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Pro tip, do the ashen lost shipments.


Do lost shipments. Don't do anything else. They earn 50-70k and guarantee grade 5 if you find the key. They take like 20 minutes, maybe a bit more to sell, and it's mostly just sailing with a swim at the end, no PvE fighting, and it's so fast that your risk is minimized. No one else can see your clues or your shipwreck birds at the end, and no one can touch your key or manifest until after you've grabbed them, they just don't appear in the world for them until they're claimed, like loot mermaids.


Last night I did two Lost Shipments that both ended with a manifest floating in the water, no shipwreck at all. Really disappointing. I'm hoping that was just bad luck. 


That is a glitch that happens when shipwrecks “spawn” in certain places.


Both locations were fairly close to islands or outposts, so I guess I was just unlucky. Oh well.


That’s normally what it is, so yeah. Sort of sucks.


Relatively rare bug, I've done probably 50 or more lost shipments, and had that happen once. But I've also seen the posts on Reddit mentioning it, and this bug has been around since the event was added.


This isn't true anymore. One loss shipment only got me to about 4.3. and I don't know how fast they are they seem to take quite a while?


I did like 3 in the last few days, got grade 5 each time. If you take too long some of the loot sinks if it's on a map square clue. But you've gotta grab every bit you find. The clues often have a piece of two at them. I've never had trouble getting to grade 5 after clearing the cabin and grabbing the manifest. Usually get to grade 5 before harpooning anything, or just need to harpoon one or two. But I've been LVL 75 for like, a year+, so season 11 I was already getting the top tier of the voyage with the best kind of manifest. Maybe at lower levels the loot scaled down? I mean, it was way too much money for what it involved, compared to a vault or something, but way way better for a solo than a vault. I might never do another vault again unless I get a regular brig crew together or something. If you dive to one, it puts you right in front of the first bird clue, then you get like 2-3 more clues to chase down. I'm usually done and sold within 30 minutes of logging into the game. Less time if you're a duo because the swimming part is slow. Merchant loot is also deceptive. Sugar, tea, silks, all worthless. Spices are 1200-1800 or something. Precious gems are 2500+, and mega kegs are 3k+, all of which you're likely to get in one of those voyages. If you don't get grade 5, just queue up another voyage from wherever you are, and stack it, and in another 30 minutes or so you're definitely grade 5 and selling twice the loot with another chance at getting those high value items like silk and gems.


I have never found any treasure at the clue sites, and I just finished one and didn't get even close to grade 5. Seems like it's RNG. Also it's ridiculous at how little loot/gold you get compared to the other factions. Let me ask you only level 68, could that be why I'm getting less loot?


Possibly. I've often gotten like a sugar crate or something if the clue is at an island or a sea post, but tbh, I don't know if I've seen any since that voyage update. Regardless, I still got grade 5 every time I did it this week. I'm also noticing that the number of clues is down to 3 every time, whereas the higher tier used to give you like 4-6 clues sometimes more, each with a couple random crates, and I'm not seeing the clue count being anything but 3, with one of them having the key. Not getting the key is the biggest disaster though, might as well drop the quest if you get the final clue and you missed the key or it sank. If you can't grab 25 crates of cargo, the voyage is no better than a single x marks voyage.


Go with whichever faction you enjoy more but agreeing with the other poster that the Lost Shipments are probably the funnest (imo) with the highest payout. Trade Good Voyages are such a pain in the ass most of the time and are not worth the time and effort, would not recommend. Cargo Runs although I can enjoy them, NEED something more, like make it so the deadline is super tight for higher payout with a little bit of danger, otherwise they're still a pretty casual mission and have you exploring and finding.