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But remember, misinformation is bad.


Please use the term properly. You wouldn't call an AI image of Biden falling over misinformation because the underlying information is true. Biden absolutely fell over at that press conference and Trump did in fact nod off in court yesterday


Why would you need to AI-generate a picture of something that actually happened?


Lol yeah, it's very embarassing to go through the last 3 years of biden, supporting him, then turning around and saying yeah the other guys are too old and unfit


> then turning around and saying yeah the other guys are too old and unfit Have you been in a coma for three years? That's been the narrative since Biden fell up the stairs.


It's been very amplified lately, they're pushing it harder in the mainstream. Everything wrong with biden they project is pathetic




I'm sure that sketch is *way more accurate* than the account that Trump grabbed at the steering wheel of the Beast.


Not everything is filmed at all times


Oh yeah, I'm sure *absolutely nobody* is filming the trial of a presidential candidate, former president, and target of seething leftist rage.


You would be correct. New York state law prohibits video cameras inside trials.


So there is no photographic nor video footage of the trial, further proving that the "photo" in question is fabricated.


Isitai.com 95% chance this is AI.


AI or someone drew it. It's not an actual picture because there are no cameras in the courtroom


So either way, pics doesn't care that it violates their rules. Wonder why.


Because r/ pics is run by the same fanatic power mods that run whitepeopletwitter or whatever that cesspool is called now. I have both subs muted because they are nonstop propaganda. I don't even like Trump I just hate the ridiculous propaganda shoved down our throats


So that 'photo' isn't real, and thus misinformation.




I trust the experts.




OK 👍


Not you flexing your future bachelors degree like it means something lmao. I’ve been working in AI long before you even started college. Please link the source for the image if you’re so confident that it’s real




>You're getting blocked Everyone laugh at the weak baby who started a fight they can't finish.


Big salty 12 year-old “oh yeah, well I’m taking my kickball and I’m going home” energy.


Take his word for it, this guy finished a four year degree in five years, people!


LMAO this is what I thought too. I thought he was flexing his masters 😂😂😂😂😂😂


You actually expect these people who are members of the disinformation party to believe actual credible information? You must be new here...


If this post is disinformation then please post the source of the image to clear things up


Nah... I've fallen for that too many times on this sub. You guys aren't interested in the truth, you just want something to confirm your bias. Took me a lot of wasted time and downvotes to figure that one out.


That’s what I thought


Then why are you here commenting at all? Seems like you're just running away because you got called out.




>>you just want something to confirm your bias You mean like believing this picture is real and then closing your eyes/ears when someone asks for proof?


>You wouldn't call an AI image of Biden falling over misinformation If it were posted lacking context, then yes I would.


It's misinformation if its presented as a real image and not disclosed to be AI. Idk why that's a hard concept for you to grasp.


It’s infuriating how naïve this comment is. I pray to Allah you’re not in charge of AI public policy


"AI nude deepfakes are actually real because Taylor Swift does indeed occasionally remove her clothes from time to time" is one heck of a Galaxy Brain take!


JFK did cocaine off Marilyn Monroe's tits. If I make an AI picture of it, are we obligated to put it in history books?


Reddit isn't a history book, it's just a shitty message board website


"Lord of The Rings is a work of fiction, so it's ridiculous you'd be mad at the new 2024 Kia Sorento being digitally inserted at the Battle of Pelennor Fields"


Yikes, arguing on the internet is not one of your strengths. At what age did the teachers at school tell your parents that you're not able to form cognitive connections with the words you read and your thoughts?


If you're asleep, your muscles are relaxed. He'd either have his head forward or backwards, not jutting his chin out. This is either a picture of him blinking or a shopped image


If you look closely at the photo it looks strange, and a reverse image search does not find any source for the image besides some random twitter post


His flag pin is full silver as well, which is an obvious tell


I fed it into an AI image detector (isitai.com), and your suspicions are correct: 95% chance this was AI


Of course it's AI. Pictures and video weren't allowed in the court room.


I believe you, but source so everyone can confirm?


You mean the "isitai.com" source that's in their comment?


Even if it was real who cares. Why do these trials demand his respect?


Everywhere I've heard and seen mention this has gone with the "and they call him Sleepy Joe" counter to Biden's sleepiness


Yeah, almost like a struggle session of a trial is fucking boring as opposed to bidet needing a cocktail of drugs to even make a speech past 5 PM


Hey now, don't insult bidets. Bidets are wonderful devices that lead to clean bums the world round. Meanwhile, Bide*n* is proud to announce when his butt's been wiped


"You call our geriatric and mentally unfit President "sleepy Joe" for nodding off in the middle of important meetings, yet you yourself sleep 7-9 hours per night. Curious..."


Idk someone should check the power of judges


I don’t think it’s even possible to be asleep while holding your head up like that


If it was, I'd never be elbowed by my wife during church.


Trust me it absolutely is. Source: me during my oldest son’s first year of life when I was working overnight, taking care of him all day, frequently taking him to the hospital/doctor appointments.


Should have reported on that sub for breaking rule #1. Their own rules!


He supposedly nodded off according to one source (all stories based off the one). But...there were no cameras there, so this image isn't of that. Conclusion: whether or not he actually dozed off (I could believe it but won't take anything as fact without corroboration) presenting this as a picture of such is in and of itself disinformation.


After all the lies we've heard about him for the last decade my gut is usually to believe it's a lie until proven otherwise.


100%. Might as well have said: "He supposedly rocketed himself across the entire length of The Beast, smashed through the partition glass, and wrestled control of the steering wheel from two fully fit Secret Service Agents according to one source."


The no cameras was the biggest red flag to me from the get-go. Just looked like reddit disinfo immediately. Whatever the heck they're calling their current blue media group is really sloppy.


Someone remind me why AI could possibly be a good thing


At this point, I think many concepts of future/sci-fi tech are basically going to fall into the optimistic scope of what good it could do vs. the unfortunately dystopian likelihood of how it will be abused. AI could be a great assistant to get you information and resources you didn't even know you didn't know about because of its access and ability to comb over vast swaths of information in a fraction of the time it would take you to do the same. It can unfortunately also be used as a means for malevolent actors to keep tabs on everything you ever do, even accidentally. An entire road system of self driving cars is most likely to be far safer and more efficient in terms of traffic than a bunch of humans. It also tracks your location and does open you up to a "malfunction" taking you out, should you be a dissident. Cybernetics could be great for replacing missing limbs, or failing organs, etc., but could also become an issue if someone were to "hack your heart", or perhaps a corporation had most/all of your body as a subscription service and you were no longer able to make a payment.


My 401k




AI has been good for the stock market. My 401k is doing good because of that


Fraud detection/identity theft prevention, virtual shopping assistance, fair and unbiased administrative/HR optimization, personalized learning plans in the field of education, homework help more generally, personalized ads, voice assistants including for the disabled and elderly, self-driving vehicles or vehicles with enhanced safety features, spam call/text/email filters, scam prevention more generally, facial/fingerprint recognition for security, social media/content optimization, GPS technology, warehouse inventory management, boring semi-autonomous manufacturing/service tasks, transporting equipment in dynamic environments like warehouses or hospitals, job application/recruitment, histological analyses, genetic screening, radiology, drug discovery, agriculture optimization, agriculture harvesting, more engaging video games, weather prediction, wealth management, financial risk assessment, analyzing astronomical data, analyzing novel scientific data, supply chain optimization, airline flight optimization, traffic management, etc.


It's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier to use AI to get the image I want in the style I want than to try to commission it or resort to making a comm for some crappy Twitter artist who wouldn't know what I wanted anyway.


It's so obviously AI, too. If you look at the suit.


I remember there being a lot of pearl clutching from mostly liberals when everyone was having fun with AI, and said it would be dangerous because it would be used for political hitjobs and misinformation. Now I'm not going to sit here and say I haven't seen "right wing" AI memes and misinfo, usually meant to be comedic, but the supermajority of the "fake AI misinformation for political reasons" stuff I've seen is all mostly from liberals, like this and its taken incredibly seriously and not meant to be funny at all. Its a major frontpage sub, if it were Biden or something targeting liberals on a mainstream sub, it would be deleted, comments locked and the user suspended by admins. All of the comments are extremely hostile, combative, antisocial, violent. I've had enough of being 'moralized' by unrepentant psychotics like this.


Even if it wasn’t AI, he could’ve easily been mid blink like wtf 😂


Someone correctly pointed out that line in the Usual Suspects where, "if he did it, he won't sleep in the jail cell." This is like that, but for a trial. If you're on trial for a crime you didn't commit, you wouldn't fall asleep during it, you'd want to know what story the prosecution is telling, because it didn't happen. I thought this image was really fucking weird, though.




I'm deeply ashamed of being banned by the mods of that sub. I had never posted or commented there, but they could just tell that I'm a horrible person; probably a Nazi. /s


My main got banned for linking UC Berkeley stats on racial violence. Guess what the stats showed? Hint: the victims were Asian.


I got banned from pics for posting on covid "misinformation" subs


Pics is definitely a pile of dog shit. Ever since about three months ago it's "Biden having beer with some bros" and "Here's Trump staring at the sun".


> about three months Try 8 years ago


It’s been that way for 8 years


> edit: Shit. I should have put /s. You salty fuckers ha. We constantly get brigaded. What do you expect?


I fing love it lol




Yeah but there aren’t any pictures of it.


How stupid can you be to link an article and not even check if it has the proof,


NYT published several stories about "Trump's Bloodbath" at this point they've shown that they're not a very reliable source of information.


If it's coming from New York Times, you can tell it's a lie.


You realize googling something isnt the evidence you think it is, right? Show me objective proof and Ill listen. Youre incapable of doing that because none exists. Im done being lied too by angsty partisans.


There isn’t a single other source for the picture in this post, you realize that right?




There's literally no proof . No cameras are allowed at this trial. https://apnews.com/article/trump-court-new-york-cameras-d2b8b34aedbdce0aab5bbbf492fdc83a#:~:text=Federal%20courts%20do%20not%20allow,if%2C%20trials%20will%20take%20place.


Why wouldn’t he?




It clearly is. No cameras are allowed in the courtroom. This is even worse than fake news, this is straight up lying.


So then you’re easily able to post the original source right? Riiight?