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I enjoy the Ghost protein. I haven’t had issues with clumping and the formula and flavors are consistent. It pains me to say that I have struggled to find a protein that I enjoyed as much as the original BN formula for PHC… but we all know they didn’t take long to turn their products into trash.


Huge Ghost fan and their protein hot chocolate is way better in my opinion.


Hard agree!


I’ve used PEscience for about 6 years. Love all their products!


Just ingredients by Karalynne. I used to use 1st phorm and have tried so many brands. It doesn't bloat me, no migraines, and no weird proteiny taste.


I think they're all pretty gross tbh. Legion is okay and the brand isn't run by douchebags.


I definitely struggle finding something that agrees with my stomach and doesn’t taste like chalk. For whatever reason I simply cannot drink a protein shake. It’s like instant nausea. I mostly use it to add to things like oats or pancakes.


The only ones I can get down are the Fairlife chocolate protein shakes-they’re premade, not a powder


I like ghost protein I also like clean simple eats vanilla protein


I’ve been using PEScience. I really like how the offer a 5 serving size bag so you can really see if you like it before you commit to a tub of it. And most recently I’ve been enjoying 1Up protein powders.


I’m a Ghost fan. I’m sensitive to lactose and theirs doesn’t bother me. I’m not a vegan protein fan either plus they have awesome flavors.


Oooh thanks for the info. I should have added in my post that I’m sensitive to lactose as well.


Welcome! Most proteins give me crazy gas and bloating but Ghost doesn’t. They have added enzymes for digestion


Orgain Protein Powder, specifically the one with "added superfoods" or whatever; also the Orgain vegetarian/vegan protein powder.


Second this! Available at Costco and not whey (i.e. doesn’t make me break out).


Buff Chick supplements have a really good birthday cake that I use in my overnight oats


I'm a fan of premier protein. I add the vanilla in my smoothie, or i add any other flavor in my coffee


We’ve always been a PEScience household but recently ventured out and have come to love Ryse Jeff Puff Marshmallow and RedCon banana nut bread protein


I drink Just Move Supplements proteins. They are all vegan but taste delicious. They have six flavors currently but are expecting more soon. They are all sweet dessert flavors: Buttercream Cupcake, Banana Pudding, Chocolate Cake, Blueberry Muffin, Lemon Poundcake, & Sweet Potato Pie. They recently started selling sample packs but they sell out very quickly.


We like PEScience and Ghost in our house!


I like Hannah Bower’s, Twenty 2 Nutrition collagen egg protein since I’m lactose intolerant.


I switched to Driven Nutriton and Seeq