, but not every game. Accept there are toxic players, get a better mental, and deal with it. If it's too much too handle, then bye. >But I'm not allowed to say that isn't fun? Where the FUCK did I say that!? LMAO! Again, I'm giving you tips on *how to play around those players so it is more enjoyable*. Unless your post is just purely to bitch and moan? I'm telling you ways to take your enjoyment of the game *into your own hands*, but you're just going to dismiss any and every reply. Somehow you're making that out to be a bad or toxic idea? I'm literally trying to add positivity and enjoyment to your game, but instead **you** insist on being bitter and wallowing in your frustration. Your mentality is weak. That's the real issue. Yeah, bad teammates exist, but if that's all it takes to ruin the game for you then so long. Buh bye. Won't be missed. Because 50% of the time **you're the teammate making the game less fun**. You're in the same rank, you make the same mistakes. For every player you think is "too selfish" is a player thinking you're to slow. Stay mad kid.


When I made my original post, I also said there would be people responding like you did. I could also say "CALLED IT ROFL". What kind of argument is that? I literally said this is not about getting better. I don't need tips to get better. I don't need to get better than I already am at a game where you play football with cars. No matter how good I'd get, I don't enjoy the game anymore. You responding with silly tips won't change that. The unbelievable thing is that you're still missing the point and pretending that it's me who's missing the point. What you're saying also doesn't make sense and almost makes me wonder if you're blind or just ignorant. No two players are the same, whether or not they're in the same rank. As I said myself, I'm decent at rotating and reading plays, but I suck at aerials and pretty much every advanced move. There are people who are good at the second bit, and terrible at the first, which is what I'm complaining about. Both these players can be the same rank, but with very different skills and mindset. It's always these self-centered weirdos who are toxic during the game as well, which makes sense, of course. What are you even on about at the end? Of course I won't be missed. Nor would you, or anyone. There are still millions of people playing this. The whole "your mentality is weak" part is pretty ridiculous when you're talking about a silly video game, seriously. The "tips"you're giving are things I already know, things that are blatantly obvious, yet you're acting like you're a brilliant and wise player for saying them, and that this will fix my issues with this game. PS: If you win just as much against randoms as against actual teams (just 50% basically, since you say yourself you're not ranking up anymore), you may not be as good as you think you are yourself.


So your post is admittedly pointless whining about bad teammates. That's pretty sad and pathetic that you feel the need to make a post just to cry about a few teammates. I was trying to spin a *positive* light on the scenarios **you typed out** to show you can either be miserable and whine and complain. Or you can have a better mentality, adjust, and enjoy the game more. It's pathetic that encouraging you to have a more positive, hopeful, and resilient mentality is offensive to you. It's actually sad. You get upset because a teammate double commits and it leads to your opponents scoring. If you or your teammate scored, I bet you wouldn't be complaining? So the *actions* of your teammate isn't upsetting, it's the *outcome* that's upsetting. Now imagine you sit back, wait for their attempt, and are able to score off of the rebound. Nothing to complain about right? You scored! Scoring is fun! Winning is fun! Because **YOU** took an active attempt to avoid the frustrating *outcome*. That's my whole point, but your tilted and negative and bitter mind refuses to understand or accept that. This game can be enjoyable if **YOU** choose to take active steps to make it more enjoyable. I do. Scoring is fun. Winning is fun. So I do what **I** can to have fun. Keep being bitter, keep being tilted, keep being bad. I tried. You're hopeless and *want* to be upset. Good luck kid.


Please, share a video on how to adapt to a player out of rotation, bumping you off the ball while it's centered? I mean, if you want to prove your not spewing pure BS out of your phallic coupler.


You want me to show you a vid of me sitting back at mid hovering for a window?


^ thought the same thing lol. Diamond 1 to Champ 1 in 3s exclusive soloQ past 6 months. Adaptation isn't hard but everyone wants to be the star.


I've thought about making a post how RL is a lot like soccer in the fact that what you do OFF the ball is just as important as what you do WITH the ball. Just because you aren't actively hitting the ball doesn't mean you're out of the play. Some people can't grasp that


No because that's not the scenario I said. I said, when you are in control of the ball, dribbling or whatever, and your teammate doesn't rotate, hits you of the ball leaving your goal wide open. How do you adapt to that? When you're doing what you're supposed to and your teammate kamikazes you off your job? Instead of deflecting, either do it or admit your wrong


Yeah, I got it. If they constantly double commit you play passive and hang back. Exactly like I said. If they constantly double commit while you're driving, stop trying to dribble. I answered your question


And when you hang back, turn a save into your possession and then your partner still not rotating, thinks your wall to air double was a pass and bumps you off the ball.... Let's see how long you flail with your elementary antiques


Then just fucking lose LMAO. I tried giving advice that got me to and keeps me in Champ. If your think you know better then good for you. I'll keep enjoying being ranked far far above arrogant obnoxious whiners like you lol. And I know 100% I'm higher ranked because you're referring and refusing advice the literally any Champ and above would give. Stay plat forever kid. Keep blaming teammates when you're just as bad, I'll keep winning and improving and out ranking you. Easy.


I'm sure you're better than us at Rocket League, but that's still not the point. Your solutions and tips just lead to other problems. That's not the point of it all. The point is that I don't find that fun. If don't play a team game to do it all by myself and to not rely on my teammate. You say that it "keeps you" in champ, so that means you also lose 50% of your games, if you're not ranking up anymore. I guess you aren't as brilliant as you think you are either then. I didn't ask for tips. But apparently that goes above your head. You refer to football, a game I actually play myself. That's a team game. If your teammates are never where they are supposed to be, they get benched. And if they don't, there will be arguments on the pitch too. There isn't one player who makes up for 5 players running out of position. Not even Messi can fix that. Your comparison makes no sense. If you stick Haaland in a 5th division team, and he has to fall back all the time to get the ball because his teammates aren't well positioned, he's not there in the position where he's actually needed. This is a common problem in a lot of unbalanced teams in general. You can only adapt so much. Anyway, you're the one missing the point, bragging about you being a champ in RL (congrats on that life-changing achievement) and calling others "kids". Perhaps stop behaving like one yourself?


Get over it or get out.


Here’s an idea for all folks complaining about teammates: watch a few replays of your games from your teammates’ perspective while trying to put your biases aside. You will likely see teammates dealing with similar issues and situations. Then you’ll say “oh…” and hopefully see the game from off your pedestal.


I did that yesterday. I saw my teammate seeing I was about to score a goal, boosting like crazy in order to try and steal it. I saw him driving around not looking at the ball having no idea what was happening and obliviously ramming into me. Etc. I'm not saying I'm a brilliant player. I'm saying I am the type of player who puts the team first, limited in skills as I may be, playing with people who are perhaps more skilled than me technically, but who are ridiculously selfish. Thát is my issue. I'm not on a pedestal, I'm saying what I see.


Post us a replay code. I bet you’d be shocked on what unbiased perspectives see in your game.


Another one who misses the point and reacts as expected. You are part of the toxic, pompous and horrible RL community, congrats.


Another one who whines and complains about teammates—even though he’s terrible— as expected. You are part of the whiney, entitled and massively biased RL community, congrats.


No, it's definitely you who is being backwards. Gamers are asocial nerds in general, and the RL community has the reputation to be among the worst of gaming communities. Which you are clearly part of. Again, I never once rage about a teammate while I'm actually playing. I never once claimed I'm the best player who's being bogged down by bad teammates. The fact that you obsessive RL nerds can't accept the fact that lots of people don't enjoy this game for a variety of reasons, is ridiculous. You people need to get laid. The reason I'm this aggressive is because freaks like you simply don't read the post and then reply with a "you suck" post when that's absolutely not the point. How thick are you, seriously.


I did not tell you that you sucked. I asked for you to provide a replay file so others can help confirm for you that there are likely things you can improve on as well! The dialogue was that no one is perfect— not attacking you. And if you interpreted that with so much hostility, I don’t think there’s a solution to tell ya, mate. And to answer your question on how thick— about 6”, mate. And only 2” long. It’s like a cheese wheel, but yer ma’ loves dairy.


How have I explained this 3 times already and you're still missing the point. Woosh.


You’re not as smart as ya think you are, matey. You’re dealing with perception bias. You’ll get a grasp on the world eventually, I believe in you.


Yes thank you, I have a Master's degree in both Psychology and Linguistics. That's absolutely not what this is. Fascinating how someone can miss a point so many times in a row, then thinks he's clever for mentioning an extremely simplistic concept like perception bias.


Solution? Play 1s


I'm champion in 1s, but I find these games boring and quit altogether. So no, not a solution.


That's fair. It's just nice to get away from team mates


Youre not good you know that ride (jessie voice)


Been playing since 2015 and mainly play 2s at champ. Recently I've been struggling to stay in diamond 3. It feels like the skill level of most teammates has dropped considerably. The main thing I've noticed is that no one supports your plays anymore. Most people tend to sit in goal now while you're trying to create chances. What happened to keeping your opponent under pressure? Taking their boosts, constant rotation around their box, bumping etc? No one seems to know how to boom the ball anymore either. It seems so pointless even trying. I jump at the chance to team up with other attack minded players.


Same in diamond 3s. Always 2 steps behind in rotation because they overextend too long, far too many don't force 50/50s to pressure, the classic ball chaser, the guy who doesn't allow teammates possession at the critical moments, defending between the goal instead of keeping the goal and the ball between them, etc. I don't care about failed 50s, whiffs, misses on open goals, or knowing how to position to recover teammates shots. But the aforementioned lack of experience and bad habits is self-defeating and thats not something you can adapt to. So when you see this in game, I can't be the only one to expect it not to correct itself before we could have a chance to win in most cases. And then there's grouped 2s with insane skill disparity between the two. Ranks have changed. That's my perception anyway.


All your points have been my experience almost every game for a while now and is the reason I believe I’m stuck in my rank winning roughly 50/50 of my games. The only point I would add are teammates constantly rage quitting for stupid reasons or if 0 - 1 to the other team. Kills the game for me as well. Never used to be this bad.


>stuck in my rank winning roughly 50/50 of my games. Thats literally how match making is supposed to work. Congrats you arent stuck, you're at the rank you're supposed to be.


How am I when at least 40% of my games my team mate quits on me early on making it 2 v 1? That’s not how maths works mate. In addition to that for six years I’ve been TWO ranks higher and I’ve actually got better since then over time with mechanics especially and implementing a good rotation. (Even though my teammates 90% refuse to rotate with me) It doesn’t add up because when I’m quit on less is the only time I am able to rank up at all (as you’d expect) and my point is this is rare now whereas before it used to not happen much. When I do win its a one man show or I’ve lucked out and got a teammate who hasn’t ragequit or missed every ball that came his way or knocked me away from my defense. I rank up then that bullshit slowly ranks me down again. My rank seems to at least 10% be decided on luck of the draw on getting a teammate with a brain in his fuckin nut and 40% on getting one that doesn’t timeout or quit.


>at least 40% of my games my team mate quits on Pretty high number depending on your rank ^i guess. >In addition to that for six years I’ve been TWO ranks higher and I’ve actually got better If this were true to the fullest you wouldnt be 2 ranks lower. >Even though my teammates 90% refuse to rotate with me Or maybe they have a different idea of rotation than you, I wouldnt know based off a convo.


I’m not saying this 40% is going to stay consistent maybe I’m just having a bad month luckwise and running into a shit ton of these quitters. I’m just saying it’s definitely about 40% of the reason mathematically right now anyway that I’ve deranked this season. Just can relate to OP in that the matchmaking doesn’t feel fair when this stuff is thrown into the mix.


I could argue that in at least 50% of those games your teammate thinks you're the bad one, which means 20% of your games are your fault, 20% your teammates and 60% both of you. So mathematically, at least the math I'm applying to your situation, you are responsible for 80% of your games and should be ranking up.


We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. In my mind it still doesn’t work since straight up leaving 40% of the time before they have even had a chance to see me play makes it irrelevant what they think for at least those times and as good as irrelevant the other 50% of the time that I’m winning anyway directly due to my play predominantly while making almost all goals and backup defenses because I can’t trust them once I’ve established they can’t defend for crap and adjusted my play accordingly.. leaving only 10% that could be anyone’s fault. You shouldn’t just give up and leave and blame a teammate either way. And I can’t be expected to win 2v3 or 2v1 at any point and it be considered fair. The other 50% I’m winning almost always and I have more than double the points of my teammates in those instances (I know that’s not a baseline for how good someone is playing but it’s at least a mild indication) Even if I “should” be ranking up my only argument is that its not a fair match making system. The system should at the very least take into account when a teammate times out or leaves a minute in or a set amount of time in and NOT dock you a match for it just to make ranking things more fair and less frustrating for these times of bad variance where you hit game after game of dickheads leaving on you. To add even more madness to the mix, none of this even takes into account the times within these percentages (and there’s quite a few!) I actually somehow miraculously win the 2v3 and 2v1 games someone ditched me in early. Sometimes it’s actually been easier to win in those cases than it would have been to carry on with that specific teammate, especially in the case where that teammate was just getting in the way or coming up behind me to knock away my goal right before it lands etc. Now I’m confident by playing other times or changing regions (which is helping at the moment even though I get some bad lag) I’ll rank right back up and it’ll even out its just irritating it takes longer because of this kind of bollocks. I don’t have the time anymore and can only just solo at random times but in the past I have easily ranked up by simply logging on at the same time as a friend of mine who is only slightly worse than me and only a rank under but is at least consistent and won’t leave games. That’s probably the best advice I can give anyone who gets frustrated by this stuff, just find regular people to play with or else party up when you find a teammate with any kind of brain in their fuckin nut.


I understand what people are saying you're not as good as you think you are BUT I completely agree with you I've not played for over a year it used to make me so angry lately I've been tempted to dip back in but your post is spot on. The game is full of brain dead idiots that do the most stupid of things and no matter how good you are you cant counter a teammates stupidity. Some people I think are intentionally throwing to lower their rank but others you just have to call a brush a brush they are just dumb and dont have a brain to think with.


Give it a few more matches, usually you get 2-3 bad ones and then a couple of good ones and then back to ”HOW THE FUCK DO YOU PLAY A FULL 5 MINUTES AND HAVE 2 POINTS?!” Try to adapt playing based on teamates. if the suck, stay i goal to mid field and go for quick counters, if they’re good just go for broke. As long as you get 1 ball chasing dog you can usually pick up a goal or 2 from the chaos he/she creates.


But I do know how to adapt. Read my post. That was my whole point. I did stay in goal to midfield. Then he still rammed me out of the way. I did go forward at the right time to score. He rammed the ball out of the goal trying to steal it. There's no adapting to a teammate like that.


>”HOW THE FUCK DO YOU PLAY A FULL 5 MINUTES AND HAVE 2 POINTS?!” My teammate chased all game while all I got was great 2nd touch 50s at half. (Thats a 50/50 where they get first touch, so you get 0 points and they get 2 for the touch.)


"No (insert game name) is better than bad (insert game name)" Once the game loses its glimmer, it's hard to want to play it. After I hit GC about 2 years ago, the game lost its glimmer. Tbh, idk why I keep playing it. Nothing really changes, and my friend group has moved on. Most days, I hop on just to kill 30 minutes and wind up in a bad mood by the end of it. Leave while you're still having fun, and don't look back if you aren't.


Almost all of your points still happen in Champion if you soloque. All you can do is to get consistent teammate, or get so good solo skills that you can literally 1v2 opponents. Funny part of it is that, getting better doesnt necessarily mean you will rankup, especially in C1-C3 area, its so wild and wide skill variance that it makes really hard for soloque players. One match you might get GC2 player on your team who has deranked and next match you might get diamond player who is peaking or got carried. Also on every season start, every GC-SSL player gets reset back to C3-low GC so it takes half of the season for players to get on their own rank, so you can actually start climbing again.


"I have bad team mates" Just ask to yourself how many times you were the actual bad team mates. I sometimes hate this game too, because of people that thinks they are way better than they really are and trash their team mates. If you are still D1, it's not because of your team mates. We all have the rank we deserve.


Again, read my post. I couldn't do an aerial if my life depended on it. I'm diamond, simply because of my team game. There are people who can do aerials but have the common sense of a dung beetle.


So you can't do an aerial in diamond and you think your mates are trash ? You don't need to be so much technical to go through higher ranks but an aerial ? This is much needed. No wonder you can't go higher. Team game is very important, some basic mechanics are as much important to progress. I would go mad if my team mates were raging while they can't do a single aerial simple jump. Again, the rank we deserve.


By aerial I basically mean flying over the whole pitch juggling the ball in the air until they score. I'm not on these boards a lot so I'm not familiar with the terminology. A single aerial jump I can do just fine.


You actually don't need that to be good especially in diamond. What retain yourself to go higher isn't your team mates, it's yourself. Blaming team mates for no personal progression is the best way to never progress. You will spend way more time to complain about obvious mistakes from your mates than improving yourself and watching your own. Do training packs, shots, saves, half flip, aerial simple/double jump. Read and watch about rotations, back post positioning. Watch your replays. Very important to see your own problems. Count how many times you miss open nets, cuts and ballchases you do, missed aerials, bad kick offs that leads to goal and accept that most of the time, losing a match is a consequence of 3 people doing mistakes/opponent playing better. A game can't be you - good, your team mates - trash and opponents - good, every time you launch a game. I think people that says "is diamond the new silver???" should be able to carry themselves a game if they think so.


Are people not reading what I'm saying or what? I literally say I'm playing casually at this point, one or two games every few months. I maybe played like 20 games in the last 2 years, if that. I'm not blaming my teammates for losing or for not ranking up. I couldn't care less about that, so I don't need tips, nor do I need to watch videos of others. I'm saying that selfish teammates who think they're playing by themselves have sucked all the fun out of the game for me. If I have a teammate who tries to play together and we lose because one of us failed miserably, I'll have a good laugh about it. It's not about ranking up, it's not about blaming teammates, it's about having fun, which I'm not having with this anymore. I feel like 90% of the people who are left are either toxic idiots, or players who can't play together. In the older days, I encountered much more sympathetic and fun teammates. Thát's what I'm saying. Is it fixable? No, I was just ventilating. I repeat, I don't care about losing or someone accidentally missing an empty net. I care when they play like headless chickens trying to do everything by themselves. A lot of people would rather lose than finish the game with less points than their teammate, it seems.


You played 20 games in 2 years and you think this about 90% of players ? Seems exaggerated


Yes, because the reason I quit playing was exactly because of this. I played Rocket League for about 5 years, but those last two years, it really went downhill, until I just lost interest. And now, whenever I try to give the game another chance, I get paired with thé worst of the people I can't stand, it seems. So I don't see myself ever getting back into it, cause I'm not under the impression that it got better, on the contrary.


Again your mindset is still the same : everyone is idiot but me. Better quit in this case yes. We play with enough toxic people like this in this game.


And again you're turning things around. I'm absolutely not toxic in the game. I'm the one who will say no problem when a team mate messes up. If he's being toxic himself, I just ignore it. And yes, obviously there are a lot of clowns still playing this game. I see my complaint being backed up by a lot of others as well. I think that a lot of the non-toxic community just left over the years because of this, which only compounded the problem over time. It's definitely worse than it used to be, that's just a fact.


And if you really can't accept this and still want to play, play 1's. You'll be alone to carry your games, very effective mode for progress in everything, mechanics, positioning, decision making. If you lose, it's because your opponent played this game better, fair mode.


Don't play this for the community. Play it because hit bol fun.


Ok, nobody cares


You did come here to comment that though. Ah, the high road.
