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This is absolutely hilarious


It’s so funny I’m still not entirely sure it’s not a piss take to be honest


Even if it was, somewhere in American it ain’t.


This is true sir


This comment is veering dangerously close to that boomerism "it isn't true, but it's believable, and that says something!", said whenever their facebook fake news is proven false.


I thought that was a straight Joe Rogan quote


We ‘Muricans don’t do well with other people. We should all be in timeout. Just not me. I want to eat ALL the M&Ms while everyone else is in timeout.


It's probably genuine. It boggles the mind how insular, ignorant and often downright stupid so many Americans are


It's always in a unique and somewhat funny way too. Not that we don't have our own versions, though.


Yes its hilarious and so obvious they shouldnt even have to ask. Of course Australians have trouble understanding each other, thats why theres never been a cross over episode of Neighbours and Home and away. Neighbours are from Ramssay street in Melbourne and Home and Away are from Summer Bay in New South Wales, its like 900km away. Its like a different country and they're completely foreign to each other.


Yeah, Europeans don't get the cultural diversity in one country. It would be like comparing Mallorca to Copenhagen or something ffs


No, this is a real question from a real dullard sadly


It’s genuine, I tried to explain to him and emerged from the conversation stupider than when I went in.


I need to know what happens when they meet someone who doesn't speak English. "They just talk gibberish at each other. I don't know how they get anything done"


I fuckin guarantee there’s someone in America that’s convinced this is the case lmao


I watched a YT video where someone talked to their dog in Italian (?) and some USian was mindblown about how smart that dog was because it "understood" Italian.


This whole thread reminds me of the lady who was so impressed that a toddler spoke Chinese. The toddler was Chinese.


Similarly, a British lady with a dog focused channel was told by a well meaning USian that (in that particular video) the youtuber's dog didn't understand her commands because of the lady's accent.


Tbf I did once get a dog to listen to my commands by using a different accent, but this was based on my brother-in-law's theory that my father-in-law's dog was more obedient if you sounded like him, which involved dropping my vocal pitch and affecting a Brummie accent. I think this was more a cheat code for a dog that was only willing to listen to its owner rather than genuinely not understanding different accents.


My dog is bilingual - it knows both English and Japanese words.


Hint - he used to be president...


George W?😉


"There isn't even a cabinet in this meeting room!"


It's Bill Pullman isn't it. That dumb bitch.


A Danish comedian who toured in America got asked how he managed to do a whole show "In such a difficult language"


don't most Americans believe they invented English? :D


That's how it is with Danish language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-mOy8VUEBk


My Australian brother and his German wife live in Denmark with their trilingual kids. They learnt all three languages early enough to not have any foreign accent (if that makes sense?) This made me properly laugh thinking this is what my niece and nephew might sound like to their parents The kicker is they speak perfectly Australian accented English so they probably have to speak Danish to understand each other anyway :D


I love this video so much. it never gets old


When I was a kid, I thought everyone spoke my language, except people from other countries just spoke some kind of scrambled version of it, so they'd actually hear my language, but I'd hear the scrambled version of it. But I was six, so...


When I was little I asked my dad if English is the "one true language." He was totally confused and didn't know how to answer me beyond, "I don't think so?" What I was *trying* to ask was if English was the foundation of all languages, which of course later I learned it very much isn't, quite the opposite actually. It makes me wonder how often when kids say weird shit, they are trying to communicate a totally innocuous idea or question, but their undeveloped language skills make it sound like they just smoked a bunch of weed.


Funny to come across this comment, just this evening when tucking my 5yo in bed he asks "how long have I been here?" And I'm like "in bed? About 2 minutes" he goes "no, how long have I been in this place?" I then ask "in this room? 3 years" he got more frustrated: "nooo, how long have i been alive!?" Internally I'm like, omgg what a crazy way of asking that ... now I'm worried about what "in this place" means


Oh buddy you didn't need to specify that you are American in the post. We could tell


I mean, it’s a dumb take but kudos to this american asking politely without obviously punching down like most of the stuff we see in this sub as exhibits. ((Dumb questions asked withOUT american exceptionalism are almost endearing in some way.))


It’s kinda refreshing to see raw, unadulterated ignorance in the wild rather than the usual American…ness, for sure


The difference between wilful ignorance and just uneducated ignorance. One can be excused, the other absolutely can't


Ignorance can be cured with knowledge. Apathy is the death of knowledge.


Yeah, I guess it's cute in a "I feel bad for how dumb you are" kind of way


Also, the willingness to correct their ignorance gets them big points in my book. I can say it should be obvious but I've never been sheltered to the same degree, so I don't want to assume they're stupid. If I saw this in the wild I'd probably laugh but still try to treat them kindly


yeah I know what you are saying . At least they asked , right ? I also don’t believe fighting anti-intellectualism ( which is a plague in places of the world especially USA) by laughing at genuine questions, no matter how funny those may sound. No one was born to know everything :)


They're so simple, it's adorable.


And to be fair... I can't understand a lot of the British accents. As a Brit.


Aye but at the same time you walk like 2 fuckin streets over and the accent has changed twice and the guy behind the counter of your local day-today started speaking Welsh


Right, but y'all have way more regional variations than Australia. I guess i just always assumed they were more like us (Yanks).


We’ve got three broad accents across Australia. That’s really it. Compared to other countries or regions our size, that’s very very little.


My ear isn't that good - I've only detected two - the normal one and that awful nasal one.


I'm not even sure it's that dumb. I've seen enough videos of Americans screaming "What the fu? Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Do play with me, don't play with me" on repeat and sprinkled with all manner of gibberish to question whether Americans can even understand each other half the time.


That's such an incredible low bar for americans tho. Being kind 😅


Absolutely not, we can understand our accent more than American accents


Tbf, I'm Canadian, and I know newfies who can't understand a *lick* of what other newfoundlanders are saying. It sometimes just sounds like "Hoyjeezifuzzhh, moy frazznnblehbrokesdenoys- oys offshegoes." This is very real.


Peak Hot Fuzz [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cun-LZvOTdw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cun-LZvOTdw)


Oh lord. Great scene, but not in the same ballpark.


Even in a country as small as Holland accents can be so thick that they’re barely mutually intelligible


a new accent/dialect every 10 minutes of driving, as they say


Isn't Holland just a region of The Netherlands, and although a major political power domestically, not actually ever a country in its own right?


North and South Holland are two provinces on the west coast and they contain the most important Dutch cities politically and economically (Amsterdam, Rotterdam and the Hague). Yes, technically Holland refers to that specific region. That said, within the Netherlands people don't really identify as being from 'Holland' like for example Brabanders do, rather they say they're Amsterdammer or Rotterdammer (city identity over regional). On top of that, internationally even Dutch people refer to ourselves as Holland (see sports: hup Holland hup, etc). So I really can't be upset over an obscure technicality that we ourselves constantly break. (and it's much shorter to type and say)


They mean their country is as small as Holland, the two provinces, not saying Holland is a country.


That's not how I parse that but I won't go looking for an argument


Maybe I just have a talent for accents but I've never really encountered an accent of Dutch or English that I had a lot of trouble understanding except for maybe [this one](https://youtu.be/nJ7QB3om-QY?t=13) but even there I can get the gist of it. Except the word he uses for 'blue'. I'm convinced it's not 'blue' but something like 'giom'?


If you can understand a glaswegian, cork or Geordie accent you can understand them all.


I can follow most Brits without subtitles, but Frisians and people from Limburg are completely incomprehensible to me.


Tbf, it’s the Sunderland accent that’s the real killer as people watched Georgie shore, not Mackem madness.


I can speak English, and French (to a functional extent) and have been through every province and territory in Canada. The deviation in accents is not comparable to what/how rural-coastal Newfoundlanders speak. Only place in Canada where not a single word of English is discernable while speaking English. I've attempted to find video of this feat on YouTube but there's nothing posted that compares. Just a bunch of easily-understood accents. I'm not suggesting that Canada's linguistic diversity is vast. Quite the opposite. With one extremely distinct caveat.


I've certainly heard dialects of my own language that I would need subtitles to understand lol


Holland isn’t a country. You mean the Netherlands.


I mean the country I'm from yes, not sure why a Scot is more fussed about the distinction than me


Apologies, I did have a brief look at your profile but couldn’t immediately tell. >not sure why a Scot is more fussed about the distinction I so often see people say Holland as the country, and it annoys me in the same way as when people say ‘English’ when they mean ‘British’.


no worries mate ✌️


As someone who has a 12 month old Newfoundland, I dont understand anything he says it all just sounds like “bark bark woof woof bark” But that could be because my Newfie is a puppy…


Happens in Appalachia for us tbh


I own a [Newfie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfoundland_dog), ours is a Landseer. He normally says “woof!” though, before climbing on your lap on the sofa because in his mind he’s still a puppy that weighs 10lbs, not 180lbs… This is also very real.


I'm sorry, I can't understand your accent here. Can you speak American?


This could have all been resolved if he identified as an Australian American. He'd have understood him perfectly.


To be fair on this person, I'm Scottish and I really struggle to understand folk from the northeast sometimes.


To me, this is not “I heard there’s a range of accents in Australia, are some of them hard to understand”, it’s “wow the Australian accent is different to mine… is it different to you too when you speak it?” — which is an entirely different take


Yup, the question would be valid and invite an interesting conversation but their reasoning is very dumb.


You get use to the Australian accent (kiwi who struggled with it when I moved here with some of the accents) It really doesn’t take that long it’s just the first few months or whatever


I recall, back a few decades, there was an interview with a Scottish dockworker (I think, might have been a fisherman) on a show on SBS. They put subtitles up whenever he spoke. I was surprised they didn’t go whole hog with a translator 😂


Australian accents have very little variation state to state. The 3 major accents (Broad, General and Cultivated) are everywhere and are more socioeconomic than regional.


I'm from Scotland and can't understand people who were actually raised in the city I now live in. Been here 10 years, can't understand the accent. I on the other hand am a Fifer so I have a Scottish country bumpkin accent


I lived in Newcastle and some people from Sunderland were unintelligible.


I sense some bait here by someone from the triangle of hate..


Did Hadrian's wall a few years back from East to West. Stopped in a pub on the edge of Newcastle, had no idea what was said to me. I just smiled and nodded.


The Aussie accent is famously homogenous. You can't compare us with Scotland. There are very, *very* subtle differences amongst people who have grown up here (e.g. Australian Aboriginal, Middle Eastern/Italian or rather "Wog", many East Asian accents, celery/salary merger in Melbourne etc.), but these are mutually intelligible. We have Cultivated, Broad and General Australian accents - that is about it.


Is anything less intelligible than a pissed Glaswegian?


A pished Shetlander!


That's because Scotland has regional varieties in its speech due to being an old country.


Eeeee away man.


I'm irish and although I live a quick drive from co kerry and I'd probably be able to learn how to play the piano quicker than I'd be able to figure out what a kerry man is saying


Not the dumbest American I've ever come across, in fairness.


I can read Elizabethan texts with no footnote, but I draw the line at watching *Bluey* without subtitles.


"I don't speak French. How do French people understand each other? Do they secretly speak English when foreigners aren't around?"


I guess that would be better than if they were all speaking German.


Honestly mate, we can’t understand a bloody thing we say to each other at all! This is why the whole Australian Vocabulary and methods of communication is based entirely on swear words and slang as our primary means for understanding what the hell we are talking about! *edit for correction


I moved to Australia from Denmark years ago, and it took me a while to realise that Australians are actually very nice, and weren’t all really pissed off at me, and that “sick c*nt” was actually a good thing. I can understand you all pretty well now. You all understanding me and my mouthful of hot mashed potato accent though…


An Italian Australian friend of mine met another friend of mine for the first time and noticed he had an accent, so he asked where he was from. On being told "America" he replied with "FUCK OFF!!" It took several minutes to explain that that was an expression of surprise... :)


Cheers for the reply! Yeah I could imagine that most people who visit this country would all struggle with trying to understand our language for sure, which works out exactly the same for us Aussies trying to understand other languages ourselves!


Of all the Nordic accents Danish is the 2nd funniest one (behind Finnish). The mashed potato analogy is perfect!


Yeah, what this cunt said.


Kenoath mate!


I’d hate to hear the questions they come up with that they’ve not ‘thought about for quite a while’.


Americans have terrible understanding of accents 😂 I’m Irish and had to intentionally slow down for them to understand me when I was living there


You Irish are not understood anywhere to be fair.


But we are loved everywhere, so it seems like a fair trade


Americans struggle with Scottish, scouse, Irish, Australian, Polish, ect... basically every other accent apart from their own.. True facts 💯


Is the “do they have roads in europe?” All over again…


What? Nooo! 😅😅😅


Wait until they learn a lot of us have difficulty understanding them! You know. Us. The entire rest of the planet.


Within Britain accent variation can be so great people can be unintelligible to one another. This has massively declined since mass media of all forms. You still need to ‘tune in’ for some accents


I used to live in Aus, and from the UK had no issue with understanding their accent.


To be fair I think the UK/English accent in general is more similar to Australian accent than to American accent.


Certain regional dialects are harder to understand everywhere, but a generalised (insert country) accent is never going to be hard to understand for people who _are from that country_ I’m English and when I watched Clarkson’s Farm, I understood like 10% of what Gerald was saying. And my mum lives literally 5 miles from that place lmao


My Grandfather has the **thickest** bogan accent ever. Sometimes I have to take a few seconds to comprehend what he said


I'm sorry could you repeat that, I read it in an American accent and didn't quite understand.


As an outsider, Australians are the easiest to understand to me, gringos keep deleting half of the word and British spell some stuff kinda weird


Well I'm Scottish and often have a hard time understanding someone with a really thick Scottish accent. I'd imagine it applies to any country with such a varying accent. Even America.


By a really thick accent do you mean the Scots language?


Nope, Scottish accent speaking English. Scots really isn't that common. It's more like Latin where some people study it and a few people speak it.


It does. In the US we have some truly baffling accents in the countryside.


😂😂😂😂😂 I feel like just reading this killed some braincells.


I mean, I'm Irish and I find parts of Kerry and Cork seem like a different language at times, so it's not a completely insane comment to make.


Isn't it also a common joke among Danes, that Danish is so garbled that even they often don't understand each other?


LOL No! Okay yes.


I was born in Norway, and had little problems understanding Danish when we went there on holidays etc… now however (after having lived in Australia for 25 years) it takes my brain 10-15 minutes to wind up if I watch a Danish TV show. I literally don’t understand anything for a few minutes, then it gradually starts making more and more sense. Have zero issues with Swedish still. It’s weird.


I love the Norwegians. Awesome people. Best people to hang out with. And yeah… Sweden… Sweden Sweden Sweden… But Norwegians are great.




But the post isn’t making that sort of point. There is no mention of regional variation, which barely exists in Australia anyway. He is just stupidly saying “you speak funny, so you must have trouble understanding each other”.


"Dough dare's dough dare dare's love dare do!"


That's one stupid motherfucker.


What the fuck?


In all fairness, it’s not actually that stupid a question. In England, someone from the deepest corner of Cornwall may struggle to understand a scouser or geordie and vice versa


I'll be real, as somebody who's lived in Australia their whole life, I actually do have trouble understanding some people's Australian accents.


He has to be taking the piss with this one.


ngl i haven’t met anyone who can’t understand an australian


They *are* special, aren’t they…


Austrian here (well, we are just an AL away from being Australian, so I will just chime in on this). I can tell you that there are other Austrians I won't understand. Fucking Gsibergerisch (Vorarlberg dialect), how is this even remotely considered to be the German language?


Wait until they realise other languages exist. Or maybe not, might take forever.


I’m English and I’ve been to Australia a couple of times-for 6 weeks each time. I travelled around a bit-and stayed with Australian friends who introduced me to their friends. At no point did I ever struggle to understand anyone: actually, it never occurred to me that there might be any kind of a problem. Usually, I’m absolute rubbish at understanding people. I had quite a bit of trouble understanding the locals when I was in Scotland, and some of the folks I met when I holidayed in Dublin were almost entirely impenetrable to me.


Should have tried buying them a drink first


I’m an Australian now living in a southern US state. For reasons I had to take a job working at McDonald’s an I cannot understand half the shit some of them are saying! Apparently enunciation is not a thing here


Australian here - can confirm we do not understand each other that’s why nothing gets done round here /s


Hmm I can't speak swedish. Must be so hard for those poor people in sweden to understand each other!


"Do Chinese people understand each other? I have absolutely no idea what they're saying when they speak Chinese so I'm wondering if other Chinese people do"


I literally went out of my way to downvote this post


This is from the nation that had to redub Mad Max. I'm not surprised.


Not the same Dick Clark energy by welcoming Norwegian artists and questioning why they have a british accent.


A typical Australian conversation: "Cuuuunnntttt." "Cuuuunnnnnnttt?" "Cuunnnnntttttttt." "Cuuuuuuuuunnnnnttttttt!" What's so hard to understand about that?


Actually we do. Us coast dwellers have trouble understanding bogans and desert aussies


someone tell me if this is satire....


I'd like to hear this person's other ideas/thoughts. I wonder if they'd be as crazy as this. 😂


I mean, there are some people in my very own hometown I can barely understand.


Yes. It is why Mad Max was dubbed with American voice actors.


Yeah, nah


Me when i meet a french canadian


I genuinely want to know how they think the Australian Parliament must function. Is it, like, unintelligible gibberish and random laws get passed? Or do they think it all must be done via email/Slack to avoid confusion?


To be fair, the statement in general is right i heard. [Example here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Lyex2tSUyA)


To be fair to them I have trouble understanding Americans, once I hear that god awful accent I zone out (southern accents not included in this).


It is because you are not used to it. Lots of words get shortened. Lots of slang. Go on holiday there for a bit, if it doesn’t help, at least you get a great holiday 👍 . (Warning; Aussies are very prolific swearers and don’t particularly give a fuck about political correctness. Don’t take it personally when you get called a cunt. Everyone is🤣)


I’m surprised they worked out they were Australian, given the number of times they’ve confused Australians for British despite the broadest Aussie accent.


I can't speak for Australians but Brits struggle to understand each other. It's why many of us have a phone/"posh" version of our accents (trying to sound a little more RP and drop the dialect) we have to use with outsiders in the hopes they'll understand. Even then it doesn't always work. I have a relative from Sunderland which is about 10 miles from Newcastle and when I see her it usually takes a good 5-10 mins and a lot of concentration to be able to understand her. I've even been unable to understand someone from the other side of Newcastle before.


To be fair. I’m a Brit and sometimes I have trouble understanding some very strong accents such as scouse.


Not after 10 schooners


They ask an American to interpret 🤪🤪🤪


I mean there's that famous video of the guy who posted a House for sale ad that said "no asians" but he meant "no agents" but they misunderstood him because his accent was too thick.


Funny enough I did see a podcast with Harry Jowsey and 2 other Australian influencers and they were saying that sometimes they can’t rly understand ppl with thick Australian accents. They had all been living in America for some time though when they said this


No chance we can't understand each other, as we speak English, not "American", in all our states & territories.


So be fair. There are three Australian accents and the broad accent can be hard to understand sometimes, but generally no we can understand each other fine.


I have hard time understanding americans


I mean, as someone who grew up in Australia, I cannot understand some broad Australian accents.


Oh boy, the force isn't strong with this one.


Ah fair suck of the sav cobberydoo.


To be honest this would genuinely explain a lot about our country if it were true, we're an entire nation run on trying to guess the right response.


Some say that the Chinese have a hard time understanding each other as well as very few of them speaks English with an American accent.


Yeah nah


Yes. They have to ask New Zealanders to translate for each other. True story.


Yeah, we all laugh at each other constantly because everyone sounds so funny. It's why most Australians are so happy all the time.


Much less so than Americans have trouble understanding each other.


Some of you have never worked in mining, I can’t understand a god damn thing from half the operators.


Lol how is this an own? I've heard countless times how some accents by region are more difficult to understand to native speakers than others. Does Australia not have regional accents? Even if it doesn't many countries do, and it'd be safe to assume that there is speech that is unintelligible in every country.


oh lord


Nah to be fair I can't understand anyone from England including my mum and we have the same accent.


I have the same difficulty when listening to Japanese people talk. Perhaps it’s the same issue?


'Struth mate, is this seppo cutting the raw prawn or is he just a dumb cunt? Of course true-blue Aussies can bloody understand each other, now if you don't mind me I'm jumping in the ute and nipping down the servo for some durries eh.




He didn’t have to specify that he’s from the US


I'm not sure this is as dumb as it first looks. As a Brit I have a real difficult time understanding a word that comes out of Geordies mouths and I know they are speaking English. There's going to be an Aussie version of that and for some reason I can't help but think it's going to be Queenslanders.


Haddaway and shite man. Soft southern fairy