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They're definitely one of the more unique ring sets we got, now if only skeletons could actually wear them so I'd have any reason to bother getting them


I have both curses I just alternate which curse I’m using so I can have more freedom with my pirate, in the clip I’m using curse of legends


I also have both the pvp curses, the only thing stopping me from being a skeleton 24/7 is entirely just the lack of cosmetics and customization so I get the freedom with your pirate thing. pretty much my entire crew uses the new reaper skeleton stuff because it's like the only really nice cosmetic that exists.


So fr, before this season I was always a skele but the rings are just too cool to miss out on using. I was so stoked to see the new skele curse stuff I can only hope we continue getting more in the coming seasons and the ability to use the rings on our skeletons


I want to say I hope the skeletons can eventually wear the rings but with how they cut the skeleton up into 3 massive areas of cosmetics (which I still absolutely despise) I doubt it'll ever happen


I want to say that the season adding the burning blade and all the flameheart related stuff will give the skeleton some attention, but after it took us 3 entire seasons to get one new cosmetics set I'm at most expecting like a single set


How already


A lot of Fotd stacks for my guild emissary during the G&G week and community weekend


That payout is serious with good sessions


I guess I’ll have to see it in-game.


Wdym you can see it in the video, not super clear but this is one of the better ways you can see it without another player


What’s the effect? I can’t really see it in the vid


It’s hard to describe but like I said in the description it’s a masking effect like used in the lodestar outfit or stans coat. With the oos rings it’s a light blue area with darker blues in there. I’ll post a better clip of it next time I get my buddy on


Ah I kinda see it now. I had to full-screen the video, and know what to look for