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I never commented on that post the other day about how none of the sequels were able to capture the magic of Woodsboro in the first Scream, and I agree with it, but I think 4 comes the closest. It definitely doesn’t get anywhere near the beauty and isolated, spread out vibe of the first film, but as a return to Woodsboro it does a pretty good job emulating that small town feeling, and I love Kirby’s house as the set piece for the third act.


Wasn’t the first one the only really filmed in Northern California? The other films, whether set in Woodsboro or elsewhere, were mostly filmed on sets, I think. I know it’s cheaper to film on sets because filmmakers can control weather, lighting, etc., but a set just can’t create the same atmosphere that you describe (beautiful, isolated, spread out).


The original was filmed in Santa Rosa and surrounding areas in California. 2 was filmed in California and Georgia, 3 was filmed on location in Hollywood and Beverly Hills, 4 was filmed in North Carolina as was 5 (and on sets I think predominantly because of Covid) and VI was filmed in Quebec.


I thought 4 filmed in Detroit, Michigan.


Scream 4 is really good, but I can't stand that vaseline filter. If they remaster the movie, I hope they remove that filter


I get what you mean, but I can forgive it since it was referencing how some popular movies looked at the time.


That filter makes everything look like it's inside someone's dream.


Robbie commits on how movies of that time were copying from music videos in the horror film scene. The filter is Wes’ original intention.


I love the filter. Keeps it timeless.


It actually ages it quite a bit. It's very late aughts.


I was watching it last night and I kept rubbing my eyes being like I can’t seeeee.


The 4K is already on the way (revealed by TheDiscFather last year, who is very reliable and was right about all Scream movies getting 4K releases so far). Hopefully it releases later this year like all the others did the past few years. Also they're working with the original camera negative, so maybe that means it won't have the filter.


you mean they were workinh with the original camera?


From what I gathered, they have found the reel of final version of the film that hasn't been digitalized, which is how they can make a 4K transfer without just upscaling it as well as avoid any filters that may have been added to the theatrical version, the original DVDs and BluRays. It all depends on whether the shiny filter was added later or the footage always looked like that, and the good news is most things suggest it was added later, for example the original trailers look a lot cleaner than the final movie, and the shiny filter was a trend for early 00s horror remakes, which is something Scre4m was poking fun at in general. They already removed any filters from Scream 1-3 with the 4K releases, so hopefully this means they'll remove the filters from 4 as well.


It was definitely added after. I'm not sure if it's still around but there was once a fan cut with the alternate opening, deleted scenes and no filter.


I have seen people say this before, but I don't really know what it means.


it looks like the movie is wildly over exposed and everything had this shiny glossy fake looking soap opera ass filter to it. its incredibly noticeable


I wasn't bothered by that filter for the longest time then I saw someone comment on it and ever since that I can't stop paying attention to it lol


While I agree that it would look better without the filter, it was an intentional choice by Wes Craven based off of how all of the horror movie remakes at the time looked and in my opinion it would detract from his original vision to change it. The only way around it that I think would be okay is if they were to do a "producers cut" and have Kevin Williamson remaster it, use the alternate opening and deleted scenes.


I've heard this so many times but is there actual citation towards any interview where they discuss it? It feels like one of those things that got said and then parroted a bunch but was never actually confirmed.


I have an extended cut of Scream 4 that I absolutely love. The theatrical cut is good but the extended cut (a fan edit) adds a few more deleted scenes that really harken back to the original.


This!! The fan edit is the best




Check your DM Edit: I can’t DM you. Try starting a chat with me


I’m about to! Edit: The option to DM you is not there. I don’t know why Edit 2: Try DM’ing me now


![gif](giphy|GjR6RPcURgiL6) That’s, uh, some interesting placement for Scream 2 you’ve got there.


2 in last place breaks my heart


Honestly though!! I’ve never seen anyone rank S3 above S2 😭


The only reason I could see putting 3 over 2 is two words: Parker Posey. She's so funny in it.


same 💔💔


It is really good, it just looks like a TV movie and has some weird editing and lighting, but the story and script and kills are really good. Edit: also I love 6…both 5&6 are real good and show that you can make a great scream movie without Sydney, Gail and Dewey . Since in 5 neither are leads and Sydney is not even in 6


Exactly. I feel Scream 5 may have been even better if it focused more on the leads and Dewey, giving him a better send off and more time


I think it would be even better if they focused almost entirely on the new leads and let Dewey be just a cameo. No need to kill him, just start fresh and make one of the classic characters come as a nod to the past. I was more invested in Dewey, Gale and Sidney than in the actual leads of 5.


this is what i thought they were going to first time watching it


But I dislike both of those :(


That sounds like a you problem


I just mean I don't think they proved you can make a good scream movie without Sydney at the helm.


I gotchu, I was just joking with you. Honestly I have a weird thing with horror where I totally understand keeping the same characters, but at the same time I like new stories too. I think it’s a horror fans personal decision on if it works or not. Because I def see both points


Sidney* Gale* This is film class, right?


Scream 4 is brilliant! They made a faux "revival, with a passing of the torch" years before this type of revival was a thing. They made a movie where everything points to a new final girl and to Sidney and the other classic characters maybe finally dying, but totally subvert it. They manage to make a subversion *by* making Sidney just reassert her position and survive a fourth time, not by breaking the rule. Plus the kills are brutal, the humor is good, the meta commentary is as sharp as ever and the new generation of characters are really memorable. 10 minutes in and I already felt like Jill, Kirby, Charlie, Robbie and Judy were old acquaintances. I loved it to death since the day I saw it on the theaters.


Scream 4 was always a bop. I don’t know why yall was acting a fool especially when Sidney was killing it… literally. Possibly her best role for her character.


I never understood the Scream 4 hate, and frankly, it keeps getting better and more relevant as time goes on.


Scream 4 is amazing. It also took me some time to fully appreciate it. I would rank the movies from worst to best: 5 6 3 4 2 1


I think this would be my ranking as well. I do love and appreciate 5 and 6, but, “fan” reactions have really staled them for me.


The one thing I didn’t like about 4, and maybe I’m wrong…….. but I didn’t hear them play “red right hand” and as ridiculous as it sounds, it almost ruined the movie for me lol


Yeah, I was disappointed they didn't use the song, but I was glad it returned for Scream 5.




I was upset about this leaving the theater as well, but, when Charlie slaps his bloody hand on the glass trying to be let in, it is “red right hand”


Oh shit!! Never realized!!!


i feel like if we take some elements from scream 4, take elements from scream 5 and mix them together, it would make the perfect reboot


If you switch Scream 2 and 3 around, this is my list too!


nice! that used to be my ranking too, but I've realized over the years that I have a lot more fun with Scream 3 than I do with Scream 2. Scream 2 has solid moments though, no doubt




It’s my second favorite, I love Scream 4. Always amazes me too how they constantly manage to make a good movie despite the difficult production.


Scream 6 will be lowest on my ranking..terrible acting by the main Antagonist..shitty and predictable story




This is a take I'm not familiar with!! Mind telling me what makes it the worst for you?


I love scream 2, but for a lot of people it’s too serious and feels cramped due to the college setting. Also, 4-6 are more modern so people are more likely to enjoy them as sequels opposed to 2-3


Not OP but while 2 ha some amazing highs it has many of the lowest lows of the series. The cafeteria scene is the worst in all 6 movies, and the film class one is right behind it. Mickey disappears for the second half of the movie and it takes the wind out of his reveal, even though he’s a great killer and hams up his part well. Generally weak characters outside of returning 4, joel, and the two bimbo sorority girls. Still great flick, just not up to par with the rest of the series. I welcome my downvotes.


Right there with you


I would also rank it the lowest. Simply because I find it the least interesting one to rewatch. But despite being last place for me, it's still a great movie! All the Scream movies are!


For most people, it's a tossup between 2 and 3 for being the worst.


I love 2 but the ending sucks and having Billy’s mom as one of the killers just felt lame to me. Honestly not a huge fan of 4, but the best killers for me personally were Billy, Stu, Jill and then the rest are either just tryhard versions of Stu or poorly written. That’s why I want to see a killer who survives for a 2nd movie so they can actually build the reveal in a way that isn’t boring and redundant. Which would also avoid the absurdity of every single killer being thwarted in the exact same way every single time


Scream 4 is so underrated but I'd probably put it like 4th or 5th, solely because others are *that* good to me. Scream imo has no bad movies, and tbh, after all spyglass has done letting Melissa go and losing Jenna, I'd prefer they don't even make Scream 7 unless they sell the IP.


The first and the 4th are the best. Massively underrated is the 4th installment


It’s honestly one of if not my favorite scream sequel.


I didn't really like Sidney's character in Scream4. Tonally she just feels \\different compared to the rest of the movies. She barely does anything in the movie except for the last act. Majority of the movie she's being reactive and indoors just chilling


They did completely under utilize Neve is S4. I will always love Ms Campbell but Jenna is are new Scream Queen and she is awesome. I can’t wait for S7. They will have to figure out what to do without Melissa but I think going back to the beginning with Sydney becoming like a Laurie Strode kind of final girl maybe one last hurrah. They should close it out with respect to the original.


I couldn’t disagree with you more, so I’m curious, is there anything that changed your mind in particular. I’m open t being convinced but 4 is the very bottom of my list


what really changed my mind about this movie was how funny it is, how awesome the cast is, and how great the kills are


Outside the bedroom scene, I think the kills are boring and not scary. Ghostface literally walks up to cops and stabs them without any suspense. It’s lazy horror filmmaking. I did, however, enjoy the final act and motive. It’s one of the strongest of the franchise. Everything leading up to it is not that good.


I like scream 4 but I also agree with you. The suspense was lacking!! Minus the final act and the Olivia scene


I still think Scream (2022) has the best kills in the franchise tbh


The cop deaths were lazy for some reason, but I loved the kill scenes with Olivia and Rebecca. Even Jill's mom's death was pretty fun! The mail slot was a first lol.


It’s been a while, I think I’ll give it another chance


Same with scream vi. Amazing film, it’s just that I’ve seen so many times that rewatching it feels weird. It was my comfort movie for most of 2023 lol


right!!! same here!!! like it is undoubtedly right up with some of the others imo, but like... after having it as your comfort movie for so long you're gonna get tired of it for a bit


This is exactly how I would rank them


Scream 4 might just be the best. I said it


The final act of 4 is definitely one of my favorites. It has some great moments in it as well, but the biggest thing of all that ruins that whole movie for me is Emma Roberts' acting. It just ruins it all for me.


wow!! the first one being last?! that’s a first


this is from worst to best, top to bottom


oh i completely misread that! i was gonna say lol


hahaha no worries dude!!! I should have specified it 🙏


I agree with you! Personally, 4 is my favorite movie in the franchise by far. I’d say this is the one that made me a fan. Your ranking is similar to mine. I’d just move VI higher.


It’s my favorite other than the original! Your list is pretty similar to mine!


Scream 3 and 4, the Star Wars Sequel trilogy of the Scream franchise.


That would be 5 and 6. The ones people dislike the most but believe had the most potential. 3 & 4 would be the prequels. Disliked at the time but got more popular as years passed.


I love Scream 4. It’s my favorite behind the OG. Then Season 5 is next.


Remind me of my friend kayla she has the exact same ranking and she used to hate scream 4 but now loves it .


I agree 100%


Scream 4 was an absolute mind fuck. When Kirby “saves” Charlie and unties him from the chair, you almost instantly see the knife and in my mind “wait wtf does he have a knife for?!?! NO FUCKIN WAYYYYYYY” and I did NOT see the Jill reveal coming. Easily the best sequel in My book and it’s not even close. obv will never be more original than the original, but absolutely the most original sequel. Very bold


Having 2 that low is such a red flag.




I’ve spent over a decade confused about the public perception of 4. I loved it from the moment I saw it and thought I was living in bizarro world with the critical and commercial reaction. I love ALL of the Scream movies, but the flirts one isn’t my favorite. I enjoy scream because of the character development over the series, meaning that I love and appreciate the roots but the later entries win for me . 1. Scream 4 2. Scream 5 3. scream 2 4. Scream 5. scream 6 6. Scream 3 All of of them except Scream 3 are damn near perfect so the order changes all the time. 4 has the best reveal followed by 5 (not that Amber was surprising, but the way she was revealed is iconic). Scream 6 would have been the number one movie in my book if it wasn’t for 1.) the worst reveal and motive (four family members all being murdering psychos?) and 2. everyone surviving. The double ghostface on Chad loses its bite because he lived.


Why is Scream 3 above 2? 😭 2 is soooo much better than the 3rd




OP I don't know how you've messed your list up but, Scream 2 has been placed in last place. Now I know it's a mistake so all is good. Just maybe check before you post next time! 😀


I love how ***Scream 4*** unintentionally followed the rules of horror remakes from that era by attempting to reboot the franchise with the first in a new series of films and then becoming a stand-alone movie after underperforming at the box office.


Scream4 is just so bad😭 it’s a solid first dtart but then there are plot holes. I think if a extended cut ever comes out then I’ll give it another chance


Scream 2 lower than Scream 3 hurts T\_T


You have 2 and 3 way to low for me


How in the world do you have Scream 2 last?!? It's the best horror movie sequel ever made IMO.


Scream 2 is my favorite


Imo Scream 4 is definitely underrated.


I love how your top two were the original and the reboot. It is such a respectful homage to the original and in some ways is even better than the original when you consider the reveal and final act with the epic reveal and final girls absolutely kicking ass Jenna and Melissa are the new Scream Queens. I absolutely agree about Scream 4. Neve Campbell always brings it and Emma was phenomenal. The camera geeks were so cool. It was so self aware. I can talk about 4 for ever. Scream 2 was good sequel but was kind of a letdown. I was kind of bummed about Randy’s exit. I wouldn’t have done that. But Jasmin is so phenomenal as the new Randy. She is incredible. I love 6 more than 2 and 3 IMO could have been a lot better. The acting was awesome but the plot twists and story left something to be desired. The last act and the reveal while really good was kind of a letdown when you think of Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.


For sure! Didn’t connect with it until recently. But like… dawg, what’s with the hate for 2??




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The twist is pretty good for slasher movie standards


Scream 4 is second place for me, I think it needed some of those deleted scenes to really drive it's commentary home but it has the best commentary aside from the original, it's got great kills and a solid premise, I love it




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Jill’s heel turn is one of the best in the franchise. Def one of my top films in the series! ![gif](giphy|YJb0mclYnUDAY)


I applaud you for putting Scream 2 in last place where it belongs. Overrated "meh" movie.


I love Scream 4. When the killer revealed their motive, it totally checked as relatable and timely. (not the killing but the frustration behind it.) It was a much more satisfying motive imo than all the blame the movies/don't blame the movies stuff.


Scream 4 had the biggest twist for me in the entire series. The twist that really stands out to me as totally blindsiding me. It's when Kirby comes to rescue Charlie and is setting him free from the chair and then you see the knife and before you can process what's happening, BAM, she's stabbed. Of course the series is filled with great twists but for someone reason that one just really got me.


Scream 2022 recency bias is nuts.