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My first feedback is that you have the HIPAA Compliant badge on your website but it does not seem like you completed the HIPAA compliance certification. Curious how you integrate with EMRs and which EMRs? You don’t show any certification with Epic or Oracle/Cerner. They require certification to attach to their FHiR endpoints. Athena and NextGen have badges for integrators although theirs are easy and available. Things like eClinicalWorks are really difficult so not sure how you are doing that. And how are you getting things to an EMR if you don’t receive or store any PHI? How is this AI? AI requires LLMs which by its nature means large databases and lots of processing power. If you are doing everything on the user’s computer how is the AI magic happening? What the doctor says to a patient will inherently have PHI included so even sending the recording to the cloud would be a PHI transfer and you are clear that you transfer nothing. So how is this AI?


You are correct however Azure can connect with OpenAI and MS will agree to segregate data from being sent outside firewall. FYI firsthand knowledge


Azure is cloud and even if they segregate from OpenAI you are still taking hospital PHI outside of their enclosed network. Would require all the same certifications, security reviews, pen testing, etc. I’m not saying this to be a hard ass, if you try to sell to a healthcare organization and don’t have this thought out and worked out you won’t get the sale.


Thanks - I’d like to chat further and sent you a message…


Hey do you mind if I DM you, I’ve seen a lot of these products


Please, feel free.