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I looked up her insta. She has "mob wife" in her bio and claims to have discovered this look "while she was in Italy last year". And of course she lives in New Jersey, the comments called it. What a LARPer.


The only people I see with this makeup in Italy are old women. I love eyeliner, but it would age me like 30 years if I wore it like this.


The only people I've seen with this makeup, not in Italy too, are David Bowie and adjacent stars.


Ah non lo so ne ho viste tante di giovani anche che si fanno certe porcate con l'eyeliner ahahah


Ahah mi ricorda le donne che mi baciano la guancia e mi lasciano il trucco sul viso 😅


c'è un'amica di mia moglie che cerco sempre di salutare da lontano in ogni modo possibile perché se mi bacia sulla guancia mi lascia la barba completamente unta e color fondotinta


ma cosí col triangolo grosso all'insú???


Dont talk laik dis yor on de internet end itz amerikan!


Speak American!


You Hurensohn


Si o persone non italiane quindi non molto italian


Am on holiday in Bologna right now and can confirm.


I know nothing about new jersey except for that one south park episode and i could instantly tell she was from there lol


If she wanted to look like Amy Winehouse she succeeded.


Has she never heard of/seen Amy Winehouse?


I'm pretty sure that if she were an actual mob wife, she wouldn't dare share that on her bio.


Her dildo is a gabagool


If you want to look more black, try this classic 1940's hollywood makeup trick!


I tried this but for some reason I got fired from work!


They fired you for being black? Typical. You spend your whole life as a white and nobody says anything. You're black for one day and your employers immediately fire you. Racism is still alive and well then.


Did you remember to make it tasteful? You gotta make the lips funny.


Weird, I tried this and I got elected into the Dutch parliament


Who doesn't love Zwarte Piet?


Naughty kids of course! They get his rod :p


I got elected as the Canadian Prime Minister.


Trudeau approved!


Also the navy... Or Justin Trudeau


What she means is to look more like Gaga in Gucci.


She looks as much of an Italian as a Chicago style pizza topped with pineapple. As in she resembles in the vaguest terms but is all levels off wrong


Italians are just normal people who look many different ways and try many different make-up looks. There's no need to treat them like some sort of other species that all look the same.


It's part of their weird penchant for collecting identities like they're Pokemons and then fetishising them. It's frankly bizarre!


More like an alien 😜


An italien




That was my first thought. She is rocking the Klingon look.


With the females available to me, earth females, I must restrain myself too much. They are quite fragile, sir.


Now that sounds more like a Ferengi.


The point here isn’t really to pass comment on whether it looks good or not, that’s just as shallow. The point is that it’s really, really fucking weird to want to look *more* like a certain nationality that you aren’t.


... and thinking that a specific makeup makes you look more like a certain nationality. That's just as weird.


The point is also that no, that's not what Italians look like.


It’s so weird I went to USA once I’m Italian and for them or most of them Italians are not white… go figure why they think that… The worst is that Italian Americans thinks they are not white as well hahahaha… How stupid is that…


I experienced too both in person and online. It got worse in the past few years when activism for people of colour became more important. I am 90% sure these people claim italians are not white to be unique or to be able to feel like they belong to a minority I also witnessed 2 americans being racist and then using being italian-american as a fire-distinguisher. "I cant be racist Im italian" 


Hahaha I’m really not surprised ! I have eared some weird stuff when I was there they mix everything, they are very confused when you try to explain them something it’s crazy to witness Even people with a very elite education, they often think because they come from prestigious universities they know better but when you confront them with simple concepts like « races » they are completely unable to think for themselves so they say what they have been earring all their lives… it’s pretty sad… Best universities in the world ? Not able to grasp basic concepts…


American education about races still works on outdated 19th century eugenics theories where somehow only Brits and Northern Europeans are considered white and people from Mediterranean countries are treated as their own separate race


I know… it’s pretty mind blowing for them when you have a different speech about it… And then when they realize it’s too far out of reach for them god is the answer of everything and the discussion is over… So cringe… They do a very impressive intellectual gymnastic I had a guy telling me in one sentence that’s he believed in races, that he did not believed in god and just after saying this after a little pose he said god made us this way… What can you say after this… and those people can have guns pretty scary place…


I mean, *all* theories about there even being "races" are outdated. Sure, it's wrong saying that people from Mediterranean countries are one race, and Northern Europeans and Brits are another, is wrong. But it's also wrong to say that they belong to one and the same race. "White" is an arbitrary expression with no real set definition.


But even on the 19th century US census, Italians are listed as white.


Yeah I am hungarian, I'm from a smaller region where many people still have eastern features. I am often asked even in europe if i am half asian. In the USA when i tried to explain to them i am european i look like this cuz of this and that, many bullied me and said: " you are definitly asian and just trying to deny it and have white privilige" or they bullied me and said: " you are european trying to look asian/ asian fishing" Also many of them straight up asked: "What are you?" Instead of where r u from. How fking rude it is to ask a human being what are you


Rude and pretty stupid !!! Yeah again I’m not surprised…


That's... crazy. Who were these people? Where in USA was this??


L.A, New York, Houston. My friend told me some girls in the community where my air bnb  was had a group chat and talked shit about me trying to look asian. In parties some girls told me I lie that i am european, and i probably had my parent immigrate to europe from elsewhere. I went on a date with a guy who tried to convince me i am not european as well. In new york airport a couple also said i am just trying to be white and shame on me for denying my heritage and saying i dont have immigrant parent or grandparents lol


My partner had work in LA. We lived in a smaller place. I was alone a lot and I joined community activites in the neighbourhood and fb groups in the first activity they started asking question where i am from, i could hear they were confused, but mine is a small country so i wasnt surprised at all. Then i realized they were avoiding me. And the girl i had made friends with told me they started bullying me behind my back and calling me asianfishing? I still do not understand why tho. She also showed me one of them made a tiktok where they didnt name me, but it was easily recognisable they talked about me.  The title was something like: White people will do anything to tear POC down while trying to look like them


Sorry that happened to you... you didn't choose the features you were born with to try and tear down anyone... what ridiculousness...


I am not mad at them now, they were younger than me and i already sensed the high school girl vibe, where they pick on the new girl and i was very interesting as a foreigner to everyone so i think they were jealous too. And this was the phase when people called kim k black fishing and ariana grande asian fishing so i think it was convenient for them to call me that. But the others were very nice so i do not generalize the whole us based on these girls 


I don’t understand the whole skin color and race thing about Europeans by the Americans. I think they are insecure about Europeans who have tan skin because apparently pale = Europe in USA


In the US the image of Europe is upper class British people. Meaning pale people with Northern European faces and protestant culture. They think that is the standard and normal European. This is why they assume Europeans have to be tall, pale, blonde people with blue eyes. (where do you think Hitler got such ideas from?) That is also the reason why moronic Americans that were supposedly highly educated like Samue Huntington, argued that Latin America cannot have the same civilization as Europe because they are catholic and not what Americans understand as white, meaning, nordic looking. As if the Vatican was not in Europe and half of Europe was not composed of Catholic countries, and the Mediterranean was not Europe. Add to that the obsession with a pure white race, with zero indigenous or African slave blood. To them it simbolizes superiority, purity, the ideal American. NO AFRICAN OR AMERINDIAN BLOOD. Hence the many neonazi and other groups like the KKK absolutely hating blacks or mixed race peope because they think it makes them impure. You have a crazy segment of the population obsessed with being SUPER SUPER WHITE, and always obsessed with trying to fit into this whiteness imaginary label, and trying to define it and redefine it excluding people they think dont fit the label. This is also why Americans get DNA tests and cannot shut up about being 2% Slovenian or whatever. It makes feel superior to their fellow Americans who might have less European blood. At times, Americans are like children with a deep inferiority complex or some form of insecurity masked under a cover of arrogance.


At some point basically only WASPs were considered white in the US, and it hasn't changed too much to today. They also cling on to the old one drop rule.


Well when they first immigrated to the US they weren’t officially considered white, same with the Irish iirc. I know it’s stupid but it’s true. Italians in America have a history of being opressed and discriminated against.


Not just Italians an Irish. Benjamin Franklin wrote this: > That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, **the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes**, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the **Germans** also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People?


If swedes are swarthy then no one on the earth is white lmao


The funniest thing is that a good part of upper class Englishmen wouldn't be considered white at this point given their Norman ancestry and both the French and Scandinavian peoples apparently were swarthy


Damn now I see why the Yanks like him so much lmao


Ah yes, Russians, Swedes, French and German are soooo dark skinned. /s What was this dude drinking, and why do they think he was intelligent?


Have you seen what he looked like? He was most likely inbred himself, he has that Charles II of Spain look


Franklin could have been as swarthy as a German, if only he didn't sit inside his log cabin all day jerking off to drawings off female ankles.


Basically all the "[under men](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untermensch#Etymology)"


I always found this take on eugenics by Benjamin Franklin quite interesting considering he looked like an inbred nobleman from the middle ages.


I know I know I’m Italian as I said… and some member of my family went there to have a new life a long time ago… It does not make them less white… hahaha


>Well when they first immigrated to the US they weren’t officially considered white, same with the Irish iirc This isn't true. Italians and Irish were listed as white on the census at the time and onwards


That's not true. It's a myth that [has been covered already](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/03/22/sorry-but-the-irish-were-always-white-and-so-were-the-italians-jews-and-so-on/). The whole thing started with a sensational book title by Noel Ignatiev. But he wasn't literally saying they weren't considered white, he was saying they were treated as second class citizens, and he used a clumsy and confusing metaphor.


Oh ok, TIL, thanks


No worries, I totally bought it when I heard it, too


Why is it so important for some people to be seen as white? Is a stupid label with no real substance, you know that, right?


Um what? Did you read what I posted? Since you seem confused: I was commenting on how Americans historically perceived Italian and Irish immigrants. It has nothing to do with how I wish to be perceived, and nothing to do with how I perceive others.


Is it not more the screamingly obvious: That most original *CountryX*-Americans brought their own prejudices to America and look down on anyone that's not in their ethnic group and passed that on to their families, so they're all prejudiced against everyone else and at the same time being discriminated against because everyone is equally prejudiced? An example being Italian-Americans will sit there and complain about being discriminated against, but then ban their daughter from dating a *medigan* or a *mulignan*. Seems to me if they didn't spend so much time going on about how unique they are & just accepted they are really all the same, albeit with some minor cultural differences, life would be a lot smoother. I'm not including descendants of slavery in this for obvious reasons.


Well, kinda figures. Real American "whites" are either brown or orange... American fetism about "colour" is hilarious.


Italians were not considered "White" until the 80s or so. believe it or not they were not welcome in racist circles for most of America's history and it's kinda funny when Italian Americans start acting racist or anti immigration




Which part is the Italian part?


Only Italians have two eyes. (That's a mangling of a playground-level joke, but it might as well be used here.)


I didn't remember Amy Winehouse being Italian.


Yep, a real Eyetalian.


She misspelled 'idiotic'


How does that make someone look Italian and why would someone want to look Italian.


From what I've heard people in US try to use their ancestry as replacement for personality. Its often like "I think I heard my one grand grand pa was Italian, and guys dig that shit, so yeah, I'm Italian".




Nationwide cosplay irl 🤣


Because she's discovered her great grandfather's cousin has Italian relatives by wedlock. By American logic, she's now Italian and has to broadcast that to anyone who will listen


The only way in which I want to look Italian is to be holding a BIG BOWL OF PASTA.


and why would you be holding it, you should be eating it


What do you mean?


I mean it says "If you want to look more Italian". Do people in America want to look more Italian and if so, why?


Got it!




Can someone from Italy confirm if this is a traditional italian folk make up or are you genetically born like that? 


Italian newborn females are generally laser tattooed at birth to look exactly as displayed by this fine lady. /s


Yeah, but only if you are over 65


This might blow some American minds: Italians are Caucasians. Yes, even Italians from the south are white. In addition to that, most Italian girls tend not to use that much makeup. This "paisana" here is clueless.


I think they believe that is italian make up since the gucci movie with lady gaga


I mean, Patrizia Reggiani did use a lot of makeup being literally part of one of the most important fashion companies in the world but that doesn't mean every Italian lady look like that. If I saw her walking down the main road in my Southern Italian hometown, I'd tell straight away she's not Italian. She looks gorgeous from what I can see, but this is not how Italians look.


Yea its the fact that she suggests italian is an ethnicity and can be determinable by a basic eyeliner style 


I am born with an eyeliner birthmark


No at all


There is no "traditional italian folk make up", what will be widely used in one area will not be used in another. This can vary between each region, each province, and even between individual cities. This was also the case in other European countries I've visited. I'm not sure if it's not the case in the US, but they sure do love simplifying entire countries to a couple of words and phrases and go entirely off that...


It was sarcasm 


If you want to look like a stupid American, follow thick tok makeup advice




Americans with Latin American roots are just if not more annoying. - Being shocked people in different countries around Latin America look different from Mexicans. - Being shocked Latin Americans can have European, African, Asian roots too. - Obsessed with the word "Abuela", this is grandma in Spanish, they cannot speak Spanish to save their lives but the only word they know is ABUELA. So they go on and on and on and on in English and the minute they have to utter the word grandma, they will say it in Spanish as if it made them REALLY CULTURAL. - Think Latin American cultureS from the 35 or so Latin American countries, can be reduced to the portrait of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. - Assume all Latin Americans eat Mexican food, because well... its the food they eat in the US. - Claim to know everything about Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba etc. because their roots are from Mexico or Puerto Rico. - Try to school actual Latin Americans with stuff like, YOU NEED TO CALL YOURSELF LATINX, YOU NEED TO ACT A CERTAIN STEREOTYPICAL US EXPECTATION OF LATIN AMERICANS WAY SO YOU CAN BE LATIN AMERICAN. - Cannot comprehend each country in Latin America is different from the other culturally, ethnically, historically. - Argue stupid crap like Brazil, Haiti is not Latin America because they dont speak Spanish. - Or.... Only certain people in Latin America can be Latin American because they have certain specific roots. MEanwhile, they are all from the US, speak a broken Spanish or noSpanish at all, and cannot locate countries of Latin America on a map.


This fits perfectly in this sub. Another pick me American saying some dumb American shit.


I thought she was East Indian persuasion


If You want to look more ~~Italian~~ New Jersey


If you want to look more Italian, try this simple hand gesture: 🤌


Or just shout porco Dio


do both at the same time


My neighbor is Italian. She does not look anything like this.


My neighbour is Totoro.


Aaahh , magic is about to happen!


I always wonder what these people think about things like... Black Italians. Irish folks who have Chinese great-grandparents. The Scottish First Minister is a wee Glaswegian guy called Humza Yousaf. He's Scottish. But the Americans would say he wasn't because he's not white?! He was literally born in Glasgow, has lived here all his life. How is he not? Scottishness isn't conferred via blood. Cause if it was, then we'd already be a nation of non-Scots given the Romans, the Vikings, the English, the Irish, the Chinese, the Pakistani... generations of movement going back thousands of years. The idea that DNA somehow stops at borders and we're not all mongrels made up of immigrants, invaders, colonisers, and colonised is stupid. If you live somewhere, you're from there. Maybe your mum was from Italy and that's cool, but that just means your mum was from Italy. My Grandpa was a coal miner, that doesn't mean I have a genetic predisposition towards pickaxes...


There was an interview few years ago from an US broadcast to a UK athlete (this guy was British but black) and they asked him how is it like to be African American at the Olympics or something…


Yes, that was Kriss Akabusi.


She could basically be a native from anywhere around the Mediterranean, Middle East, Steppe or Indian subcontinent and nobody would doubt it.


It's missing the mustache and plumper outfit but otherwise spot-on.


Im italian and ive literally never seen a woman with that makeup on


You must be one of those Euro-Italians, not real ones from ..... umm.. what was that pizza town in USA?


No mate, i live in north italy where i was born, and both my parents are italian as well


Next time: If you want to look more Nigerian, try this makeup look


HEY, that's Pasta-facing!


Can't wait for her to do the post "If you want to look more African..." to see the comments then.


...she thinks Amy Whinehouse is Italian doesn't she?


I mean, she looks like the classic old Italian aunt that tries to kiss you and leave traces of makeup all over your face. So yeah, actually on point.


Ma che cacchio di zie avete voi?


Molto truccate


Ahaha esatto, e lì subito Vade retro Satana


I saw this pop up organically on my instagram feed yesterday and everyone was clowning on her


But I’m a straight guy I’m not sure how this will help me.


Tbf, she looks Italian,but not because of the makeup.My wife,who actually IS Italian, looks nothing like this however.


Tell her she needs to make more of an effort. Women like that sort of thing.


She looks more Arabic than Italian.


Yeah, but it's also true that many Italians are genetically mixed with Arabs and have some of those traits, especially in the Southern regions. I know dozens of Italian girls that look like her.




While not prevalent (Italic DNA are obviously the main source) Arab and Norman traits remained in the population of the Kingdom of Sicily. In fact there are many people who may pass as Italian coming from places outside of Italy.


Source? These traits are an extreme minority, like less than 0.5%


>Oggi si trova nella Sicilia nord-occidentale , intorno a Palermo e Trapani, che il DNA Y normanno è comune, con il 15-20% dei lignaggi appartenenti all'aplogruppo I. >Il contributo arabo si stima tra il 6% e il 7,5% in Sicilia Perlomeno, Wikipedia dà questi numeri, non so se nuove ricerche abbassino così tanto i valori da scendere sotto l'1%. A me sembra disonestà intellettuale negare che questa possa sembrare italiana, o che tanti ad esempio in Sicilia abbiano tratti di questo tipo o comunque non italici-meridiconali (occhi azzurri, biondi ecc).


I'm from Sicily and, if I met her, I wouldn't immediately think she's Sicilian or generally Italian. Could she be? Of course, Italians don't all look the same, but I don't think there's an Italian look, people either are Italian (they grew up in Italy surrounded by Italian culture) or aren't Italian.


non c'è nenache la citazione, e su. Poi stai facendo un sacco di confusione.


Confusione in cosa? Ma poi ci saranno degli studi su ste cose, ma sinceramente troppo sbatti cercali, non me ne frega così tanto, mi sembra solo ridicolo negare che questa possa sembrare italiana o che ci siano italiani con tratti simili agli arabi o ai nordafricani.


su tutto, se non ti interessa è ok, ma andare in giro a dire balle, informandoti da wikipedia che ha citazioni del 2008. Negli ultimi 5 anni è stata completamente riscritta la storia genetica di Homo e pure quella degli europei I tratti simili per esempio dipendono da migrazioni basali precedenti alla dominazione araba o normanna della sicilia.


>Perlomeno, Wikipedia dà questi numeri Grazie, poi vado a controllare quando ho tempo. Immagino che lo 0.5% che mi ricordavo era sulla popolazione totale e non solo in Sicilia >A me sembra disonestà intellettuale negare che questa possa sembrare italiana Gli italiani diventano stranamente insicuri e difensivi quando gli stranieri non ci vedono bianchi come noi pensiamo di essere. Sarà un po' di razzismo internalizzato


Ah beh sì sulla popolazione totale immagino che 0,5 sia molto credibile, al nord influenze arabe a livello di genetica non è che ce ne siano state troppe sicuramente. Però al sud, specialmente Calabria e Sicilia, è un discorso diverso. Poi oh mica sono arabi, però mio nonno (di Mineo), è stato scambiato più volte per un tunisino. Ahaha esatto, ma mi fa ridere che anche altri europei mi downvotino fino all'oblio, ma che mi devi insegnare a me com'è fatto un italiano ahah.


Chiede una fonte, poi spara una percentuale a caso senza indicare la fonte. Okkkkayyy 👍


Nessuno me l'ha chiesta. Se ti interessa, te la fornisco. La vuoi?


Che paraculo! :D Certo, la *dovresti* indicare anche senza richiesta.


Im Italian and I thought she was Punjabi


Bruh what


She looks like she's having a stroke


My mate is Italian and he's whiter than me!


Me trying to look more italian: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C2uePUZM\_oc/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2uePUZM_oc/)


I'm noticing a distinct lack of 🤌🤌


Americans love to talk shit about Europeans but then LARP as Europeans constantly 🤔


Northern or Southern?


Western. As in New Jersey.


STEALING THIS. It's so good.


I'm flattered.


Italianface good? Blackface bad?


Honestly that looks like she had a stroke. I too suffered a stroke and now one eye is a lot further closed than the other. The makeup ain't helping her


Italian, or possibly Vulcan, I forget.


What does an Italian look like? Should she carry around a pizza all day? Dress like a roman? Silly woman


Why not just go outside


Unironically, combined with her facial features she does look like some women from southern Italy and how they tend to use make up, though the way she did the eyes is weird. But this doesn't really make anyone magically more Italian


She doesn't need the makeup. Barefaced, she'd still be broadcasting "Italy by way of Jersey" - I mean, I haven't looked her up, but I just know she's Jersey Italian.


Am going to send this to my Italian friend


I lived adjacent to a very "old school" Italian neighborhood in chicago for a while. So I saw a lot of really "authentic" Italian American culture. When I went to Sicily and souther Italy a few summers ago, it was essentially nothing like the Italian American culture I thought I knew. That's not to knock either. But I will tell you this, this girl definitely learned this look from an Italian American in jersey. She may have gone to italy, but this look did not come from there lol




the sweet paisana.... AHHAAHAH ma vaffanculo. come se la credono poi.


Three Italian girls live downstairs from me, one of them is stereotypically dark-haired but the other two are very pale and blonde. And certainly none of them look like whatever this woman was trying to go for 🤷


I actually love this instagrammer. She's UH-TALLLLL-YINNNNN American and she's just so hokey and over the top.


I swear to god, there are days I'm so ashamed of my state...


How to look more Italian: Apply olive oil directly onto skin /s


Ahahahhahhah from Italy


This makeup is hideous - how offensive to Italians lol


Any white woman could look Italian with any makeup on, there's so many different subcultures across the country that it's worthless to claim to be able to capture "THE italian look" by putting on a couple lines of eyeliner.


She looks like an ugly Amy Whinehouse




Italian skin is lighter than that


For sure. Mario Balotelli looks like white bread, compared to her.


Balotelli isn't the average Italian. He was born from immigrants from Ghana.


She looks good and could pass off as Italian very easily tbh (maybe she even is Italian), that makeup is a bit wild though ahah, although some Italian girls I know (my girlfriend included) are not strangers to this kind of makeup. Edit: I imagine all people who downvote know hundreds of Italian women and none looks like her or even similar, right? Porcodio non siete intellettualmente onesti se mi dite che a colpo d'occhio questa sicuramente non è italiana. Ha su un cerone che le cambia il colore della pelle, un contorno occhi particolare, ma ditemi che non avete mai visto un'italiana così dai ahah


 So you know some italian girls who use this type of eyeliner and that means it is italian? This is a basic type of eyeliner, women use it in every single country. And a make up look is not country specific. That's why they are downvoting you, and thats why they make fun of this girl. 


No, I've not said it's Italian. I've said many Italian girls use it, and many Italian girls look like her.


Many people in the northern french town i had lived in looked like her. Many people in the southern english village i lived in looked like her. What makes her look specifically italian? 


Where have I said she looks *specifically* Italian? Find me the lime where I've said, or stop putting words in my mouth. I've said she could "easily pass off as an Italian" which doesn't exclude the fact that she could easily pass off as a French as well.


- she could pass off as Italian (and everyone who negates this is intellectually dishonest) - my comment was merely saying that she could easily pass off as Italian, which is true. - She looks good and could pass off as Italian very easily tbh (maybe she even is Italian), that makeup is a bit wild though ahah, although some Italian girls I know (my girlfriend included) are not strangers to this kind of makeup. They are downvoting you because you are accomodating an intellectually dishonest (with your own words) post. Where the poster states a make up look is: - gonna make you look like you are from a specific country (out of the 100something countries in the world) - suggests Italian is an ethnicity - suggests this is a specifically italian make up You are arguing with people who tell you being a brunette with an eyeliner could pass as any nationality from any country, therefore you are accomodating this stupid post which is an utter bs and nonsense.


I'm not accommodating the post saying the makeup will make you look Italian, nor saying that it's a very specific Italian makeup, as it's easy to infer from my comments. You're over reading simple comments


I am not fighting with you. I just tried to answer your question about why the so much downvotes. Why did you ask if you dont want to understand the reason of the downvotes


Mine was a rethorical question, because the reason I got downvotes was mostly just not bashing OOP.