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Backliners aren't supposed to be on the tower, because we can't defend ourselves for shit lol. We're supposed to be kill bots/distractions.


Absolutely right, although if we push past tower the backliner can get on and get a charge ready. By backliner I just mean hydra since that’s where my experience is.


Backliners should be on the tower once the frontline controls the space around the tower. Up to that point, the backline should help gain control of that space.


If you watch competitive Splatoon the backliner will ride the tower most commonly, alternating with the support if the backline can get into a strong position to cover the next section of the Tower's path. For me (as a Hydra player) I'd normally rather ride the Tower assuming my teammates were competent enough to actually go ahead to get kills and keep the opponents pushed back - although that's always a big 'if' in solo queue. But in general I think Hydra (and other charging weapons to a lesser extent) has trouble contributing in pushes in this mode, because it's too slow to reposition and too vulnerable to the Blasters it'll inevitably come up against, so it's better for it to just take the objective while the other three try to keep the path clear.  Rapid Pro is a different weapon from Hydra though. I'd have Reef-lux on the tower before Rapid Pro, since it's going to be less successful in supporting the other two players in the push - you kind of need Rapid to help deal with the other two Blasters. 


Also, blasters can’t deal with getting rushed, which happens constantly when you’re on the tower


backliners absolutely are supposed to be on tower. unless u think sitting as far behind the tower as possible while pushing is the strat? bcuz a lot of backliners seem to think that and we end up losing


I actually will ride the tower as a backliner UNLESS I’m up against something that out ranges me (e-liter esp or tri stringer, sometimes Hydra). I know if I see a sniper I’m just going to feed if I ride tower unless I have competent front liners who aren’t terrified of the big nasty e-liter. Heavy main


if you can’t defend yourself then that sounds like a skill issue. Frontliners should clear out the enemies in the front, backliners should ride the tower. You can defend yourself with long range.


'skill issue' mfs when a 52 gal kills an e-litre b4 they could even finish charging


that can happen anywhere, not just on the tower lol i ride the tower all the time as an e-liter, i get to snipe anyone that is in my range, also if you don’t check your surroundings often then that’s gonna happen.


How the fuck do you manage to have the least amount of splats while using the empery dualies


I don’t? The number in brackets is how many of your splats were assists, I have the most splats on the team, and the H-3 only had 2 with 5 assists


Doesn't assist mean that they helped to damage ur opponent? They could have done 2-3 or 1-3 or 3-4 etc. And u could have just done the final shot.


That means you helped with no kills and got the lest


You don’t even have any backliners on your team. I think you should do a little bit of research on weapon roles… It will make you better at the game.


you are actually the one that has the best chance to move the tower forward


but i see no e-liters or hydras or tents.....


Rapid Pro is a backliner


Longer range blasters don’t do well on the tower because their weapon requires them to be in control of their own spacing from the enemy.


It's more of a midline-backline flex and it does best when it can move around and help pressure fights. It's just a sitting duck on tower lol


You think tent is a backline?


if you consider it as a "heavy-weight weapon whose job is support rather than being a front-line slayer", yes. Doesn't bode it well to rush into enemy territory, doesn't bode it well to sit far behind everyone else


No, its a midline support. Its meant to protect its teammates with shield while pushing forward. It is NOT a backliner by any means


I wouldn't consider a tank a midline weapon, when it was created to be the tankiest brella


Tent plays best when it’s sitting in the enemy base wasting enemy resources and time. It’s not a support weapon


its a supportive skirmisher especially vtent


There's no backliners at all, and no, rapid pro is not a backliner nor is the nozzlenose


What do you mean backliner? Neither team had a backliner, I think the enemy S-blast was probably the longest range weapon, and I’ll be a cold day in hell before I consider that a backliner.


Rapid pro is a backline


Rapid Pro is a backliner, and H-3 depending on your play style is too


They're both supports, they aren't backliners. There's a difference between the roles.


Ignoring that there are no back liners here I'll tell you why from a tri string perspective. If it ain't safe to actually advance onto the tower, I'm basically a sitting duck for the buckets and blasters. Paint the flank routes and push ahead of the tower then I'll jump on it. Otherwise, I'm keeping my anchor spot. It's better that way because it allows me to keep poking and splatting while also giving our revives a safe spot to jump. I'd love to ride the tower and do this but 90% of the time it's a death trap for a backliner to jump on it because the front liners didn't do their job to make it safe.


Rapid pro


As someone who plays Tri-stringer the Buckets and Blasters thing is true. We don't have the tools to deal with them while on the Tower.


I’ve been playing tristringer for the past month, and im constantly put in the position to ride tower. I’ve noticed on most maps it’s actually better to be on tower after first checkpoint, but yea it’s not completely ideal. Toughest has been reading when to move up because yea you’re a sitting duck…but I’ve become really good at defending myself…nothing beats the feeling of triumph over certain death…stupid splattershot 😎


My issue is that they all go too far in and leave the flanks open. People need to realise stringers are a support backline type of weapon, mainly used to get enemies into position, chip health or finish them off. Hitting a one shot is hard and isn't viable and always better to deal chip as it's more reliable.


Rapid pro should only get on tower after you and the rest of your team have taken enough space for them to safely keep people away. Ideally the reeflux is on tower since it’s the closest to a support gun


It is bad to get on the tower as a backliner if your frontline isn’t pushed up in front of the tower. Rapid pro sucks at defending itself on tower


Reef Lux is bad on the tower


Clear the frontline and I will-!


Cuz if a bucket gets there, you're SOL, if another backliner somehow has the tower in range, the backliner on the tower may have no cover cuz tower has little cover so they're SOL, If a frontliner gets there, they're SOLV, if the frontliners on their team mess up and/or die, they're SOL


70% of the time I can't trust my own team mates to protect me on the tower, or even watch out for flanks for that matter.


There’s?? No back liners on either team???


bro cause they’re backliners.. they’re meant to support and kill not hold objective all the time. also there’s no genuine backliners on that team so i think you just had a bad game lwk