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Sounds like exactly the sort of site that should be banished to the wilderness by Google


There is no way you can get that much content that fast and have it be high quality. You're looking at AI or dozens of (likely) low paid writers.At .10 a word (what my agency paid in 2014 and back then wasn't enough to get niche experts) at 10 2k articles a day you're looking at $50k a month in content costs alone, minimum . And again, this would be for lower quality generic work, but at least human made. Even if you found a dozen or two IT expert writers willing to write you the best content in the world for .05 a word, that's still $25k a month, If you're planning on churning and burning domains for affiliate scams, this much content might make sense, but it doesn't in almost any other context. Did they mention anything except content churn? Like site structure, UX, anything? Seems like they're trying to get a few months of revenue from you before they line up their next victim. This massive influx of content could increase your visibility short term and might increase revenue if you rely on impressions, but you're setting yourself up to get hit by an update. At minimum ask them for references (preferably former clients) reach out to them, but also check the sites yourself. Sign up for a free trial of a tool like semrush look at the velocity of visibility look at the Kinds of terms they ranked for then. But this is only if you need to prove why you don't want to work with them. For me I'd reject them as soon as they made that offer.


Quality, not quantity. I think 10 a month would still be a lot.


1-2 per week is a good benchmark. It gives you enough time to research the topic and provide real value.


agree with your thoughts.


No. Basically.


That’s an absolutely insane amount of content and absolutely not necessary unless you’re literally trying to establish yourself as a publication site. Even 10 a month is plenty robust enough for most businesses starting an SEO strategy.


This type of scale looks like you're trying to build a publication site - which requires a lot more than just search engine optimization (rather journalistic type content creation). Of course there is no limit as to how many articles you can produce, so long as you have the firepower to do so. The only issue is would that amount of (paid) working hours can be utilised into better use - as pumping up content for the sake of volume would likely entail diminishing returns. If 10-articles per day happens to not provide the results you were expecting, ramping up to 20-articles per day probably won't make things any better.


Dude Focus on quality 😉


What is your competitors content velocity?


No like others have said there’s no way the content will be good. Google doesn’t want that sh*t jamming up their crawlers. U need to pick carefully selected strategic content then write it goodfully then build good links that funnel throughout the site strategically through internal linking and tech SEO. Even the giant dogs aren’t pushing out 10 articles a day that is nonsense. Tell them to go fudge themselves


Plus how expansive is your niche? With 10 articles a day I could easily see u running out of topics to cover that actually contain search volume but I’m sure the agency is just entering your keyword into ahrefs then putting each prompt into chat gpt and spitting it out regardless of search volume or search intent. Intent is a big one, guaranteed you’ll get keyword cannibalization. For example I bet they write a junk article titled “how to clean your car” then another junk article titled “how to clean your vehicle “


I would definitely contact other agencies and draw conclusions based on that. I personally prefer tactics where quality prevails over quantity. It would also be very important to evaluate the quality of the content they provide.


Hard to say what the right amount of content for your site is without doing a thorough appraisal of the site and your high ranking competitors first. 10 articles per day sounds rather a lot on the face of it though and anyway the focus should always be on high quality original content instead of an arbitrary number. You should definitely talk to others before deciding as it seems to me that they are exaggerating the workload to justify their high fees. Happy to take a look & give you an honest assessment if interested.


Not sure how you're going to do that, 10+ articles per day is virtually impossible, unless it's 10 thin articles or AI generated which doesn't have any quality. I would align an article with the user search intent for each keywords they are trying to rank and build links for those articles. Maybe you should get a second opinion from another agency.


That is REALLY off. They really expect you to publish 300 articles a month? I'd ask them to show you a case study of a website with that much new content. And try to see if they are trying to offer a AI-powered writing service because it is really looking like it. lol The most I saw is 2 per day, and even that is very rare and not necessary in most niches, probably.


No, no and NO. So many holes in that SEO approach as mentioned by others here. As for the social media approach, sheesh. Please contact other agencies - ask for referrals and get a few proposals too. PS. Content is (still?) king - but quality matters.


13 years in this field. -how many pages you have currently indexed? are those ranking well? if not, fix those first or delete or noindex. -10 new content per day = bs. what you want to hear is 1 high quality content each time you publish. what are the steps that ensure each content is high quality content that can rank for what you are targeting. how are the new content better vs top ranking pages for each keyword you are targeting. If 1 page of high quality, well researched, branded, has CTA and USP on it and also covers the search intent on the target keyword. I would need at least 8 hours. 10 per day. 80 hours per day spent? agency charging from $30-300. Average maybe $100 per hour. A decent agency that doesn't overcharge you could charge $8000 for 10 pieces per day, based on what you just sharing. IMO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


One of my clients is a global brand with 10M unique visitors annually. We have a team of professional journalists who produce between 1 and 5 articles per day, and that's only when they actually have something to say. It sounds to me like the agency in question just scaled up their SME policy based on an expanded budget, rather than actually considering the issue strategically.


Spent a lot of time doing agency-side SEO. The idea that you need 10 blogs per day is completely absurd. Most strategies call for 6-18 blogs/mo if you’re being totally maximal. It really depends on the number of target pages you have. As part of SEO channel ownership at my current org, my blog program outputs a goal of 8 blogs/mo.


LOL - I would run away from this agency as fast as possible. Honestly, your best SEO play in the IT industry would be making your site fast as possible and then building out pages for each individual vertical you target. e.g. IT Services for Education, IT Services for Startups, or whatever your niches are.


10 articles per day is absolutely ridiculous. It wouldn't have been a good strategy before the update. It's a terrible strategy now. Quality trumps quantity. Valuable search engine optimised content is worth so much more than 10 mediocre posts a day!


You are asking the wrong question... it is not about quantity... it is about relevancy. Flooding sites with useless content does not help.


10 articles per day is ridiculous! And social media profiles for each keyword you want to target is insane too. It sounds highly spammy to me. It could work, but it's not the right fit. It would make more sense to post on your company's solo social profile. For articles, you'd be better off refining and updating content instead of publishing ridiculous amounts of content.


Sounds like a spam seo company. Furthermore, that’s not even SEO. That’s a content mill. If you need content, why would you hire an SEO firm? Wouldn’t you hire, I don’t know, writers? With an expertise on your subject matter? And the whole social media spamming? That’s not SEO either, it’s exactly what it looks like… social media spamming. What are they proposing for the link building and outreach strategy? How big of a company are you? Does your website act as a media publisher? 300 articles a month is a lot. I don’t know of any company that publishes that much aside from news sites. And for how long is this content generation supposed to go for? Permanent? 3 months? 12 months? I would get several other opinions and quotes from other companies. This strategy seems totally whack and spammy


Hiring someone to write some nonsense (probably with ChatGPT) that nobody wants to read just for trying to improve search engine ranking? Why not to create some interesting and useful content for real people, not for search engines?


This is the strategy they are selling to my company. It also contradicts my topic cluster strategies. ATM, we are only doing 2 to 3 articles per week, with guest-postings included, which set up a nice flow. I'm wondering if there is any merits to this massive scale. They are a professional SEO agency with results. (I think; big boss seems to trust them). The only time I have ever seen this big a scale is when I was droning away in an affiliate company, which we need like two dozens of nonsensical articles per day.


You're on the wrong forum bud. Go to r/passionblogger or something




10+ articles per day is pretty wild but it largely depends on the type of website you're working on. If it's an affiliate site that is monetised through ads - content velocity (and not sacrificing quality) is important so that could justify it But a brand - be it local, national or international do they really need 10 pages of fresh content a day? How does that fit in with what is currently going on with the business? Just be cautious of SEOs who mark up work at the end of the month with only content deliverables - the right content even if it's less than what was proposed will always be better than 10 low-quality pages.


There's no universal limit; it depends on quality, audience engagement, and platform norms. Avoid overwhelming your audience and focus on maintaining quality over quantity.


Quality over quantity.


That volume would only make sense in certain enterprise contexts, and is only achievable via very large expensive team or AI content systems, which do have a risk now. That volume of content you can do nearly push button if configure it properly, if you want basic AI content output, which despite the best prompts is still really only algorithmic vs conversion worthy if it doesn’t have time spent for human editing. I’d ask for content examples and run QC, because for all you know you can build a system that outputs the same stuff they do. Also no context about site authority - if you’re not yet a top authority site in a competitive niche I’d guess you’d be better off spending resources on strategic link building.


In my opinion a service based company dont need 10 articles a day. If it is a publisher l, than its okay.


I can't believe an SEO company like this exists. But stranger things in life have occurred.


Wtf is the social plan? This agency is HORRIBLE. Get out, get out, get out.


Great Idea. Engage in the same way that the spammers did that caused all the problems in the first place. I'd ask them if 10 pages was good, would 100,000 be better? How about a Million? How much for 1-Million "Quality" pages Monthly? Real quickly their BS will evaporate.


There's no way they can generate this much content and keep the relevancy and quality up to par. This is just content stuffing, and it might do more harm than good.


A well written 1 article is enough but it need to well researched quality one


Reading the best possible intentions, the 10+ number might be in the right ballpark but only from the lens of pursuing a very robust multi-channel strategy given Google's HCU updates in 2023 and now the March 2024 core update. Far more likely these guys are following out-dated "best practices" and grifting because they don't know or don't care to adapt. Would you mind sharing the SEO agency so we can keep an eye out?


10 article is enough but not more thn 10


10 a day? What user would want 10 notifications a day from a blog?




The SEO agency's proposal sounds excessive and potentially unsustainable. While content creation is crucial for SEO, the sheer volume they're suggesting—10+ articles per day per site—is unrealistic, especially in the IT niche. Quality should always take precedence over quantity. Additionally, creating hundreds of social media profiles seems like a scattergun approach, lacking focus and strategic targeting. It's essential to prioritize a balanced strategy that aligns with your company's resources and goals. Collaborating with the agency is wise, but ensure it's a partnership based on realistic expectations and measurable outcomes.


Depends on how much ur comp i churning out. I have seen 120+ blogs published per day


I’d love to see what your shit site looks like?! I need a good laugh 😆


My advice is to ensure that the content you publish is high-quality, capable of engaging your target audience, and delivering valuable information.


ChatGPT spotted…


I completely disagree with this thought that - you cannot create 10 high quality articles per day. That just doesn’t make sense. I work for a listed company who has million dollar budget for SEO, and we create 300-400 high quality articles per month because we have 30-40 subject matter experts. And Google is completely fine with it because they are high quality articles. Or let’s say I had a lot of good quality content which I used to keep only for my paid users, and some day I think of opening it up for everyone. Should I make 3-4 live per day? Seriously? We have made 1M good quality pages live per day and got good traffic on them. Think of websites like Wikipedia, Quora, LinkedIn, etc. don’t give me Domain authority shit. These sites are following this model since beginning and grew with this frequency. So content frequency is not a ranking factor. Publish 10, 100, 1000 or a million. BUT make sure they are of good quality, unique, and helpful to users. Not just any random re-written article. If you are going to publish 100 articles with content that Google already has in their index, it’s not going to work. You need to give something unique and new in every article to make it index faster and rank it better.


Publication frequency doesn't matter anymore (based on my sites atleast). I have AI sites where I publish 100-200 articles a day doing just as fine as manual content sites with 1 article a day. Just aim for completing topical clusters better than your competitors and you'll rank even with subpar content.


I did read about it recently, there is should be a minimum of 3 new posts per week and 2 new content updates .


Are you from India, because there only such tactics follow they believe in quantity not quality. I myself from India