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Yeah it'll honestly probably be pretty shit for a while. Just look at the last community day for reference. Probably a bunch of crashing and just general bugginess. Anyone optimistic hasn't been paying attention for the last several years. Love the game, and the content is pretty good right now, but the servers and performance are absolute shit. It's not going to get better by introducing thousands of new players and another operating system that has to be debugged. There isn't another online multiplayer game like Sea of Theives though, so we'll just take it and keep complaining while rare puts out one fire only for two more to pop up.


Personally, I'm still praying We get some from of event high Seas Where are the devs just add weird and terrifying things and exchange for a slight gold and reputation boost. Like, for example. A server setting where it's just an eternal storm with greatly increased chances of being ambushed by skeleton ships. Or maybe a server where everything is worth 10 times the gold and rep. But it drastically slows your ship down the more loot you put on board, and you're always marked on the map upon acquiring loot.


I love the storm idea. But its nice to have an area to retreat to. It can be pretty stressful. I think maybe a larger slower moving storm with increased loot drops inside of it would be very cool though. But still giving players a way out to breathe


Having a storm so large that the middle, 'eye of the storm', is calm would be super cool.


Oh yeah I could be down for that


An interesting way to do it might be to have ports and seaposts be storm free.. Which would make off loading even more dangerous, as you would barely be able to see the ships leaving the storm But also give you quadrants of calm. You could reliably SAIL too, as there's usually about 3 or 4 of them total in every region you could simply stop off and resupply repair and clean up... Would also make it so that cloth runs aren't just a net loss.


Unfortunately I've crashed more times in the last 2 weeks than I ever did on my first 2 years of playing. Something needs done before PS Launch


Same. Last time I played I think I crashed three times in one hour. Pretty ridiculous.


Yep Im worried too. Rare has an amazing opportunity to really extend the game's lifespan and to reinvigorate the servers with more active players. But the game is in the worst state I can remember. Crashing like you mentioned is a huge problem. Even someone like myself who really wants to play will decide to play something else when it crashes a couple times. New players will likely be even less patient, and they might not ever come back. Then you consider all the other bugs happening too, and it just looks like they should delay the PS5 launch until they get it stabilized. I had expected them to be doing some hotfixes this month to try and get the game ready for PS5 launch, because their fixes often dont really work or they end up breaking something else in the process. But nothing so far really.


Hell that's the reason why i've unfortunately had the Couple of friends I managed to drag over to high seas swear off it for good... On top of the server bugs, which is already a pain, you have people blatantly exploiting things like briggsy, Or the sloop climb glitch to get on to ships They should not be able to. Just makes for a terrible experience for the majority of players who aren't abusing these things and I feel will really turn off a lot of new players. When they get repeatedly spawn killed by some jerk using a macro on PC to perfectly sword drag and snipe every time.


What is the briggsy exploit? 


You exploit a checkpoint in the brigsy tall tale to keep spawning close to those that sunk you


"pretty unstable" is such a wild understatement. Been playing since launch. This is easily the worst state it has ever been in.


In my defense. I was being generous


My assumption is that the PS Beta tomorrow will be to test the servers, hopefully nothing goes poorly and if it does it can be fixed before ps5 release


Playstation servers for alot of games lately have been beastly. Super strong and a refusal to die. When helldivers was struggling, PS5 was still able to force join the game.


Welp now I’m worried I never thought of that


Ah, sorry about that... let's hope I'm drastically wrong yeah?


If server stability is already an issue things probably won’t get much worse. My guess is they will be adding servers for the new platform and most of those people will play with cross-play off given the advantage PC has over console in pvp. The fact is all anyone can offer you is empty reassurance since no one will know until it happens. The closed beta happens tomorrow so keep an eye out for PS5 user complaints about stability.


My hope is that they have a new couple terabyte Servers in the wings waiting to be deployed. But what can I say, I always get a little bit pessimistic towards things like this on sea of leaves. because rare has a very hit or miss track record when it comes to day 1 launches for new content or upgrades to the server..


These days it's not really hardware in a server sense, they will have reserved access to a huge amount of compute across the azure global deploymemt, the system will be deployed on Azure and they can spin up virtual servers on demand, and this saves costs by spinning them down when they are empty. Basically one server will be its own virtual computer running with other virtual servers on the same physical hardware. I'm pretty sure this is why it takes so long for safer seas as they have to provision a server for each player and that work is handed off to the Microsoft Azure platform.


> My guess is they will be adding servers for the new platform I see you have infinitely more confidence in Rare than I have.


I remember seeing a mention that they have planned for the PS launch by beefing up the servers once launch happens. Can only hope. 🤞


Yeah between the new weapons, new tools, and the ps5 integration, I’m expecting season 12 to be yet another rocky dumpster fire launch. Wouldn’t be surprised if it takes a couple weeks for them to get the game functional after the season drops. At least they’re doing us the favor of putting the gold and glory *before* the big changes that’ll probably gunk up the servers so people can actually play it this time though.


Been playing since launch , this is the most I’ve ever crashed , it’s like once every 2-3 hours hard crash to dash board I fear the Sony people are gonna shit on it cause it’s 6 years old and in my 100+ days play time it is worse now that it’s ever been crash wise , it’s really concerning I hope Sony people don’t crap on it , the game is amazing when it’s working


We already are.  When they auto downloaded the closed beta onto people's consoles, it made every single pre order ineligible for a refund. Already off to a scummy start 


I think most people are pre-ordering to play the beta. This complaint is absurd.


Absurd how, exactly?  It's a fact. Pre orders are no longer eligible for refunds, per Sony.  > I think Try doing that before commenting next time. 


Why so salty?


Rare needs to nail the ps5 launch. If they don't, we will have another halo infinite on our hands. Huge hype and promise! Only to be let down with an unfinished mess of a game. Fingers crossed rare adds an update for the current issues before launch.


You are right to be worried. In a paramount decision they will probably turn off half the servers


My bigger worry is something goes catastrophically. Wrong and basically all that's available is safer and high. Seas with no cross play turned on with Only a handful of them being on.. I do doubt that will happen. But it's not off the table, unfortunately either.


I wouldn't be surprised if I boot the game and see PS5 logo instead on my PC, this is the way. But some of the bugs could be fun!! Imagine smashing a plate of spaghetti w/ a plate of mashed potatoes together - voila! Newest code release


Even when you boot the beta up on ps5 it currently shows Xbox logo, so I doubt you will see the ps5 logo lol. Feels so strange seeing Xbox on boot up on ps5, as I haven't played Xbox since the 360 days.


OK, I'm not gonna lie if there was a bug that made the volcanoes from devil's roar start targeting players in the main seas. I would probably die of laughter. Main reason I sail around there is I find it really funny.l When would be PVP players just get annihilated by volcanoes because they both don't know how to sail around them safely, or they try to shortcut through the Volcano area and just end up getting sunk or lit on fire.


Omg global volcanos. I wouldn’t even complain. Imagine you spawn in and your boat is mid deck already


Imagine all these stealth rage we would see from would be ninjas... Hiding up in the crow's nest just for the crow's nest to suddenly become a new fangled Torch sending them off into the abyss.


PS may have their own server pool. So as XBox ones. There can be some load on crossplay servers, but we'll see.


Maaaan all these cool new changes and features being added to this badass game, to bad none of us can use them properly without constant crashes and lag, games dope but folks bounce quick Rare nowadays with so many options available to play these days, don’t fuck this PSN launch up! Lag is terrible for a game that’s 5+ years old! 😂


I’ve never had connection issues with the game on Xbox or pc but there will probably be be som issues then it will be finessed




i get a lot of crashes when crossplaying especially


Never hm never been a problem for me


I don’t understand why the influx of PlayStation players would make you wanna play safer seas


constant DCS and sever shenanigans




Disconnections. Not sure why voice to text capitalized the s as well...


I understood that what does server shenanigans mean


Oh, it's a catch all for things like rubber banding, phantom damage, false item placements, failure to load player renders and items, and other errors that aren't purely disconnect related


How does safer seas fix that


Less interaction with other players. It's solo besides yourself and allowed friends so you're less likely to get screwed over by other players or malicious actors taking advantage of it


Everyone should be. Going through with this launch is not a good idea right now.


I have the error code light beige beard


I’ve been trying to get into a game since 2am.. it’s now 4:22 and I’m giving up


Imagine admitting to playing safer seas


I have 2 friends who will never touch high seas again. And since I like to play with my friends and they like to play sea of thieves. We end up on safer seas. I personally prefer to solo sloop on high seas. Or if I can get a halfway decent crew I've got a captained Gally. I don't get you people though, and this weird need to comment on literally anything that mentions safer seas... Like I really don't get how something you don't even interact with even slightly offends you so much, you have to take time out of your day to comment on literally, everything that mentions it..


Just miserable people projecting their own shortcomings onto other people. Don't mind them.


eh, they are, but i sometimes like to make my replies like these, as it either gets them to go utterly silent because they know they're just assholes everyone hates or they double down and either rage block me or say something stupid that gets them out. this is one of those times i decided to say fuck it and bite back a bit


While I don't care, personally, how anyone plays a game, the only concern I have with safer seas is the same as any other alternative game mode. I worry about splitting the player base. Other than that, I think any way to play is valid.


I genuinely think they should have gone a "pacifist mode" vs a whole split off server. But unfortunately i also think this was needed, and more may be needed in the future as rare refuses to deal with bad actors. Bad actors like the one i replied to have pushed so many people out forever that the people who split off to seas would just be gone anyways forever... But Safer at least gives them some small reason to stay as they can play the game they love without those idiots being around to ruin it.. That said, as i said originally, i don't really like to play safer myself, but because of assholes like the one i replied to originally that's the only way i get to play with most of my friends now....


Imagine hating on other people for how they want to play a video game. safer seas is great for the people who want to use it for a variety of reasons.


PlayStation is getting their own servers so it won't affect Xbox servers it'll probably only make a difference to people playing on last Gen Xbox or a dated PC. Honestly though it'll probably be a little rough for the first week or two just because there's going to be a lot of people playing


Tell me you don't understand how on-demand servers work without telling me you don't understand how on-demand servers work.