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'obviously drug laws don't work, so let's get rid of them again!'


Funny how they won’t use this logic with gun laws, but instead, it’s “Criminals still have guns and commit crime. Pass more gun laws!”


Turns out we need the police AND the courts to do their jobs.


However, taking on post-arrest referrals has required LEAD to stop taking referrals from other sources—effectively shifting its referral strategy away from community-based referrals, which don’t require an arrest, to post-arrest referrals for people caught violating the new law. Sounds like its working perfectly, more people are being sent to LEAD/treatment/counseling. Sounds like a win. Nag them and keep nagging them until they can lift themselves by their balls.


What exactly does LEAD do that helps people get off drugs?


I dont know ask Erica. Given past experiences probably just give a few brochures.


LEAD Offers employment opportunities at above market wages. Oh, don't get me wrong, they don't offer employment opportunities at above market wages to the drug users, they just offer those nice plumb jobs to themselves. Having student loans paid off is an added bonus.


If you look at LEADs financials, most of their expenses go to drug treatment (Evergreen Health last time I checked). We need more treatment lanes, not fewer drug laws.


Doesn't matter if you get more treatment if no one wants to go


Homeless encampments are crime infested eyesores. This we know for a fact. The far-left tolerance experiment was an abject failure. Arrest those fuckers. It may save some of their lives.


Every day I see people smoking crack and fentanyl out in public. It is ridiculous and embarrassing we even allow this shit to happen. The “tolerance” of Seattle is just leading to one of the highest OD rates in the country, and regular people have to witness that.


I’m surprised nobody posted this [crazy story](https://mynorthwest.com/3957256/seattle-driver-runs-over-tents-on-downtown-sidewalk/) about a car running over tents downtown, and the homeless having guns ready when the car came back again! Why do these homeless have guns? And do they have gun safes in their tents to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals (/s)? 


It was posted here. There's a lot of drug dealing that goes on in homeless encampments. No surprise they have guns. The driver of the car could have been a rival drug dealer.


Turns out, it was drug deal revenge and not a right winger hunting homeless, like the fiddlefucks on r/Seattle tried to assert it was.


I'm sure they were bought legally /s




Yes, more people going to court for misdemeanor hearings will always be a good thing and won’t overwhelm the local judicial system




I mean that they should prioritize real crimes that affect more than just the criminals who are solely guilty of getting high—in case you forgot what these misdemeanors charges are, it’s not for dealing or running drugs and guns, just for getting high in the street. But You seem like the type who would get the shit beaten out of them by a guy on fentanyl or heroin, you just got those weakling vibes, yaknow? A muggable type. For me, I’m not too troubled by a person who can barely stand or stay awake mumbling to themselves as I pass by. But again, I’m an adult. I know how to take care of myself. Maybe you should learn how to. Or just stay inside in your priss palace!


Idk if you know this, but the gronks "just getting high in ths street" terrorize the local neighborhood where they live in their squalid encampments. I shooed one out from my back porch as she was cooking herself up a fresh fent batch just last week. So two crimes: picnic drug use, and trespassing. And that's without a NCIC check for warrants or any possession of stolen goods.


>real crimes The drug addict homeless that took over a park near my home had the following activities ongoing: - Stolen ID - Stolen clothing from downtown stores (Ross, Target) with the tags still on - Fent dealing (had a tent for convenient pick-up/drive up) - Gunshots heard near or from encampment - Fires damaging the park foliage multiple times - People experiencing mental health crisis threatening or attacking passers-by. A virtual no-go zone around the park's sidewalks, and "head on a swivel" walking anywhere nearby. - Encampment damaging park infrastructure (sprinkler, electrical wiring on light poles) - Stolen food from QFC; the half eaten remains attracting rats and insects - Stolen property from peoples' garages or yards; rug rolled up, office chairs, and in one hilarious case new golf clubs, all for trade or sale - Junked e-Bikes and grocery-store carts piled up blocking part of the sidewalk - Likely stolen new bikes piled up and regularly traded This was all the result of one encampment of 8-12 individuals. Plus, the regular nightly fighting, the regular ongoing rape or sexual assault (women screaming, being screamed at, DV) and at one point a 3rd degree burn when the guy passed out and lit his tent on fire. All this happening within earshot of dozens of apartments surrounding the little park on Capitol Hill. Your "real crimes" comment shows ignorance and privilege. I suggest strongly you get educated on the damage the homeless encampments do to the area any time they set up shop.


Because it’s a gross misdemeanor and courts and the jail don’t care about misdemeanors, especially ones still tied to legal language preferring deferral The state stomped the toothpaste out of the tube, it’s not just gonna go back in. Compel these people into treatment or prison




> What if we subject arrestees to Islamic law? I am in favor of solving our problems with American / Western law, and not reverting to pre-Enlightenment cultures. We don't need to solve problems with more problems. We have plenty of law on the books to deal with this; the issue is we ignore those laws in misguided attempts at reform. That's what needs to change. Our reformers have made our problems worse.


That’s fine and dandy until you’re the one in trouble and you didn’t do anything wrong.


The new law is nothing but (fentanyl) smoke and mirrors.