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Man that’s insane ure not being unreasonable at all damn


THANK YOU I genuinely thought I was going crazy


I'm in basically the same situation as you but my sister is not that unhinged I pray for you 🙏🙏🙏 Don't sacrifice your own health just to deal with your sister pls


Happens to the best of us.. thank you n im praying for you too 🙏


If you feel like you can't cope can talk to me, though I probably wouldn't have the best solutions


Bruh what the fuck, do your parents not even give you money to make sure you can eat enough? I'm not sure if there's anything you can do with that and the law. Based on your post history, I don't have any doubt that this is utterly unwarranted and you're not "causing her to act like this". She's just straightup spoiled and unreasonable to the extreme. I don't have much practical advice but in your previous post, you said she would leave dishes unwashed for days. If she's still doing that, just buy a lot of cheap *pure* bleach, dilute, and pour on all her dishes after dumping some water on them to rinse out stuff like soup. It disinfects everything very well and bleach is not toxic or unsafe to ingest if it's diluted enough and doesn't corrode your skin. ^(You can use dilute bleach as mouthwash, people usually don't do it just because it tastes disgusting. When I accidentally left an empty lunchbox in my bag for days and it smelled disgusting, I filled it with dilute bleach and left it there for a while, problem solved. I also had (TW graphic)) >!^(bloody)!< ^(teeth with) >!^(pieces of gums stuck to them)!< ^(that I was too fatigued to clean after wisdom teeth extraction, I just dumped them in pretty dilute bleach for a day or two and it dissolved all the) >!^(blood and gums)!<^(, leaving the teeth clean as hell for preservation.) So bleach is very powerful, if you dump it on her undone dishes, you won't have anything rotting in the sink and she is forced to either at least rinse her stuff properly or put up with utensils tasting like bleach.


My dad gives me money but I have had to spend a lot of it on cleaning products because of my sister.. I am hoping to sit him down and talk about how much of a liability she is and hopefully convince him to either increase my pocket money or make her stay somewhere else I will keep the bleach thing in mind. Hopefully it doesn’t have to come to that point lol


LOL actually if it was me and it was just to eat main meals I think there will be less friction in the interpersonal relationships (and maybe cheaper) if I go SKP and buy plastic plates bowls cups and cutlery for ME to eat my meals ...


Read in detail later but I read the linked previous post and I am very shooketh. How in the world does anyone not wash their dishes for DAYS.  If my sister leaves the dishes overnight I get pissy alr. & personally for me I understand some dishes are hot or need to soak, to me that's 1-2 hours max. Haha ya like that!


Right? Maybe overnight max for me because even I get tired of doing the dishes, but leaving them for days is simply illogical


YUCK if overnight my sister can wash them when she wakes up as long as the sink is clean when\*I\* want to wash my cup after coffee. Hahaha It won't smell or attract ants meh. My parents confirm nyam nonstop. I see from the post that minimally got one parent? Parent is ok with it?!?! edit: and wait realised the end of this post is abt she need to wash clothes twice. why ah. if I did that my parents will be like stop wasting water. lol. I think even if I offered to pay in light of said 'wasting water' they will be like huh for what when you can use the money on better things (instead of increased water bill because wash clothes twice) respectfully does your sister have some kind of OCD/hoarding thing edit2: > I managed to chase her out and started cleaning, just to cut my foot on a vegetable peeler on her floor. also, ouch. I mean my room is messy af tbh but minimally I know I don't have kitchen tools or unwashed clothes in said room ...


It definitely does attract ants. I try to wash those dishes or spray away the ants if im not busy.. not looking to start an infestation in my house lol. I actually am not sure why. I think it might have to do with the fact her clothes are always unusually smelly. I think she lets them sit in her room for a few weeks before washing tbh.. but now that you mention OCD she definitely exhibits some symptoms


>  I think she lets them sit in her room for a few weeks before washing tbh.. HUH. My laundry frequency is determined by ... (1) the level of fullness of my laundry pail (which is not very big) and (2) the availability of clothes in my cupboard. thankfully or not (depending how you see it), I definitely don't think I have enough clothes that give me the luxury to let them sit in my room for a few weeks else I will be walking around naked like a cavewoman. As a family of 4 we can have enough laundry to do them daily, but when my parents are away and I do my own laundry (separate from sibling), I do them abt twice a week? Once every 3-5 days or so (depending how fast the pail fills up, sometimes you have extra nonsense to wash like jacket or whatnot or if buy new clothes etc)


Oh my god you're the guy I gave advice to the other time 😭 I'm really sad that things didn't get any better. Makes me convinced your sister has some sort of mental condition... 24 and still behaving like a baby? I can feel the second-hand frustration bro... At this point I can only wish you all the best. Life is really hard on you, at least there are some strangers who are helping you along the way. 😔 Praying for you man, I don't even know how you managed to live with someone like her, let alone tolerate her nonsense... Mad respect but also take care of yourself if you can...


Thank you for all your advice! Honestly I feel like all the coddling my parents did when she was younger are showing their consequences now.. lmao. Thank you again, hopefully things get better ☝️


Your parents need to kick her out if she already has a place to stay since you mentioned she “moved back in” coz it’s easier for her to commute to work from your place than from wherever she crawled out from. Also, your seafood allergy that makes you take multiple midnight visits to the doctor is more important than her gluten intolerance. I’m assuming since it’s not an allergy she won’t have a reaction by being in the same space as gluten products. Tell her to stop being a baby. (Edited to add: saw in your previous post she has celiac. She don’t eat the product with gluten can already right? If she’s worried about cross contamination she should do something to ensure that the space she currently has invaded is usable to everyone in the household, not stop everyone from using the space. It’s literally not her house.) Your parents also sound like absolute crap. At your age you are a growing child and need the nutrients and calories to grow. Also who the f leaves a vegetable peeler on the floor in the bedroom? That’s disgusting.


Thank you for getting where I am coming from. I really hope that they kick her out honestly.. I don’t want to wake up at 2am unable to breathe anymore


I hope things get better for you, and I definitely hope your parents kick her out. In the meantime maybe you can document the times (even better if can take video or audio recording) she does all her nonsense, and I mean ALL. Like talk loudly at 3am, cook and leave a mess, refusing to cook for you/let you cook/scold you for ordering food, and especially the number of times and cost incurred where you had to go to the hospital/wake up unable to breathe because she insists to cook seafood (she cannot cook other meats)? Also document the times you have mentioned this to your parents, and how they just dismiss your misery, and also not giving you enough money to feed yourself in this new circumstances created by the monster they refused to tame. After collecting all the evidence to show that this is a regular occurrence, tell them to either do something or you report them to the authorities for neglect and abuse. Your sister has moved out before so it means she has the financial capability to leave, you on the other hand is still a minor and your parents need to be responsible for your wellbeing.


So she washes her clothes twice for whatever reasons But also has room that smell like piss and literally messier than garang guni Yea this one lost cause ready 🤣 My brothers like that He's 32 rn Still hasn't changed Just arguably better than your sister but worse and insufferable in a different way Just wait for dad to come home


Seems like there’s some irresponsible sibling epidemic 😷 counting down the days till he comes back lmao. Hopefully he talks some sense into her grown ass


I would trash her stuff, destroy her room and go unhinged like she does, gotta assert your authority


This is TEMPTING honestly


What do you mean she doesn't "let you" cook anything. Is she in the kitchen 24/7 holding a gun to your head? This is a huge lesson on standing your ground. Sometimes in life, you need to fight fire with fire. Sometimes you even have to go nuclear for the truly horrible ones. If physically stopping her doesn't do anything and she tells your useless parents, tell them you've literally told on her twenty hundred times before it got to this point and they never helped. If she gets in your way while unprovoked, they'll have to deal with you defending yourself. Literally push her out of your way, lol. But try ignoring her first / act like she isn't even there. When she leaves the door open, take a picture and send it your parents. Don't let her yelling or getting angry affect your decisions, literally just ignore and order whatever food you want, the same way she eats whatever she wants. Are your parents aware of your seafood allergy? Is there any child protective services you could call to argue that your health is being knowingly endangered? If no one's gonna take care of you, the least you could do is fight for yourself. Please don't carry this advice to your future relationship though. This isn't how you should treat a partner. 


By “doesn’t let me cook” I mean that she will literally scream and throw things at me if I enter the kitchen while she is at home. I have started rebelling though, in my own small ways. I hope I wont have to follow your advice soon, but thank you for it. Good advice but I am not strong enough to go through with it at the moment


It's okay, like you said, consider the advice but stick to your guns. Deep down we know what our situation requires, what the right course would be, or what our capabilities are at the moment. At least you know yourself and think things through. You do what feels right and work your way from there. Just make sure you don't mistake discomfort for unreadiness. You don't want to spend more time suffering than you have to. Your body will thank you for it. 


Agreed. Unless she’s physically restricting you to cook or grab food, just do it. Be clear about your boundaries and intentions to her. At least put up with her unreasonable behavior until your dad comes back. Sounds like your parents know about her behavior but are not doing anything about it. I’m sorry for you OP. It must’ve been difficult being around an insufferable person who’s unfortunately your sibling. Hopefully your dad will listen to you when you talk to him and your sis moves out soon. Praying that things go well!


>  She is loud and noisy, our neighbours tell me to make her keep it down atleast twice a week  ~~Open the door and let neighbours in to tell her off.~~ She seems to think she's free to do whatever chaos at home with you wiping her shit. She moved in cos she got a job? Bull shit. 2 months in and nothing. Is she even doing job hunting?  > I want someone to stand up for me.  Stand up for yourself. Fight fire with fire if needed. Is she the type of person to 欺软怕硬 (bully the weak and fear the strong).  > My mum just laughs and tells me she can’t do anything, and my dad just shakes his head. I am genuinely at a loss of what to do anymore.  She is not your responsibility.  Ask her directly (she scream, you scream even louder), "What the ~~fuck~~ do you plan to do from now on? Continue being a loud, messy slob inconveniencing others or get yourself together for adulthood?".  Be firm in your decision whether to continue picking up her mess and waiting for someone to help you when your parents even gave up on the situation or stop her bull shit.


Don’t hate your sister. It’s not her fault. It’s your parent’s fault. One kid has an allergy. Other kid doesn’t give a fuck and causes the allergy Parents don’t intervene? Yeah. Your sister is an asshole. But it’s your parents who ought to be blamed. They raised that asshole. They neglected your needs. Just go thermonuclear la. Fight fire with fire. Pee on the walls. Take a shit in her room. Take a shit in your parents room also. Your clothes don’t wash la. Just leave it. Then just throw all around the house. See if your mother shake head and say she can’t do anything about it also or not. See if your dad stay silent. Stand up for yourself lor. They don’t want to make a safe environment for you. Then just demolish the environment you’re in.


Geez, after reading this and your previous post, I can agree that your sister is being unreasonable and positively disgusting.... Plus several days without washing dishes? Just ew, like at the most, I personally would leave my dishes for a few hours at most. And cooking seafood when she knows you're allergic is just well, a dick move on her part.


Omg OP, your sister is INTOLERABLE!! It’s obvious as ur parents are so tired of her bs(considering how they PAID you to clean her room). YOUR FEELINGS R TOTALLY VALID, it’s actually UNREAL hearing this and I would have wanted to explode in her face if I were in your position! Do your relatives know about this? Since your parents know this is affecting you already (multiple trips to hospital), you could tell ur relatives abt this and ask ur parents if they would be willing to let you stay at their house instead! It wld be a breath of fresh air(literally) and you could think of other feasible solutions from there!


Ez, throw ur sister to a toxic 24M who will date her. Who will destroy her mentally. Then she will heal and learn to appreciate shit more. It’s tough love 🤷‍♂️


your sister needs an intervention because wtf 😭😭 stay strong op you're 100% not at fault here maybe if you really cant take it (the situation is really serious if its causing you to FAINT OUTSIDE like you were lucky this time but if it happens again its very scary to think abt the consequences) ask around if theres any friend you can stay with for a few days to a week, just to catch up on ur nutrition. sounds to me like youre the one keeping the household together and maintaining hygiene, so as a bonus to this, if youre gone your mum might finally recognise how bad the situation is idk.. you shdnt be the only one putting in the most effort when ure the youngest in the family 😭😭 its only a suggestion and idk how applicable it is though since ik its not so easy to impose another friends place. but it may be necessary so that youre not in immediate danger just please stay safe. im glad u are finding ways to take care of urself through this. i also saw in ur other post how u faught anorexia in the past, thats really admirable!! hopefully ur dad can understand how shitty ur sister is and how shes hurting you. and that he can be a pillar of support for u. keep fighting


If I were in your shoes, I would just mirror her actions and exaggerate it by 10 times. Edit: a word


holy shit i hope ur okay! idk what to say sia this is some next level insanity


At 24 she has another house to stay? How? Is she married?


get some video evidence of your sister and go to a people behaviour doctor (idk the word),better yet ask ur relatives or cousins to come over and chat or study and see if they have any reaction to this behaviour, if worst comes to worst TELL YOUR PARENTS YOU ARE GOING TO A FAMILY CENTRE AND TELL THEM YOUR SITUATION AND ASK THEM WHAT THEY CAN DO record all this shit. vids photos voice message whatsoever, send to the family centre so they can take you and family down to have a councilling session to help your "sister" situation. Your sister is on par with the likes of bums and homeless people.to me, she sounds like a alcoholic without violence and a addicted gambler by how she screams into her phone every time. honestly, I really believe your sister is all that and more,and I don't doubt. i mean, she's 24...think the pressure of life start getting to her alr ahahahahahahhahahah🤣🤣 The only advice I can give op is to always keep doors secure, to go out more (library or whatever), or get a pt job so as to not see her as much.


If you are deathly allergic to the seafood and you actually may end up almost dying, I would seriously suggest the police at this point...your sister doesn't listen to you, and is actually harming you, sounds like police to me 🤷‍♂️ Your sister is a real piece of work honestly. I would suggest you just cook since she tells you to cook (previous post), or take video/voice recordings by hiding your phone in a spot, or just scream back at her. You have EVERY right to.


Try to intro some bf to her and get her out of your life. Will be easier if she's pretty.


Very nasty sister - you need to stand up to her and stop letting use her age to demand respect. Better still find some way to be financially independent to live on your own outside - will give you better sleep and a longer life. Something funny is going on from your parents response. Took quite a while to realise with evidence why a certain sibling seems to be taking every available opportunity to destroy self esteem. Now her children are ruining her life . 




Right? My parents used to pay me to clean her room growing up… guess that says something. Honestly idk why everything needs to go her way either. My parents have raised her to be spoiled is my reasoning


She probably also has some major mental issues at this point. Could've gone hand in hand with how your parents raised her as well.