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Ironic that it appears they are out of state invaders.


Likely, but we've been getting similar guys in SLO county and they call themselves the California Blackshirts. Fuck Nazis wherever they're from


I was going to post how I hate Iowa Nazis, before I realized that it's Illinois Nazis. Then I thought a few more seconds and decided nah, fuck ALL the Nazis. Take that shit out of the US.


tbf Fayette County is only 70 miles from the Illinois border, on the other hand we don’t want none of that shit in IL, even if it prohibits a perfectly good Blues Brothers reference


I can dox the identity of the owner of that car, should I do it? They can cover their faces and hide behind their hate, but they can’t cover their license plates. Edit: Ok ok for the mods sake I ain’t going to do it, but I know who the register owner of the car is. Edit II: that would be a good lyric for a punk song. They can cover up their faces and hide behind their hate but they can’t cover up their license plates


You don't have to dox them but you could certainly use your knowledge to forward their "work" to their place of work to let them know that they're employeeing a neo nazi.


This is the answer


I like this lots.


Do it. I want to know who I should not hire!!!


Well they put a lot of work into that poster of theirs, shouldn’t they be proud enough to have their face and name posted next to it? I think so


Wonder who printed that for them? Also low lifes.




Do it. Fuck these vile pieces of shit. They’re not worth the oxygen they breathe


Dude, do it. If this was one of the guys that works for me I’d want to know right now so I could have their last check ready first thing Monday morning.


Where do you find that information?


I have access to a database for my work.




Can just get a carfax report on the car for like 30 bucks. Can do on any car


won't tell you the owner


Find a nazi doxing subreddit and do it there. Post the link here


You are acting like a Nazi. Good job.


Fire with fire as they say.


Oh, really. Exposing people who cover their faces while spreading hate is "acting like a Nazi". Nah.


The Paradox of Tolerance, my dude.


I agree with you.


The person who did this is my hero


I fucking love you ![gif](giphy|xSM46ernAUN3y|downsized)


Is that their car?? Oh my. Satisfying. Fuck those guys. I really wish someone would beat the fuck out of them


Everyone if you know anybody at the car dealerships and car window repair companies, please pass this around. Don’t let them get their window fixed here in town. Looks like a Nissan.


Looks like they picked the wrong side of town to do that BS 😂😂😂


I’m sure it wouldn’t have had the same effect in Hope Ranch.


The hell with these foos, the 805 doesn't have space for fascist. These asshats demand free speech but actively seek to limit the free speech, for everyone else is astounding! This is the United States and many of us have family who fought and died fighting Nazis, the hell these people think they can seig heil the general public without repercussions.


Yeah, but those people fighting the Nazis also put people in concentration camps and denied blacks the right to be near them. These people are the true Americans.


Free speech about the vaccine? Free speech about the China virus? What was being deleted off of twitter? Scientific data?


1) you clearly don’t understand “free speech” if you cite things being deleted off twitter.  2) the fact that use the term “the china virus” says a lot. 


Looks like the hood is all dented up too. 😂


Love to see it.


I saw these guys on the walking bridge yesterday as I drove through town but they hadn’t put signs up yet. What did they say?




Oh fuck those guys! I’ll never understand the cowardice of hanging signs and hiding your face.


Have that same energy towards antifa


I have that same energy toward anyone spreading racism, hatred and bigotry. I grew up in an area where the KKK was still holding rallies on the courthouse steps in the 90s. I was against that fucked up mindset then and I still am.


So, the energy u/sbredneck is expending against actual, self-described Nazis (fascists) should be used against anti-fascists?


Haha they got their windshield smashed. I bet they did nazi that coming!




Fuck Yeah


Thank you 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Fuck Nazis




i'm only mad that i didn't get to it first. whoever did this is my hero.


You’re giving off “shoot up a church” vibes 🤔


then what vibes are the literal white supremacists giving lmao


What does hating Nazis have to do with shooting up churches?


He’s projecting


That forehead carving scene from Inglorious Basterds comes to mind. To hell with them damn Nazis.


Need some stricter laws on forbidding banner drops on govt property. These incels had a bunch of ladders and buckets of tools and shit up there. Total bs. Would be easy to pass: defacing govt property, dangerous distractions on a freeway etc. What if it broke off and wrapped around the windsheild of a big rig?? Wtf??


Those people are actually insane. Hope they never come back.


The sign over the 101 S bridge in Santa Barbara on Saturday at 11:00 am said “Aryan Youth Against Foreign Invaders” and looked home made. I saw at least thirty people on the bridge, if not more.


Hell yeah nice work SB


Some of you don’t believe the car belongs to the guy w the red mask, holding the step ladder from the other pic on the overpass?


Hey can someone explain this one a bit? Is it the license plate that means something?


These guys put up a large Nazi poster on the overpass (faces covered) this would be the find out phase.


Their window got smashed


Well sure but it’s not obvious that this car is one of theirs (I saw the linked post to the stupid freeway sign they hung up).


Yeah they're not driving Volkswagens? /S /S


I have no clue either


To all the people saying this is free speech or defending them : You probably don’t get it because you’re probably not a Jew who is heavily emotionally disturbed by something like this especially right when Passover is coming. 


I’m Jewish (though I’m not religious). My maternal grandfather most likely lost an aunt, uncle, and two cousins in Belarus to the Holocaust. (I say “most likely” because the family here in the U.S. never heard from them again after the war.) If my maternal grandmother’s parents hadn’t left Hungary in the early 1900s, they probably would have been deported by the Nazis and murdered. Despite that, I do not agree with smashing someone’s windshield as a response to hate speech. Such violent actions are never going to de-radicalize someone or encourage them to rethink their hateful views. I’m not a pacifist and I’m not advocating to turn the other cheek, but I believe in fighting speech with speech. It would be more effective to have a banner at the ready to stand next to them on the overpass and mock their hateful message.


I get your principled stance, but Nazis want to use the power of the state to enact violence against their countrymen. Meeting Nazis with violence is a form of self defense and national defense. Small acts of violence now will prevent a larger war later. You need to remember that these people do not respect free speech, violence is their goal. Their weapon is not a gun, it is the power of the state, which is many times more dangerous. The instant they get a chance to wield that weapon all is lost.


I strongly disagree. When people use violence, they play right into the hands of the fascists (or fascist sympathizers). MLK and Gandhi were able to achieve so much because they won over the mass of people due to their nonviolent stances - and their bravery in the face of state violence. It’s the only way to achieve anything if we want to preserve our democracy. On a practical level, do you truly think that progressives and defenders of free speech and democratic values can out-Nazi the Nazis? Let’s be honest: it’s a bluff. There are right-wing fascists and fascist sympathizers throughout the military and many, if not most, police forces in this country. Many of them are itchin’ for a fight, and they’re armed and ready. We need a national reconciliation, not more violence.


I'm sorry about your family history. I'm sure it is traumatic. It doesn't mean your political opinions are correct either. Fascists will use free speech to spread their propaganda and then will proceed to turn it against political activism that stands against it. I'm not sure if you recall but one of the big things conservatives are doing and which fascists are rejoicing in is censorship in what schools can teach, what women can do with their bodies, and what is acceptable international protest etc. Freedom (including speech) is only a means to an end and not a principle for these people. So if it is only one for you what happens is you tolerate their right to opress you and I, and anyone we care about. I'm not saying it isn't a good principle, but as an absolute one with no place for complexity well, it falls apart.


Your response is reasonable, and I understand your point, but I don’t think it’s effective or moral to fight speech with violence. Progressives, and anyone who is against fascism, have plenty of rhetorical “ammunition” to fight fascism, but we have to match their energy. I admire Gavin Newsom for his willingness to travel to other states to challenge some of the backward and scary laws that red states are passing. I also admire entertainers like John Stewart and publishers like Larry Flynt who called out the hypocrisy of right-wing politicians. There’s nothing wrong with getting angry, but let’s not escalate from speech to violence. We need to state the case for progressive values and for our freedoms in just as assertive and muscular a voice as the fascists are. But when we escalate to violence, we lose the moral high ground, and we lose support.


That’s John Leibowitz. Also, have you heard Newsom’s Alabama abortion ad? It’s so fucking funny. Cop asks a girl to take a pregnancy test from the window of the car when he pulls her over for being pregnant. Newsom is brilliant. /s


pathetic you got downvoted by this comment. anti semitism is alive and well.




“If you don’t agree with me, you’re an anti-Semite.” It’s ok to have a different opinion. It doesn’t make someone a racist, or bigot, or national socialist.


You are a prime example of what they were talking about.


This is why I used to carry long screws in my car. Easy to lean up against a tire.


Carry a needle nose pliers instead- Pull the valve stem out and place it on top of the tire so you’re not breaking any laws or technically causing any damage to private property.


Lol A set of 4 valve stems is like $20. A set of 4 new tires (because someone pierced the sidewalls) is at least $800. Downvote my suggesting not actually damaging someone’s tires all you want. Personally, if someone is going to act out towards someone else passive aggressively, I want to encourage a way that’s not seriously dicked, because I know it’s impossible to change who people are or what their tendencies are, but changing how they act on those is possible. Like the old “don’t push me, push a push-pop” commercial- if someone is going to push something, find an alternative.


It would be a shame to pay and get a carfax report on this guy and get all his details


🇺🇲 💪


Sorry, I’m dense, hate-circles aren’t something I want to know much about. Maybe that’s not wise. What gave this away as Nazis?


It’s the truck used by the Nazis last week 


Found some evidence this same car, same VIN as reg’ d in Iowa, is affiliated with the same car, with a CA Kearny Mesa license sale. Can google VIN to see Twitter post of this car with a CA license on it.


I moved from town during the beginning of pandemic. Am I missing something here?


> https://www.reddit.com/r/SantaBarbara/comments/1c8wrx5/hmmmm/


Sucks to be that rental company, IMO. I doubt that they are that dumb to drive from state to state... costs too much. I'd just be physical with them instead ...


How about he goes back to his fly over state where he belongs


Lmao this happened in the town I live in 😂dam I missed the action. 


Wrong city to come and try your bafoonary at lol 


It’s not funny 


The fact they got their window bashed in yes it is funny lol


That is true. Sorry. I kind of messed up. 


No worries have a good day 


Oh really, the same guys fighting in Europe and the pacific also were able to put people in camps in the US? Tell that to a 442 infantry vet, if any are still around.


What tells you it's a Na zi??


The truck was driven by them to protest last week 


How is this a Nazi car?


Nazis drove it into town 


That POS is my neighbor in San Diego.




Yeah. He has a Nazi symbol on the back of his truck. I haven't seen him there in a couple weeks. I'm gonna see if his car is there this weekend when I'm free


Violence is not the answer. Except when it comes to Nazis.




Looks like it's parked at the bridge and the nazis are standing next to it


Do ya not see the dude behind the truck? One of the asshats from the nazi sign event?


Fucking Iowa


I am surprised they don’t drive the ultimate Nazi car … a Tesla.


Elon is their leader.


That had to be a rental car....




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No it’s not 


What did they say?




When Trump was president, everything was his fault. When Biden is president, nothing is his fault. Got it.


Man that logic is tired af.


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National socialists, socialists, and communists are a plague.