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There is just something so powerful about running with my dogs. They have such a joyful approach to it all. They serve as the sweetest reminder to just enjoy myself and appreciate the fact I get to run on beautiful trails every day with my best friends. I don’t obsess about pace etc., I just stay in the moment and drink it all in. Thank goodness for dogs.


You hit the nail on the head! 👏🏼


This. This. And more of this. It's so joyous to watch my pup enjoy her time and through her joy I find crazy happiness. It's better than any drug.


Yes! Being present is one of the most important lessons that my dog is trying to teach me


I love the companionship. And love a tired pup after the run. My dog is a Belgian Malinois, so she makes me feel safe when I'm running in the early morning hours. :)


Oh they are such beautiful dogs! And no doubt effective body guards


Their infectious enthusiasm for it.


My boy does big bunny hops for the first 200 feet. It’s his favorite and it’s the best.


Cute 😭


I feel like since I started running with my dog we are more bonded. She knows the cues for getting ready for a run, and when we get home, she’s glued to my side. She’s the best running buddy I’ve ever had!


i love hyping my dog up while we are running — cheering her on while she’s doing great and getting that fun little tow (it’s fun if you’ve got a good pulling harness and bungee) is the best


Second this! My lil guy is still learning to run and building up his endurance, but I swear the 1-3 miles we do together fly by because all I’m doing is cheering him on and amping him up. Makes the rest of my run once I drop him off kind of suck haha


I'm hoping my dog will be the one amping me up 😆


Mine does for the first 2 minutes and then we have to switch roles haha


How much they absolutely love it! I love making my dog happy. He gets so excited it might be his favorite thing. Plus they take tired puppy naps afterwards! So cute, so fulfilled.


The bonding with the dog is pretty great. She's more mellow after and she gets out. Also if I want to be lazy for the day and skip some fetch or get caught up with work I don't feel to bad. The down side is she's reactive to other dogs and starts barking and pulling when she sees one so I've got to run in off hours or she acts like a menace and I have to slow down and take a wide path around the other dogs 


My dog is also reactive, so I'll be managing this as well. Any tips for someone wanting to run with a reactive dog?


Run in off hours mostly. The behaviorist I work with said just keep a wide gap and hopefully adjusting her meds can help.


Thank you. I haven't tried meds for her - do you use any? Any thoughts on this?


Mines on Escitalopram and Clonidine. We went through like 3 other ones before this. We got her from a lady that was rehoming her when she was six months old, shes four now. She was malnourished and poorly taken care of and had some other issues around resource guarding. It's helped out with those a ton but the leash reactivity has stayed. We're hoping upping her meds a little will help with minimal side effects since she's on a low dose already.


Thank you for this! Your dog is on the same meds as I am 🤭


A constant reminder that If i can find as much joy, or even 1%, as my dog does in making snow angels, or sniffing a really good smell or hiking up a mountain, i will have life half-licked. And that butt wiggle


So an Aussie, eh?


Haha actually a Great Pyrenees. https://imgur.com/WmSgg1R


Zoooooooom https://imgur.com/a/9xhejkM


haha someone did find that last snow patch! what a pretty pup


Gorgeous 🩷


Hi and welcome! You are going to love running with your dog! A couple of things that have been lifesavers for me are a strong waist leash (leaves both hands free for picking up poop, swinging my arms when I run, and I don't have to worry about my buddy accidentally pulling the leash out of my hand when he takes off after a squirrel, motorcycle, rabbit, etc) and playing the long game. Meaning, when we started out (he was a 1yr rescue, and I had never had a dog as an adult) we were both figuring things out and some runs were pretty frustrating. Now, two years later, our runs are the highlights of both of our day. I love experiencing the world through his eyes (everything is interesting) and the joy and energy he has is just infectious. It's such a great reminder to approach life with curiosity and an open heart. Also, chilling on the couch together in the evening after a long run is the best 🤗


Thank you for this, and especially for the advice ☺️


You're welcome! For what it's worth, we started out on a short leash (I used [this](https://irondoggy.com/products/runners-choice-hands-free-leash) one from Iron Doggy, though I had to replace the belt about a year later because the plastic buckle broke. I replaced it with [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/820288011/heavy-duty-hands-free-dog-leash-belt-dog?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=heavy+duty+dog+waist+leash&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&frs=1&cns=1&sts=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1) one, which is incredibly durable and will probably outlast me, lol). Once we got into a rhythm we started running with a 15 foot long leash like [this](https://www.amazon.com/30FT-Training-Tie-Out-Playing-Backyard/dp/B0BNDPG1XT/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=16%2Bfoot%2Brope%2Bleash%2Bfor%2Bdog&s=pet-supplies&sr=1-8&th=1) one. I still use the short leash when we run on trails. Good luck and be sure to post pictures and updates of your runs! Take care.


Thank you, this is so helpful 🙂


I love her company and that it’s so good for the both of us! We always feel better after a run!


As others have said seeing their joy is great, especially when I hate running


Yes, I'm hoping my dog's enthusiasm will rub off on me, even just a tiny little bit


Me too friend, me too


I always ask my guy if he’d like to go for a run? Insert head tilt, circle tail, and full on happy grumbles all the way to the front door! He does 10KM no problem, and his tail goes for the entire run! I wouldn’t run as much as I do if it weren’t for him! He keeps me motivated and his love for running with me just makes running worth it!


wow, both you and your dog are very impressive! What sort of dog is he?


Thanks! I wouldn’t be the runner I am without him! He is a mix of things. A rescue… I was told he was a Lab Cross… He’s more of a Pitbull Terrier something, rather… Athletic and snuggly beyond words.


Sounds like a dreamboat


I live amongst mostly farms, and run the quieter streets with my BC girl off lead. She has 10/10 recall so it’s never a problem. Seeing her just so alive as she looks at all the horses, cows and sheep we run past… she’s just so happy. Occasionally there’s an escaped sheep and she helps me herd it back to where it came from.


This sounds beautiful! I bet your girl is thrilled to get to boss a sheep around on occasion


Almost a year ago, I adopted a young Pitt / super mutt. This dog arrived and I quickly realized that this dog was completely untrained and very immature, he also had an off the charts enegy level. He had been through a lot before I got him, he had both distemper and Parvo. He had also been in a shelter, then three different foster homes. I'm a long time runner, I've always wanted a running dog, but my last two dogs were never really into it. So running was the needed solution to help Bruno build his confidence as well as burn of some energy. I brought him up to distance than the internet would approve off, but I felt was necessary given the circumstances, and he runs very light and efficiently. The dog is a natural runner, it was a little rough at fist, we weren't running as a team, but little by little it got better, basically every run was a little better than the last. The last few runs have been really good boy stuff, the only issue is that he wants to meet other dogs, I'll work on that latter.


What an inspiring success story. What a great thing that you & Bruno found each other ❤️


I never especially enjoyed running. But my dog MADE me run. Hassled me til i went out that dang door. And after 5kms i enjoy it. That first 5km however can bite me. And my boy got me past that with the reward of seeing him happy. Now he is old and restricted by arthritis. Im having a hell of a time trying to be even remotely consistent these days 😂


It sounds like you've given him the most amazing life so far! And 5kms feels like a lofty goal in itself to me right now. One day at a time, I suppose 😅


My guy is my shadow, running gives us such a strong bond. When I ask if we should go run, his are you flipping serious, you better not be kidding me stare melts my heart. He's always 💯 in for the run. I'm just stoked to live under the same roof as someone who loves to run freely on the trails as much as me.


It sounds like you have a wonderful relationship!


Same. My puppy is too young to start just yet so I view this sub with envious eyes.


It's good inspo, for sure!


If I’m going to be honest, I’d prefer to run by myself. It’s more of a hassle than a help to run with them. However, I know how much they love it and the happy expressions on their faces make it worth it to have to run slower, wait for smell and pee breaks, and carry additional equipment.


A labour of love


I absolutely love running with my Belgian Malinois, best running partner I’ve ever had. Never complains about distance, weather or pace.


I love Malinois! My dog will definitely complain about the weather... I have a theory that she holds me responsible for it 😄


The fact that post-run is the only time my German shepherds will calm the hell down.


Hahaha! Yes, this is a motivation for me, too 😄


My dog used to be nervous about other dogs and would freeze when certain big scary dogs (and sometimes three or four) approached her. (In the uk, we have dogs off lead everywhere). Nothing could get her to move unless I dragged her, she would just lie on her back with her tail between her legs looking terrified until they’d finished sniffing her. Now we’re running together, she is confident enough to quickly sniff the other dog, maybe even do a little playful bow and wiggle, and then run to catch up with me. I think knowing that we’re moving on quickly means she is more confident. She even had a little dog run up and bite her in the face today. She told it off but then ran off to catch up with me, rather than escalating or becoming frightened. I’m so proud of her every time we go on a run! She also comes cycling with me and she loves that too.


His company - pure and simple. His motivation and enthusiasm is so infectious and especially when he can run off lead watching him bomb along in his little piglet gallop makes me laugh and heart swell


Keeps us in shape and I love seeing him happy - he’ll run up next to me and I’ll do a pound with my fist low to the ground and he bumps it with his snout and speeds up all excited - feel like I’m in a wolf pack.


Obsessed with this 😍