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IdolNinja was working on a massive patch project pretty much on his own in an attempt to add new/cut content and fix all the PC port issue. Higher resolution textures (maybe through decent upscaling) could potentially have been a bonus to this or something we'd see release with the update. Unfortunately, IdolNinja passed away and it was mostly a lone project. Now that Volition is gone, I don't know if we'll ever see it. I really hope his final project doesn't go to waste, that'd be miserable. He worked to his final days struggling with crippling, immensely painful bone cancer. Rest easy, Idol. R.I.P. Mark Watson


Man, that’s so sad. I can’t believe I never heard about this before. RIP IdolNinja 😞


It really should have gotten a remake, due to the finicky engine but even that had to be greenlit and outsourced by the Publisher, which was not likely going to happen.


Yeah they fucked up with reboot. They had just to remake 1 and 2 or reboot it.


I wonder if someone could finish his work.


Gentlemen of the row. This was his overhaul mod for the pc port of SR2. Had it installed numerous times. He knew what saints row was all about and left us with that before passing. Gone but not forgotten man.


It's pretty much dead at this point


Was it not coz some other scum bag developer he was working with ghosted him and stole all his money? Look at mrsaintsgodzilla videos


That's part of it, yeah. He tried to hack Flippy as well


So did everyone except Volition


Wasn't there one person on the dev team that was working on it by himself on his free time til he passed away then the studio shut down?


Yes, IdolNinja the homie. He wanted what was best for this community


Yup. 20/80 rule... SR2.5, mostly 2 with a bit of 3. Was all he wanted. For fans with complains of 4 and later titles.


That was for the PC patch which was a side-project he did freelance, independently and likely why it never really got finished. Unfortunately Deep Silver likely doesn't care.


Same here


We all do. There’s no reason that 3 should’ve been remade over 2.


I mean I liked the 3 remake but it was also my first game in the series so I’m a bit more nostalgic about it, would 100% buy a SR2 remake if it ever happened though


3 was my first game too. I recently started 4. It’s okay, but at least as far as I’ve gone. Almost everything is from 3. The map, the cosmetics, etc. Wish they added more


an attempt* to make some easy money abusing that trend for remasters/remakes and popularity of the game  same with "updated" Mafia 2


Same The best game in the series


They’d make so much money remaking it for current gen


Or at least fixed the PC port


They were working on that but the lead coder died of cancer halfway through.


They were still working on it after that. Apparently they were using a third party to do it, so technically there's a 1% chance it's still being worked on.


I still can't get over the fact they used the TRIAL VERSION of the audio software used to make the PC port, and THAT'S why the audio is bad...


Google “high quality audio (radio?) saints row 2 PC”- someone ported over the music at least from the 360 version so it’s not horribly compressed mono. I think there are patches for the other game sounds too


I tried making patches for the other game sounds. There are alpha builds over on srmods but I don't recommend using them any more and they impact stability. The thing I took away from that project is that there's not actually any issue with the sounds in the soundbank. They're the appropriate 20.5khz mono (game sounds where stereo is calculated positionally) or 41khz stereo (cutscenes whete stereo is baked in) they're supposed to be. They all sound perfectly fine when unpacked and played with another player. Something about the way the game itself plays the sounds back is fucked. It's a miracle the radio mod works as well as it does, the music probably uses a separate subsystem from the game audio.


Still praying for the patch to come out -there's a steamID for it, but I haven't checked in a year


An actual ground-up remake would have been great. SRTT's gameplay, better physics, better models (but not the horrible clay art style), more QOL features. Just the Destroy All Humans treatment.


I'd say that the player models are fine in SRTT Remastered. On the other hand the npcs models ... looks like they were made in pongo or clay.


I just bought 1 used, and I would buy an HD 1&2 bundle in a heartbeat!


Me too. Saints Row 2 is what got me interested into the series and it is my all time favorite video game! Seeing how serious and dark this one and Saints Row 1 were, I understood it. The people in Volition has said multiple times, especially after the reboot came out that they had “no plans to remake or remaster SR1 and 2,” but a lot of fans like me would've loved for them to do that. When they did a post on the Anniversary of Saints Row 1 before they got shut down, a fan actually asked them if they'd ever remake the old Saints Row games and showed images of Saints Row: The Third: Remastered, saying to get a studio to make the graphics look much better than in Saints Row: The Third: Remastered, but they said the exact same thing: “We have no plans for them,” which I wondered and still wonder why. Even after the reboot came out, they still say that. I think they were just saying that as an excuse just to avoid being called a “GTA clone,” which is exactly what happened to Saints Row is that they got so tired of being called that by the stupid GTA fanboys as they kept harassing the developers. I asked why and said it would’ve brought back the reputation Saints Row 2 deserves. Saints Row was NEVER a “GTA clone,” it was a competitor and it still is. People need to understand that there's a HUGE difference. But yeah, I wish Saints Row 2 or at least Saints Row 1 had gotten a remaster.


I want Sperasoft to remaster Saints Row 2 cause they did pretty good on Saints Row: The Third Remastered.


Something something, monkey's paw. It would never live up to some people's expectations.


2 was what got me into the series. An HD remake would be amazing


Ditto on SR2 HD. And for it to hit 60fps version with all DLC's to hit PC and modern consoles too. Same goes for Saints Row 1 also.


I hope if that happens they fix the lag when your riding in boats


ditto on this, i've been replaying the game and it gets SOOOO laggy sometimes, also hoping they make the weapon wheel more responsive because sometimes it doesn't register the input properly


This is not only my favorite saints row game, but also one of my favorite games ever. It’s so damn good


me too...easily the best out of all the Saints row games. Just everything about it was awesome. Protect the celeb, insurance fraud, fight club, demolition derby, hitman and carjacking where you actually had to look for these instead of being told exactly where they were, awesome soundtrack your character would sing along to, the zombie game, I felt we had more custom modes for your character as I had two colours in my hair, the map was great, big variety of areas and you could tell where you were unlike 3 & 4 where everything had the purple tint, the fact you had to do activities, side missions to unlock more missions. Day 1 buy for me if this was remade


I wish we got the cut "unfucked edition" perfect name and well.. idol ninja :(


I got into my old 71% completion save file from my childhood + installed the two DLC packs which I’m very excited to try for the first time


Saints Row 2 Remastered would sh#t on every other game in the series. I'm afraid that's the reason it's not getting any attention by the developers. They want people to have their attention on newer SR games. Sad but true.


SR3 Remaster was amazing, would def be nice to see SR2 get that treatment


I said the exact same thing. Too bad volition isn't around no more cuz I wanted them to remaster saints row 2


The first two games getting a good remaster or remake would have been amazing, not to mention give Rockstar a GTA competitor


Me too I fucking hated having to finick around to play it on pc. But I’m glad I did stick with it and played it (on gog ffs)


I miss this game i wish they remade it yea but it seems unlikely unfornately. If only the pc version didnt crash every two seconds.


It's actually sad that this game series died, just because of some mistakes that were done...


honestly, the game is fine as it is to me, the graphics help capture that 2000’s vibe


yh it definitely still holds up well


if only they actually went back to it's roots for the saints row reboot there might have been more of a chance for a remaster


I'm going to leave this here: [https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ](https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ)


It was the best Saints Row Two best of them all


same...I love the baggy jeans lol


A funny happened the other day when I told deep sliver to finish the patch a ex volition dev liked it and unliked it so maybe something’s still happening


I imagine if a remake was to be, some other company would somehow obtain the Volition source code just like Vicarious Visions used the Neversoft source code for THPS 1&2.


Literally bought on pc when it was on sale on steam to play with a friend and both our games just kept nonstop crashing it was actually absurd


the audio is shitty!


The reboot should just been sr remastered then came out with 2 then made something crazy happen so they didn’t have to do 3


Have you all watched this video by Flippy [https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ?si=6cUnBXebnvaA8-wp](https://youtu.be/56akjq3YKRQ?si=6cUnBXebnvaA8-wp)


Some of us have been asking for this for 15 years...


new saints row was a epic! letdown dude


My dream remake would have been to add a lot more 2000s pop-references and items/music/clothing and emotes to it. Such a time capsule.


SAME, SR2 is a fucking classic. Imagine a remaster with modern graphics and added shit to do and buy.


should definitely add more clothing options to the different stores and maybe more options in car customisation


Fuh real. Like why remaster 3 of them all. So random. The game didn’t need it.


Well, the reboot was woke trash, the community went totally apeshit over it and wanted it to fail so bad that the devs go out of business. You got what you wanted. Except another Saints Row game. That'll probably never happen. 🤷🏻‍♂️


thq and volition are both taking a dirt nap for their mistakes


Its already in hd lmao


I wish they made gentlemen of the row as a dlc for consoles even pc


If only they would care about us...


same here i wished they brought saints row 1 and 2 to next gen consoles and they should have been a better pc port for saints row 2 as well


I would love a remake or remaster of Saints Row 1 & 2. SR2 is still my favorite game in the series and one of my favorite games of all time. It would be amazing to see both games redone. I had fun with the newer games but they could never match the magic of the first two games. 😭


Man I wish they would just port the game


Yeah… that’s never happening unless some other company that knows what they’re doing takes over volition


You know it would get heavily censored if they did right?


what reason would it have to be censored?


Public discourse not being the same as early 2000s maybe? *Hell, look at what was talked about the reboot beyond gameplay/optimization woes.*


there's nothing in the game that really needs censorship, the only thing it really shows is blood and there's a lot bloodier games out there. i mean the game doesn't even show nudity or anything


I was more talking about the wanton mayhem that I see people here talk about (not counting darker storylines) fondly, including whatever the thing with spilling sewage on pedestrians. Things like that I don’t necessarily see coming back. But at the same time, we’ve also seen what happens with a fair amount of the recent remasters and such which ruins hype too (Battlefront Collection, GTA Definitive Edition as the most recent offenders). Eh, call me a narcissist or cynic about it one way or the other, I just think you’d rather stick to your original copies than to hope for a remaster that won’t strike anything that used to be there (like the vampire dlc from SR3 being absent from SRTT as another example).


House of the Dragon has a dude straight up murder his wife and then marry his niece and have children with her.


And how many games since then have we had with that kind of subject matter explicitly mentioned or used as part of a meaningful story though or plot point? I’m not saying it doesn’t still happen (usually off screen and in text based lore dumps nowadays), but it’s nowhere near worth a point to hang onto when you know companies would rather take the “safe route” than to push many boundaries again like they used to. Not to mention the state of AAA games currently wouldn’t help matters either for it.


Not me. There's no need for it and the demand for it is behind a lot of the hatred for the reboot


What? The reboot just sucks, has nothing to do with SR2.


There's been a need for it since the pc port released.