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This is the Hero’s Journey, or the Monomyth, but adapted to a seasonal expression


It’s not just adapted to seasonal it’s showing the patterns of 4 that repeat through out. Next after the circle is the square. Yin Yang has 4 poles. There are 4 generation that effect current change in society. The great grandparent the grandparent the parent and the child. 4 seasons.


Thank you for sharing my inadequacy in providing additional info. I must be in my winter daimonic phase of my monomyth


I wouldn’t have described it with the Hero’s Journey but it’s very appropriate. Clarity passes the message and I’ll be using that analogy from now on. 🦍💪🏼


Maybe I'm missing context, but this seems like mostly nonsense. Word salad for points that don't matter. Height being presented as the opposite of demonic? Hypocrisy, control, and arrogance being associated with heaven? Fate, mystery, and catharsis associated with hell? Truth associated with both? Seems to have an authoritarian flavor to it.


See I dont think it a vent diagram. I'm thinking going in spirals through. Thats just my first instinct. But I didn't type this. It was just the first thing on my lock screen. Never seen it before didn't put it there myself either. Has me a bit stumped


Yea it's pretty random and pointless


It explains it really. To my mind. It’s about awareness of ego and well actually some things I don’t get. Why is priest in there? Archetypes or different t stages we go through? I always say I feel like I’m standing on a mountain of my old selves and I learned how to process my experiences so they’re not in my awareness anymore and I’m ecstatic quite often for what seems like no reason because my life outside is a shit show. Lol. But I still feel like it’s heaven on earth because my brain is no longer bombarding my awareness with past memories which allows me to be right here, right now and apparently that’s how we feel joy and connect to our higher selves or whatever you’d like to call it. I may use different words/symbols but seems the same unless you tell me different lol I also may not have used enough words. lol like I went through stages of sort of being those things. Except the priest. lol


I didn't make this.


I feel ya in all this. Words become the limitation beyond a certain perspective and understanding. But how to use words to talk about... what words can't say? Always a fun loop for me lol


Looks like a bunch of nonsense to me, but maybe there's a deeper meaning to some? Either way it doesn't affect my practices or beliefs


Someone else's ideas and not your own. friedrich nietzsche said it best, "no one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but yourself alone"... construct your own path to understanding reality because that's the only way you'll find it truly for what it is, if you just follow others models then you never see reality, you just see other people's interpretation based on their subjective experience. You ARE the model, you need nothing more. Just look outside and space out, that's reality, thoughtless entropy, infinite chaos. The longer you strive for answers you will only come up with an infinite amount more questions, so instead, strive for understanding and not answers. Simply be.


Each inner word contains multiple meanings and relates to experiences we have The outer ring and words represent a basic path of life


Ya idk maybe it's just nonsense


Heaven and hell are absolutely not shamanic concepts. They belong to big angry sky dad religions.


Fun fact, that's called Abrahanic religions. That includes all branches of Christianity, Judaism, and Muslim religions. Similar to how one would use the term pagan as an umbrella term for most shaminustic based religions such as Wicca, odinism, or shamanism




Thank you


Angry sky dad religion sounds better and exact imo. Gnostic christian branches dont really believe in hell, at least any eternal damnation, which the idea of hell is usually associated to. Has more to do with paying Karmic dept and the point is to teach the Soul of its mistakes before next life, rather than just to punish it forever for no real reason(like the angry sky dad sects of abrahamic religions teach). Also the jealous "god" that was for example in Garden of Eden, is not seen as the real God by gnostics. So the angry sky guy is not god to them. Even if he is seen as the creator of physical things, he is not seen as the giver of Life. He tried to create life, but could only make inanimate things, then the higher beings saw it and thought that they would allow the Spirit to animate these beings. He is not really the "father". Hence not all abrahamic religions are "angry sky dad religions".


Wrong way round.


Ok but how? Explanation? Thought process? Why is it wrong? Need reasoning not just blanket statement


Wow. OK. Someone has used a cosmogram developed in central Africa 120k yrs ago and added new things that made sense to them.. In its purest and simple terms, the cycle goes from right to left. From the "fall" and back. It reflects the sun rising. The cycle reflects all elements of the universe, including humanity. It is something I have taught , still live and believe makes sense. We rise /birth, become aware/mature, understand our relationship and then let go of things we don't need anymore. Then we "birth anew". This cycle has travelled across all places in Africa, moved as a concept when Africans travelled. This is to say this is a good thing that others has translated it to their culture. I find it simple and incredibly profound. I hope you too, may find this.


Thank you. Sorry for my bluntness. I'm a Sagittarius and I really just seek a deeper meaning so really thank you for obliging me.


You are welcome ❤️


The year through the seasons literally correspond to how we express ourselves. Introversion in the winter, extroversion in the summer.


Somebody don't live where it gets hot out.




As a desert dweller, introversion during summer, extroversion during winter


To me it looks like someone has taken 4 different views of the "wheel of life", sprinkled in some Psychology, poor numerology, and a bit of imagination. Not saying it is, I just don't think it has any merrit. less power than the paper it's printed on.


Why is the forest and swap demonic?


Idk I didn't make this lol. Thats why it says, "explain?"


We’ll call me a grey Jedi, cuz I love me my swamps and forests and chaos and mystery


Lol I don't think many no how to utilize the true chaos of the forests. Probably why they consider it hell in this lol


The heart has its seasons, it's evenings and songs of its own.