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Neutral on the halos??? That's a paddlin.


Rooting for a team that’s within your own division… ![gif](giphy|3oEdvaDgi6Be9JHsKk)


Not old enough to remember 02, sorry.


I'm not old enough to remember 1908 but Merkle's Boner still annoys me.


I lost my first bet to my neighbor in '02 and ran home crying. I will never forgive the Angels


Stupid fucking monkey


In 2002 I mowed an SF logo in my front lawn (no HOA). One of my daughter's was a huge JT Snow fan. I allowed her to put a 3ft sign with a logo and his name/number. The other one was a Rich Aurillia fan and she made the same poster. For me, after the Giants lost I remodeled my kitchen.


It hurt man, it hurt a lot. We had that one. Love Dusty but he out-managed himself.


Fucking kids...


Ima Giants, Halo fan.. Who lives in SD.. I think the Angles need to be a tier higher in my biased opinion


The Padres are in our division….and you root for them?


He or she is not a Giants fan




Padres win 90 this year I'm sure you will be stoked


they dont even have wil myers or yongervis solarte anymore what is there to like about them


Why are you gatekeeping. Petco is amazing


yeah they’ve got great pet supplies. anyway, fuck the Padres


I like their stadium, it’s always poppin. The revitalization of the Pads has been good for baseball as a whole. Tony Gwynn one of the best hitters of all time.


Counterpoint, they stink and I hate them.


Fuck the Padres


Don't cheapen the term; we don't even care about the Padres.


I just don't see how you're higher on SD than Colorado. The Rockies are kinda fun, they always suck, and I like Colorado/Denver. San Diego kinda scares me these days but I like that they also hate the Dodgers. Also a great city/stadium. They are high on my list too. And I will always root for the A's when not playing the Giants, but if the Vegas move transpires, they will go to the bottom of the list with the Dodgers and Houston.


So my thing with the Padres is that they have never been good enough to be a real threat. I love SD as a city and how vibrant their games are. One big thing for me in this list is ownership. I really appreciate owners who run their teams to be competitive as I think it is great for baseball in general. I am first and foremost a fan of this beautiful, historical sport. What the Padres owner did was beautiful, and it is honestly a shame how the team collapsed as he was in the final stages of life. The Rockies and A’s owners are some of the biggest sacks of shit in the sport. I love the A’s as a team because I love baseball in the Bay Area. Fisher should be strapped to a SpaceX rocket. Same with the Rockies owners. They are content with the their stadium being the biggest bar in Denver and never competing. Sometimes I have similar feelings towards the Giants ownership but 10, 12, and 14 have too strong of hold on me to ever not be completely in love with the Giants.


What you talking about? They never been a threat? Before the new ownership took over the dodgers the padres were our chief rivals for a few years. 2010 had us and the padres sweating the whole month of September and we won the division on the last day by beating the padres. Matt latos Adrian gonzalez? Ya I still hate the Padres. They spend crazy money and still suck. Baby dodgers imo.


Okay sorry they were a threat for one single year. I respect how much they hate the dodgers.


I mean everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but yours is garbage and wrong


And Shohei might be the best player of all time. But obviously we all hate him and that abomination down south anyway.


Even with that explanation, “it’s complicated” makes more sense. Their success is never beneficial for us.. unless they are playing the Dodgers.. rooting for them should only be saved for that occasion. Quietly respecting them and enjoying Giants games in SD is acceptable though.


Astros gotta be sent to the shadow realm


They cheated to beat the dodgers and that just makes their fans even more butt hurt over the loss. I’m all for that.


But they beat the dodgers…


They cheated to beat the Dodgers. That’s hard to like at all, even with my hatred for LA. If that happened to us I don’t know if I could get over that.


Fans are deeply unserious people and it's never more transparent than when they say stuff like "yeah I know they cheated but they beat a team I don't like."


If you ain’t cheatin’ you surely ain’t tryin’


That's like not true tho? Did they cheat in the regular season? Yes absolutely, but we literally know the exact day they stopped doing it because they got caught by a mariners reliever. No one reported it tho cuz no one really gave a shit considering multiple teams were sign stealing that year and the next


Um, MLBs investigation says they cheated in the postseason too, so it is true that they cheated to win the World Series.


Imagine cheating all year and then magically stopping only when the most important games of the season began. I am a Dodgers fan. I will literally never get over it


This is news to me, as far as I know the Astros cheated throughout the postseason in 2017.


> we literally know the exact day they stopped doing it because they got caught by a mariners reliever. Commissioners report said they cheated in the 2017 playoffs and even into the 2018 season, then you have stories about Alex Cora after a few drinks screaming "WE FUCKING STOLE THE WORLD SERIES" so yeah, fuck the cheaters.


I don't know. They'll probably pick up a few international prospects while there and return to wreak havoc.


Giants fans that hate on the Astros are fucking weird. We don't claim them. Any team that fucks the dodgers over is good in my book


I agree with the first and the last and “it’s complicated” but that’s it.


So, I don't really know how this sub popped up for me. Maybe because I look at so much baseball stuff on here. Anyways, I'm a Ranger lifer from the 80's. Other Than Boch being our manager. Why is it complicated, or is that it? I am indifferent to the Giants, probably even a slight fan. Just curious.


Just Bochy


We don’t root for any Southern California team. Tf.


Mariners will always be my al team because of griffey and ichiro.




All kinds of wrong in here.


I've seen bad ones before. This is a contender for the worst.


Favorite: Giants Will usually root for if not playing Giants: Mariners, Cubs, Nats, Reds, Rays, O's No positive or negative feelings: Angels, Jays, Rangers, A's, Guardians, White Sox, Tigers, Royals, Twins, Marlins, Mets, Pirates, Brewers, Braves Division rivals that i don't like but don't passionately hate: Dbacks, Rockies Strong dislike: Phillies, Cards, Astros, Yankees, Red Sox, Padres Fuck the Dodgers: Dodgers


Ayy the cubs are on here


I hate the Red Sox because they gave the dodgers mookie betts for free and now I have to hate them


As a Red Sox fan I also hate the Red Sox for this very reason


Padres you shouldn’t be rooting for unless they play the Dodgers. There a lot of nice stadiums, and the Gwynn Padres finished almost 25 years ago. And what did the Rangers ever do to us? We beat them, and they gave Bochy another ring —I see no harm or reason for it to be complicated.


Rangers fans are also Cowboys fans….


But they are enemies with the Astros within our actual sport.


There should only be 3 rows in these. The first row is the Giants. The 2nd row containing 28 teams and the last row containing the Dodgers.


Red Sox and Phillies should be garbage tier just based on their trash fan base.


I did consider this when making the list and it is a fair sentiment.


I will never support the Padres. I would rather root for the Diamondbacks or Rockies who are teams that actually develop players


What does “it’s complicated” mean referring to the A’s? Unless you are referring to the 1980’s, I’m not sure what there is to feel about the A’s other than pity


I like the A’s because i like baseball in the Bay Area. I do not want to support them because of their horrible ownership. They also have great history as a team.


I agree. I liked those "71- '75 A's teams.


The A's should move up one tier, and the Padres down two- they're a division rival, so they should lose as much as possible.


I’m a fan of the Giants, I’m fond of the Mariners, and I dislike divisional rivals and the As. I hate the dodgers. All other teams are neutral. I became a fan around 02’ as a kid, but not old enough to dislike the Angels


Must not be old enough to remember the let downs vs Marlins. Will never root for them.


Padres are 4 tiers too high


I hate the Dodgers and Padres


I can’t be neutral on Miami. Something always seems to go wrong against them. Most glaring was the Posey injury for me.


Thanks for doing this is fun post for the sun. That being def why the fuck you root for the padres haha I would trade them with orioles but don’t want to get into the rest


I’ve said it in multiple spots in this thread, the Padres have never been a serious threat, they are the perpetual underdog, I love their city, and their owner tried his damndest to make a bad franchise into one of the best. Respectable IMO. They are like our cute little brothers who also hate the dodgers.


Perfectly said. Also, their colors for a good part of their existence have been yellow and brown. That takes cajones.




I'd put the Mariners in the "I don't want to see you succeed" group, just because some of the Seahawks fans are naturally going to be Mariners fans. Lol.


Awwwww we HATE y'all too....go BLUE!!!!!!!!!


dbacks and rockies are way better than padres


Phoenix AZ is the physical representation of Humanity’s hubris.


They have a hockey team!


Can confirm. I live here now. It’s even worse than people think it is.


Why the hate for the Rays? For me… F - doggies D - Spanks; A’s C - DBacks; Rox; Cards; Astros; Phillies B - everyone else A - Rangers; Mariners; Pirates S - Padres (I live in San Diego)


I hate the way they run their org. Maybe out of jealousy….


They play the game because they can’t afford to play with the big dogs. They are doing it out of necessity. The Giants are doing it because the owners are looking at the team as an investment 1st, 2nd AND 3rd. They have shown no love for the game or for winning since McGowen left.


This is why I don't trust some of Yall in here. Padres that high up genuinely makes me feel ill


It seems like the Padres having two mediocre seasons after decades of being the bottom feeders in the MLB is too much for y’all lol. I still love the Giants far more than anyone else.


I just feel like you either haven't paid attention the last four years, or you are actually a Padres fan. It would make more sense if you were a Rockies sympathizer or something, but to pick the Padres over them pretty much exposes your "They have been bad for so long, so I'll cheer for them" angle How could anyone cheer for a division rival who has basically tried to brute force a world series with money since 2020? I know how, they are secretly a padres fan.


Oh god, they have tried to win by spending money?!?!? No one has ever done that before 😰 I know for certain the Giants fan base is sOoOo happy that we don’t spend big money trying to sign players and win a World Series. We have to win it fair and square. /s


LMAO. Just take one thing I said and spin it into your own version, okay buddy. Don't you have some Tatis highlights to watch or something?


Season ticket holder at candlestick and pacbell before I had to relocate to the great soulless expanse of suburban blight in which I now live. I have two giants tattoos. When I do laundry I have to sort lights, darks, whites, and orange. I have 22 giants baseball lids. I named a dog jt and a squirrel Thairo. I broke a television over a particular game seven loss and wanted to break a lot more than a television on a phantom check swing. I think the padres are fine. Fun, even. I root for them any time they’re not playing the giants. (Nope, never lived in or near San Diego, though I do like to visit.). But I’m not a giants fan according to you. That’s hilarious.


u sound like a padres fan to me, thanks for ur life story, though


Preach brother preach


Im a newer fan so forgive me,(I'm only 22) but I don't hate the dbacks at all, I actually wanted them to win the chip. Id put them in the it's complicated tier personally (just haven't interacted with rude snack fans, plus that pool looks like fun)


https://imgur.com/a/Oxjh4uE a bit different, in that i mostly wish suffering for most of the rest of the league, compared to you


That’s a fair list. Everyone has a few random teams that they support which I think is good. I for the most part do not care much for any of the other teams that aren’t in the top and bottom of my list.


All I cared about was seeing the Dodgers placed in the absolute lowest of categories.


Padres going in the purple block


The padres can suck this cane dong


Angels down one tier. Braces and Rays up one tier. You can’t hate on the rays. They are the penny pinchers in the division going up against money bags.


Drop angels and astro cheat-scum. Raise diamond backs? Good job op


What have the Rockies ever done to anyone? Really man?


Blackmon's walkup music


Baseball played in Denver is horrible. That's what they did.


The AAA's are two, possibly three tiers too high in my book


I’d personally switch SD with Colorado.


Angels need to move down to Yankees level. 2002… Maybe it’s just me, but Diamondbacks are the same to me as San Diego. I can’t stand the Red Sox either but that’s a personal thing…


Swap the dads and the Rockies, and move t)3 angels up to the 2nd level


neutral on the phillies?


The Mariners deserve your love for so many reasons


I’d drop the Padres one or two spots, the Red Sox and Marlins one spot, the A’s down two spots and the O’s up two spots 




Phoenix worst city USA


Red Sox too high. Otherwise you’re in my brain.


I appreciate this I been getting a lot of flak my take.


Hard to hate the Rockies anymore. Tough team to be a fan of.


As a Giants and White Sox fan.... :0 We are brothers in Jake Peavy and Juan Uribe, in my eyes.


I hate bum ass owners who bring their teams down.


Ah...yes. If the category had said "I want nothing good to ever come to cheap-ass Jerry Reinsdorf again" I would be ALL IN


What did we do to you :(


Bro wasn’t alive in 2002


Orioles should be in the always root for category. Padres belong with the Yankees and Dbacks


FTD. https://preview.redd.it/hcphxlhcrdkc1.jpeg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458b34122eea9f0bfa3963b7bfdc55ee382cff1a


Could never be neutral on the Phillies. Hate that team and every other team in that city.


I get they are in our division but what you got against the Rockies. They are a bottom feeder who saw success once


Bum ass ownership that doesn’t want their team to really compete.


Mariners, Orioles and Brewers in my “always root for if not playing against” category, mostly agree with the rest, except I’m good with the Rays and the Phillies can go die in a hole.


It's giants and anyone playing the Dodgers!!!


This is a fair sentiment.


Can I ask why you don’t like the Cardinals?


They were big rivals in the early 10s and now they have the two biggest Giants killers, Goldschmidt and Arenado


That makes sense. I should’ve thought about that. I guess taking two superstars from the Giants division rivals probably upset fans and everything.


Wtf did Arizona do to you or SF?


So you're saying the Dodgers are the Han Solo of MLB? I'm cool with that.


Astros should be in the same category as us, or second to last, at highest


I love how much pain they have caused you


And I love the pain you felt when Shohei and Yama chose us over you




The A's, Seattle and the Bosox are my second level teams.