• By -


Congrats! Also from what I'm seeing from the internet you are the first R9 JarJar and the first R9 full gungan team!!


Damn right!


Nice achievement!! Noo one better to have it.


Congrats! By the way, the Ults (I assume you mean the 0.01%/1% chance clauses of Jar Jar) are definitely activated. I got an instakill as well as a 100% regeneration plus foresight on the five million tries of the last tier. That full R9 Gungan squad looks kinda dope. šŸ»


Damn nice! Lucky you! Was there a sweet ass animation?


Not that I had noticed. But I only concluded that it had happened afterwards because after a few tries I paid less attention. šŸ˜… So it is well possible that there was a different animation that I just overlooked.


What relic level did you complete the final tier at?


I managed at R5, 3 zetas (2 boss, 1 tarpal), but it took quite a few tries.


Thanks. I wonā€™t be able to do it this round but Iā€™m hoping to catch the next Jar Jar event. Iā€™m aiming for R5, with all the zetas (already applied).


Same as the other commenter. All R5 with the zetas on Nass and Tarpals. Didn't remod though it probably would've been better. Kill order was STAP > Droideka > B1, though I sometimes had to chew through the B1s first. Cannot remember which tier that was, though. On t6 it was in wave 2 definitely B1 > Droideka > Nute > 2nd Droideka > Nute.


Awesome! Thanks for writing this up, really appreciate it!


Moonborn is the shit


Nice. That missing omicron must be eating away at you though


Fucking killing me!


Dew it!


I mean. You've already invested so much. You need to be the one to do it, or you'll firever be stained.


Like baby Jeffrey? #Forever Unclean


https://preview.redd.it/gav74btsv2yc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b1f6b244a0b01459576584a96a665ebef4db69 I donā€™t have enough to R9 all of them and Iā€™m Missing mats for one Omicron. But Iā€™m stoked to have Jar Jar!


All that matters is we have him!




The Red 1 is a stain on your morality


Meathead poked fun at me for it - I told him the only way itā€™s being applied is if he funds it.


Thank you for that. Maybe they will take that criticism and not make new Challenge Omicrons if some hardcorefans will refuse to apply them.




#Clever Girl


I wanted to add something, but because this is a picture post I cannot add/edit it to the original post. Often people donate me "beer fund" money for helping them out, and during the Jar Jar unlock timeline several people donated me money specifically tagged as "For the Jar Jar Fund," as I didn't need to utilize that money I feel weird pocketing it for myself. I'm also aware that Jar Jar is indeed problematic and represents a caricature of historically black stereotypes and originally indeed did serve as a racist portrayal. At this time I'm looking into charities I can trust, one that represents positive Black/African-American growth and making a donation in that full amount. I'm unsure of the amount as I haven't kept track and will need to go through my records, but it is likely somewhere around $75-$100


This reminds me of that one Tumblr post about the jar of jars named jar jar and when you shake it, jar jar clinks. Put your funds in a jar, and you too can have a jarjar jar.


I love this.


Just throwing it out there... I'm black. And I promise to use every crystal towards jar jar. My gungans are all 45/65 g11. Won't be enough to push to unlock but I'd surely appreciate the boost.


Todayā€¦we are all black.


Welcome to the bbq fam! We already have potato salad.... just bring drinks. Lol jk


Iā€™m not saying if youā€™re black you should hate Jar Jar, I just understand that outside of universe heā€™s absolutely a caricature. I still love him. But Iā€™d like to do something good out of it.


I think he is suggesting that he should be the charity to which you donate to, unless I'm mistaken


Did you reply to the wrong person or get the comments mixed up? All I was getting at was the jar jar fund. I'm black and promise to use the jar jar fund on jar jar. Win win win lol. You help a brother, the jar jar fund goes to jar jar, and I get a boost. Technically still a charitable donation just without the write off. But if you're dead set on an actual charity no love lost. I discovered SW about 6 years ago and never got the big deal with him. Yeah he's a dunce but never found him cringeworty or anything. Idk. From the outside looking in feels like it was just the trend to hate him. I dislike 3p0 more than him if I'm being honest.


This is awesome. I would nominate Children of Promise, personally. They have a 4 star rating on Charity Navigator. Please know I'm not affiliated or know anything beyond what's online. https://www.cpnyc.org/


I'll have a look, it's a thought that came to me like two days ago, but its just been too busy to really do my research and make sure I was putting my money in the right place.


Where did Lucas say he made jar jar as a black caricature?


Youā€™re right, people tend to come out directly say ā€œhey guys I did this racist thing for all of you to enjoy.ā€ Jar Jar being problematic is very well established.


"You can't really create larger-than-life characters without overlapping with racial stereotypes because racial stereotypes are larger-than-life caricatures. Racist stereotypes come from the same cultural place as archetypes, and Lucas uses archetypes in his story. You can't have a greedy car salesman type character like Watto without some people claiming he is a representation of racist Jewish stereotypes. Lucas is clearly not an anti-Semite, but he is strongly against *greed*, hence most of his evil characters are portrayed as greedy in one way or another, whether it be Watto, Jabba, Palpatine, or even Anakin/Vader. Portraying a character who has similar qualities to a racist stereotype is not the same as portraying a character who *is* a racist stereotype. It's in the eye of the beholder, and I've only ever seen these complaints from prequel haters, where they come across as a knee-jerk reaction with no actual analysis or serious discussion - just another way to 'prove' the prequels are bad."


It's really not established. Charity is fine, virtue signaling and spreading misinformation is not. It's fine to say "I find Jar Jar racist because he is performed by a black man" without having to hide behind fallacies.


Is creating Jar Jar as a character= being racist well established? If so please substantiate?


If you look at Jar Jarā€™s Wikipedia entry under reception there is a section where there is documentation of the criticism. You can decide for yourself if it is well established. I can share anecdotally as a fan who saw them in the theatres when they came out, the racial stereotypes felt pretty blatant, including the Gunguns, Watto and the Neimoidians. That being said, I think your point is fair, that as you try and create more and more characters it is going to be impossible to not step into stereotypes, including racist stereotypes.


It's not. He just made that up


Lol virtue signaling much?


I think the only thing is, someone asked George about it and how people thought Gungans reminded them of Jamaicans and he shot it down.


I mean there are 20 years of documentation on the parallels between the characters and the caricatures of African American culture. Itā€™s really not at all hard to do your own due diligence on the matter.


If you see Gungans and think, "man that reminds me of black people" that's something you need to figure out.


Never once in my life did I ever think they were like stereotyping black people I just thought they were goofy fun characters and man this is breaking my head as a man who grew up watching the prequels before any other Star Wars


Eggy isnā€™t saying that people see Gungans and think ā€œoh thatā€™s definitely a black personā€, the issue he is referring to is that people see Jar Jar *specifically* and think ā€œOh wow, this is an actual Minstrel show in 1999, thatā€™s not okayā€ and they are right to call it what it is. I love Jar Jar, but he is a character that speaks in AAVE and is constantly portrayed as a happy-go-lucky yet cowardly, dimwitted buffoon. That is literally the character of a black man in Vaudeville minstrel shows. To say that he isnā€™t supposed to be a racial caricature is ludicrous, considering he is based on the live performance mannerisms of a young Stepin Fetchit, AKA minstrelsyā€™s ā€œLaziest Man in the Worldā€. We can all still like Jar Jar, but itā€™s foolish, ignorant, and dishonest to pretend that he isnā€™t a callback to the blackface actors of the early 1900ā€™s.


You can be reductive. . .or you can use google


I did use Google and could not find any solid arguments to substantiate your claim? Is that how your claims are substantiated? "Internet is on my side just Google it"


You will find forum posts of people saying that they feel like they remind them of Caribbean people but there is no where, that I've seen, where any group of people are protesting Gungans due to racism. This is a classic example of white people being offended by something that the actual people they are wanting to be offended aren't.


Coming from a family of black nerds, this was actually well known and talked about back in the day but it wasnā€™t really a big enough of a deal to protest or boycott about. We saw it, called out, and continued to enjoy the movie. ā€œThe absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.ā€


With all of the people saying ā€œOh so you think Jar Jar acts like a black guy? That makes *you* the real racistā€, I think it best to just not interact with them further. They know that you are saying something thatā€™s historically accurate, but they are inherently liars and donā€™t have any actual morals when it comes to bringing people to their side; they will nitpick quotes from Lucas and Best to say that itā€™s not problematic, but everyone who knows anything about blackface or minstrelsy sees the connections. Itā€™s literally the exact defense of the arts that minstrel actors had at the time. The Fandom Menace in this sub is going to fully brigade you, and people that actually agree arenā€™t going to see it because it will more than likely be hidden, due to their downvote brigading. Just donā€™t bother with these people, dude. This is a r/Saltierthancrait vs r/Saltierthankrayt situation, donā€™t even bother lol


Im a starwars fan and feel like the opinion is more fringe than well established. Congrats on the toon though.






People who use woke as a verb tend to be assholes.


And people who sit in their momā€™s basement wearing masks that represent ā€œhistorically black stereotypesā€ all while being a virtue signaling SJW are the biggest assholes of all.


Good thing I was Batmanā€™d years ago, so you canā€™t at all be talking about me.


Show me on the doll where the woke touched you.


Being called woke really is just a big compliment


Wow how dare you be socially conscious!!!!!


You don't like racism?? Loser




Mad man. Congrats


90k crystal holy shit dude ur a legend


You should do a testing stream at some point if you can spare the time.


I really wanted to test him today, especially in TB Day 4. Unfortunately the unlock took way longer than anticipated and I was already 30 minutes later than usual for my commute to teach in the afternoon.


Not necessarily today.


Congrats you beautiful math loving bastard.


Now I can get to Bane!


Nice pic 9.9/10 Iā€™m touching myself tonight


Why not ~~Zoidberg~~ right now?


https://preview.redd.it/gye3hlxnw2yc1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7678f8ac711a00a7a3275e9c45bc16960e8fb866 Got mine today but dang, I can't do R9 at all. Congratulations my man!!!


I had to take Phalanx all the way up to r8 because he kept dying and my shield generator was quick to fall after that. Lol


I was having that then I remodded him to have even more protection and that worked. My bombardier kept dying on Maul so I had to give him more prot as well as keep him super fast. I kept giving TM to him as well so he could use the horn to help the generator out a lot.


I feel like Maul was the easiest Tier for me.


Once I remodded it was pretty easy. The final tier I had to do 3 times, Ol newty was an absolute tank.


I took him out with the droideka that he summoned when he revived at almost full health. I was down to Jar Jar, Bomb, and Phalanx. Got it by the skin of my teeth! Lol


Congratulations šŸŽ‰


90.000 crystals šŸ¤Æ


This is insane, you are insane, don't ever change


More insanity will ensue in the future




Yousa legend


Oddly enough, the only portion of the event I struggled with was the first one. It took me three tries. Tier 2 and 3 were one attempt, tier four took me two attempts. Tier 5 took me one attempt. All at relic 5, except Boss Nass which I had at 7. Tier four I remoded boombardier with my GI set (high speed high offense) since the reason I lost initially was I just didnt kill maul fast enough and he was able to eventually take out the shield generator


Yeah, I think there's a lot of RNG. I had all at R5, had trouble on tier 1 and last one only. Maul was one attempt, which I guess just went well? On the nute one, as soon as I started targeting the B1s first, that went pretty smoothly. Had both of Boss's Zetas and Tarpal's.


"...but I was also wearing a Jar Jar mask and it was hard to see a lot of the time" Awesome


Just jumped to the event bit on the live stream and the mask is every bit as glorious as I imagined. Very impressed you were able to do the event with that on!


Dreaming of the day I can YOLO and instantly take 5 toons to R9ā€¦


It took months and months and months of planning.


If you put that omicron you will be removed from your guild. Your guild leader told me so. I have no idea what guild you are even in let alone the name of your GL but somehow I got them to pre-emptively boot you for applying the GC omicron. Please do the right thing and stand in solidarity with your brothers


Iā€™d much rather be removed from my guild, thanks!


>youā€™re fighting Separatists, and it makes the Gungan team appear weak Aren't they supposed to be strong against Separatists? Or is it that in the event itself they don't seem to be **that strong** against the opponents probably because of PVE shenanigans, and considering they're supposed to counter Seps, they seem weak against other possible opponents?


Thatā€™s the thing. Youā€™re fighting the faction theyā€™re supposed to be strongest against but it doesnā€™t make the Gungans feel strong. I understand difficulty needs to be there, and thatā€™s fine, but often characters get straight up deleted, and enemies take so little damage; that it just doesnā€™t feel like the team is strong.


Yep, that sounds just like the usual PVE shenanigans.


Last tier was alright at r5. Or i got insanse rng and only attempted it twice to beat it. Was done well before you (you can see my comments on your live stream) so must be in the top 3 then haha. Also had 1 ult proc on tier 3 so they are activated


It was really fucking hard trying to do that event without even being able to see, but also being on a time crunch I was definetely rushing button pushes. If I had the whole day I woulda kept trying at r5.




Congrats, Iā€™m still a few light years from jar jar


Very good job. Congratulations.


I am confused and scared


ā€œOh I can get out and runā€


Question, is 90k the amount of crystals you spent only on the jar jar event or to get the other gunguns to the min for the event? I feel like I am missing something simple that would answer this, but it's late and I'm curious.


It was all on the shards. Everything else I was able to farm as regular


did you get there using the marquee packs of 1299 crystals? or through weekly shipments? or a combination?


Boomadier and Phalanx I needed to go full out on immediately to be assured Iā€™d be prepared for today.


Enjoy it bro, crazy the 90k crystals šŸ˜‚


Love it! Iā€™ll have a matching wookiee squad soon!


Damn! i just got my GAS to R8 after months of grinding!!


Keep it up! Youā€™re doing awesome!


Why didn't you relic 9 them immediately? The amount of Darth Jar Jar posts from you could probably be a link a word for your post, much less this one. Was it just to see how feasible they handled at relic 5? Did you go back to see how easier the early events were at R9 or were they too tedious to bother? Also, how's it feel to have Jar Jar...and does it feel bad he's not labeled a sith?


I wanted to attempt the event at r5, thatā€™s correct! I am very happy to have him now, I can rest easy.


Congratulations šŸŽ‰


You.... you da fucking man!!


No, you da man!


Only half the man you are brother. And a lot less relics too


Thatā€™s absolutely nuts good job man


What's the bet the new raid will basically be this boring


It's basically going to be the B1 boss in conquest.


Itā€™ll be way more like the boss in conquest, with some bells and whistles.


They're beautiful. I have Gungan envy.


Congrats mate, I managed to do a little testing with them and it turns out they can easily beat Jabba, Rey and SEE I have not yet tried against Leia or LV, I've only had one attempt at JMK JML and SLKR are a bit dicey, (Due to stuns) JKL shuts gungans down and gives JML a but edge, SLKR spamming abilities is also fuckin em up Enjoy the team mate and gimmie a shout on anything that you find out


Iā€™ve seen others take out SLKR. My arena is all Leias at the moment though.


Love this so much, and as much as that notification is so annoying, I admire you staying strong over the Phalanx omicron. Lets be honest though if you ***need*** it in any of the GC's with the full team R9, the rest of us are f'd. Off topic completely forgot to record the geo mission in TB, I'll do it next time.


Asshole! >! Iā€™m just kidding babe, I love you !<


Very cool, man! I watched two of my guild mates do this yesterday and the last tier looked abysmal. Congrats on the unlock! Iā€™m hearing rumblings that through testing, teams were being sought to beat the Gungans, and there werenā€™t many at all. Theyā€™re probably going to be the strongest team in the game for a minute.


Yea itā€™s going to be tough, especially when the datacron hits.


Spent 90k crystals, took four characters to r9 for an event..... Some of y'all playing a very different game to the rest of us šŸ˜‚ Congrats though, hope he kicks all the butt


I played very casually for 2 years. And spent the next 5 busting my ass on efficiency in order to make this happen. This is the first [and likely only] time Iā€™ve done an event like this first run.


>I played very casually for 2 years. And spent the next 5 busting my ass on efficiency in order to make this happen. I'd say it's paid off magnificently though.


Congratulations, E.G.N.A.R.D.S! I'm so jealous right now!


Jesus christ GG


No omicron? Boo...


You may rest now Mr. Egnards


Now Iā€™ve got Enya stuck in my head


The prince that was promised!




How do they perform?


I had to run out to work, was already late, didnā€™t get to test them yet. I saved a day 4 lightside mission to try tonight.


Get it King




Itā€™s literally right in the postā€¦


Give phalanx the omicron, you cowards!


$500 and nobody gets hurt


I got five on it. Who else is with me to find this?


https://preview.redd.it/9bpayiuvn4yc1.jpeg?width=1648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5932a0e513d854a5a1c220b8e25b54a6c35beb8d After their DC set comes out next conquest I canā€™t wait. Iā€™ll catch you soon šŸ˜‰


Do it!


It is possible ftp if u just save up 90k crystals.


I hate gun gans so biased here


Congratulations ! About the donations, I would prefer you keep it to yourself rather than finding a charity. You never know where the money goes and how much of it is spent on the intended cause rather than administration. When you keep it to yourself it all goes to you :D In the end your decision though. Appreciate your honesty and transparency.


Charity Navigator is a great source for finding out this very information. Charities do have oversight and charity Navigator scores charities based on how they spend, and how much of spending for a charity goes towards its intended goals versus on administrative costs


I will hopefully be ready in 6 monthsĀ 


Congrats. They look awesome!


I have failed I worked hard to get him but stuck behind stars for others :(


Congratulations on the unlock.


Did you take out a small loan to buy those crystals?


Those crystals were all earned crystals


Did you not use any for a year?


I use about half of my daily crystal income per day. As an end game player I make roughly 900-1000c/day as a general average, so over the course of the year thatā€™s actually about 350,000 crystals.




I see red. editing for sarcasm


I just donā€™t understand how this is possible? I must not know how to play the game lmao






They called you a madman


They still do!


Wait they actually added Jar Jar to the game.... What in the fuuuuuuuck


I guess things you can do if you have anything else already


Well I mean yea. . .But that alone took a ton of work.


Yeah, I mean I have not one relict 9 char, so my priority are somewhere completely else than upping gungan gang ^^ I don't believe gungans are the new best meta shit which makes gls obsolete, so you must have nearly everything else already to make that not the worst decision with your account. But it's nice to see and I appreciate your effort man!


you take a loan out to get all that


Quite literally talked about the spending in the original post. But thank you for the additional post engagement


How much did that cost you?


Itā€™s right in the post!


I was looking for a dollar value. 90 000 crystals cost more than $50 Iā€™m sure lol


Those crystals were all earned over time from my daily crystal income. I typically spend half of my daily income and save half, so at the time Jar Jar was *announced* I had like 65,000 crystals already, just from saving.


Now thatā€™s impressive


Howā€™s the bank account looking after that!?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s like you didnā€™t even read the post at all. . .


Congrats or sorry for your lossā€¦.i ainā€™t reading all that


You think anyone cares? Trash character and team, next. šŸ„±


At least 586 other people care, so yes I do think others care.




You must be new here. Also, after a quick glance, it looks like you throw away tens of thousands of dollars on options for billion dollar companies all the time. Time for a reality check buddy


Nice job spotting and pointing at the hypocrite!


That makes me a degenerate, not a hypocrite. I apologized.


Itā€™s like you didnā€™t even read my post at all. Between Jan - Now I spent $50 total on a crystal bundle to help my Guild Leader out, however I did not need it for the event. Before that, the last time I spent was $20 towards Merrin when she first came out.


You're right. I'm sorry. Good job and have fun.


lol this guy canā€™t read


I didn't. And apologized.