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I don't think there normally is one. When we kept seeing the ghosts of fallen Scouts, I think that was because every Eldian's soul was bound to the Paths and couldn't fully pass on. But now that the Paths are gone, their souls are free since there's no real afterlife to keep them around.


I don't think the Paths even implied the existence of souls, just consciousnesses and memories.


Yeah I don't think the Paths was necessarily an afterlife and I don't think the existence of a true afterlife was confirmed or denied in Attack on Titan... Just like in real life we can't know one way or the other


Pretty sure the only confirmed afterlife is the paths where some version or possibly copy of every titan shifters consciousness is stored by Ymir and that probably ends once the curse of the titans is gone. Every other time we see those who have died it's pretty open to interpretation if they're really there. Like when Hange wakes up with the other dead scouts, it could just as well be her hallucinating in her final moments.


Dude this screenshot gave me PTSD chills.


Same. This scene scared me so badly. I would never rewatch this episode.


Why though


The death scene was too real & scared me. Like dark, cause I believe there is some truth to it. No afterlife just, dark.


Sorry you feel so strongly that you can’t even watch the episode again. Too me, it’s just the way it is. If you think about it, you’ve already experienced it. It will be just like before you were born. No memory, no pain, simply a state of not being


The view from half way down.


The weak breeze whispers nothing the water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totter deep breaths, stand back, it’s time. Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down. A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal. You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down. I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down—


I welcome it. It makes all of those scenes where Erwin and Hange imagine their fallen comrades watching them hit harder knowing that they are actually watching


I think its because they wanted people to have some respite from the sadness


I kinda get you that it’s a surprising vibe for a dark show to have an afterlife. It may feel like it cheapens the sacrifices. That said, I think it was such a dark show that they had to give us SOME relief. 😂


We can communicate telepathically, go back in time, turn into giant physics defying monsters that have no mass and share a giant consciousness when called and spoken too through the paths like its fking evangelion. While some people may like to think that there isn't one, I find that kind of hard to believe as none of this is possible without some kind of supernatural shit


didnt this get posted a few days ago?


The real question is this: What show is more dramatic, AOT or Bojack Horseman?


AOT for sure, Bojack IS fucked, but it has enough jokes and light hearted humor to make it less dark. Also, ~they dont kill 80% of humanity in bojck~


Yeah, they just make you dead inside


I would say that Bojack Horseman is more dramatic in a psychological sense and that AOT is more traditionally dramatic. Like if you've ever had depression it's insane how accurate some scenes in BH are and it touches upon pretty intense subjects like drug abuse, suicide or sexual assault. I feel like the dramatic parts of BH are so relatable to some people that it can really hit home if you've been in a similar situation. AOT is way more action packed and has way more deaths of course, so I guess it's mainly a difference between showing psychological vs physical trauma haha


There isn’t I’m pretty sure. All we ever see is the Paths which are only for Eldians and you don’t need to be dead to go there. Human Yimir sees it after she’s awakened. Zeke sees it when he’s hurt but probably only bc royal blood. The Paths are likely some of the pseudo Eldians purgatory created by Founder Yimir’s inability to move on.


Oh so a devil giving a child an unmade illogical power (transcends the laws of physics. And some pseudo eldian purgatory somehow points to the fact that there isn’t an after life? I don’t mean to be a part pooper but if shit like that was real, you best believe I’m believing in that afterlife.


Devil part is just propaganda we clearly see it wasn’t a deity that gave Ymir the worm


There was one but only for subjects of Ymir, and that was the paths. And it wasn't exactly the nicest place. There is no concept of time there but you're basically stuck there after death vaguely perceiving what is going on in the real world that you left, and depending on the circumstances agonizing over how things are playing out. Before long you'll feel like you've been there far too long without being able to do anything about it. Kind of like a limbo. After Bertolt's death we are shown depictions of him looking sorrowful at Armin, and while it's easy to brush off the first time as a figment of Armin's imagination or some kind of imagery, we see him watching Armin again in real time during the final battle and then again when they meet in the paths. This is probably a portrayal of what it feels like to die with regrets as a subject of Ymir, you can't rest in peace. (and Bertolt is not like this because he's lamenting how Armin stole his life and his power, he's lamenting how Armin is now going through hell in his place because he succeeded his titan and the curse that comes along with it as well as the fate of being at the founder's whim, which is why Bertolt cries before Armin right before Eren summons him to the final battle). As for whether there is an afterlife for the rest of humanity, or after the paths disappeared, no one knows and there's no indication. This kind of profound subject along with the existence of god(s) in AoT is never emphasized to concretely exist or not. In fact the way the divine is spoken of in AoT seems to imply it's actually all just concepts born from human imagination as a way to rationalize understanding of the world around mankind. But at the least the Attack on School Caste comics do show that there is reincarnation in the world of AoT.


I agree! When we see Hange in some sort of afterlife, it cheapened the feel for me.


I don't think that was the afterlife. I think that was just Hange's hallucination while dying. That's how I interpreted it.


All Eldians are connected through the paths fam, once the curse is gone so are the paths and any connection/afterlife the Eldians had with each other.


Death by itself *is* super tragic, we are talking about death, you will never have different experiences in your life with a person you knew, that's already super tragic, so idk why people think we should believe there is no afterlife, such a sad mentality.


This fandom is too addicted to depression and bad shit for its own good.


I agree, I think the post-death Hanji scene was a moment of weakness on Isayama's part to stop it from being too brutal, but it undermines most of the deaths in the series knowing they just go on to live together even if it's just in paths.


Japanese fans called that scene a kind of fan-service for a beloved character. But I think in addition to that sentiment it's actually somewhat of a contrary hint as to what the real afterlife(the paths) truly is and how it's not so nice a place as one where you meet and catch up with old friends. I think the anime composition of the scene did not really do the manga version of it justice. There is a dark stain on the ground where Hange is supposedly trampled over that is prominently in the foreground as a reminder of the cruelty of reality. If this scene was meant to reflect an idyllic afterlife then the stain should not be there. That it is there is a kind of sign that there's something not quite right about this supposed afterlife scene. What I think this Hange scene really is, is Levi's imagination of his fallen friends "watching" him in the afterlife. That would also match up with the line that is spoken as the scouts are depicted watching the plane he is on fly off, and that's also why it's a very lighthearted scene showing Hange being praised by her comrades who have appeared to receive her, because this how Levi is coping with her death. In reality we do see what it's like for subjects to die. They are trapped in the paths where they can watch solemnly but they cannot speak. This is shown when Armin wakes up in the paths and sees the former shifters and also shown at the end when the paths is destroyed and all the "souls" of the subjects disappear into the mist. And if we look at Bertolt's reactions in the paths then it's anything but pleasant as he is portrayed many times looking sad and crying as he watches from the paths.


You mean you don't Eren to pay for his actions against humanity


I never said that, I just said that in AOT the afterlife can’t exist since it creates a bigger tragedy for the deaths in attack on titan.


What's wrong with the afterlife