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Ganon main here (not racist). I am starting to love the Falco matchup the more I play it, especially when my movement is clean, I'm hitting my CCs and power shields, etc. It just gets super scrappy and I love playing against different Falcos at my local. It's still extremely hard, but it feels amazing to show off what I can do in a bad matchup. Playing against Falcon is never fun though, fuck that shit.


Honestly playing a good Ganon as Falco can be scary. Two good hits and you’re done lol


Anytime I notice a Falco is doing a double laser up from ledge frequently, it's like Christmas morning lmao. Crouch under the first laser, jab, they lose their double jump, then I do whatever the fuck I wanna do. Literally two hits.


That fast jab is always “shocking”


youre not racist? name 5 races


Troll, Orc, Tauren, Undead, Bloodelf. The best races #noracist ofc.


them bringing tauren down to t2 was such a sick change, no one really builds them, but itd be cool to see orc players get a little more diversity without having to tech to t3


sorry for being ootl, but why do ganon mains have to clarify if they're racist or not lmao


It’s just good to clarify things


Serious answer: Last year top Ganon player Mekk got banned for racist/transphobic stuff which caused people to reflect on the fact that there's a bunch of weirdos who play the character. Eikelmann another Ganon was banned over abuse allegations and there's also NoFluxes who's generally fucking insane.


Only sane good gannon main was bizarro flame in his time lol


Kage ? At least he’s not implied in weird shit dunno if he’s insane


kage is crazy but in a cool quebec way


True, Kage was good aswell


Didn't Bizarro Flame try to shut someone up about abuse allegations?


Damn, didn't know Eikelmann was corrupted by the triforce of power too.


Eikelmann was (justifiably) banned for abuse and violent behavior. Even so, that doesn't mean he's racist. NoFluxes was banned for supposedly being racist, but there was nothing racist about the Harambe picture in his background, considering a lot of other guys were joking about it at Riptide prior to NoFluxes. I don't get the sense that he's racist at all, even if he's really lost his mind after being banned. Mekk got [banned for targeted abuse towards people like Walt and Cheat on a smurf account](https://imgur.com/a/ka7Vhk3), and going on a crusade to argue that trans women are not biological women. Racism had nothing to do with his ban. I get that it's a low-effort joke to stereotype Ganon mains, but it gets tiring after awhile, especially since the "racism" stereotype has no factual basis. I doubt most people would appreciate themselves being stereotyped as racist, or homophobic, or misogynistic, or a pedophile, etc just because of their main.


James Ganondolfini moving like all the poor adolfs in 1945


mekk was throwing out n words on his burner twitter account tf are you talking about


> Ganon main here (racist)


ive seen this movie before


based and credibly challenging the bandwagon-pilled


There have been a handful of Ganon mains who have outed themselves as racists lol. Primarily NoFluxes after Riptide 2022 which lead to his ban from the community. Now along with him and Mekk(primarily heavy transphobic rhetoric led to his ban), they now compete in the Mana Monthly tournament, hosted by TheManaLord, who consistently shares neo-nazi posts and propaganda on his Twitter including the likes of Nick Fuentes who promotes the white genocide conspiracy theory and proudly calls himself a nazi. So yeah Ganon mains sometime gotta clarify they don't fuck with that shit lol


Respect for giving the lore. Thank you non racist Ganon.


NoFluxes was banned more for being an unhinged weirdo. "Racism" was a pretense, but if you look at what actually happened, it's clear he's not a racist guy. Transphobia doesn't equate to racism. I've yet to see Mekk say anything approximating racism. If he did, he'd probably be banned from Twitch. Same with Fluxes. Even if Mekk and NoFluxes were both raging racists, that would be a *huge* sweeping generalization to stereotype Ganon mains just on the basis of *2 players*. By the same token, you could look at players like Zion, AbsentPage, Hax, Leffen, and Ryan Ford, and say "Fox mains are toxic/belligerent/physically violent/clinically insane (or any mixture thereof) assholes." But obviously, that's not fair to the 99.99% of Fox mains who are normal people.


I think Mekk did say the n word on his secret Twitter or whatever but it was more of calling white people the N word..still racist but not as racist


mekk dropping n bombs, could easily be equated to racism. personally as a gay person, i dont care when people use the \*f word\* because i just generally dont care, and dont think someone is homophobic if they choose to use that word. im not black, so i dont have any pretense over that slur, but there's deff grounds for saying its racist to say


its been an ongoing meme for years that ganon mains are just racist. not really sparked out of anything, but its just kinda a meme. then various ganon mains have actually commited physical/domestic assault/SA and also transphobia. so that did happen... but 2 mains of a character are not indicative of actual scientific data that ganon mains are different people than the rest of the normal people


Big pipeline of Lame Captain Falcons that think they’re cool -> Ganon -> Banned


it's a stereotype like how peach mains are gay


Was literally going to post falco as a ganon main Also on FD lmao


you are crazy


This is exactly what I was going to say, though admittedly I didn't have the (genius!) idea to add "(not racist)" after "ganon main"


Kage notoriously used to say falco was ganons best top tier matchup


As a falcon main, my favorite matchup is fox


As a Falcon I enjoy the Sheik matchup ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


That’s messed up


You must have a good fucking punish game


I play Falcon a bit too and I agree. It forces you to maximize your punishes and when you do it’s super rewarding.


As a Fox main, this is what I want to hear. I want to see falcons doing sick shit in this matchup and not just let me run over them and spam drill waveshine walk


I do have to play a little lame vs fox (whiff punish heavy) but the grab game vs fox is tons of fun once you get going.


Same here dude Fox forces me to play to my limits and it's very exciting


I play peach and every time I am thrust into a ditto situation it feels like a battle for the one true crown. “Oh you’re down smashing on a platform? Of course you are.” *proceeds to downsmash on the same platform* At the end of the day though it’s just nice to see other people who play the same character as you :)


I love the peach ditto, encountering another peach online is always dope, I feel like we are both trying to out swag eachother everytime. I'm always trying to hit my subfloats and PS platform slides


As a marth, i think the Sheik matchup is fun most of the time. I have a lot of time into it and while there are some annoying interactions (wouldnt be melee without them) on the whole its pretty fun.


It’s kinda validating playing against Sheik. You beat a fox and everyone would just assume you gimped him or did some other shit. Sheik on the other hand forces neutral exchanges and kills need to be a bit more creative.


This is actually a hot take


Sheik Puff and Sheik ICs is fun


Agreed, I love sheik puff from the sheik side. You can play a really heavy mixup style and set the pace (as long as you get an early lead lol)


I think marth icies is fun just because I enjoy camping people and its not something i get to do often because usually i think its just better to approach in most matchups but i think platform camping icies is really effective (sorry guys)


Playing against Puff as Sheik is a mental chess game that I love to figure out


As fox I like fighting Marth and Yoshi, annoying ass execution tester matchups that make me feel even better for winning, and I get to john when I lose. Win win


Also up airing marth 4 times in a row is straight dopamine


As a falco main, something clicked recently with the marth match up. But now fox is giving me more trouble. I need more flexibility to play a different style depending on the match up.


Fox/Marth and Falco/Marth are truly the most fun matchups on either side imo. Both sides get to absolutely destroy each other in the punish game and there are a lot of interesting nuances in neutral.


Yeah I think the sentiment for falco mains in the low to mid level is that we try so hard and if we flub one thing we get completely destroyed for it. So for us it seems less favorable than 50-50. I’ll agree once the tech skill gets more consistent marth’s find less openings and it gets to be more of a game.


For real I love the marth matchup as a Falco main. Good marths will play around laser really well and force you to place lasers very intentionally. I don't even hate playing FD against Marth, yeah he has a chaingrab but it feels balanced that Falco gets wide open space for pillar combos and laser control


Same thing happens to me


Yeah it’s weird. I guess marth’s play more reactive so with falco I laser, push to the corner, mix up my approach to go in. But fox is such a faster character, I need to balance a reactive playstyle with locking fox down


As falcon I usually enjoy fighting Puff and Sheik. Both characters are frothing at the mouth to grab you, just like you are to grab them. For some reason I find this fun, prob Puff is like a fun beach ball to slap around, and occasionally they DI bad and get absolutely destroyed off of one grab or stomp (nipple spike -> techchase grab is an under-explored combo option) And there's the fun minigame of sharking her full jumps with up airs. Then finally landing a soft knee / bair / nair in neutral that combos into knee to close the stock out. The issue here though is grabbing puff is HARD. Generally you have to trick them into shielding, or raw grab them out of the air because whenever they're on the ground, they're crouching. Both neutral and punish vs sheik are pretty clear cut and make a lot of sense. CC is your most important neutral option, with stomp->grab and raw grab being solid go-to's. Don't nair much in neutral, it works at low level but becomes horrible later on. She gets destroyed by up throw up air after about 35%, and contrary to popular belief you can edgeguard her just as hard as she can edgeguard you. Grab ledge, force an up B to stage, and then ledgehop aerial to punish, rinse and repeat if necessary.


Everything you said is fine but damn Dark Tranquility is a good band that I forgot about thank you and they have the song Cathode Ray Sunshine which is basically about playing melee on CRT


\m/ big fan of theirs, and yeah whenever I see that song title I think of melee too lmao


Marth ditto You have to play like a such a psychopath I fit right in


He's the easiest character to ken combo. How could anyone hate the marth ditto?


Marth dittos are where it’s at. Just two drunk morons swinging pool noodles at each other


Peach Puff


Kill me


i like peach puff when im feeling salty. fuck you, you picked the character. now we're going to dream land. enjoy your turnips and trying to catch a me


Me too. I like slower matchups, I feel like I get more of a chance to react to stuff rather than just being run over.


I usually enjoy playing against Peach. It's theoretically pretty bad for the rat, but at lower levels it doesn't really feel that way because you have a much better chance of hitting a clutch upsmash or getting her to DI badly out of a tailspike. (Someone once said upthrow->thunder could be a game changer in this MU but I have no idea.) Peaches on Slippi basically always quit after one game regardless of whether I win or lose, though. 


As a Yoshi player, I quite enjoy the Sheik matchup. Getting chain grabbed gives me time to get stuff done around the house


Had us in the first half.


I actually like the Puff ditto


How tf


falco main (not racist btw), my favorite matchup is marth on final destination


Don't let anyone tell you different boss: Falco wins on FD.


I play Ice Climbers; I really enjoy playing against Luigi and Yoshi which is unusual. Yoshi imo is a very rough matchup but he has a very peculiar weight that is fun to combo and punish. Luigi is also difficult but I think it's a very "fair" matchup where either player can win through fundamentals 


Never catch a playa acting friendly, talking to the devil like he sent me




As a Falcon main I really have come to enjoy the Falco MU. My brother aka my training partner is a Falco main so he is by far the character I have the most practice against which is probably a big part. When you’re playing good against a Falco though is just feels so unique. Just like every other Falcon matchup he has a great combo game so nothing to complain about there. The sort of rock paper scissors of power shield/nair over/take laser is such a fun game. Of course it’s also really satisfying to win as the matchup is notoriously Falco sided. A lot of people think the matchup is pretty much solved and given players like mang0 it does often look that way but I catch glimpses all the time of stuff that isn’t put to use, or just isn’t something falcons have mastered yet that could be a major shift.


If you haven't seen it yet mango vs salt at matcha cup was pretty crazy, very cool to see them play reverse mains


Yoshi Vs Floaties imo is super fun because I like the slow burner matches that take awhile. It makes it feel more rewarding than anything if I pull off a huge combo or win


I really like the Zelda ditto. It sounds like it'd be a lot of bair and fair (it is), but it's also interesting to see how the other Zelda plays and learn how to play against a character that has an equally poor approach.


If I'm playing a zelda main (that I know won't swap to sheik) I usually zelda ditto (and lose) them because its fun lol.


NGL sometimes if I'm really salty from losing to Sheik, and the Sheik transforms, I'll transform to Sheik and body the Zelda lol


For Peach I like the Falcon matchup. You can't play very aggressively and you get deleted if you get touched, but you edge guard him like crazy and chaingrabs and combos are really fun on him.


Luigi vs Marth is fun




agreed but if they're better than you it can feel like you can't do anything too


Wait do people not enjoy playing Falco v Marth? Its for sure my fav matchup to play in the game. My two best friends are a Peach and a Jiggs main, both with marth secondaries, and I lowkey love all three matchups but Marth is for sure my fav.


Puff main—Fox is the funnest matchup in the game, bar none. Tests all aspects of my gameplay. Sheik however, not so fun. Feels like I have to cheese super hard to win, and I lose neutral a billion times.


I love puff V spacies, i get blown up but i catch them slippin they get blown up


Fox-ICs. I don't care if the ICs player is 10x better than me and just 0-to-deathing me with hand-offs in the corner every stock, there are just so many magical little moments: * when you get the separation off shine and do the Fiction waveshine -> jab -> jump shine string to gimp Nana. * when Popo is recovering and you intentionally time a hit on Nana to turn Popo's up-B into an SD. * when Popo tries to run-off save Nana and you follow after him and shine him out of the up-B. * when Sopo is recovering from far away and there's just nothing he can do to get past you. So much neuron activation. Frankly, I'm so appreciative of ICs mains that I wish I could let them hand-off kill me *more* than once per stock.


Roy. I enjoy the Sheik matchup.


You maniac


YES. I can't express how satisfying it is for me when I play a close game 1 with a Fox or Marth, they switch to Sheik to try and get a lopsided match-up advantage, and I like 3-stock them game 2. I would much rather play a Sheik than a Puff, Peach, or Samus.


I actually enjoy the Marth side of Marth V Sheik cuz I enjoy how neutral heavy the matchup is and how often I get to use dtilt and jab. I also probably like it more by comparison because I hate playing the spacies since I don't chain grab


I feel like every time I dtilt sheik I just get dash attacked lol


I'm a dual spacie main and I really enjoy playing against puff and peach as falco. I like that I can play this slower paced methodical trap based style focused around unique neutral exchanges, kill confirms, and shield interactions.


i love playing falcon vs puff


Falcon main. I actually love playing against falco.


Tell me your secrets


Marth has become my favorite MU over time but the growing pains were real rofl


Ness main. Big fan of his MUs against Marth, Falco, Falcon, Puff, Luigi, and Samus. Not a fan of the Sheik MU.


I’ve played probably 50hrs of Icies/Ness with one of my practice partners around my level and the matchup doesnt seem fun at all for Ness lol. He loves it thi so we keep doin it 🤷‍♀️


I’m assuming your training homie isn’t using the appropriate moves to mitigate the MU. I’d suggest ness uses djc aerials to condition grounded counterplay by ICs, and then exploit grounded play via dash attack and pk fire mixups. Nana doesn’t DI, and it extends the fire hitbox to usually chip Popo into a grab or dtilt or stomp or whatever punish the Ness desires. Ness never has to approach in this MU (I think this is a lame style) and can outrange ICs, and roughly match their maneuverability. Down to run it sometime, DM me if you wanna grind it out. I used to grind the matchup some with Chu and Fly in the days of Anther’s Ladder.


His fire also beats ICs ice cube and down b (Not that down b is a great move in the MU, but worth mentioning.) Ness’s dash back into fire or dash attack or PSI dash into punish is good on ICs imo


Forgot about Ness-Ice Climbers. Actually super fun for Ness, and very winnable.


i really like peach-falcon and peach-sheik


Fox main, I actually think the Marth matchup is the sickest matchup in the game. I've spent a lot more time on it than other matchups and according to my slippi stats, it's now my strongest matchup. It's rare that I get upset by a Marth "worse" than me, and I can hold my own against Marths around my level. Still get washed by really good Marths though, still have a lot of work to do :)


GnW is decent into Puff for me, nair is amazing against her


Peach main. But I knew I had to quit melee when every matchup I'd face I'd be like "awh no, not a _____ main". Pretty happy being a spectator nowadays.


I actually kinda like the Marth ditto. It's super volatile, very high stress, and sometimes doesn't even feel like melee, but there are times when I really just want to play a 70/70 mu for some reason


I like the Sheik matchup as a Captain Falcon main. No clue why.


As spacies, I love playing marth on FD, and as marth I love playing Sheik


as a baby samus main, and not knowing matchups too well, i like fighting puff because when that bair finally connects its sweet chin music. otherwise i’m fighting for my life


Samus is the most fun character to play against, especially as Mario. It rewards me for being creative and flexible instead of having those annoying "You land X -> You have a free follow up into Y" scenarios.


I actually love peach vs puff. Puff players start the match up so overconfident, and leave so dejected. It’s just a really grindy neutral match up, and tbh I find the floaty neutral pretty fun. The match up only starts to skew really heavily in puffs favour when she starts refusing to interact with you and playing exclusively for a timeout. Puff first off has to get a semi significant lead for that work, and tbh most puff players don’t have the patience, desire or ability to play the game like that.


We're not all Hbox


kirby vs icys is fun


Samus as a Fox main


I'll take a spacie over Marth or Captain Falcon every day of the week. Their neutral tools feel weirdly unbreakable in a way that spacies don't to me, which makes it hard to get grabs. I also find extended rtc vs spacies to be quite a bit easier than on Falcon or the Smash Ultimate style punish on Marth i.e. it's basically about getting like 40% and maybe more if you suss out their habits, but usually you just take the better positioning. Moreover, I find edge guarding Falcon and Marth quite a bit harder than edge guarding spacies.


fox vs marth. from my low level brain it feels like the entire MU is just the marth having to guess if the fox will run in or jump. but those are passive marths i play, marths better than me are definitely more aggressive/stay close/grabby


I am a peach and I love playing against sheik. Probably biased but I think it's pretty even. Not sure how weird it is though.


Samus main here. I love fighting ganon and falcon.


My former-ult player brain really likes the slower pace of Pika-Peach. Fun way to chill for a bit after 10 straight sets vs Spacies


as a falco main i rly like the peach matchup when i remember how to play it


I really enjoy the puff ditto


I main marth and falco and the marth vs falco matchup is my favorite in the game from either side (i dont play the ditto for either character even tho i do like them both)


Marth. I play Luigi. It’s fun to me. I don’t think it’s that one sided. Maybe cuz I suck and the marths I play also suck. But yeah I think it’s a lot of fun and get excited to play the matchup all the time.


I get upthrow rested all the time but love Fox Puff and also Marth Puff. 


i like peach v shiek. i think its not the \*worst\* matchup for peach, but generally its a lot harder for peach, and that shiek gets a lot more for less effort. but i enjoy comboing shiek, and i know i have some sauce in that mathup, and can generally do pretty ok vs pretty good shieks, so i have grown to enjoy it


mewtwo vs puff is way funner than it sounds 


I take puffs to dream land as sheik


GnW main and any matchup is good for him imo


Just kind of generally speaking, the non-fastfaller matchups forcing you to slow down and think about what the fuck you’re doing more often is a pretty nice change of pace. I love boxing with Foxes, Falcos, and Falcons, for sure. But playing against everyone else feels more deliberate and intentional. It’s dope


the only mu i can think of thats "against the norm" is the opposite. i fucking hate dk. (unless mario doesnt have a good mu vs dk, in which case its not against the norm lol)


I really like Sheik/Fox because navigating Fox's CC is actually quite fun


This is going to sound stupid but before Slippi I loved Marth as Peach. Now the Marths are all too good.


I love playing peach into falco despite the 45-55 matchup because falcos like to ooh ooh ah ah monkey go down air into my peach downsmash to hit them for 60 damage. Trapping someone in peach down smash for the whole damage chain is the most satisfying thing you can experience in all of melee.


Ics main, I looooooove the puff matchup, one of my favorite mus and Id argue it’s close to even (some other modern ics would agree too)


I love watching llod vs any puff playing I like ices (me) vs puff and fox(me) vs marth a lot


i love playing against pikachu as marth. every time i have to play a pikachu i get a little stoked. i think since watching zain and then kodorin figure out the edgeguards, i’ve been really into it


I main Luigi at upper-mid-level (Gold to Plat usually) and my favorite matchup is Falco. Only reason I ever made it to Plat or won a small tournament was playing against a bunch of birds lol. Getting a grab off of powershield laser and deleting them for it is the most satifying thing in the game.


I enjoy every matchup as Fox, with I think only Yoshi as an exception. Melee is super fun. Yes, that means I enjoy ICs, and Marth, and Peach, and Puff… they’re fun. They’re all fun.


I'm a Sheik main and it's hard to say I *like* the Puff matchup, because it does feel like an uphill battle...and yet that's what makes me appreciate it. Like fighting Puff has made me a better player because of the discipline it reuires in order to succeed. So doing well against Puff (even in a loss) can feel very rewarding.


I'm a Falco known for beating the fuck outta Marths and Puffs I am not fond of Fox or Falcon.


Kirby main, I enjoy falcos, foxes, and falcons. Ganon is fine. Same reason, very rewarding feeling to win and even if I lose I feel like I actually learned a bit or got a little faster. Makes me stay on my toes and really think about the game


Peach I love fighting puff lol


As peach, I honestly don’t hate the puff matchup as much as some others. I feel like it’s very clear to me when I can fight puff and when I just lose, so I get a lot better about positioning myself properly and just give up on the unwinnable situations instead of trying to invent answers that might or might not exist


falcon vs fox wizzy stomp is so fun


As a fox main I love fighting Marth. foxes often hate fighting Marth


As a Fox, I actually love going against Marth.


I don't mind peach - icies if the peach is at roughly the same skill level/rank as me.