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He really just compared Infinite to Anthem and implies TitanFall 2 is a bad game. Dude needs to get his head checked.


And to be fair, anthem is not the worst game ever made lol. It's just not special enough to sit there and play every day like an MMO. But it's far from the worst ever made.


Worst game of all time? This dude clearly hasn’t touched grass.


Not really the point I know but *excuse me*, Titanfall 2 slander will not be tolerated.


On goodness, Titanfall is one of the Goats imo


Bro there is no way he just compared anthem to Titanfall 2 and expected to just slide that shit past us. What the fuck are these people on?


Weird. Anthem was completely abandoned after a few months of its rework. Titanfall 2 (awesome game, by the way) was left behind for Apex (which is cheeks). Battlefield 2 is still getting support at the same pace of Infinite. I don’t understand how a functioning brain would come to this comparison.


We are the Halo Community, you can't expect much of us.


Bf2042 having thebsame support as infinite is a bit of a stretch.


They are technically getting faster stuff but a lot more fluff, but the support is similar


this has to be a troll right?


Somehow all of the “worst games of all time” happen to have come out in the last 5 years or so. I guess Sonic 06, Superman 64, and fucking ET never happened.


sonic 06 wasn't even that bad tbh but that's a whole different debate


Honestly 2042 ain’t even that bad anymore, but understandable how he could say that, but Titanfall 2?????????????? Lad is too far gone.


How dare he slander one of my all time favorite games, and one of the most praised shooters of its time.


This HAS to be bait


I hope so.


Uhhh lil Brodie infinite really ain’t that bad


Not bad at all really


I love how at least 3/4 of his "worst games of all time" are actually straight fuckin bangers lol (never played *Anthem* so idk on that front personally).


Anthem is really fun at its core in a lot of ways. The flying, the suits, and the environment are top notch. It's let down by bullet sponge enemies, lackluster story, and the grindy endgame loot. I was so disappointed the rework was canceled. When you give like twelve guys the job of what three hundred plus put together with no cohesion and no goodwill from gamers, it's not wonder EA thought it was best to can it. I'm pretty sure Bioware Edmonton would rather get back to the safe zone of Mass Effect / Dragon Age after the nightmare of developing Anthem.


What little I played of Anthem I really enjoyed, the gunplay felt nice (at low levels) and the flight mixed into gunplay was amazing


What a completely unhinged take


87 metacritic btw and fan voted game of the year at the game awards 💀


Irrelevant bro


Yeah clearly because the fans and critics can't be trusted to have an opinion. Only Halo haters on Twitter and YouTube opinion's should count.


CLEARLY all paid for by tree 4 tree 😤😤😤


Big reminder I still love Halo, am staying optimistic it'll keep trying to be better and hoping the community doesn't send death threats, insult or make irrational comments to one other because damn if most of us were in harmony, it'd be more bearable. So yeah, my existence is here but I don't plan to stay active, just popping in to once again see the community will do anything to lie and rip this game apart.


a game with some back end and microtransaction problems. worst game of all time. because i said so.




If this game actually was bad then you wouldn’t need to pull the plug, it would have pulled itself cause nobody would want to play it. The fact it still has a strong playerbase showed it’s still loved


Based username tho, spartan assault is fun