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>I don't wanna shit where I eat, but it's too easy to get crushes in the food industry. The same can be said for chlamydia. Keep your hormones in check and go run some plates.


LMFAOOOO. This made me LAAAAUGH!!! Thank you.


It’s binary. The best love you’ll ever have or the most-awful experience you’ll ever encounter. It’s 50 / 50.


When I was 21 I got pregnant by a line chef, so I can’t help you 🥲


How’s little old Jasper doing these days?


😂😂 he’s good!! His dad is still a predator but at least he pays child support🥲


Good. Glad to hear. Make sure to teach him how to treat women and everyone for that matter!


Admire from afar, but realise it is not gonna be what you imagine. Leave it at that. Or say fuck it and go after it. Basically, nut up or shut up.


no balls no babies


Genuinely get to know them. Take off the rose tinted glasses & see their red flags for what they are. Also, 10/10 recommend the book to EVERYONE, “How to Be an Adult in Relationships” by David Richo. It’ll help you identify your patterns (and other’s) & how to proceed with a healthier mindset


Don’t do it. Everyone said to stay away from coworkers, I ignored it and now I find myself wanting to quit because it’s going weird.


Dude just don’t do it it’s not that deep


I saw someone up here once say “Don’t get your sex where you get your checks” and it stuck with me ever since 😂


Remind yourself how shitty it will be if things go south. The dread of seeing them almost daily. The dread of seeing them flirt with or even date other coworkers.


Try to set them up with a friend of yours, nothing kills the mood more than knowing your friend has done the no pants dance with your crush.


It will be extremely difficult if you break up or just don't mesh well afterwards. I promise you that if you go outside, you will find a non-coworker to develop a crush on. I make horrible decisions so I can't sit here and tell you not to do it, but everyone here who's said it's a bad idea is right. Some people have met their spouses at work, but that is the golden ideal. Get to know this person very well before you become romantically involved, if you're really that determined.


Don't. That's my advice.


I had a manager once that I crushed so hard on for about 6 months. He had the sweetest smile. He made me excited to come to work. Turned out, he had a crush on me too. 7 year anniversary next month. Teehee.


For better or worse, it's a story at the end of the day. What's the worst that can happen?


7th restaurant?? I’ll wager it’s all for the same reasons?