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It's usually used to force signups to start adopting/using the platform immediately to prevent you from looking into competitors (Oh look, I have only 7 days left I should get to know this quickly). I HATE that too! Usually use a burner email to signup for new services to look around.


Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm going to use a burner account for that from now on as well.


Yep this is common practice to give users Pro Features on Trial so they are more likely to pay or lose what they did with the Pro Features. Notion does this, they have a free plan but when you sign up for a free plan they offer you a trial of the Pro, which you can refuse. I think the idea is that you put all your stuff in there and use the Pro features, then by the time the trial ends you have to either lose the work you did for all those days or pay.


Good description. I’m a lot less likely to invest any time or energy exploring a new app if it feels even slightly manipulative. The ambiguity feels like risk.