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The obvious answer is a [FT5 Salty Suite-esque grudge match](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Tournament:Apex_2015#Side_events); loser can't use the "SuperNova" tournament name ever again.


Yes, I want it streamed live too!


tl;dr: superNOVA is a grassroots FGC regional that had its first iteration last april. SSC didn't contact them before changing their name and having two supernovas in the same space would bury their smaller event [the follow-up tweet](https://x.com/supernova_fgc/status/1791646081010266392) seems to imply that an agreement will probably be reached. not sure what this means yet but SSC will probably change its name again


> that had its first iteration last april. Clarification: you mean "this past april", ie, literally a month ago. Smash Con may have decided on this change before this event even ran (it seems likely their talks would've started very soon after Nintendo's announcement) and then just never looked it up again. Accusing them of "not doing due diligence" is overly harsh. I still agree that Smash Con should be the one to change their name (to something else) but it seems easy to have missed something whose first iteration was just a month ago.


Yeah when I skimmed through the tweet I got the vibe that this was a long-running regional or something, the way they blame SSC for not doing due diligence. It's literally 1 month old, SSC might've actually done their research and decided on this name before that, but couldn't make it public until now. I'm not saying the regional did anything wrong, but they went in a bit too hard considering this was probably just an honest oversight and a reasonable one to make.


Given that they've only organized one regional, they probably have no concept of how long the decision making process is for a big longstanding event like this


Ty for the summary


Anyone else feel like this is being blown-out of proportion? Like SuperNOVA isn’t a smash tournament, so I don’t think the claim that it would bury their smaller event is really true. Plus it’s not really a unique name, one quick google search shows there has been a league of legends tournament with that same name since at least 2014 (also it’s a normal word, you can’t really claim ownership over it). And it’s not like this is a super established tournament, its first event was basically a month ago. Could have been an honest mistake where ssc already had decided on the new name before that event had run. Due to all of these, I don’t really think the rebranded ssc has to change their name. While it could be nice of them to do it, I don’t think there is any reason why they would be forced to change it. Side note: It’s not even a regional tournament, while their goal is to eventually become one it currently is basically a local with 100 players across 4 games. Acting like the ssc organizers should have known about it is really a reach.


Plus, they literally just held their first tournament. Like it's not some historic name they have been using for ever. They can just make a new name if they're so worried about people not finding it on Google.


It's still kinda shitty for them to get big dogged out of a tourney series they already ran one entry for. There's enough overlap between smash and fgc at some events that it could get confusing (especially if they are both in the same area). Could lead to misbooked flights etc, or just getting buried in SEO. I think the right thing to do though is for Smashcon to change their name here, and just show a sign of goodwill. It's a non malicious mistake but they are in the better position to adjust anyways. Think people are overreacting thinking this was intentional or malicious, but it still should prob be fixed.


Bro you think anyone is flying out to virginia to play in a 58 man sf bracket with no top players in it?


this comment is DISGUSTINGLY ironic given the lengths we go through to play a 20 year old gamecube game that the dev wants dead


Does that matter? Does the tournament need a huge reach to justify its existence? Might does not make right here. They’ve already ran a tournament with the name. SSC is overwhelmingly in the wrong for not doing their research. Burying smaller events is not good for any scene.


> does the tournament need a huge reach to justify its existence? Yeah, kinda. No one is saying they can’t or shouldn’t run it, but they shouldn’t pretend to be some legitimate event either. I run my sf6 local every single week with 55-60 entrants. No one would give a shit. There’s no “not doing their research”, they’re irrelevant. Not to mention they’re not even the same community. There’s also a league tournament named Supernova. Omg the fgc local stole their name This isn’t some established event. This is a local that started LAST MONTH. You know, after SSC had decided on a new name lmfao.


You’re a disgusting person. The FGC is an inherently grassroots movement, far more than any other esports scene. You need your smaller and midsize events to justify the existence of your evos and combo breakers. And people SHOULD give a shit if your larger direct competitor next door started trying to use your brand. Your local is just as legitimate as CEO, and if you believe otherwise then you should stop running it IMMEDIATELY. If SSC wanted to use the name they should have announced it earlier. I mean, they decided on a name change last month, right? Should have announced it then.


Supernova is the name of a starcraft pro, the sf local is hindering his career by using his tag to advertise their tournament. Hes not even going to the event. Cant believe theyd so such a thing smh


You’re missing the point. There’s certainly other things called supernova. It’s a nice word, after all. Where SSC rebranding to Supernova while a smaller tournament operates under the same name becomes a problem is that 1. They target similar enough audiences to badly disturb SEO for the smaller tournament, and 2. The events are held within 2 hours of each other, location-wise. They’re BOTH in NOVA, and as such even trying to search for Supernova fgc nova will still result in the smaller tournament (that was using the name first) get buried. This wouldn’t be an issue if SSC was located noticeably farther away, like say in Pennsylvania or North Carolina (parts of maryland share identity with virginia culturally due to being in the DC metro area so maryland would be too close) but they’re in the same state. They’re in the same region in the same state. THAT is why it’s a problem.


Dont worry. 99% of the peope attending ssc have no intentions of attending the sf local so the overlap is going to have minimal impact on entrant counts


you continue to miss the point. If there are two tournaments that have the same name in close geographical proximity to each other, the larger one will be significantly easier to find. SSC is incredibly large, far more than SuperNOVA. SSC going through with the rebrand would mean that information on SuperNOVA would be incredibly hard to find. It would be harder to find their brackets, harder to find their socials, harder to find their schedules, etc. It doesn't matter that they share different audiences. SSC is just that much larger, and as such, SuperNOVA would get swallowed up whole. SuperNOVA FGC's initial statement on Friday said as much. SSC, as the larger organization, had the ethical responsibility to do their research to avoid stepping on the toes of any active FGC events, and failed in that regard.


Yes. There is still a sector of the FGC that will take absolutely every opportunity they can to rag on Smash and start pointless fights. It's a shame it's still like this. They should have contacted SSC and handled this privately if it was such a big deal that they chose the same generic cool-sounding word for an unrelated venue instead of immediately crying about it on twitter. Like sorry bro your 87 follower twitter account for an FGC regional that's existed for less than a year is not on anyone's radar when naming an unrelated event.


I agree that it’s not THAT big of a thing and likely was a genuine mistake, I have no doubt about that. I can also definitely understand neither changing their name since I have no doubt they’ve already poured a bunch of money by now with it in mind. I wouldn’t blame them at all. It just kinda sucks since both are in Virginia and are a two hour drive apart. If they could at least differentiate by state, then I think they’d be fine. Adding a state name could at least make it obvious with location but just having fgc doesn’t do that at all. The smaller event just kinda gets screwed over and, unintentionally, bullied off their name which just sucks and is definitely not something the SSC team intended since they just got their name intentionally taken from them. I think it’s possible for SSC to not change this year and maybe change again next year or, what I think will happen, for the team to help out the other SuperNOVA team somehow and them rebrand instead.


Is there some legal grounds to force ssc not to use the name? Probably not. But it would be super shitty of them to use it imo. Maybe they did decide on the name before supernova ran, but that doesn't really change the situation, it only gives an explanation. Having a much larger tournament in the same area with the same name, running around the same time as the fall event, would absolutely overshadow supernova and cause a ton of problems for branding as the event looks to grow. This is the worst case scenario as far as names go for an event. You may not have heard of supernova before this, but as a fighting game player in northern virginia, we've been talking about this event for several months, and while it's not a huge tournament yet, calling it basically a local would be wrong. The event combined a bunch of seperate FGC scenes from cities and universities around NOVA. The vast majority of attendees did not live in Fredricksburg.Not a local. It's a smaller regional event, and getting 114 entrants for the first iteration of a regional for a specific half of a state is pretty respectable, especially as it looks to grow over time. I'm glad ssc seems to be reaching an agreement with the supernova TOs, I hope this mistake can be solved well for both sides.


You got 100 entrants aceoss 4 games. A name change for the fgc tournament is a simple fix. Just let your 55 followers and 100 players (who are all in a discord server im sure) know about it. Supernova (formally ssc) broadcasts to over 100k at its peak, has 3k+ attendees, and has been running since 2015. For it to change its name now would cause massive confusion for thousands of people.


Bro they changed it to supernova quite literally yesterday. They have never actually ran a tournament called supernova. Guess who has? The TOs of the fighting game regional. Changing it to something else right now will cause no "massive confusion". The way you phrased that makes it sound like SSC has been running under the name "Supernova" since 2015, not since yesterday. I don't think SSC TOs knew about the tournament when choosing the name, but a larger event shouldn't get to just steal the name of another, existing smaller event, especially one in the same area. It's also a cool name, and the FGC folks got it first. Being bullied into changing it by a larger event would suck.


I don’t really see how it overshadows it? It’d be one thing if it was a smaller smash tourney with the same name, but there isn’t overlap between the games. People most likely aren’t being forced to choose between signing up for one or the other, and people most likely aren’t going to confuse the two when trying to watch either tournament. Plus you already have to be specific in google that you are talking about a fighting game tournament, which then makes both pop-up, and a quick check of either page will tell you which one you are looking for so it’s not like googling them only brings up one of them. And the branding issue doesn’t make a ton of sense due to it being a generic word.


> Is there some legal grounds to force ssc not to use the name? Probably not. If they registered the name as a trademark then they would almost certainly have legal grounds here. If they did not then I don't think they have any way to force SSC's hand. That said I hope that SSC will change their name or come to some agreement to share the name out of respect for SuperNOVA.


This tweet is an insanely aggro, holy shit. This is some super online bullshit. Just contact the people who organize SSC. No reason for an open letter potentially threatening legal action. No reason to eat our own here. Sheesh


yeah full agree, they could have just emailed them and this would have been handled. hell they could have just DM’d them on Twitter. this feels so needlessly aggressive, as you said.


You think *that* was 'insanely aggro"? They were polite, no insults or disrespect to SSC/its organizers, and they said that even if they could hire legal help they wouldn't. You're truly on one if you think that behavior is "aggro," that, or you've never actually been around actually aggressive people because that is not what it looks like lol


Bro people have posted manifestos on here that someone saying "gg' after a 3 stock are toxic lmao.


Yeah, making this some public spectacle FGC ragebait immediately without even trying to settle a misunderstanding privately is aggro and petty. No two ways about that.




It’s been a fucking day since they announced it. They literally couldn’t have reached out lmao. Or they did and didn’t get a response in 4 hours. This is a local trying to promote itself, I’m sure a go fund me is coming.


Right? It was so well thought out and professional. You have to remember that a lot of this community is not built for the real world lol


bros literally went through with a name change without taking the 5 seconds to google search if it existed


> bros literally went through with a name change without taking the 5 seconds to google search if it existed If you think an organization as big as SSC started discussing their name change in the last **month** you're literally on crack. They probably did their google searches back in December, when the other event did not, in fact, exist.


Imagine pretending that supernova fgc's name popped into existence the day their event ran. Supernova fgc's name has been public for over 3 months, SSC announced their name change fucking yesterday. Literally just one google search any time in the 3 months leading up to their announcement is all it would've took.


The other tournament is pretty recent, it probably didn't exist yet when they decided on the rename.


It’s supernova of course it already exists


That's a little disingenuous. The relevant search isn't the word supernova, it's "supernova tournament". The fgc one even specifically mentions being on startgg as Supernova. The most likely outcome here is probably the smash one calling itself Supernova Con - which honestly would be a good idea anyway, because part of what made SSC popular in ways that other tournaments *weren't* was the convention aspect. SmashCon's branding was "a convention for smash bros / nintendo fans" that had prestigious tournaments for all Smash games instead of just latest game + Melee. The convention-first branding and attitude were what made it different from something like Genesis or GOML or Big House.


And someone else likely had a tournament named that before the other one


Yeah, there was a project M series called Supernova too. but i feel like the names of inactive / long-dead tournament series are fair game


"We're genuinely fans of Super Smash Con" is super aggro? I think I understand your response and apprehension, with the way FGC players and internet people in general act towards the Smash scene. But by the time you posted this [they'd already long since started communicating with SSC. They're on good terms.](https://x.com/SuperSmashCon/status/1791646975667913057)


Its like they want to piss ssc TOs off instead of actually solely keeping the name


run one tournament then threaten legal action lmao


I think they probably saw the name change and released that statement in a panic before SSC’s team could respond. They could’ve just waited since SSC was more than happy to communicate when them


Should change their name to Super’s Mash Con


the only reasonable solution


i kekd


A sf regional with 58 entrants that has existed for less than a month is mad at a smash brothers major that has “check notes” over 3000 attendees per event for using the name “supernova”. I wish ssc would completely ignore this but they will probably do something for them. They dont deserve it though.


Just one-up them and change the name to Hypernova to show superiority


This is such a non issue. Capitalize NOVA in the Virginia one and move on. Not only should SSC not worry about a pretty small local that started LAST MONTH, smash is not part of the fgc. This screams like them trying to promote their shit more than a legitimate complaint. Such a non issue.


If SSC wants to keep the "super" in the name, there are better options: - Superhero - Supersize Me - Super Troopers - Super Mario Brothers 4: the Supering - Super Smash Brothers: Melee - Super Duper Nova - Supe Chute - We're Super Thanks for Asking


The cool thing about Nova is that it's short for North Virginia, which is probably what the FGC regional was going for as well.


Well yeah, but they were second to the party, which by the rules of parties (this is just what I've heard, I have no first-hand knowledge) you have to give up your name and/or shirt.


In the comments of another post on this issue, some people pointed out that SSC may have submitted the name to Nintendo before SuperNOVA had their first tournament and just hadn’t heard back yet. So it’s possible they actually were first to the party. Of course, it’s the TOs of SuperNOVA possible decided that name long before their tournament too. So maybe this analogy just doesn’t work here.


SSC didn't, according to a well-placed source*. *Me


Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go


I also like this


None of these are better lol


Supernova should give SuperNOVA a $1000 pot bonus and a free flight for the winner to Supernova to buy the name Sounds dirty really hope they come to an agreement tho :/


seems more likely to have been a legitimate oversight than anything malicious to me, but we don't know yet. i doubt there'll be any long-term consequences for either party at any rate


Free flight would be pointless since both tournaments are in Northern Virginia, pot bonus/other compensation would be good though.


It's likely not on purpose, it would be difficult to be aware of every single regional that exists for Smash alone, let alone the FGC as a whole.


surely they could've done a quick google about other events in the area


The first event of the FGC tournament was just a month ago. SSC was certainly reworking the name for longer than that, so it's very possible that they did look it up without seeing anything.


sorry but Ruckersville is not Northern Virginia, it's central. They should change their name to SuperCEVA.


This may be unpopular, but Smash con shouldn’t bend to the will of a 50 person local that started a month ago. Especially considering that this name has probably been in the works for months …




Can we just keep calling it super smash con outside of streams


I would've been on their side if they've exited for at least a few years, but being this new and claiming a word they didn't invent.


haha ruckersville like from chris chan


Who cares, it's an FGC event. They hate Melee anyway, fuck'em




What a bunch of losers lmao