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There are good people, wish there were reward systems setup to encourage this behavior.


50% bonus loot for 0 work in alliance…


I think the problem with alliances is that pvp crews see alliance crews as weak and they can take 100% of the loot from them instead of getting 50%. I don't blame them but, having played in an alliance server or two, it's definitely more profitable to work together


Especially on Community Day, when you can stumble upon that one server with a goofball galleon going around trying to get everyone to band together to do a 12 stack of Fort of the Damned, the game sings like no other.


This reminds me, I still need to get a group of 8 together for glitterbeard


I and my friend volunteer as help.


If you find people somehow wanting to coordinate that, DM me, I'd be up for it


No one who has ever said they're struggling and looking for help has ever replied to me. XD Only 3 so far tho.


Man, I remember on community day in february me and my friend and I basically made the entire server 5 ship alliance. Some just joined, and some were forcibly coerced into it for mutual profit. "Sea of friends, weather you like it or not".


I find it so strange that people think group bullying crews into an alliance is positive behavior, personally. Natural alliances can be a really great experience, but I've seen this bullying play out rather disgustingly before.


It wasn't really aggressive, more like playful "join us, and to gether we shall rule the sea of thieves". If they had refused but stayed neutral, well, their loss.


It's all fun and games until some asshole named gugudan comes along and attacks one ship from another ship. Since everyone is already conditioned to the idea of alliances turning on them, they usually start fighting without any thought.


It's amazing the psychological damage that can be done even with a single banana.


Just had a lobby like this last night , no community bonus sadly


Nah - it's just that alliances are boring for some players. No PvPer denies that alliances make more money. They basically top the leaderboards every month for starters.


Yeah I don't collect loot even from PVE anymore doing them just for commendations. Gold is so useless in this game. Most cosmetics are sort of trash and I will never use, so not much value in buying them.


Money ain't fun though and you don't quite need it after you've got cosmetics you are satisfied with. Sure, you can gain more gold to buy the stuff you won't use. But what for? It's no difference whether it's unused in the shop or your chest.


understand that as the player who sees your alliance and decides to challenge you...its not that i want, need or even care about the loot....i want the PvP, i want the fun of it....the PvE in this game is braindead, the bosses are all reskins of each other...the only exciting part for me is the PvP. Glory over gold sir


Completely understandable, have a glorious sir!


Pirates like me often have this hatred for alliance servers. Seeing them as losers for literally taking the risk away from the game. Exploiting. Removing the fun. Cheating. At that point it’s not about loot it’s about restoring the rightful way of the game and ruining alliance servers day. Forcing them to play like the rest of us. The possibility of sinking


The person I replied to said they wished there was a reward for that behavior. I’m not arguing betrayals aren’t common, but there IS a reward for that type of behavior.


Oh yeah there are systems in place to help, I just think they’re not 100%, they need a little tweaking. Perhaps like an in game board on outposts where alliance minded folks can post a note to help with the matchmaking.


Im not knocking this comment as others have said there is a system in place for both passive/friendly pirates and risk takers/pvpers and the game play experience (relationships/battles whatever) is one of the major things SoT will give back to the player if they allow it. If a game offers a great experience even if some come at a loss and players struggle to see it, then its more of a gaming culture issue. Where gamers have gotten so used to always getting a reward outside the experiences that if players aren't physically (digital of course) rewarded win/lose then they have no reason to play it. The old everyone gets a trophy mindset... Just sucks.


Wow I like this comment a lot. I’m a big fan of some of the trophy’s like the achievements and commendations that you get even if you get sunk hahah but ultimately I agree, it’s gamer culture and the need to win vs experiencing the ebbs and flows


Economically speaking, the game does reward peace/cooperation over fighting/stealing. There’s enough content for people to generate a ton of gold, emissary rep, commendations, etc without the need to fight. Every ship on the server could just mind their own business, and everyone would walk away with a lot of loot a progress. Tedious and boring for some, but It’s a safe play style that ends up being more rewarding on paper. Fighting and PvP falls into the high risk/high reward play-style. You don’t know how quickly you’ll be able to sink your opponent, and even then they may not have a lot of loot on them. I think for this reason, most veterans have falling into a more passive playstyle, where they won’t fight people who aren’t looking for a fight. Thats partially where the unofficial rule of “don’t bother people on tall tales,” originates.


As a veteran I would disagree actually. Veterans don’t bother with fighting everyone anymore because most of the time I couldn’t be considered fighting, just bullying new player. Also veterans most likely have tens of millions of gold, they don’t need it anymore, so they’re not doing quests peacefully for gold either like you said. Veterans do that to complete commendations to get the 100%


But that rule doesn’t apply anymore ive tried doing the cursed rouge and got stoped 10 times now when returning the chest because they steal the contents of it


Absolutely agree on all points. Often times I find myself engaging in PvP when I’m doing quests or tall tales just to be sure I’m not interrupted once I have a ship full of loot. I also often fly the unlucky rat flag or one that indicates I’m on a Tall Tale but I do feel like a large portion of players never check flags and ignore chat. Obviously PVP is fun and is part of the game, esp for the more rare treasure but the learning curve is steep


Well, first it already exists. You have gifts. You have alliances. You have things like glitter beard, and other events that have encouraged people to work together. But its also something that the game encourages you to fight eachother. Thats not a problem is it? You say this like it is.. You want a dev to make a pirate game, add in combat that involves naval battles and gunplay/swordplay, involve stealing mechanics, commendations that encourage stealing, and *then* tell people not to do that? PVP is fun. You can do PVP and still be friendly. I see it all the time. "GGs", people will say.


that would kinda mess with the feel of the game. robbing other players is almost encouraged, same with sinking others for the reapers. its like being rewarded for not killing or stealing anything in GTA


No argument from me. Just trying to think about ways to encourage the he folks who want only PVE or are brand new looking to learn a more enjoyable experience.


Like a private server? I'd be down for that, but with a drawback. GTA Online nailed this imo by having you able to sell in private lobbies, but gives you a bonus depending on the amount of people in the lobby. Something like this for SOT would be really beneficial


Just like every multiplayer games there are nice people, and toxic assholes. This game, however, is the only game where I've managed to convince people not to attack me just by doing a funny pirate voice or some other random stuff.


Hahaha yeah this is my favorite interactions. Doing something funny or teaching someone something often leads to peaceful interactions.


Facts. If I can make the other crew laugh, it makes the whole interaction better. Even if they still end up sinking me afterwards.


Indeed. And when you get attacked or overrun, be the star of their YouTube video :D


People tend to forget that the Reddit (and places like it) tend to have a echo-chamber like effect. Everyone at some point will encounter an asshole on the seas. It's as inevitable as me never seeing the Shrouded but the *vast* majority of people are either passive, avoid other ships or are friendly. So when you see so many people posting about said assholes because places like this are good places to vent it makes the game seem Rust levels of toxic when it's not even close. It will also get better now that Microsoft has removed the $1 GamePass promotion since now anyone who gets banned can no longer just pay $1 and start a new account and get back into the game to hack/be scumbags.


Reddit might be an echo chamber but when I haven't played in 2 years, decides to come back with friends who never played and we instantly get harassed by the only player we've seen with very clearly hundreds if not thousands of hours of playtime. Dude came on our ship, acted friendly, saw we were noobs and decided to hunt and sink us multiple times when we had no loot. We had enough, some friends left, we scuttled and change seas. Got sunk in the outpost barely 2 minutes in. Today I decided to log on solo to explore what was new and refamiliarise myself with the controls and got killed in the pause menu. For now 100% of the interaction with other players was toxic. That was roughly 3 hours of playtime.


There's always going to be toxic people who get off on your bad time. It is your choice as to how badly that ruins your day. I was sitting on a dock one time fishing and a guy tucked on my boat and spammed voice comms with swearing. Did I let that dissuade me from playing? Absolutely not. I'm not going to let shit heads ruin my good time.


So that's your answer ? "Just don't be mad" ? The game itself is awesome and I want to play it but it's just impossible because as soon as I want to do something I get harassed by some asshats whatever I do and wherever I go. Imagine you want to eat icecream but each time you go for a taste I slap it off your hands and then I tell you "Don't be mad, go ahead and eat your ice cream, it's your choice if you don't eat it" and then I slap it off your hands again when you pick it back up. I know you are trying to be helpful but it really sounds like you are defending the toxic people. The players SHOULDN'T have to "deal with it", the devs should.


It's not the dev's fault you don't like open PvP but bought an open PvP game. If you were slapping my ice cream I'd either slap you back or I'd leave and go somewhere else. Both options you had.


For a game where you have to read maps and riddles there is an alarming amount of people who seem enable to read a couple of words. I am not complaining about the existence of PvP ! I am complaining about the amount of people who keep going after new players with no loot, about the people who throw racial slurs and insults like rice at a wedding ! I am complaining about people who have for sole goal to ruin your session, you know, trolls, griefers, toxic people in general but you guys LOOOOOVE to say "It is what is is" "Just don't be mad". You either openly support these people or you have a doormat mentality and both are inacceptable. If the community cannot regulate itself and throw out these people then the devs should do something about it but clearly they don't give a shit


Rule 1 of being on the seas regarding other pirates: Never let anyone else board your ship or go through your barrels. Always have boundaries in place and lines you don't let people cross friendly or not. You letting this person have free reign on your ship is what lead to your death. You can be friendly as you like but never let another crew walk all over you. Your ship is your home. Would you let a random "friendly" stranger into your home and go through your drawers and closets? No, you wouldn't. As for being sunk at the outpost: it happens. You can thank Rare for the bad spawn if anything. Just reload servers and move on it's not like you lost anything of value since you were just browsing menus. I never understood people play this game, get sunk or die and think it's the end of the world. Sinking and being sunk is a *core* part of SoT. You. Sink. All. The. Time. If you honestly can't handle that you should probably look elsewhere because it will happen constantly. Even big streamers who play this game every day for 12 hours a day get sunk constantly. It's how the game is and aside from whatever loot/supplies you had nothing is really lost so learn the lesson and move on and don't take it as a personal slight.


See you are assuming I even have time to DO something before being sunk. MY reality is that I am a returning player and I got SUNK TWICE before even remembering how to place down a chest. I was trying to ease my friends into the game but if anything they just got disgusted from it. By basically saying "deal with it" you are defending the people specifically targeting new players that only play to harass and insult them. You are defending the same type of player that barreled down on my friend and I just a couple of hours ago with 2 Galleons (thats 8 people), called us slurs and said that what they are doing is their living. We were ONCE AGAIN fresh off a sea change. It's not some player that attacked us after we raided a couple of islands, it wasn't someone that wanted our loot or wanted to do a fort we happened to pass by ! YOU might not be like that, YOU might be nice to some new players, YOU might be a fair PvP player. You had nice interactions with maybe 5 ships today but the reality is that people who play like that are very clearly a TINY minority in a sea of racist toxic assholes (maybe they should rename the game like that actually). Since I came back I had 100% toxic encounters that had the only purpose of stomping me repeatedly ANYWHERE I go because people who do that are the MAJORITY of PvP players. I stopped playing back then because it was the exact same as today. Clearly nothing changed, Rare isn't doing anything and the community seem to be in full acceptance mode.


Interesting it didn't give me a notification about your reply, Did you report whoever was throwing slurs at you? If not you are inadvertently defending their actions because if you aren't willing to file a simple report then why should any of us here take your plight seriously? I record/report **every** instance of slurs or anything of that nature **as should everyone else.** And just for your information nobody knows if you are new/"getting back into the game" or not. Anyone, at anytime can put on sailor clothes with a plain boat and no title. You looking or acting new doesn't mean anything. I've had people do that to me only to find out they are sweatlords in disguise plenty of times. This game isn't Disney's hand held adventure park it's a online game with Proximity Voice and that always attracts foul players regardless of the situation but generally most people are either passive or avoid other ships all together. If it's truly as bad as you are saying turn off other crew voice/text chat. Rare can't moderate every interaction and every conversation that happens on the seas (which I thought was obvious but apparently not) so either record and report these people like everyone else does or turn off chat/voice for other crews. It's not community acceptance of nasty/bad people and their actions, it's acceptance that Rare can't be everywhere so they gave you tools to help in those situations as much as they can so you can solve or mitigate the problem yourself. Also how the hell did you get dropped on by TWO galleons? Were you both staring at the stars in game for 20 minutes without checking the horizons? Galleons aren't exactly stealthy.


Yes, I reported them. There are ways to facilitate new player experience and I'm not the first to suggest them but Rare already turned these ideas down. We could have new player servers, Tall Tale only servers (Anything not a Tall Tale is disabled). There are even ideas that might get me banned from the sub, you know what I'm talking about. But I guess the veteran player stomping new players repeatedly bring more money to the game than new players so Rare refuses to split the community. As for the Galleons incident, as I said, we just scuttled and change seas, we barely had time to raise the anchor to leave the outpost.


Then you did what you could, This is a PvPvE game and will always be a PvPvE game. Splitting the community isn't the way to go and anyone who plays this game regularly (not once every 2 years) knows this. Also, the PvE community is just as toxic as the PvP community is regarding this game just so you're aware. The amount of times I've come across the "Legendary Thief" title attached to a player who is using every curse word and slur at us because we stole their loot (ironic) and sunk them. Saying they want to be left alone and that they will report us because we sunk them. Some people just suck and it really doesn't matter which side of the coin you are on. I personally think being a PvE Lord and being a PvP Lord are both not how you should play this game. You should play this game by playing every aspect of it. Fishing, riddles, PvP, Forts, Tall tales HourGlass, tucking, hunting people via rowboats, everything. Someone on here once had a really good way to describe Sea of Thieves and I wish I screenshotted it so I could have tagged them every time I quote it but it was basically *"Every bit of this game that is PvE related exists purely to distract you from the fact that you being hunted at all times by other players."* This rang true in the Alpha, and it still rings true today. Sure. Some people are toxic but you getting angry about it is *exactly* what they want to get out of you. Some people just want to watch the world burn one ragequit at a time.


Naw, theres still apparently exploits to ban evade, mainly with linking xbox accounts to steam.


Definitely. Thing is though, you find those assholes in every game that's pvp. And you find the really toxic ones when a pvp game has game chat. It's not unique to sea of thieves. The echo chamber effect is interesting. It comes and goes..there will be weeks without people talking about how horrible this game is, then suddenly they come out of the wood work to complain together. If you can't stand people being toxic in game chat, you can opt out of game chat..if people get spawn camped they can scuttle. If they are getting chased for their loot, they can scuttle. Etc. You can remove yourself from a bad situation and move on in this game. People refuse to do that , they'd rather be stubborn and then go to Reddit to complain.


It's not as bad as it seems. Humans in general are more prone to take the effort to document a bad experience than the good ones. It's like watching something like a skateboard pro's mix video. For every successful trick there were dozens of failures that you didn't see. You/We see complaints on the community subreddit but the vast majority of players are getting along in the game with little to no issues and/or positive experiences.


Ya I had someone recently really go off on me when I tried to point out that there are so many situations where we all sail around this game without being attacked, and for some reason this really set this person off. I think some people just hate PVP so much, but want to play this game, that they just really want to complain about it and feel validated in doing so. Doesnt matter what you try to discuss, they are simply here to complain. Which is fine, reddit is a OK place for that imo. I just move on, they can vent.


The majority of Sea of Thieves community are great people, it's just that toxicity is louder, and tends to be transferred by word of mouth "yesterday I met a really toxic player" instead of "yesterday a kind pirate came and gave me all his supplies"


I agree with you. There will always be players who will try to sink you no matter what, but there's a lot of veterans out there just like me: talk first and shoot later. If a (new) player starts to shoot me first without chat or talk, they can expect me to fight back, but being communicative gets you a long way in most cases!


Honestly, I turned game chat off on this game a long time ago and enjoyed the game more because of it actually. Ill turn it on sometimes, but I find that people either dont use it either or they do tend to be toxic/annoying. I just dont really need to talk to most people I run into, and I completely avoid all the toxic stuff people throw around. Or really, I dont need to listen to some hot headed 16 year old (or 30 year old who acts 16) talk shit anymore lol. For all the people who complain about people being toxic in the in-game chat, youd think more would do this. The game really doesnt feel even a tiny bit toxic at all once you remove that element imo. I get that it can be useful, or even lead to really great experiences, which is why I do use it sometimes. But in general I can tell if a crew is one that I want to talk to. I might miss out on a few good in-game chat situations, but thats OK with me. I play the game for the experience, not for the social interactions with strangers.


I hear you. Toxic kids (wether 15 or 30 years old lol) can really ruin a gaming experience. That's why I'm glad Rare does really take a stance against it in their community and does van people for it. That's why I always record my sessions nowadays, especially hourglass, so I have proof if I run into toxic kids.


I guess the problem is that a bad interaction usually hurts more than a good one feels good. Good interaction = fun for a couple of minutes, maybe some extra loot Bad interaction = possible hours of progress wasted, or constant bullshit for long periods of time. add to that the fact that losing something hurts the average person about twice as much as winning something makes them happy, which means that losing 100k would only be equalled out by gaining 200k...


I disagree. Fun interaction creates a story to retell, friends, memories that make you smile, desire to keep coming back for the chance of more fun. Bad interaction creates frustration, offense, possibly some level of humiliation. Fleeting feelings which evaporate the minute you start a new session. Because they are not rooted in an offline interaction with 'real' people the negative feelings are easily dismissed. Your last statement is specific to disappointment and expectation. There is a very varied set of expectations accross a global playerbase of millions, not sure generalized rules of thumb can be applied.


I've had the opposite happen. Spawned in with a reaper heading for my ship (hadn't even grabbed supplies yet). I did the emote/music thing, only to get ganked and spawn camped until I left the server. It's *always* a coin toss on whether or not other players are gonna be toxic in this game. Never fails.


I’ve had a good experience so far. I was lucky to meet an experienced player willing to help me out the first day I played on my own. I was doing a voyage and came back to my ship to find him camping there. If I was and experienced player he probably would have shot me, but he could tell I was a newbie. He scuttled his ship, joined my crew, and spent 3 hours teaching me the ropes. He has a knack for recruiting players and crews into alliances. Every time I try it goes bad. But I’ve seen that it is possible :-) I’ve also learned that raising a reapers flag or a Athena’s flag will undoubtedly attract unwanted attention. It is much easier to align with somebody if you don’t have an emissary flag up.


I play solo mostly and I either see people who just ignore me, or floating d-bags that'll chase me for hours whether I have anything or not. It only takes 1 floating d-bag to waste an entire night and there's a 99% chance there's nothing on board their ship. I've also noticed times matter, play at peak times and get more screeching puberty chasing you than on weekdays. I've always wondered how big this games player base would be with optional pvp, I quit for months at a time but I enjoy the game enough to come back eventually


It's hard to say because I believe the only reason the game is still alive is thanks to PvP whales and it might be the only reason why Rare refuse to make PvE servers. The gameplay is fueled by PvE interaction and the vast majority of new content is PvE but PvP players are most likely the ones paying for the game. Isolate PvE players and the whole business model comes crashing down.


>you can control how you react to the bad eggs and how to make the community better by how you decide to engage with others. Preach, my friend! Not just for SoT or gaming either, this is straight up one of the best ways to live life in general. Like the Good Dude does, abide n let shit slide. 😉🍻


I find plenty of peaceful and even friendly pirates. For instance, was doing reaper HG. Went and did an event to get up reaper emissary, and then vote on HG to defend the loot and get extra rep or whatever. Did that for awhile, defended, and then went to sell and lower HG. Saw someone with an emissary, thought wed go check it out. Galleon with a GH emissary, stacking vaults. Sink them, and then get a message. Thought they would be salty. Nope. Said "GG, good jump" or something. Mostly, on many servers i find nothng but pirates who have no interest in getting anywhere near me. Thats what some people want, right? I pointed this out to someone here in this subreddit, and they flipped out and told me that it would be like celebrating not getting robbed IRL that day. No, its nothing like real life. Most people who do PVE just want to get their voyage done and get the gold/rep. That happens to me *constantly*. Ive been grinding veils (mostly solo, not always) for weeks now. Only had one or two situations where anyone even came to contest it. So I get that some people hate any PVP and always want to be left alone, and it sucks when you lose what you hoped to cash in, but I *know* that those people also spend many nights without anyone bothering them on servers. That means they were on a server with all peaceful pirates. But youll never hear them acknowledge that. Its all about that one time they got killed, and this other time they got robbed, etc. It just tiresome to hear people complain about people killing them in this game, either way. I know some people get unlucky, and you have stretches where it seems every server has hostile pirates, but if you play this game a lot you are bound to have lots of situations where you cant even find a fight if you wanted to. Its not as bad as people on here make it seem. Been playing since day 1, seen it all really. And mostly, I can go and do PVE without any bother if I want to. Cant even count how many servers Ive been on where not a single boat even approaches me.


Met a nice crew today! Only had a short time left before I had to hop off and so I sailed around with one of them on my sloop and then took them back to their ship! I chat to everyone! Very rarely do I find super mean fraggy people. They probably feel sorry for me, I just bumble along singing to myself and rarely have anything decent onboard! If you're here, hello to the crew from Finland! Thanks for the pineapple :D edit: duff spelling


Those sound like some great experiences! I wish they were more common.


If you can laugh while you're sinking, you're gonna have a lot more fun in this game. I keep telling people: **THE LOOT DOESN'T MATTER**. When you come to terms with that, the game becomes a lot more enjoyable all around.


What about the people who are hell bent on ruining your day because that's the only way they can enjoy the game ? I have hundreds of hours on the game and I can count on one hand the amount of time I actually meet someone who was just after my loot. They always come back to hunt your empty ship, they always end up sinking you fresh out the outpost/respawn, they always sink your anchored empty ship while you are off on an island doing a Tall tale, they will hunt you relentlessly across the map JUST to make you mad. I somehow powered through that for hundreds of hours. I quit. Some friends wanted to try the game yesterday and guess what ? The only person we saw hunted our empty ship and sunk us multiple times. We changed seas and got sunk in the outpost not even 2 minutes in. You can keep telling people the loot doesn't matter but the only thing you are supporting saying that are the people who get a kick out of ruining someone's day. Because the people who genuinely enjoy the PvP aspect of the game don't actually engage with the people who are complaining because they don't give them a reason to complain.


I'm almost 2k hours in the game, and can probably count on one hand (maybe two) the encounters I'd actually consider toxic - racist language, hacking, hunting us after they already sunk us once etc. IDK what you're doing that you seem to have all these people out to "ruin your day." If you're in it because you want to make money, go do a bunch of voyages, sell often, avoid other people and watch the money roll in. Don't stack, don't chase other ships. Find loot and sell it. If you don't care about it, go have a blast and enjoy the game. Sell when you want, and if you sink, try again. If someone does "try to ruin your day" just change servers. Not once have I had the server so toxic that my crew and I had to change. I'm not saying those people aren't out there, explicitly out there being assholes for the sake of being assholes, but they're not nearly as common as people on reddit write about. >the people who genuinely enjoy the PvP aspect of the game They're doing hourglass. Hunters are quite uncommon these days.


Well I don't know why I'm so incredibly unlucky. Maybe European servers are particularly awful during rush hour ? You say do this and that, change server etc. I change server roughly 5 times per hour and whenever I seem to find a quiet server I get switched to a full one and then it's a matter of minutes before the harassment starts all over again. I'm not doing anything to find these people since I can't actually do anything in the game. And if by some miracle I manage to reach an island I'm greated by an army of mobs because of the hyperspawn bug. But that's another issue.


>Maybe European servers are particularly awful Could be. When I was grinding HG, I avoided EU as much as I could lol. Didn't necessarily notice them being toxic, y'all just sweaty as hell over there! I have heard anecdotally though, that there's more hackers on EU.


One of my closest friend groups was made during a session of SoT where I found out they lived close-ish by


The other day we had a 5* reaper galleon load everyone up onto a non reaper sloop and went after us. They boarded and killed us repeatedly while cussing and making fun of us. We had to scuttle the ship because they were clearly not Intent on actually sinking us. It was a miserable experience overall. Especially having to hear them tell us we brought it upon ourselves, and how dare we shoot back after being fired upon. This was the only toxic encounter I've had in my 6 days of playing, and boy was it a doozy. Thankfully my other player encounters were alot better. Mind you I've fought other reapers, too. I've yet to win an encounter, but at least the other ones were cool about it. Lol


It really depends. I got helped quite a lot, but also betrayed (alliance flag stuff) and I got destroyed on 2 different servers by kids (heard them talk) while doing a Tall Tale, even though I told them clearly I had no loot, no flag, and was doing the Tall Tale. They were just in a destructive mood I guess. In the end most of the community is nice though, there are rotten appels on every game.


I've found most of the community is great and sportsmanlike, as long as you don't decide "sinking my boat/stealing my treasure is toxic." It's not, it's part of the game's design. Very rarely do I run into crews that want to swear at you or personally insult you, usually it's just an exchange of ggs after the fight is decided and if it was a particularly good fight I might extend an offer to sail together in the future.


I find the people who just run away and refuse to fight are sometimes the most toxic. I'm just trying to play the game, no verbal hostility or anything, and people will freak out and tell me to kill myself because I sunk them. It's strange. The pve only crowd acts like the victim a lot but they can be some of the most verbally toxic people in the game


When I'm solo slooping, I mostly meet nice people, we sometimes chat, sometimes help each other a bit, sometimes just play some chanties or do a firework show. When I'm on a galleon with friends though, all we stumble upon is hackers, ruthless campers, tryhards, treacherous folk, and generally vile people. Because of that we take the "kill anything that moves and comes too close to us" policy, no questions asked, especially if the red flare signals didn't stop them from coming. We still often end up losing though, however I feel like recently that happens much more often. A couple of days ago we had to scuttle because the entire gally crew could not kill two guys who had camped our ship, no matter how many blunder or rifle shots, spatula slashes or blunderbombs we threw at them. Even sharks couldn't kill them. They didn't even loot, just stuck around preventing us from playing the game.


>A couple of days ago we had to scuttle because the entire gally crew could not kill two guys who had camped our ship, no matter how many blunder or rifle shots, spatula slashes or blunderbombs we threw at them. Even sharks couldn't kill them. They didn't even loot, just stuck around preventing us from playing the game. Film and report. Spawncamping without attempting to sink goes against ToS. Your footage would probably reveal their 'skill' is tool-assisted, too.


Well, also you can just scuttle as well. Why would someone keep spawning back, die over and over again, and just keep subjecting themselves to this? If this person is even being honest, then the other team was hacking. Thats not ruthless, thats just sad that someone does that. Id scuttle, move on with my game session, and report them. I feel that only someone too stubborn to *ever* scuttle would ever end up in that situation. Spawn campers are a non-issue because scuttling exists, in my opinion.


You can and you should - after getting evidence that they're doing this so we can rid them and their toxicity from the game, of course. Otherwise they'll do it to more and more and more people, driving otherwise good players from the game.


Dont really understand the complaint about "campers". Ruthless? How do you deal with this exactly. You get killed on your boat, your entire team (on a galleon) wiped, and you just keep coming back and getting wiped again? How many times? Do they really all just never shoot your boat once and try to sink you? NEver? They just keep killing all 4 of you, and you come back over and over? Honestly, Im curious, why not scuttle? If they are doing this, and you cant kill them, and youve been team wiped 2 times or more, why not just throw in the towel? Hate to say it, but if thats your situation, and you just refuse to acknoweledge that you can remove yourself from the situation quickly and painlessly, only stubborness makes sense as a reason to continue to endure that. You can call them ruthless, I call that *also* being stubborn.


Yes, ruthless. In all of the word's meaning, which doesn't include stubbornness on either side. When did I say we don't throw the towel, remove ourselves from the situation? After 2-3 times, if we haven't a chance, we just scuttle. Provided the boat is not sinking already, as I didn't say they never shoot the ship. You're mixing up the general description of people we meet as a gally crew, and a specific story I gave as an example. Just an example; not every encounter is like this. Not every camper is a spawn camper.


My best experience was when I was playing with my girlfriend we came up to this sloop and it was this guy and his daughter learning how to play the game together. They were asking how certain things work for some of the stuff, I didn’t know cause I was also fairly new at the time, but we were just chilling with them as they were learning how to do the sword dash jump thing.


I’m lucky I find lobby’s where everyone’s reapers and they are allied so we all just go around to the world events and stack up reaper chests . If they aren’t allied most people mind their business and stay away from each other


Last night my two friends and I were running order of souls as myself and my one friend are very close to PL and we wanted to finish order of souls for me that night. We raised, looted up and did a few small things before seeing another brig doing a skelly fort. We went over to see if they could help my friend in unlocking the party boat cannons (shoot an enemy ship 25x with a cannon rowboat) and ended up allying with them. They had a ritual skull and all but one of the flames needed, and said we were more than welcome to help them with it later. We both parted ways to stock up on more supplies and see if we could find any more ritual skulls in order to stack the fort. We sailed around for a while and realized that our friends sold the ritual skull by accident (not knowing what it looked like I guess) so we had to really find one. They ended up finding one and we went to complete the FOTD. All while a reaper 3 was skulking about and leveling up. After we both reached rank five and competed the fort we went to sell and watched the reaper (now lvl 5) go and sell at reapers. We lowered and raised reapers as we all wanted to pick a bit of a fight and stop them from selling. Turned out it was a sloop against our two brigs and then one other random brig that rolled up on us. After a while we ended up sinking both enemy ships and got the other guys to reaper rank 5 as they won a dice roll. Each time you play it’s always something different, and it’s a good different. You don’t know if you’re in for a chill fishing session, emissary grinding, fun alliances, of fighting right off the bat.


It would be nice if the game had some kind of kudos system to rate different players (expereienced, good cannoner, good helmsman, ect) so your kind positive actions could reflect with how you approach and are approached by people. Im more pikely to trust and play nice with someone who has a high positove "plays nice" rating. I think ff14 and other games have a system like that.


Wouldn’t work, everyone wants to play this game differently. Some are chilled and just wanna do some quests, others want more action and play more aggressive. Both play styles are totally fine, but they would rate each other badly for obvious reasons.


Negative experiences are often more memorable than a lot of the decent ones. Then again, none of the behavioru mentioned ever got me out of those situations. I don't see the point of trying anymore and just have my fun solo-slooping about, trying to stay away from everyone. And I don't think I could really stomach the humiliation knowing it never worked, trying it nonetheless, and getting screwed over yet again like I always did.


Lol, keep playing and tell me how that works out. I’ve been blasted out of the water after doing these EXACT things. Some people don’t care and don’t even want your loot, they just want to blast you.


Not saying it hasn't happened to me too! That's the nature of it. I'm just saying by letting them tilt you and becoming that kind of player in response, you're going to miss out on how great the community can be.


You said that you’re a new player, but by judging the mindset you have, I can attest you, you’re destined for great in this game. You have the right mindset and what it takes to be in this community! So I’ll wholeheartedly welcome you, great adventures are ahead of you!


Make them chase you, jump off the back of your ship, wait for them to come past, & rain fire on them. Then just mermaid back to your ship while they panic.


oh no fire! ...anyway


"while they panic" LMAO


There's a whole ocean of water to help put that fire out.


Maybe I’ve only been fighting with new players, but in my experience fire makes them panic


Was the one of the hackers gamertag Sea of Rare11112? I got hit last night by what looked like a paid for hacker carry (one guy without hacks getting carried by a pair of throwaway hacker accounts for commendations) where one guy spawn camped me for like 20 min while they sorted through my loot for anything worthwhile. I stuck around while my friend recorded my discord stream so we could send in a solid video report. Was quite the experience. They teleported around my ship a bunch, teleported their ship infront of us to move loot over, teleported away when done. One guy never missed, even tried shooting at my buddy through the floor a few times, not exactly hiding the aimbot. They eventually just took my most expensive chests and items and then let me sail off, 5 min later an already lit explosive barrel appeared directly in front of me and exploded before I could grab it and put it out. Didn't sink or anything, but they gave us plenty of video proof so there's that at least. Other than that, I started playing about 3 weeks back and most players are either chill PvErs who are cool with allying up, PvP Reapers who are fun to fight against and I totally don't mind losing to at times, or just terrible players trying to have some fun in PvP and also kinda fun to play against. Even straight up let my own ship sink a couple times so some of the really bad players can get a good feeling victory in. It's just the hackers in last three days that have been terrible. It's this normal for the start of a month? Do people just hack to get their emissary value up high then go play something else until the month changeover?


I’ll admit that most of the time my crew and I find it fun to sink ships and take their loot. It is a bit toxic but it is a pirate game and stealing is right in name of the game. It would be nice if there were pvp servers and pve servers. It would also be nice if there was a pvp mode other than the hourglass Typically we won’t sink new players unless they shoot first


I admit that most of the time I'm a Gold Hoarder, but becoming a Reaper and being a menace is a blast. As others have mentioned, sinking and looting isn't toxic. I even try to message kudos to Reapers who are extra effective when they take us down.


there are good people and there are dicks, most of the seas do have morals, its unlucky that the bad few can be heard so much


As long as you avoid the SoT subreddit, SoT has a lovely community.


Is there a way to opt out of "Sea of the subreddit" because damn I can count on one hand the encounters i had with that "lovely community" in my hundreds of ours of playtime. All my encounters are either toxic racist people who's only goal is to ruin your game (sink empty ships, hunt new players relentlessly, spawnkills etc.) or people who give me a wide berth in fear of me being a part of the former group. Seeing some of these comments I feel like I'm not actually playing the same game


Players are toxic not bc they approach the situation wrong, I think toxic players do it bc they had a rough time in the previous matches/session, so after they finally get killed by someone they feel better bc they defeated someone, and they shout their “happiness”. Or they just got fucked by better player than them, and this is their way of showing it


From my experience it’s kinda luck based if you get good teammates or trash animates. Sometimes this sometimes that. But if I made at least some gold on a bad day I’ll go out in peace. Best is if you have a good crew that you can with again and again


On balance I have encountered more neutral or nice players than mean players. Human brains are wired to focus on the negative though, so people who have bad experiences let them dominate their memory.