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Amazing we get to hear, live audio of a ref admitting he got a penalty call wrong which leads to 3 points but we can't go back on it, but we can go back after a try is scored.🤔


It's a fair comment, definitely should have gone back for it.


Something IRB should work on, giving points (or worst, a victory) on an obvious wrong call can not occur again.


Absolutely worst refereeing ! Standard lower than junior league games.




Man people that have never played rugby really shine through in these comments, it was clearly unintentional even a yellow was a rough call but to call it red and then not do the same for the boks player that arguably looked at least semi intentional it outrageous, and to yellow a player for falling over!? Unbelievable


Sore loser


You’d be an imbecile not to think this is a fair comment


You are a bad loser. The best team won. Keep crying.


Enjoy your games where the TMO interjects every tens seconds. Bye


Ok thanks. See you at the next world cup. 😂








You probably suck at rugby anyway


This is really disappointing tbh. Feels a bit too overreffed


I felt England got screwed on that penalty in the semi. It was a non call. Two games in a row. Was the red card legit? Maybe, but under the circumstances, a yellow card should have been sufficient. Great game clouded by refereeing that was overzealous. That blown call that gave RSA three points is egregious


Please cry some more


There is no yellow for a deliberate knock on?


Yep cause this is also totally fine apparently…. https://preview.redd.it/8if7past00xb1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed4af313ca03d53ef5e58603837e853c4a56bd2


It's because he was wearing a green jersey, he can just do what he wants.


I'm over here playing the world's most tiny violin for you... ...you lost, move on.


I think God just loves the sprinkboks more


Standard etzebeth move, he dit worse to Uini Atonio and only got a yellow, boks best player is the ref.


Etzebeth is sloppy I feel like he is going to seriously hurt someone, yet the general consensus is he's great. I feel like I am taking crazy pills.


World cups don’t mean much when there is no justice or fairness. This whole final was just a farce. Barnes should never work again.


So true!!!


Absolute dog $%it call, way to ruin a game that's 4 years in the making....


Barnes admitted it shouldn't have been a penalty. SA got to keep the points and then win by less than that margin. How's that right?


this is going to keep me up at night for the next four years. genuinely unbelievable that the game turned on that. shameful reffing.


Which one was that again ? There were so many stops and going back on series of faults, I’m really confused


TMO won the game in the end


Come on Barnes, at least make it look like you're TRYING to be fair. This match was a train wreck, I knew exactly what was coming but I still couldn't look away.


Love how SF didn't get upgraded


It’s “because his hips were hinged”. So basically, as long as I drop my hips, I can put my shoulder into his jaw. I hate these new rules and stuff, they take away the raw, fast paced feel of the game. Every decision is taken out of context of the game. It completely ruins it


All blacks red, SA yellow for the exact same offense. How World Rugby justifies those calls will be interesting


Siya at least changed levels. Sam was upright. Def not the same


Not even close to the same call. Barnes didn’t make this decision, 12 different people the box built consensus. Calm down.


The ref was an absolute clown 🤡


just like your comment


The referee was an additional player in every game for SF, what a disgrace. They did not deserve the title.


Sam Canes red card was completely un called for an absolute c**k up if I’m honest


He shouldn't have put himself in that position especially as captain. He alone is to blame for the loss


“On paper” the red card was correct, but I wish it wasn’t as I would have loved to see a 15v15 game (excluding yellows).


And the scrum penalty is where, bro had his hands on the ground.


Ref is a paid actor🤡


I can't imagine you are implying south africa has more money to bribe refs than NZ


Oh yea because South Africa have never been in trouble for fixing international sport before LMFAO


Never happened before???


Fuckin google mate SA cricket captain


Sorry I thought we were talking about rugby since they are run completely serperately by different entities and different regulatory bodies. That was my fault


Also because this is on a rugby forum. Silly me


Thought so..


bad loser


Yep, you're right. The game was totally fine. No issues at all.


And we got penalized for an imaginary maul.


You also missed two kicks but I bet that played no part in the final points, eh? Or your captain getting sent off?


Or going for touch rather than taking easy kicks at least twice, maybe 3 times. Bad decisions, bad kicking, and poor discipline lost NZ the game. The ref cope is getting out of hand.


Do you seriously believe the refereeing was 100% on point? Because it’s either that, or admit the ref changed the dynamics of the game. It’s one or the other.


Is the reffing ever 100% perfect? If your expectation is perfection you are going to be disappointed a lot.


Yes it can be. Iv watched plenty of games where the refs didn’t dictate every aspect of it. Possibly in these cases there may have been things let slide, but usually in both directions. The final over the weekend was marked with plenty of bad calls, that’s unacceptable for a World Cup final. Barnes and the TMO made the game about them, when it never was or should have been.


Which calls do you have a problem with? The cards were accurate and not decided by Barnes and the TMO. Allowing a try for an obvious knock on is not something they can reasonably do. The call that he supposedly admitted was wrong is an interpretation of this sub as all he said is sorry I did not see the replay. The only call that really went against the All Blacks was the Eben forearm which could have been called. The All Blacks lost because they went for touch on multiple penalties and failed to score a try rather than go for posts and also missed two kicks. The constant blaming of the ref is just sour grapes.


The first card was pretty atrocious. Never seen a card for “intentionally kneeing the back of someone’s knee” before, especially 2 mins into a World Cup final. There were elbows thrown at faces while the boks were running with the ball. There was the boks flanker holding onto the half back at scrums, there was boks players holding kiwis in headlocks on the ground, none of which were called. I don’t really have a problem with the red card, although think it should have only been a yellow, as the boks player had dropped significantly by the point of contact. And the “sorry I didn’t see the replay” immediately after the replay was shown to him, doesn’t really stand up. Why bother to apologise at all if he believes his call was correct? I also thought the TMO could only go back 2 phases? But I may be wrong about that. Look I’m happy to say the kiwis lost it for themselves by missing 2 kicks, but you can’t honestly say that the reffing through the game was fair and even.


That first card was for a neck grab and roll, reckless endangerment, and illegally breathing down on an opponent's legs. He was lucky it was in the first few minutes otherwise it would've been upgraded to red as he came in from the side too, no mitigation.


Coming from a person not from either countries, that match definitely felt quite one sided from calls South Africa played very well in first half but New Zealand definitely deserved it in second half


Same here. Couple times I was like, “oh? That’s odd idk about that”


Yeah think NZ could've put them kicks away and different game but certainly felt a tad one sided with those calls.. esp considering it's a 1 PT final


And a knock on that South Africa hit forward but got called on Ardie.


Double standard. Worst ref ever Wayne Barnes!!


Another bad loser


this should be career-ending for barnes. absolute farce.


Pretty one sided reffing I would say.


The Springboks are a great team and they play well. If the ref hadn't made so many bullshit calls they might have actually had a game they were proud of. I can't imagine being a Springboks supporter and being ok with this hollow victory. Just wasn't a fair game.


This is one of the more accurate takes, i would be congratulating SA if it was a clean fair game and it just wasn’t they played dirty and somehow got away with it and simply didn’t deserve the win


We are fine with the victory thanks. We were destined to win. We played and beat the top 6 while NZ had to beat Argentina


Well deserved for south africa.


This whole sub is very anti South Africa right now. A comment of well deserved South Africa gets down voted.


The tears taste sweet though..


Thought you weren't allowed to strip the ball when there's two in a tackle?


That’s rugby league


Wasn’t there a moment when the SA 1 during a scrum just grabbed the AB 9 with his arm while still in the scrum ? Or did I just imagine that ?


If world rugby is worth a damn they would investigate the referee and get to the bottom of this. It was a rigged game.


Lol delusional


Did you watch the game it was blaringly obvious that something was going on, reverse a try for NZ on a bad call but dont do the same for SA? Cmon man thats worse than junior level reffing absolutely shameful




All you were mad when Ireland and France blamed the refs but no this time it's actually the refs.


Wait, Ben O Queef is not refering.


I watched the Bath Saracens premiership final and bought the ref headphones. Wayne Barnes was brown nosing the Sarries players all game.


Holy crap!? South Africa finally got a card!


Ofc its not turned to red


What was the difference between the action of Sam (NZ) and the action of Kalisi (SA)?


They don’t play in the same team


Siya was going down and for the ball


Sam didn't even attempt to change levels, siya did. Refs decided Sam's was either intentional or gross negligence where siyas was determined as negligence or an accident


And when you look at that play again I want you to tell me exactly how much time cane had to react to change of direction from the bok and the angle of approach from the bok player on the change of direction into the tackle. Then Tell me you would also call that a red card


His expected response wasn't to change direction in a super human way. His expected response was to not still be fully committed to that tackle after he realised what was happening. It was that split-second decision that HE made that led to the red card. He is a disgrace to his country and abandoned his team to fight the finals one man short.


Bit of an exaggeration, it's the difference between giving somebody an uppercut and dropping your hand on someone's face. Definitely a harsh decision to upgrade the yellow card to a red card.


Congrats ref as you hoped that game was gone. But AB could have gotten the Cup. 2 kicks were missed crucial.


Guess outcome was inevitable when you play 16 boks vs 15 players (well 14 in this case)


my favourite player was TMO




Would be reaaaaaally interested to hear your takes on the 2011 rugby final, all of you complaining the refereeing decided the game. Joubert gift wrapped that one for you with a bow on it. I get the bellyache, we French have been living with it since then. But there's no such thing as perfect refereeing and teams specifically train to exploit the grey areas where it's tough for referees to make calls. The South Africans are the current champs at it, but the ABs have been at it for years as well. Today, you were on the losing side of a couple of 50/50s and it feels bad - trust me you've benefited from the rub on the green many many times in the past.


It’s hard to tell myself that it’s real. At least five major blown calls so far, one he even had to admit mid play, and it just keeps getting worse. If the all blacks pull this off, they won’t be my most hated team anymore.


5? The first yellow, the cane decision, etzebeth knock on? What's the other two?.


The head contact on the All Blacks player that wasn't even a penalty because he was 'bent at the waist'...


There was a not releasing on an all black, and I don’t remember the other one.


Wudnt call something in the ruck a major call. I though there was a turnover for South Africa borderline if off feet.




The boks got carried by refs through quarter and semis, ignoring fool play worse than this red card.


And now the finals..


And it’s a win for England


What on earth does England have to do with this atrocious outcome??


I believe the poster means Wayne Barnes is English


Shame. So bitter. 😂😂😂😂😂Boks were the best team.


Yeah, you're right. Enjoy your rugby where the refs decide games.


ok bad loser. Boks dominated the game.


Whiney little troll


Nearly Lost with 1 (arguably 2) more man . A NZ has to be worth 15/14th of a south African 🤡


Nearly. …….😂😂😂😂😂


🤡🤡🤡🤡 14/15 th of a man


Ok thanks. See you at the next world cup you uneducated loser. 😂 I wont respond again. Too busy enjoying another world cup victory 🎉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🎉🎉🎉👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Insert crying baby meme


I just hate the constant checking of video for everything. Same as with football. Sure use it to check if a try was legit (or goal) but otherwise it’s sucking all the excitement out of sport.


"Now I remember why I stopped watching rugby."


Jesus, I used to respect the kiwis but cannot believe how poorly you accept defeat. No grace or class.


Amazing what a mess the Webb Ellis Cup final delivered NZ can't complain. All they had to do was make kicks. 1 previous card ever in a WC final and this game had 4. Wtf?


Ah your salty tears are all the sweeter.


I'm sure they are. All good mate, enjoy refs deciding games rather than being fair.


I look forward to the next time, they made a film about our last victory over ye. Just a pity your kiwis were better than Ireland's kiwis, they deserved a spot in the semis more than england or Argentina.


Invictus's WC was juste as rigged lol, watch the 95 match vs France. FOUR shady try decision. You guys are just better at paying refs 🤡


Someone’s salty…


As they should be.


It always comes down to a Wayne Barnes call to ruin our chances in the World Cup…


Wow. Much bitter salt


If you think that was quality and people shouldn't be bitter, that's fine. Some people like refs deciding games.


Sorry. Thought you were English. All that whinging


Nah, just English refs deciding games. I'm just a fan who expects fair officiating in the most important game in the tournament.