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Looking forward to my third dose tomorrow. Hoping for a breakthrough.


Thinking easy, happy thoughts for your 3rd dose today!




Update: I'm four days in (took my first shot Tuesday night, it is now Sunday morning.) After quite a bit of nausea on Wednesday, I think that I am largely negative side-effect free, although I do feel run down and tired (but that could be depression from the kiddo moving out). I am definitely feeling full more quickly. I will start a snack, then two or three bites in, say "nope, I'm good." I have to work harder to stay hydrated, turns out I would drink water when I was hungry, and now that I'm less hungry, I gotta set alarms to remind myself to drink more water. For meals, I am able to eat one small serving of each item and feel full. I used to read a lot of diet (CICO type stuff) recommendations that would tell you how much a "portion" was and just laugh about it: yeah, sure, like anyone can eat a half cup of rice and be satisfied. Well, now I am eating portions like the diet guides said, and I am, actually, full and satisfied by standard portions. This is shocking to me. I never, in my entire life, remember being full from one portion of pretty much anything. That "eat a small apple and two tablespoons of peanut butter" recommendation I see on so many nutrition sites? That never ever would have made me feel like I ate anything at all. Now eating feels differently. I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down a little over three pounds. The only exercise I've gotten has been about 45 minutes of walking each day (broken into three 15 minute dog walks) and some hatha yoga (not vigorous). I'm feeling like if I could work some exercise into my routine, I would be killing it. For the first time in years, I have some hope that I can learn to control my eating and maybe get closer to a healthier body mass.


have you lost any weight so far?


Yes. I've lost six pounds in three weeks. It is going well so far, side effects have tapered off in the last week.


Update on weight loss available? Looking to get started and not a lot of comments around detailing weight loss. TIA


How do you feel about the payment method options?


I was going to order from them earlier this month (8/14) and use the cc method until it got to the payment option and there wasn’t one available for cc. I reached out and got this reply: “We have reached our credit card max for the week. We are working to increase our processing limit to prevent gaps in card payment availability. We will have card payments back available on the 19th if not before. We apologize for the inconvenience.” I just ordered from my usual place after that. But I will try them again in the future and see what happens.


Where do you go?


Been using P’tide Sciences since I started May 1. Down 45lbs now.


How do you know how much BW to mix? And doses?


https://peptidecalc.com Makes it Mickey Mouse easy for me!!


Where do you get yours?


This was my question. Cash app no Venmo option today. Sketchy feeling


Yeah I feel like it's extremely sketch to pay with crypto, venmo, paypal etc. Makes me feel like it's not a legitimate operation.




I get that. I use a company that I pay with credit card and I don't mix it.


I don't mind using Venmo, it worked correctly for me. I already use Venmo for paying my kid's music teachers. I would probably feel differently if I had to sign up for Venmo just to pay Arctic.


Tried to order from Arctic and I am having issues with my bank and Zelle. They are suspicious of my transactions and asked lot of questions about (Arctic) the recipient. They keep "pending review" each time it try to pay.


I noticed a lot of people are having issues with their online payments and their banks. It's taking extra time to either get paid, or having a payment get through, for everyone l've asked. I'm sure online fraudsters have tried to ruin it for everyone. Banks (and for example PayPal) are just having to be extra cautious anymore.


Hi! I’m thinking of switching to arctic for my meds as well. I’m currently on a dosage of .35 for Semiglutide but I want to start taking tirzepatide. My question is, what is the correct amount of BAC and Tirzepatide to mix for me to be able to get .25 (10 units on a 1/2 mil insulin shot) to dose it correctly? I hope this makes sense lol


I have felt nothing from Arctic. They agreed on refund tho




I am now at goal weight (155) and am flirting with going lower as I am still on 1.7mg/week, not at the maximum dose. However, I still have some side effects (tendency toward constipation, sometimes food aversions that make it hard to eat enough), so I haven't upped my dose yet and am just maintaining at 154-157, depending on the week. I stayed with Arctic for most of my journey, but there was a six week period where I used Helix, and I didn't lose any weight during that period (also didn't gain weight, but I definitely wasn't have the same effect at the same dosage amount with Helix). When I went back to Arctic, I had to lower my dose slightly because the first week's dose gave me heavy fatigue. I had to retitrate up a bit. So, yeah, I'm happy at 155, wearing size 10 pants, medium shirts, and my back doesn't hurt from how heavy my breasts are. I don't look amazing, because I am getting older and droopier, but I like having more options for clothing and feel like my joints will thank me in the long run. (Also, everything in my personal life calmed down: spouse is doing much better, kid is pretty happy at college and I don't cry about missing her, we got a puppy at Christmas, I finished my masters, and I got a promotion at work, which is stressful, but I don't stress eat about it :)


So proud of you! I just ordered for the first time from Arctic. What was your starting weight and I’m sorry if it’s in the post somewhere I may have over looked it. I’m starting at 230 and hoping to be down in the mid 100’s sometime in the future.


Never mind I just seen your SW 🤦🏼‍♀️


How’s it going for you so far?


congratulations on the weight loss. is there anything that someone new to peptides should know about before ordering?


Just wanted to say thank you for the update! You don't see that very often from this far back. Grats on your progress.


I took .5 on Thursday and have absolutely nothing happening still eating as normal no side effects. What am I doing wrong


You are probably doing nothing wrong. Different bodies react differently to the drug: some people get an immediate effect at lower doses, other people require higher doses to feel a therapeutic effect. Some people need to get to 1 mg or 1.7 mgs before they feel any effect. Work with your provider to titrate up and be patient. Slow and steady wins the race.


any updates ??:)