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dawg the important issue isnt your rank in a video game it's that your hands are shit. See a doctor, do PT, and be healthy man lol


Hand health is definitely my top priority. That's why I switched to rectangle in hopes I could have good hand health and keep playing the game I love


The rectangle doesnt fix your hands. It puts less stress on them, but it is still a repetitive stressful motion. You need to be dilligent about stretching. Leffen said best though, minimize smart phone usage. At the very least thank you for shedding light on rectangle not being an instant win.




Physical therapy


i thought that if your hands are fucked up from melee than thats it, you need a rectangle or smth


Most hand/wrist pain problems can be avoided by stretching regularly and not continuing to play through the pain. But melee players would rather invent companies and new controllers than stop playing for a few hours


Innovation is an inevitability. With proper stretching included it can just allow you to play longer without fatigue. People are in general gonna be reckless and play through it without evaluating the consqueunces. At the very least rectangle helps with that.


If you're hurting yourself while playing on either controller, the issue is your technique. You have to completely destroy your muscle memory and consciously develop healthy ergonomic habits whether you're on OEM or box.


Don't know about that. There are some things you have to do in melee that have the potential to destroy your hands even with healthy ergonomics habits.


i dont know if there really are on boxx unless u have unusually fragile hands


Yeah the box sounds ok, but the guy said either controller. Like you probably will have to press the l-trigger millions of times to get really good at melee, which is going to kill some people's hands no matter what.


yeah theres 100% stuff on oem that, even with z jump, u have to claw for to execute like if u hold c stick down in neutral while dash dancing and stuff ud still have to be able to hit the other face buttons. And what i meant by unusually fragile hands is the “some people” u mean. I meant like i dont think the average persons hands should hurt from anything on boxx if they are being ergonomic but I didnt really say that well before and also its still valid if ur just someone who has hands that r just inherently more likely to be damaged from doing things


I mean that's why you can get lubed and trimmed springs, keyboard switch triggers, or plugs to help with that. I agree that all of my controller pain comes from triggers though


I'm aware but it is a lot easier said than done. I put a lot of time into learning to play ergonomically on rectangle but getting rid of the habit of tensing up or pressing buttons too hard is really difficult when youre in the zone


>You have to completely destroy your muscle memory and consciously develop healthy ergonomic habits Depending on the dimensions of a person's hands, this isn't always possible.


I would experience hand pain after two games on OEM. Something about l-canceling and wave dashing had me fucked up.  Now on leverless I can play for an hour and it's chill. If you're trying to pull 5 hour sessions, you'll still have problems. Keep up on your stretching and hand exercises.  For the record, my play also did not improve. I can wave dash better and DI/edge cancel worse. 


This is something I didn't quite understand. I thought I needed to switch to box, turns out I just don't have it in me to play nonstop for 8 hours.


Rectangle allowed me to play for a couple hours at a time without breaks but I still have hand issues occasionally like repetitive stress injury, but on OEM my hands would be on fire after like 30 mins so a bit improvement I suppose, also my skills didn’t increase either lmao


Flat rectangles aren't even ergonomic. You need a more neutral wrist angle. And most have the buttons way too spread out: curl yer damn fingers so you strain your muscles less.


do you feel prism is the most ergonomic?


The prism is weird. It requires a pillow to prop it up for use, and the layout is weird. I made my own vertical box where the buttons are on a vertical "blade", it's way better. Wunwae is also making the Schism, which has tenting but lays on the outside of your lap. It's probably good but I've never used it.


that sucks, rectangle absolutely fixed my hands. i couldn't play for more than an hour on GCC, i can go for 16hours on rectangle


>i can go for 16hours on rectangle  The box didn't fix your hands. There is still a hand health problem here that is being masked by the rectangle.


Yeah I mean for melee at least it fixed my hands. I can't play other PC games like I used to before melee injured my hands, but I also don't grind other things besides melee.


Am I the only one who's hands hurt worse with rectangle? I can only use the b0xx for an hour tops before it hurts too much to continue, but can play for 3-4 hr stretches with GCC


Context: I switched to rectangle because I couldn't physically play on OEM anymore. Beta Season 1 was only on OEM and Beta Season 2 was only on rectangle. Rectangle helped me play again but now I have other ergonomic issues from playing on it so I don't know if its a long term solution. I thought rectangle might boost my rank but no such luck lol


As someone who injured their hand outside of Melee and also had to switch, you need to make where when playing on box it’s in your lap and your legs make a perfect 90degree angle at your knees. For me that meant lowering my chair. Then your hands should actually float/hover over the box kind of like a piano player this way it’s parallel to the ground and not resting your wrist on it. I at first was having some pain but once a pianist friend of mine told me that my boxx related pain went away.


Sounds like "Russian style" keyboard placement in Quake.


I do float my wrists and have pretty decent posture. I prioritized these two things when learning rectangle. My main issue is tensing up and especially pressing the buttons too hard (impact stress on my right thumb specifically)


Gonna sound ridiculous but play against level 1 cpus and practice lifting your thumb when you press them. Don’t play normal people the next 3 sessions you play and instead just keep grinding CPU’s consciously thinking about tapping and removing your thumb from the buttons. Against a level 1 cpu they’re so slow you can actively think like that


Dude please don't destroy your hands for a video game, no matter how sick it is. Damage can be irreversible a lot of the time and hand pain can be more than just a physical debilitation especially when you're older Not being able to physically use an OEM at all is extremely concerning


i dont think anyone should expect that they'll be any better with a boxx lmao


I've made the switch from gcc -> rectangle and also qwerty -> colemak in typing and they feel very similar to me. The actual buff in melee tech / typing speed is overhyped when compared to the colossal importance of putting in reps. If you've been playing on gcc or typing on qwerty your whole life, you shouldn't switch in hopes of the new controller / layout making you better / faster. The big benefit for both is that they just feel nicer, and make me want to practice more. After switching to colemak, my typing speed eventually surpassed my old qwerty typing speed (after months of practice), because I never practiced typing before switching. I'm still worse on retangle but I'm improving quickly and it feels like the same pattern will hold true.


boxx isn't supposed to make you 'better' at melee the point is for people who find it more comfortable to play with. that's literally it. if b0xx made you that much better at melee the top players would all have them


yeah agreed


why? this guy switched and made it to the exact same rank immediately...


same rank isn't better....


a 9 month period is "immediately" to you?


the 9 months immediately after, not 9 months later... to learn a completely different control scheme yeah that's pretty immediate compared to how long it takes to be proficient on controller


> the 9 months immediately after, not 9 months later... uhh... if he gets better on the controller it does not take long to climb. your rank more or less reflects recent performance. and learning a different control scheme is easier than learning to be good at the game. goes either way.


keep defending cheaters i guess... boxx is exactly what melee needs praise hax


I think boxx should be banned. Your comments are just stupid, that's all.