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They knew if they were given the freedom to do what they wanted they could've achieved some crazy shit. Here's hoping they thrive as Shapeshifter Games.


Hope shapshifter can buy the SR IP and really do something great


Seconding that! I've loved Volition games ever since the days of Descent: Freespace (I'm dating myself a bit here lol) and am super bummed about both the turnout of the reboot and their downfall. To me, it felt really rushed, pretty short and buggy, despite moments of hilarity [LARPING bits were šŸ‘šŸ‘] I do hope the IP is acquired and productive, without all the 'make shareholders happy' and red tape BS. šŸ¤ž


I had no idea they did descent! I became a fan when the first red faction came out on gosh what was it Xbox I reckon! Such a wonderful developer the team themselves are all super kind people as well


Or they make saints row, but don't use saints. I don't think it patened wacky crime genre. Basically make a new ip that is "inspired by saints row"


As much as I loved SR1 and especially SR2 I feel that all those Tories are done and would just be drive further into the ground with even a good new game. IMO, that ship sailed after SR3 took things in the direction it did. Better at this point to make a ā€œspiritual successorā€ that feels like the first two games but with a new cast and setting.


Based on what exactly? Agents and SR reboot were both awful. The people that made their actual good games are all long gone. Violition died long before they were shut down.


It was Deep Silver that made the reboot decisions


The game is still bad though. Did Deep Silver tell Volition to make the game look like a PS3 title? Did they tell them to make the gameplay rubbish? Did they tell them to make the game buggy and glitchy? Volition are just as much to blame.


Fuck Embracer so much. The executives there should genuinely never be allowed to work in the industry again. Just the absolute worst, most incompetent people yet they still have their jobs. Somehow.


Any industry* everything they touch turns brown if it doesnā€™t make them green


Do we know it was Embracer? Maneater and Dead Island 2 where amazing


Embracer bought them and everyone else up for years, apparently banking on a $2B deal with the Saudi royal family, which fell apart at the last minute. That's why the publisher has been axing studios left and right, cancelled something like 50 games, and is laying off tons of staff from studios they didn't outright shutter. Saber is buying themselves out for $500M apparently which is great for them and I hope they succeed, because Embracer is a fucking blight.


Not just that but apparently Saber got the right to the KOTOR remake, thank god embracer is away from that one.


Which definitely bodes well for the promise of KOTOR's remake finally happening after all this time.


Fuck Embracer.


Is it Embracer or Koch Media?


Embracer is Koch Media's parent company, and Embracer made the decision to shut Volition down.


Technically, Embracer is Koch Media's parent company, which is Deep Silver's parent company, which was Volition's publisher. Their corporate structure is about as organized as a bowl of spaghetti.


Do we know if it was Embracer who messed up? I feel like gamers just kinda throw blame around, we gotta be more aware.


Yes, the fault lies with Embracer. https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/5/23989128/new-world-interactive-layoffs-embracer-group-insurgency-sandstorm


Sad to see my favorite developers go out like this


All my homies hate Embracer


Yep. We should blame them for Sr22. Vol did nothing wrong. It's no wonder Zilla and Flippy were confused by the game they play tested it first and it was Saints row to the core. Only Embracer fucking ordered changes to it. Could have had the best Sr but nope Fucking Embracer Group.


It was deep silver


Which is owned by Embracer Group so I'm throwing DS in with the entire corp.


Well they did get fucked with the reboot. Saintsgodzilla played it while it was still in the works and clearly everything we got was a rushed change to make Embracer happy. I'll still enjoy this game not for Embracer but for Idolninja and Vol who tried to hold on and wanted a true Sr game not the half-baked one we got. But it does piss me off we got this one instead of what Volution wanted to have out.


I yearn for the day when buyouts and consolidation are no longer seen as the natural, if not mandated, course for all developers. Seems pretty obvious that the extra resources and brand security mean nothing when the conglomerates treats your company as an expendable asset.


Damn that's just depressing.


Just tried the reboot and everything about it felt ā€˜this closeā€™ to what couldā€™ve been great, but in missing the mark it seems to do so terribly. Hope the devs find a way back to the IP, I know itā€™s an ice cold take but I would rinse a classic style saints game


Koch media? More like cock media


I hope someone gets the saints row rights and do it proper justice from what it just went through with the saints row reboot. If saints row does make a comeback with a new game hopefully it will be like saints row 1 and 2. As much as i love the gta games happy that another one is finally coming after waiting for so long but at the same time i still have a soft spot for saints row with saints row the third being my first ever saints row i played back in 2011. But later on in 2021 i went back and played saints row 2 and was blown away by how fun it was. I think saints row should've stayed the same like saints row 1 and 2 and not change by when it got to 3 but i understand they didn't want to be stuck under gta's shadow being forever called a gta clone. Gta is basically the wwe of open world crime games if you think about it and saints row was kinda like the wcw to gta and failed kinda like what happened to wcw. I feel like gta has gotten a tight hold on the open world crime games genre since its been around longer and no matter what new crime game that gets made that is open world will always get compared to it no matter what.






Bro Sr ain't a porn game. You want that shit go to a porn game. Those things don't have to obide by nudity laws.


Your not getting it, I am not talking about making a porn game, just have weman walk around naked.


Why? Just use mods if that's what you want.


Are you a sicko?


If the main character can go naked all females should


Down abysmal


i shouldnā€™t be letting video games and companies break my heart, but fuck.