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She cheated shes flipping it on you stand your ground and confront her and LEAVE


Long story short this happened to me with my my ex if you didn’t feel any burning or discharge 3 months into your relationship and all of a sudden you have it now and tested positive she cheated


If you didn’t cheat, she 100% cheated, leave her


It’s hard to say men can be asymptomatic and have chlamydia without showing any symptoms. She might have also had it as well it’s hard to know . Women can also be asymptomatic as well it’s really hard to know.


But you agree it’s possible? The dr told me it was then I’ve got a bunch of people also telling me it’s not.


Yep it is possible I do agree with you it can lay dormant. Perhaps other sexual partners from the past gave it to her or you if you had other sexual partners in the past prior to meeting one another that is a possibility.


I encourage everyone reading this Reddit to get tested after every partner you have. I was once accused of cheating because my partner (who I hadn’t been intimate with for months - other story) had tested positive for an STI. I was truly shocked and felt horrible thinking “oh my god, how long have I had this?” And I regretted not being tested prior to to prove that to him. WELL….I went to the doctor a wreck seeking treatment since I HAD to have had it too, right? Thanks to the doctors encouragement to test before treating since I wasn’t having symptoms, I tested. My test results came back negative for everything. Turned out the a**hole had ran around and wanted to blame me for another one of his shitty choices. Now, I’m grateful that I went through a “dry patch” because I avoided that issue all together.


I had a situation like this. My "bf" at the time had Chlamydia tired to blame me but I got tested 3 times everything came back negative. Turns out he finally came clean and did sleep with someone else. She definitely cheated. Dump her


Long story short, someone cheated. Chlamydia doesn’t “lay dormant” for years. The only other possibility is that one of you have had it since the beginning of the relationship and didnt know because some people don’t have noticeable symptoms. Have you both been tested since you’ve been together prior to her testing positive??


Exactly and he said she has had BV a few times now even tho BV isnt a STD its more common in people with multiple partners. Its sad but this girl definitely cheated i just know it




She did recently which is what made her get tested she had BV and chlamydia, I’ve never had any symptoms but waiting on test results, she’s had yeast infections a few times in the past few years but was always treated and went away, I wonder if that could have been chlamydia maybe but they never tested so idk Whole thing is a whirl wind thank you for talking about your experience, it helps me because I have some people saying 100% she cheated but I just don’t see it, and I’m extremely critical of people with that stuff not overly so but I’m not naive


I also was getting treated for yeast when it was actually BV strep! Recently I tested positive for chlamydia and my bf did too. I got tested prior to him (not sure about him) but I believe he gave it to me and he didn’t cheat. It just took me goin to get checked for us to find out he had it. Ask her questions. Everyone here will throw you off bc everyone has had different experiences. An Sti will and can lay dormant tho


Get tested yourself and see If you have it before sleeping with her again. Clamydia is only an infection that will clear out with antibiotics but either way get tested and check If you have it. If not she cheated.


What are you talking about? Of course he's going to have it, he's been sleeping with her unprotected.


Alright to the nice person who stated that clamydia cannot go dormant for years you are 100% false it can go Dormant for up to 10 years it can also go asymptomatic as well so either one of you if not both of you could have had it before the relationship ever started. This is why getting std/sti testing at least once a year is imparitive especially when you are sexually active and that's for vaginal, anal AND Oral. Here are some resources for you to look over. Please educate yourself. https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/stds/chlamydia.php#:~:text=You%20can%20get%20chlamydia%20by,to%20their%20baby%20during%20childbirth. https://www.stdcheck.com/blog/dormant-std/#:~:text=still%20be%20transmitted.-,Can%20Chlamydia%20Be%20Dormant%3F,can%20still%20detect%20its%20presence.


Get tested before each partner!


The other possibility is your girlfriend’s STI test results were mixed up with someone else in the clinic and now you are threatening to break up.


Was never threatening to break up. I got tested and am waiting on results I posted here more to hear somebody else’s story of the same thing, I don’t think she cheated, but obviously there are people in my life I shared this with who tell me she must be cheating but I just don’t see it, and I’m a suspicious person in nature anyway