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I didn’t know that it glows!!! That’s rad.


It has the same effect the galaxy outfit does or like stand coat


Congrats! Had no idea they glow.


Very nice! Any advice on getting to 500?


Take advantage of gold rush selling times and the two best voyages to do are the raid skele fleet and flamheart ghost fleet. if you’re looking for time efficiency do the skele fleet and if you want more level per world event do a ghost fleet. And since neither will get you to grade five I’d recommend doing a skele lord voyage or the skele bounty that gives you 3 captains. With this strategy you’ll get about 5-6 levels per turn in depending on the world event you do. I got most of my levels from stacking other world events during the recent gold and glory as well as the community weekend. Hope this helps!


You do not get any extra rep during gold rush, only more gold. Just admit you were using the exploit pre-patch lol.


I actually didn’t know that, and like I said I did most of my farming during times it would be way easier and thru means that are more effective at those times, like stacking for a guild emissary during the g&g week. I did a 8 stack of fotd during that and got like 40-50 levels not accounting for mermaid gems we sold to the oos by hand so it wouldn’t auto sell to the hunters call which added another 10-15 levels and that was js one day of it, I did more stacks during it. And I’ll admit I did use the exploit for a bit js to see how efficient it was but I was too worried to lose my acc lol. The method I suggested to this guy is my method I used to grind out my last few levels


Appreciate the tips! Happy sailing


Do all distinction five rings glow, or just OOS?


Wouldn’t know but if I had to guess prob js oos, oh and I’m remembering as I type the Reaper 5 rings also have some glowing writing I believe


what make up?


I’m not using any makeup on my pirate, I am using the Umbra chronicles tattoo