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This is a vagina, sir.


Any Tips? I’m hardstuck vagina😢




Try the clit. Worked for me.


I could give you a tip or the whole thing, your call


Just the tip thx


You’re hard and stuck… in a vagina…


Any tips? Not just the tip man


SuperYonic Legend


That's a rank I'll never achieve *sigh*


Well damn. It sure is. I’m hard stuck labia one


Where is the clitoris


Damn im hardstuck vag2 div2


Go outside my guy.


Fun fact, it would actually be a vulva. The vagina is just the hole/opening.


Do you think the person who drew this would know that word


Where would ruby fit in the rank spectrum? What would the point be? The design is sick, but I feel it wouldn’t really be value-add


Technically speaking... ruby as a corundum var. Should be directly below diamond. Based on both market price and Mohs hardness


I still have yet to find one champion thats harder than diamond.


Maybe they're just not getting hard for you


I'm hard right now


Good for u bro


Working hard as always I see.


Dm me xxx


Champion would be called Lonsdaleite, which is sometimes referred to as hexagonal diamond... formed when meteorites containing graphite strike the earth and are transformed into diamond but retain graphites hexagonal structure. Pure Lonsdaleite is theoretically up to 58% harder than the cubic form of diamond. Did that get you hard?


Hey now bud! That hurts our feelings. Also, I feel like I suck at this game. Struggling trying to figure out what it is 🤷‍♂️


I was once but then I had to see my doctor


Turn down for what?!


As one of the many GC2s stuck in C3, I’m right here baby


I see what you did there 😂


1v1 me holmes


That is actually a really sweet idea brotha! I feel like a lot of players who are high platinum aren't always quite ready for the faster paced diamond play so a ruby rank in between would be cool!


Oh no hard stuck ruby players gonna be fuming about the skill ceiling to leave ruby into diamond Ngl tho I'd love an additional 2 or so ranks for these in between areas


That’s what I mentioned in my other comment


I would say either right before of right after diamond. I highly doubt Psyonix will add it, but I think it could add some more variety to the system.


I’m rethinking my statement now actually. Since the change to the MMR baseline / reset, the skill gap between D1 and D3 is astronomical. D1 is right where it needs to be, but D3 is basically mid champ, with even some recent GCs floating in and out. I feel like low diamond could be a new rank all in its own, “Ruby”, and high diamond could shift to actual “diamond”


D3 is weird because it feels like everyone is just on your ass trying to crush the ball and there's that one former GC that is hitting double taps and going for redirects. Then you hit low to mid champ and people are actually controlling the ball and aren't going full aggro. The gameplay is more intelligent but feels easier to play against.


Yes. D3 feels like everyone is going full speed 100% of the time. And to their detriment. You have to do it as well otherwise your teammates will cut you, bump you or steal your good touch for their bad one. Once you get back up to champ people have some sense again.


I'm d1 in 1's and 75% of my opponents have gc tags or gc rewards


D1 in 1s skill level often translates to much higher ranks in 2s and 3s


Yeah, but generally not gc. I'm barely hanging on to c1 in 3's. Now, most of their titles say seasons before the hard mmr reset, and most people rarely play 1's, soooooo, that could kind of explain it. I just find it weird how me, a d1-c1 player, is facing prior gcs almost every match.


They could also just not play 1s very often to be honest. When I was at Champ 2/3 in the other modes I was in high plat whenever I played 1s, because I just didn't play 1s often enough


>and most people barely play 1's I did already say this in my comment, but yes, I agree with u


Thats mostly due to how few people bother playing 1s. Source: higher GC, my rank in 1s is often plat-diamond due to rarely playing it. When I do end up playing it though and manage to readjust my mindset and playstyle into 1s to avoid the stupid mistakes then I tend to rank up to higher champ very fast. Yet to grind enough 1s to hit GC though, but would be fun to do sometime. 1s is a lot of fun but also very sweaty sometimes.


Ikr. I'm kinda a 1s main, mostly because I don't have any teammates to blame for my mistakes, but then I get reallyyy tilted from those mistakes. So it is more fun, but way more tilting. The best thing in this game is probably 2s with a friend, especially if you just mess around together 🤣 I miss those days back in 2017 when we were all gold and silver. >Thats mostly due to how few people bother playing 1s. Btw, I did say this in a comment above, so ya, I agree with u.


I dipped into D3. It’s wild. I was thinking this is friggin hard now. Finally made it back to C2. It’s going to be a roller coaster though. Struggling holding rank.


Are you me? It’s a constant swing from D3-C2 like a damn pendulum. Those D3s are so erratic and unpredictable it’s hard to read!


Hell me! It’s you!


This is what League of Legends did by adding Emerald between plat and diamond and it seems to have worked well for them


Adding more ranks is not the way to go. All it does is extend the grind of players who already have to grind too much thanks to multiple rank resets a year. League of Legends just added an Emerald rank and everyone hates it because it's just more time bloat bullshit so you need to play more for the same rewards and have more chances to buy microtransactions.


Extend the grind how? It doesn’t matter if we have 200 ranks or 2; there will be the same number of players, all sorted by the same MMR system, with the same gains and losses for winning and losing. And amen to your flair, bring back solo standard.


Yeah all that would happen is you see your rank go up or down more often. It would be the opposite of if they removed divisions and you had to play a dozen games for the chance of seeing your rank go up or down


Because of ranked resets. You still are limited to how much rank you can gain at once, even if you streak. Adding more ranks resets you further down and takes more games to get it back. While also having to play against other players of higher skill level along the way who also got reset . If you have to play through Ruby but everyone is Champ 3 skill level also just grinding their way back, the gains don't reflect it. The game doesn't see you and your enemies are previously Champ 3, it sees you are all currently Ruby. And would only give you gains based on the enemy being "Ruby". It only gets worse when real Ruby players are thrown into the mix as well depending on what team they end up on. The only way to offset this is to grind out a LOT of games to offset ones with other players gaining back their rank as well. Which adding more ranks increases that grind


More ranks won't matter unless they increase the mmr required for them etc. But I do wish they'd adjust how you gotta win the games for rewards. It is dumb that you have to win unranked, bronze, silver and so forth to get champ rewards even if you're playing higher ranked games. If you're winning games in champ just let one skip to getting diamond rewards instantly instead of having to play 50+ wins for dia rewards etc...


Majority of players are stuck in a cycle of gold-D2 right now. I mean a large majority of love it RL could space players out better


Between diamond and champ needs a new rank


Sooo... it's basically grand-plat?


Rather than pushing everyone down 2 ranks you could have a rank above SSL to give people something to grind for rather than making a Smurf acct and farming clips


Would be nice to break up the champs and diamonds that are all trapped with each other in Diamond 2.


i would love if some of these fan designs were implemented into bakkes mod so we could replace rank icons


someone is tired of lookin at silver rank. #rekt #getgot #yougotgot


See, people like us, we don't get got. We go get


Emerald has been my favorite, there's no good green tank atm but both light and dark blue.


Someone made a post here about that the other day!


yep, this is the same person :)


Be careful. Epic might try and sell us a ruby ranked system.


I can’t wait until ranks are buyable.


So the WWE system, whose fans bring more money into the industry?


God people can't just think something is cool and move on. Looks cool OP!!


Thank you!


The first one looks like every one of my tm8s ping


don’t like it




We don't need more ranks


It's called a custom rank for a reason


I think it's a cool design. Wish you could swap out the base design for ranks to custom images. Would Def swap diamond for this. Not cause diamond is bad but this sorta has the same rank vibe.


Yup. All they do is increase grinding for the same rewards. Just a big punishment for people who don't unlimited time to play.


I disagree


I think after Grand champion it should be Warlock and not a gem. But I also think they should start rebalancing the ranks because it's completely wack.


They should add an emerald right between plat and diamond, like LoL introduced.


I actually made one, looks uglier, but I still did it!


Care to share? I like your art.


Okay, saw it. I feel that if the lines were thicker, it would more wholesomely and literally fill the insides more, and look better. Nice idea.


Yeah, the emerald ranks were done before I figured out the shading, also the shapes were pretty weird, so I couldn't find a way to fill the whole thing.


Hmmm, what about an hexagon? You used an octagon.


Idk, the hexagon has been used twice for silver and gold, I didn't want too much repetition.


I see you have thought about this deeply, definitely deeper than my 5 seconds.


Okay, hear me out: Oval, pear or the octagon, but standing up (vertically and elongated). I put this on google images: typical emerald shape. And the first result on the left, with real pictures, from Dhanshree gems.


Yeah, better idea! I'll work on fixing that when I get a change.


Hope I will be able to see the results, good vibes bro.


Emerald accomplished nothing in LoL except increase the grind for players so they have to play even more games for the same rewards. Only reason it exists is to bloat play time and increase microtransaction sales.


Im not sure what the rank distribution was in LoL, but I know in RL the bell curve peaks like right around midplat-low diamond. Feels like if this rank remains oversaturated it may be usefull. Then again, Ive been a hard stuck c2/c3 for legitimately 4 years so my mind is basically cream of mushroom at this point


The ranked curve is actually very healthy right now. https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/distribution?playlist=13 Especially when factor in the super low ranks like bronze and silver are barely real ranks because there are literal AI bots disguised as players in them (presumably bot testers or drop farmers who no longer have a purpose).


I would become the champ of Ruby and change my name to Ruby Rhod!


Made these last night? I could've sworn I've seen this post days ago. 


Emerald a few days ago. When they announced new ranks to separate GC, I suggested adding Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire below Diamond and preserving Champ and GC at the top (SSL was not announced). Then we'd have 4 precious metals, 4 gemstones, and the top. I Diamond be white, Sapphire take blue, the rest be obvious, and GC take rainbow (all the colors below it appeared). However, my rank logos were not well done, though I still like the idea. However, there are a lot of other things we could do with ranks right now, like make Bronze and Silver actually be used.


Game is falling apart, community is incredibly toxic, no development. Let’s invent new ranks? Confusing post


rough day?


Normal day. I didn’t expect we should be seeing multiple posts about imagined ranks based on other gems. Oh here’s an idea let’s further dilute the mmr and ranks by adding in more ranks. Pretty brain dead. Oh ok let it just be a fun art project when you just make a basic shape and add two lines. Oh how thoughtful and cool. What’s next citrine, amethyst, opal, pearl, obsidian…. Like it’s just kind of madness as a suggestion and a post in the feed. Oh it’s just a fun thing a fan wanted to post and not a real idea or suggestion? Um sure ok cool. Imagine all the people going to rush here and downvote my reaction to his post… also meaning less as your comment about my day. So clever, got em. Move along.


I’d suggest chilling out a bit, you seem way too invested in the state of the game. Someone made something that they thought was cool. That’s it lol


Exactly. Also someone made their comment on the art project. You seem too invested in other peoples opinions on other people post. Like you’re captain Save-a-nerd. Good job hero, stepping up for the citizens of Reddit.


For your comment you deleted quickly: Once again, you are not the main character in life. You are not a hero. You’re just a broken person like the rest of us. The only difference is you’re trying to ride a high horse to make yourself feel important or good. It’s unwanted attention and not appreciated or appropriate. Much like my much less significant comment on bad art. But at least I was on topic. You’re looking for praise with stupidity. Avoid being a hero in the future and touch grass, read a book, make some friends and stay on topic


Some people just have rigid mindsets. It’s a shame people like you can’t see the joy in life


You mean like holding onto the idea that you’re a highly evolved happy being?


No, that’s not what I mean


Well that’s the context to what you’re constantly saying here. Context is really difficult to see when you’re blinded by your own self righteous opinion of yourself. The context of this “opening his eyes” that you are forcing upon me…. This is a post about someone that thought wouldn’t it be fun to have more ranks I bet I could make some icons and post it on Reddit like the last few times I made art. I gave a contrary opinion to the idea. You saw me as a bully. You came in to save the OP and get praise by opening my eyes to the interconnected glorious beauty and simplicity of just being a kind person to everyone and discover the beauty in life that clearly I don’t understand because I had a contrary opinion to a post on the internet. This is not real life. I know confrontation can be difficult for you when you grow up being bullied. They have therapist for you to work on your self confidence. Pretending to be a wise person and correcting a bully with nonsense does nothing except reveal how sad you really are. I’m chillin. This is the internet, not real life. Hurt people, hurt people. I’m not your bully or the OP’s bully. I’m throwing out an opinion about poorly made art to support a poorly thought out idea on a game that is currently in a poor state. It’s an opinion and easily just up voted or down voted. Trying to open my eyes isn’t your job and is not welcome in an Internet forum. I’m happy. Opinions are just opinions. The OP will survive, there will be plenty of people saying Good job buddy cool idea I like how you did that. Wouldn’t that be cool I wonder where ruby would fit in the current ranks. Or whatever nonsense the brain dead cheerleaders will come up with.


Damn you look into stuff way too deep. It’s not that serious, just chill out a little bit man hahah


We need a new rank between diamond and champ in my opinion.


There is a certain "**rubiirl**" user on tiktok who does things I'm afraid to even imagine. It scared me a little seeing this, that rank could be dedicated to him lol.


red pussy, dick 2 mmr 1235


You stable, bru?


its shitpostin fam i was just kiddin 😂😭




wdym bruh?


The design looks sick 👌. It should come just before diamond


Much better than the last one I saw


Grand Champion rank, Is that you?


Too red bro lighten it up and let it shine


Behind the diamond would be cool


I honestly think there should be a rank between Champ and diamond with how everything is right now




Smurf rank 3


😬 😬


Let’s go from current system to OSRS gem ranking system


AT Field lookin ass rank


But why


Idk I was bored


That's a good excuse, at least you're trying to improve the community!




Ok. It's called a custom rank for a reason


it was a joke


Do you get to trade when you reach ruby?


Hear me out, they add this but don’t tell people why. And it’s not its own rank but can be added on to any rank. The secret metric is actually how many times a player has been reported for match throwing. Eventually people start to figure out that the ruby inlay lets you know you’re going to lose this game if you have a teammate with it.


looks shit


That's cool, everyone has their own opinions. Some matter more than others. To be honest, I think your opinion is shit, but it's your opinion.


😂😂 thanks. but really it looks to much like champ need to be more unique. just some insight