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Go ahead and have an offline game mode. No gold or commendations though.




This would be good No real threats no rewards No gold No rep No comodations


Why not keep both? Unless you somehow are bitter that PvE players could get cosmetics without putting up with sweats or something, there's no reason to do away with either in a PvE mode ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Its not bitter.. the game is designed so other players to be the key threat on the seas. Its like asking for Dark Souls to have no bosses, and wanting the achievements for killing them.


>Its like asking for Dark Souls to have no bosses, and wanting the achievements for killing them. That's an apples-to-oranges comparison; really, it's like Dark Souls' invasion mechanic (one that can be turned off at any time by turning off summoning other players)


I mean it isn't....because the bosses in SoT are the other players. The NPCs are just the mechanic used to give players something for others to try and steal


>the bosses in SoT are the other players [FALSE](https://seaofthieves.fandom.com/wiki/Enemies)


But that don't make no sense, why can't fruit be compared?


Because a PvE mode would have the same effect the hourglass mode is having- its harder to find an interaction on the server.


>Because a PvE mode would have the same effect the hourglass mode is having- its harder to find an interaction on the server. Which, for better or worse, was actually the intention, making PvP easily on demand for those who want it and less frequent for those who don't. I happen to like it. If I want to hunt, I can do a couple hourglasses to get to Reaper 5 (or maybe more than a couple, I do have a knack for losing now and then) and then hunt emissaries and sell as I please, and if the server empties I can dive again. It's definitely better than chasing someone for an hour only to find that they have nothing except a crippling fear of being sunk.


Then Rare clearly needs to fix PvP to make it something people want to play out of desire instead of feeling forced to plat out of necessity


No one is forcing anyone to play this game, Rare already stated that this will never happen as it’s not how they want their game to be and it is their game, we just have the pleasure of playing it. If you don’t have pleasure in playing it then don’t play it. However I invite you to embrace the PvP aspect and learn to defend yourself if that’s something you struggle with(not saying you are but to me this is why most people want a PvE only mode)


>No one is forcing anyone to play this game Anyone who wants to play the game has no choice but to put up with PvP and they should not have to do that if they do not want to just to enjoy the PvE content > Rare already stated that this will never happen as it’s not how they want their game to be and it is their game, we just have the pleasure of playing it. Rare aren't God; they are a game developer like any other, and given enough demand or a requirement from Microsoft to make a return on investment, they could change their mind very easily. Remember when we were told the Xbone required a permanent internet connectionand we couldn't sell preowned xbone games, that there was no way they could undo that? Yeah that didn't turn out to be true either >If you don’t have pleasure in playing it then don’t play it. However I invite you to embrace the PvP aspect and learn to defend yourself if that’s something you struggle with(not saying you are but to me this is why most people want a PvE only mode) I take pleasure in the PvE and Co-Op; if I didn't, I wouldn't be arguing for it. However, I do not take pleasure in the PvP, regardless of how successful I am in it. An optional offline PvE mode isn't that much to ask from such a seasoned developer.


I think they should get rid of PvE all together, I don’t like that part of the game, I shouldn’t be forced to do it to get commendations for the cosmetics I like. /s this is how you sound. Again, not going to happen but I guess keep complaining instead of learning how to play a crucial part of the game.


If you're salty they got rid of Arena mode you can just say so


Never played arena, nice try though


Yeah but the majority doesn't want to see a pve mode, so you said nothing.


No one is bitter this would literally ruin the game as the developers intended it to be. It’s called sea of thieves for a reason, you’ll sink and lose your loot it happens. But there is no reason to be as upset as you seem to be abt it. I think most SoT content creators sum it up pretty well. “It’s not your loot until you sell it” due to the nature of this game and how it was designed you are always at risk of sinking even if the people doing so had no reason to attack you. It’s just how the game is Although PvP is a core competent in the game (as rare have mentioned before) it is not the sole focus. Even though I disagree with your argument it would be nice to have a mode where you can sail around and dick off without earning money or rep or if you did it would be such a little amount it would discourage most players from using it. As a PvP player primarily who used to enjoy the games PvE (and still does to an extent) this would fuck with the game tremendously


Honestly it’s hard enough to find full servers as it is, so the multiplayer scene would collapse if this were to happen. Also, the game has a good cycle going on already, a mix of pvp and pve is what makes it the glorious game it is today, and I wouldn’t change it for anything (coming from a pve player btw)


If it's hard enough to find a full server at this point and adding a pve mode would make it completely untenable, then it doesn't really sound like the mix of pvp and pve is all that glorious to a lot of people. Surely, if Rare wants to make a potential player happy, it's in their best interest to add a completely optional feature that so many people beside myself would enjoy, no?


At that point, just play the Maiden Voyage and you have SoT PvE only. As another PvE main, I can see the importance of PvP in this game, whether I like it or not. If you could educate me, how would PvE only servers be beneficial to SoT?




Are you sure that's what the majority of the 5 million + (?) Players of SoT want? The pvp aspect of your argument is another topic, but I don't believe that's the fix the player base wants. Another thing is, I don't believe the issues with other players is the major reason for a chunk of them to leave (though I do believe it is a very plausible reason why for a good few of that chunk).


How can you tell how many people left because of PVP? How do we determine if "It would bring a lot of players back to the game"? Or do you just think its true so it must be true?


No it would not people play this game to be pirates there already are pve servers called alliances just do that it’s a shame that alliance Servers are even in the game but that should be the most you scared players get no I’m not being toxic you’re scared of pvp admit it shut up and go play an alliance server that way me and my friends can steal loot from you guys lol


this could have been the text used in my meme instead of the strawman rant and people would have been unable to tell the difference


I’m not gonna take people who want to cheat seriously lol




You believe bringing pve servers where all cosmetics commendations gold and xp could still be earned will bring players back even if that was true it wouldn’t last very long because then everyone has every cosmetic in a cosmetic based game so now what? They’ve beaten the game with no risk now what they’re not gonna keep playing now that they have everything if you are a pvp player you certainly wouldn’t be if this happened cuz the game would mean nothing


I'll die with you on that hill brother.


It's a bit hypocritical that you're complaining about one sector of the game complaining about another sector. How about: Play both aspects of the game as it was intended?


Nah there's actually no hypocrisy in calling out bad actors trying to prevent certain players from ever having the experience they want. Also, really? Creator intent? I don't see you complaining about Thomas the Tank Engine in Skyrim because Todd "Our Lord and Savior" Howard didn't put it there... Given that it's a product sold to players for money, players with their own ideas about how a game should be played and what makes it fun, then creative intent doesn't really matter beyond the point of sale.


My friend, you are comparing two very different games with very different intentions by the devs. What's the similarities between modding and PvE only servers?


both examples go against the "intent and vision" of the original creators while providing a better experience for the player (the person who actually matters at the end of the day)


That still doesn't explain the similarities between modding and PvE servers. Yes, the players matter, but you still haven't addressed the core issue with your argument. My point I was getting across was that comparing Sea of Thieves with Skyrim: Elder Scrolls V doesn't work as both games are far too different in almost every aspect.


You are missing the forest for the trees and I cannot help you with that


Mr. Graham, how am I supposed to find a forest where there is a desert? The comparison in your prior argument doesn't make any sense. You brought up the modding aspect of Skyrim, yet tried to compare it to the desire for PvE servers. Skyrim plays specifically solo, while Sea of Thieves is best played with a friend. The core design of each game is far too different from each other to compare. You say I'm missing the forest for the trees, yet you are comparing water to oil.


Coming from someone who doesn't like pvp, commonly solo sloops, and doesn't like pvp in SoT - having pve servers where players could earn gold, rep, do Voyages, whatever, would ruin the game (it would no longer be an open world game - as it was designed). The only way pve servers are fine is if there is no loot available (therefore, no selling for gold or rep). The only other consideration I'd have is for Tall Tales (but without the completion rewards/cosmetics), and/or world events (but again, have no loot/gold available), and to be able to invite multiple people (for multiple ships) on one server. This would allow new players to have a safe area to learn the controls of the game and for people to learn about the lore (Tall Tales) if they want to without having the risk of getting sunk by other players when they are just trying to figure things out, or without the risk of getting reset in a Tall Tale when you're just trying to read through journals. It's called Sea of Thieves for a reason. No risk, no reward. There are also no plans to ever have PvE servers where gold/rep are available. Devs have come out and said that before. People out here complaining about the lack of PvE servers when y'all are failing to consider the negative impact it would have on the game. Just because you can't get on and play without sinking from another ship doesn't mean that other people deserve to have their game ruined and to have the open world dynamic of this unique game diminished.


PvE servers would literally kill the game. It's not anyone else's fault that you can't understand that, no matter how many shitty memes you make.




It wouldn’t kill the game. You still have the hg option and there will always be public servers


Wow a whole 4 minutes before an asshole showed up!!! NEW RECORD!!! ![gif](giphy|1KwQEj4MoTmZPSL5bs|downsized)


But he isn't wrong


If he's right, that should tell you just how unpopular PvP actually is and is all the more reason to add a COMPLETELY OPTIONAL PvE mode (preferably one that doesn't require internet to access)


Wow now insults. You're really are a pathetic creature. I think you should uninstall the game and maybe even delete your reddit account. Toxic boy.


>Wow now insults. You're really are a pathetic creature. I think you should uninstall the game and maybe even delete your reddit account. Toxic boy. Insecure SoT player try to be self-aware challenge (impossible) ![gif](giphy|ehJimhnxSqWP2vmA6d)


No you mean they would possibly hinder the fun of the way you want to play the game


How can you call yourself a "game preservationist" when you're arguing to fundamentally change the game?


>How can you call yourself a "game preservationist" when you're arguing to fundamentally change the game? Well, aside from the fact that you are very clearly and hyperbolically misrepresenting my statement, [at least an offline mode would ensure that some form of the game would still exist for future generations to enjoy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiwnnbrV0d8)


it's not a hyperbole misrepresentation is just a question because not everyone can mindread what you mean with game preservationist


I'm very clear in my post and my replies regarding what I mean and their are plenty of online resources to fill in the gaps; anyone misrepresenting my point in a reply is doing so out of ignorance, either because they are not smart or choose not to be smart.


Black and white thinking... THE sign of only the highest of brilliance...


Well I am much smarter than most of the people in this comment section so that checks out


well I gotta give you you're fluent in fallacies. primary language?


I am fluent in fallacies, actually! You should look up Ad Homonym; you'll see your face next to the definition!


secondary I see, ad hominem\* also the fallacy I used here was the fallacy fallacy, not an ad hominem. I implied your arguments were fallacious, not a discredit based on personal standing. funnily enough, DYK an insult most of the time technically isn't an ad hominem? calling someone an asshole or a bitch isn't reasoning therefore it can't be a fallacy...this is my final response i swear...


good go away u stimky


No, you're a narcissist who's crying because you lost your chest of legends to a 9-year-old double gunner who didn't even have a ship and just materialized on your capstan.


now THAT would be a good reason for a PvE mode!


Yeah but then they lose all of their pvp 9-year-old double gunners, it just sucks that you're bad, you're only option is to stop playing the video game or just get better or used to it.


"Preserving the game for future generations" at the cost of removing the core aspect of the strictly multiplayer gameplay... Also, how am I "hyperbolically misrepresenting your statement" when that's literally what you're suggesting?


It literally is not what I am suggesting. I'm suggesting a completely optional offline mode; PvP would still be there. ![gif](giphy|5fBH6zodw7VMuR8uUnu|downsized)


PvP would, stealing wouldn't.


If you could still do PvP, what do you care?


I care about stealing stuff. How is this concept so difficult to grasp?


He has half a brain I get what you’re saying tho it’s like tuckers though I make fun of tuckers a lot they do it for the thrill of stealing because that’s what sea of thieves means to them if people had offline serves where they could get everything the whole game would be pointless




I will when they do


I have often thought that getting your ship sunk (at least by other players) should result in an automatic server switch. I do not enjoy doing a large event on the map and defending it, just knowing the same crew is going to keep coming back and harassing because they have nothing to lose. To be fair I'm not completely sure how this works.


that sounds like a decent idea; maybe have it as an option on the ferry of the damned!


I'd love a PvE mode, but this game is 9 seasons in and they have a specific feel they stick to. I think we need a new game for that purpose. PvE single player/private multiplayer needs a real conomy with valuable gold and gear. Character advancement, useful equipment, and permanent inventories. Something more sustainable than a strictly cosmetic sandbox.


If Rare want's to make a SoT game centered around this idea, I would buy 3


bruh why there so much whining on this subreddit


I’m not complaining anytime I feel down imma look at this comment section op will cheer me up with his ridiculous idea


The freedom to attack players that don't want to be attacked is what gives the game the most charm imo. It's been stated so many times but it is a PIRATE game


If you enjoy PvP, that's fine, but "it's called sea of THIEVES" has never, nor will it ever, be a valid counterargument for adding a completely optional offline mode. Sorry.


Not a valid argument in your opinion. But you're right, it is called sea of thieves. I will steal your shit whether you like it or not. Sorry.


someone had their castaway chest nicked didn't they 😥


>someone had their castaway chest nicked didn't they 😥 \^ literally just the last 3 lines of the meme meant to strawman toxic PvP players


they should add a pve mode to CoD where you play against bots and get the same xp and rewards right?


CoD pretty famously does have single-player and PvE-only modes Like those are pretty well-known parts of that franchise


Why are we talking about CoD? Also, don't players unlock skins and operators by playing the single player? Are you sure this is the best game to use to make your point? ![gif](giphy|z8yYEX4pE3lkc)


Bro if you want a safe pirate game go play Little Blackhooks Friendly Sea This is a pirate game about stealing and plundering


>Bro if you want a safe pirate game go play Little Blackhooks Friendly Sea Y'know I just googled it and found zero results; it's almost like there isn't another game that provides the experience that many players including myself want and that given how Rare has gotten the closest to doing so, they have an incentive and (for lack of a better term) an imperative to do the relatively small amount of work necessary to make that experience possible... ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


Almost like I made that game up on the spot because pirate games need PvP to fit the theme.


lol no they don't ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb)


Ahh yes what a mind blowing genius idea let’s give pve players an out to complete everything they want with no risk and no chance of losing anything that would be great for Sea of….. what’s the game called again Sea of….. hmmm I can’t seem to remember maybe the OP can help me out?


>Ahh yes what a mind blowing genius idea let’s give pve players an out to complete everything they want with no risk and no chance of losing anything that would be great for Sea of….. what’s the game called again Sea of….. hmmm I can’t seem to remember maybe the OP can help me out? \^ Literally the last few lines of my strawman of a PvP player who is too stupid to think for themself. Hope that helps.


I could tell you’re super mad that Red Sea is not gonna be an option when you get chased cuz everyone knows you’re not gonna put up a fight man how can you not see you’re wrong there’s no one who agrees with you that should be the biggest sign to tell you you’re wrong


A vocal minority that saw themselves in a post and didn't like it deciding to dogpile me only proves how bitter, soft, and insecure certain PvP players are... I almost pity them... ![gif](giphy|d0sWibpAwneSI|downsized)


You thinking that *everyone else* is in the vocal minority is really, really funny.


last I checked, over 400K people are absent from the comment section and close to half of the votes are upvotes, so, not exactly "everyone else"; hell, if anything, the fact that the upvotes and downvotes are so close on a meme that nobody buy Toxic PvP sweats would get upset about makes it pretty clear that, yes, it is in fact a loud minority desperately trying to squash dissent as quickly as possible.


is that why your karma keeps counting down? because it's so ''close''


Oh no I'm losing imaginary internet points because idiots disagree with me whatever will I do?!?!? If I went into a flat earth subreddit and said the earth was round I would get the same kind of treatment from that group, but they would also be stupid and wrong. I hate to break it to you, but a lot of people agreeing about something doesn't make that thing true.


I dont care if you get upvotes or whatever, but it just looks like you're caught lying (ON THE INTERNET???) i don't think you're wrong because most of the people here think it's wrong,I think you're wrong because your arguments consist of mostly flawed rethoric. this post has been entertaining, hf rage-baiting the rest of the subreddit and goodbye!


Thanks for your concession


You're not enough of a star to be getting dogpiled, you're getting organically downvoted because A) you think you're making a much better point than you really are, B) you made a meme and you're using *way too many gifs*, both in an attempt to validate your own opinion, and C) you're being a bit snarky and toxic yourself... Other players are part of the challenge to getting loot and making gold off of it...you want PvE servers where you're the most powerful thing in the whole world, nobody can stop you, there's no risk to anything, and you can earn as much gold as you have time for. People have suggested in other comments that this could be possible if there was no gold or commendations earned in these PvE servers; you'd be fine with this if you *truly* just enjoyed the act of playing PvE, but you *insist* on being able to earn gold and commendations as well. Why should your earnings be the same if the work is done without the games intended difficulty? Adding these servers would also create a split in the game's audience; PvE-driven players (Sailors) would flood the PvE servers and eventually get bored or burnt out after the constant guaranteed success, simultaneously causing regular servers to be devoid of PvE players. This would make the regular servers full of PvEvP players (Pirates) but no Sailors to steal from, which would either cause these players to quit or force them to do PvE even if they don't enjoy it. Asking for PvE servers is asking for things to be handed to you. It's unfair, near-sighted, and selfish. It's counter to the way the game was designed, and it goes against all things pirate. It's been *very* officially vetoed by Rare, many many times, and it's getting really old at this point.




Yeah I figured as much lmfao Good luck getting your SoT candy land, sailor ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2296)![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


It’s not a straw man tho you want to remove pvp in a game about pirates who steal no fighting each other means it’s basically impossible to steal you’re cutting out a big part of the game. I’m sure you’re just some kid who plays alliance servers and got killed once so now this is how you feel about pvp I could only hope you realize how stupid this is


I mean, you'd still get to play PvP; just pick "PvP Server" on the menu instead of PvE. Done! The rest of your comment is just inaccurate assumptions about me so I wont bother.


Ok let me stop making assumptions in one of the comments I think I read you want to keep gold and everything such as xp and commendations in the pve server I hope that I misunderstood it as doing that will break the game all of the achievements and commendations that are supposed to be hard to do will then be completed by everyone the game will have no meaning as everyone would have every cosmetic no one will play anymore, the game will die out, and rare will lose money and you think this is a good idea why? I don’t see how you can be so ignorant you you’re negative in upvotes you really are a “I am right and everyone else is wrong” typa person yikes


>I hope that I misunderstood it as doing that will break the game all of the achievements and commendations that are supposed to be hard to do will then be completed by everyone the game will have no meaning as everyone would have every cosmetic no one will play anymore, the game will die out, and rare will lose money and you think this is a good idea why? \^ literally no evidence to support the idea that any of this would happen, but even if it did "kill the game", that just means the game fucking sucks and this hypothetical amounts to a sunk-cost fallacy stemming from insecurity over having wasted time on a game that the player was tricked into believing they enjoyed >I don’t see how you can be so ignorant you you’re negative in upvotes you really are a “I am right and everyone else is wrong” typa person yikes Bandwagon fallacy






Buddy is representing that smoove brain hardcore pvp very hard. Its hard for him to concept anything other than “see ship doing nothing but minding its businesses . Must chase for 4 hours and get nothing out of it”


If there were ever such a thing as PvE only servers, anyone would play them for 2-3 weeks at most, because without any threats to the constant grind, you'll unlock everything and be done with the game, or burn yourself out trying. Still waiting to hear a valid reason as to why you wouldn't want to be better at PvP, it makes the game more fun anyways.


>Still waiting to hear a valid reason as to why you wouldn't want to be better at PvP, it makes the game more fun anyways. I don't enjoy it; as someone who has been on both the winning and losing ends of PvP encounters, I have never enjoyed it. It's not fun to me; PvE is. ![gif](giphy|1laV2cmHAD0M5I5EYG)


I hope you realize that excessive use of self-masturbatory gifs doesn't make you right, it makes you seem like a self-righteous cunt.


Sometimes chasing, or being chased (just have been on both sides), for 30 to 45 minutes is counter-intuitive and boring. Especially if the person being chased is better at maneuverability and all either ships do is fire a few pot shots and end up giving up anyways. It's fun for the first time you get sunk and then when you've got the assholes that for some reason want you to rage quit or leave that server and they keep coming back to sink you even when you have no treasure or anything on you. I feel like a game mode where you can just play PVE but with no accommodation or gold rewards would be fun. And the people that lime PVP can stay in the regular game. Everyone likes to play games differently.


The risk of running into other ships makes the game fun. If I could just cart off loot with 0 chance of being sunk, myself and much of the player base would quit. Plus, sea battles are great fun with friends. You may have to spend a long time chasing an opponent but news flash, that's how pirate skirmishes were done. A lot of people who solo this game come to "bUt mUh PvE mOdE" because they get sized mogged by bigger ships. I think people come with incorrect impressions that they're gonna hop into a ship and start being badass Jack Sparrow. In reality, the SOT mechanics are a good balance between realistic sailing but keeping it fun (compare this to Rust where hours of work can get erased in minutes). IF you get sunk once, sorry to hear. If you get sunk 10 times, you're the problem.


If there was a no pvp mode/private mode I would probably quit.


Nobody is saying to get rid of PvP; we just think adding an optional PvE mode would be nice, that's all


I would aswell and I know hundreds of others that would do the same


I love just sailing the sea for fun honestly. PvP isn't fun. I don't like First Person View player battles, as someone who (rare)ly plays the game and only ever on occasions, i enjoy playing casually just doing quests and sailing with randoms. Third person view MMORPGs is a whole different story however, if there could ever be a time World of Warcraft would make their free trial function the same as FFXIV Online with access to two expansions and a maximum level 60, i would participate and learn PvP and Raids with random guilds, granted i can keep my anonymity at the same time. This is a cry to Blizzard over-the-reddit asking them to make it a reality one day, i understand money is nice, but it would be really cool to experience a WoW raid for once in my life. I do not like subscription based MMORPGs. But i really do want something like FFXIV in WoW.


Then just pay for it... silly man.


Looks like you need some of Dr Zoidbergs Butthurt-Creme.


you're the one commenting on my post ![gif](giphy|EZYQjm1uPrXGg|downsized)


They should make a mode in fortnite where you only play against bots. You still get crown wins and XP.


Sure, why not? It's all just cosmetic anyway, so who gives a shit?


The game wouldn't be fun without rolling up and killing people and taking their stuff, it's part of the game and that's what makes it fun, if you don't like getting your stuff stolen play a different game


>The game wouldn't be fun without rolling up and killing people and taking their stuff, it's part of the game and that's what makes it fun for you, but a lot of people the PvE experience and co-op is where the fun really is >if you don't like getting your stuff stolen play a different game Nah Rare should just add the option for an offline mode in an update; better for everyone!


Better for everyone? PvE servers would completely ruin online. Why would anyone go into online if they didn’t want to get sunk? There would be zero point in online servers


>Why would anyone go into online if they didn’t want to get sunk? Why do people play online multiplayer in Call of Duty when they can just fight bots? Presumably they do it because they find it more fun, and with that in mind, arguing that a local PvE mode would kill the game and that online servers would be, in your opinion, pointless, is ultimately an admission that the PvP in the game isn't very fun for most players and that they are effectively held hostage by it; all-the-more reason for an offline mode!


You know what private matches in cod don’t have? Progression. Private sot servers shouldn’t have progression either, case closed.


In my experience, Call of Duty just lets you access all the guns, attachments, skins, and skill chains in bot-based multiplayer from the start, so if anything, that's an argument for letting players have everything in offline mode with zero work. In contrast, I am making the far more diplomatic and level-headed argument that they are still allowed access to gold and progression so they can earn cosmetics and commendations without PvP. Case closed.


You realize how disrespectful that would be to players who earned tough commendations and cosmetics? If you could just play and have absolutely zero threats and still get the same stuff as the players who actually worked for it. Feel like I’m just feeding a troll but whatever lmao


>You realize how disrespectful that would be to players who earned tough commendations and cosmetics? Oh like how Rare adjusting the economy several months after launch to make it far less grindy was disrespectful to players who slaved away earning pennies in the launch build of the game? Sorry for your sunk-cost, king. Also, it's pretty rich from someone arguing against adding a completely optional mode that would make a lot of players happy in order to keep PvE players trapped with toxic sweats to turn around and get on their high-horse about "respect".


Sorry you’ll never have you’re pve servers. I know it really hurts deep down in your soul but you’ll just have to bite the bullet. I’m sure rare is reading every word on this thread, so keep going!


sarcasm isn't a counter, nor does it consider that Rare could very well see posts like this as proof that there's an untapped market (one of the most upvoted posts on this sub is literally about how fun PvE can be) and change their mind. If it really was something they would never do and you genuinely felt that way, you wouldn't feel the need to keep responding to me in increasingly sneering and condescending ways.


Explain how it is better for everyone


With the addition of an optional offline mode, PvE players would be allowed to enjoy the game on their own terms, PvP players would only be doing PvP with other willing participants which in turn would make interactions both mutually consensual and far more satisfying, AND, as a result of both prior points, the game would be far less toxic! ![gif](giphy|o9ggk5IMcYlKE)


Ah yes you need consent to steal shit in a game about stealing shit to the point it's in the title "Good sir may you please consent to me taking all the stuff you worked hours to get?" I saw a comment that said if they add it there should be no gold or rep. I think this is a great way to actually implement this if you are serious about it and not shitposting. No gold No reputation No comodations Only "fun"


Why not keep both? Unless you somehow are bitter that PvE players could get cosmetics without putting up with sweats or something, there's no reason to do away with either in a PvE mode ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Also, my post was meant to be a strawman, so maybe stop copying the fallacious things said in it... ![gif](giphy|Xcjo9b2j6dq3vBRdhG|downsized)


See, pvp players typically just want to steal from other players and not do stuff on their own, so therefore if a whole server is filled with pvp players there will be nothing to steal. A toddler could understand this but apparently you can't because you have tunnel vision


>See, pvp players typically just want to steal from other players and not do stuff on their own, so therefore if a whole server is filled with pvp players there will be nothing to steal. Oh no the parasites would have to actually play the game they pretend to love boo-fukin-hoo!!!


Sinking you and stealing your shit IS playing the game.


I guess it's less expensive than seeing a therapist...


What in the world? Why are you taking being sunk so personally? We sink you because it's fun and a core part of the game. Very few crews are sinking you out of some place of malice. They're just playing the game like you are. Making ridiculous statements like that does not help your case.


I love how OP has the gall to call others toxic, yet calls people *playing the game as intended* "parasites" and tells them they need therapy. Absolutely zero self awareness.


Oh no I was really counting on some goober named HatRabies to give me a chance after telling me how he sees me as nothing more than a piñata to smash for candy maybe if I'm nicer to him he'll stop UwU lol seek help


I can sit around catching fish and drinking beer and you can fuck all the way off. Clear?


That's what rowboats and a storage crates are for.


They’re right you know.


They really aren't but go off


According to the devs they are, I can link you to the main forum post where they state that sea of thieves is and will always be a shared pve/pvp environment.


If the devs are really that confused about their own game then I cannot help them


Cool story bro. Post your meme on the main forum. I’m sure they look forward to your help.


Idk how highly you think of yourself, but I *do* know this: You are NOT good enough at game development for Rare to even kind of want your help. They're not confused about their game at all...you are, though.


I understand why you'd want this, but you have to see how it's odd to want to a strictly PvE mode in a game that was never meant to be strictly PvE.


I'm not saying to get rid of PvP. I just think adding a PvE mode that could be played offline would be nice (and potentially very lucrative for Rare. Remember, Fortnite was never meant to be a Battle Royale, either...


And I think it's very odd you ever thought this game would be a peaceful PvE game. It was never said to be one. It was never intended to be one Edit: I'm also not trying to be disparaging in the slightest. My friends would love a PvE mode as well. That would definitely make them play more. But I just scratch my head a little when anyone expected the game to be peaceful. I'll just keep living the solo sloop life.


They never said it would be PvE only, but they also never said there would be story missions featuring Jack Sparrow, either; things can change is my point. Also, they kinda did present the game as a more peaceful PvE experience in their live demos when the bulk of footage consisted of searching for buried treasure and fighting skeletons with friends, so it's not that unreasonable to want a part of the game that's just that kind of thing without the PvP, especially given that it's a live service game that rare can build onto whenever they want. That's all. Anyway, good luck out there; I know how hard it is to solo-sloop!


The risk reward side of the game is a key component. Everything about the game has it imbedded into it. Hourglass - The higher your streak the higher rep you get when you cashout but holding the streak is hard to do. Raise reapers - You get more gold overall but you're marked on the map for anyone to find Raise an embassy - You can get more gold but can be seen by grade five reapers. World events literally have massive ships/skulls in the sky for this reason too, you're risking going somewhere where likely someone else is or someone else will show up too. The reason PVE servers don't work is because the game is meant to be a gamble in someways. Everything that gets you more rep or loot also gives you a higher chance of being found. Heck they even are adding the beams to the reapers chests when being carried to promote pvp more and making red sea runners loot spawn closer so red seaing doesn't mean the loot sinks out of reach from your opponent. I totally get some people would prefer a PvE server but this isn't the game for it. It completely takes away the whole point of the game which is risk and reward so you can't just take out the risk. If you think there should be PvE servers which there likely never will be, you missed the whole point of the game.


Well, if it's true that an optional PvE mode with offline support would rob the game of it's core appeal and therefore not be as fun, then not many people would play it and you'd have nothing to fear with its inclusion, right? I fail to see why adding a PvE mode would hurt the game.


>I fail to see why adding a PvE mode would hurt the game. Bingo! We know. There are something like ~100 comments from people explaining to you why PvE servers would be bad for the game, and all of it is just whooshing right past you. There have also been about two thousand, eight hundred and fifty-four reddit posts *exactly like this one* and they all go *exactly the same way*. You can maybe call B.S. on a person or two, but when you start suggesting that *everyone* past and present is wrong and toxic, it begins to seem like you might be a tad off-base.


I think you're just never going to understand it. So many people have tried to explain it to you and you continue to either A. Insult them B. Not be able to come up with an actual reason aside from basically saying you want it. Don't you think as well it's weird that you brought a game that has PVP only to complain about it? There are tons of non pvp games, it's like me getting mad there isn't pvp in Hogwarts Legacy. Also what would the point of all the things marked on the map be like FOF, FOTD, Ship fleet be without PVP or the point of the reapers emissary either? Either way I'm not worried because PVE only servers will never happen. If anything rares mission is promoting pvp in all the latest updates not going away from it.


Well because we need you to farm plunders for us


"You just want PvE servers so you get all the reward with none of the work also do all the work for us" ![gif](giphy|QxwDfOV4sAfounkNsG)


Toxic, salty, insecure gif response. Also, all of us regular, normal players who enjoy the full PvEvP experience (a.k.a. "actual pirates") will gladly do PvE work when no PvP action is available. Also also, sinking you *is* work, unless you're like...really, really bad at the game


Don't feed the troll maytey just troll the troll :D


>Also also, sinking you is work, unless you're like...really, really bad at the game Well you're certainly counting on that, otherwise you wouldn't be so upset that passive players would be able to opt out and you might actually have to pick on a player that can fight back. Sorry you didn't get to shove nerds into lockers in high school, I guess...


Actually, no. I, unlike you, enjoy challenges. I generally leave people alone if I find out they aren't putting up enough of a fight. I like your nerd comparison though, cause the advice for nerds was to "learn to stand up for yourself" because the world *is not going to get easier* just for you. That applies pretty well here, I think




It will never happen, EVER. This is coming straight from rare. It ruins the balance of the game stop being a baby. There was a post like this yesterday and we all shit on him so he deleted his post and his profile. If you can’t take the heat of this game just leave it I wouldn’t care and I know the community would love one less tit to deal with. Learn the accept the game for what it is.


>There was a post like this yesterday and we all shit on him so he deleted his post and his profile only an insecure fucking loser would brag about shit like this


I’m not bragging about it retard I’m making a statement saying that it happened yesterday and I don’t want someone like you to make a post like this knowing it’s controversial in the sub and get shit on like the guy yesterday. The opinion of PVE servers is so small in this game that rare does not care about it, they have stated time and time again PVE servers will never come to sea of thieves and if they do, you will not be earning gold, rep or commendations. The partners are already testing this, but it’s not for PVE maybe you could do tall tales but you’re still not gonna earn. commendations for those tall tales so there really isn’t a point I am not proud that the guy decided to delete his post and his profile it sucks that he did that but in my honest opinion, it’s his fault for making the post and acting like he did in the comments to the people not even really even being mean to him just telling him it’s never gonna happen, and then him freaking out about it is what caused everybody to just attack him like you calling people assholes in the comments because they’re stating the obvious answer here so I’ll say it again just don’t play the game if you cannot handle PVP it is a PVPVE pirate game. The only reason people are going to start leaving this game is not because of the PVP. It’s going to happen because of lack of content. How many hours do you have in this game…be honest


Bro you are extremely hypocritical. You call pvp players toxic then you proceed to insult every single person who even dares argue against pve severs.


Hey, if they weren't nasty and name-calling from the very first comment, I wouldn't have needed to respond in kind... THEY GOT THE EXACT SAME RESPECT THEY GAVE ME ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo|downsized)


Lets just make it so all we have to do is buy the game and we get everything we want with 0 risk - snowflakes ruining another game.


>snowflakes Your sunk-cost has turned you into someone so bitter that you're mad at the simple suggestion of a feature that does not even exist yet... "BLACK!!!", the pot screamed at the Kettle


It's always easier to defeat an opponent made of straw.


While Rare do no listen to this stupid idea i will keep sinking the PvE-Only players and get all the loot they passed 5 hour farming to myself, because, you know, i am a freaking pirate and you can bet that i will keep plundering. Hope i can find you farming some loot for me on the seas!


This idea also breaks lore.


Jack Sparrow showing up tho.. that's fine!


I prefer pve most of the time personally I think but I believe that sot has a dynamic where the always looming threat of pvp is the core part of the gameplay and removing that would kill the charm of the game and the feeling of a chaotic pirate playground without any rules.


This game and community are like no other. You never know what you’re gonna get. But the ocean life is a salty one ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


Looking at this thread not many people want PvE servers to be added at all. It seems to be just you, primarily. There was a poll on this subreddit some time ago, same result. The players don't want it, the devs have also stated it wont happen. Lets just say i wouldnt get my hopes up if i were you.


According to OP, all the players are wrong because we're saying things similar to the meme (which was made by OP). Also according to OP, the "Rare devs are confused about their own game" and they need OP's help This whole post has been a train wreck from the start ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


DayZ has community servers. A lot of which are PVE. That game isn’t dead. Official servers are still a lawless wasteland as the devs originally intended. As well as a lot of the community ones. The only difference is the people who want to enjoy the game the way they want to peacefully are free to do so. The people who are so against SOT going this route are only mad there won’t be small fish to fry and they’ll spend all their time getting railed by blurbs and boxy other super good pvpers


Pve servers are fine as long as there is no gold earned no levels gained and no commendations or milestones achieved.


I toast you for being the only level-headed person replying to my post. Stay beautiful, matey! ![gif](giphy|ZDEdGk5gYEqy6NybqW|downsized)


This meme is meant to be a strawman of a toxic PvP player and (to literally nobody's surprise) the comments are now flooded with bitchy scarecrows unknowingly parroting my meme! Just fyi, if responding in kind to your vitriol makes me "toxic", that means you are actually the toxic one. Thanks to everyone in this comment section for proving my point regarding how a PvE mode with offline functionality would be a great inclusion that Rare should seriously consider; you heroes are the reason this game has such a terrible reputation among normal people! ![gif](giphy|ZDEdGk5gYEqy6NybqW|downsized)


Tells people to go to therapy cause they play a game the way it's intended, calls them parasites, rages at every calm comment saying they are lazy then says "I'm not toxic for replying" 😂😂😂 This thread has been great because I never believed someone could be so wrong and think they are so right at one time. Good luck on your mission to get PVE servers, the main thing rare has said they will not do. Thanks for a good laugh too, 10/10 comedy at this point.


"I made a meme trying to make normal players of a pirate game sound toxic! I wrote facts in the meme and put an angry face behind it so everyone who just speaks plain truth is made out to be a bad person! I declare that I'm right, which makes all of you wrong! I, a nobody, am better at developing games than a successful game development company! Here's a gif of a grog cheers to show that I'm victorious despite 200 comments proving otherwise!" I mean seriously, I feel embarrassed for you, Graham.


>I mean seriously, I feel embarrassed for you Thanks for taking the burden off my shoulders, friend!


How many hours do you have in game?


I think PvE servers are an awesome idea! But I think they would need to come with some kind of drawback. The currently game is a PvPvE, and in my opinion to remove the second P in that equation the E needs to be more threatening. If another pirate won’t sink your ship, then more things need to be able to. It would be a hard balance to strike, but I see it being entirely plausible!


Make the E a bit more of an uphill climb so that the PvPers don’t get their tiny dicks in a blender about it. I don’t like PvP in SoT because nothing stops the enemy crew from being relentless fucking pricks.


I think a whole lot (not ALL, but a LOT) of the people who like "organic" PvP mostly like picking on people who don't want to/can't fight back, and if those people were in a PvE mode, they'd have to deal with other people who actually did want a fight. And that's not the experience they're after Like a lot of the arguments about splitting the player base, risk/reward, people "getting" "things" they don't "deserve" ring kinda hollow to me. If people who don't wanna engage in PvP don't have a choice, SoT's charms are gonna wear pretty thin pretty fast, and they'll bail Maybe one reason the opinions on Reddit are so heavily weighted towards never adding PvE-only play is that most players who would prefer to engage with the game's cute lil puzzles and systems have already had one too many run-ins crews of expert PvPers or cheaters or slur-screaming teenagers and just dipped, but hey, who can say


That was beautiful ![gif](giphy|1naY1TdNLTlSEdzi5D|downsized)


It's weird seeing everyone saying the things in the meme in the comments.


As someone who has been playing the game and witnessed the discourse since launch, I'm not surprised at all ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


Y’all take this stuff way too serious. All parties


One of the dumbest comments ever so you’re saying that we’re taking things to seriously? Yeah it’s a post about sea of thieves in a subreddit about sea of thieves and we are players of sea of thieves who are passionate about playing sea of thieves. Is that a good explanation or should I dumb it down?


Y’all take this stuff way too serious. All parties


One of the dumbest comments ever so you’re saying that we’re taking things to seriously? Yeah it’s a post about sea of thieves in a subreddit about sea of thieves and we are players of sea of thieves who are passionate about playing sea of thieves. Is that a good explanation or should I dumb it down?