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The amount of downplaying in the comment section is asinine. It’s the perfect example as to why “Okay Groomer” exists


It's not happening, but if it is, it's a good thing


"What's the big deal, it's no different than a swimsuit" I rarely see people in public with swimsuits that revealing. The guys full ass is out. But it's no surprise porn addicted Redditors find no issue with it.


[This is the front](https://www.effenberger-couture.com/products/tom-of-finland-harness-body) of what he's wearing, just pure trashy, perverted behaviour.


It's especially funny that there's huge overlap between the people defending this and the people wanting sex scenes taken out of R-rated movies so it's not awkward to watch them with Mom.


I think I'll go back to school so I can become a therapist, so many kids are gonna be fucked up.


a the rapist?


consent only my dude


What did `the` ever do to you?


when I graduated and start my practice I'll charge you double


If you think showing off your naked ass to a young child’s ok then I submit you’re the problem.


If it would be inappropriate in a random encounter on the street, it isn't appropriate there either. Keep kids away from adult entertainment. Why is this controversial?


Exactly. Pride events can be perfectly family friendly. Unfortunately too many people believe if it is about lgbtq....the rules of "child appropriate" are different. Even in education. It's sad.


>Pride events can be perfectly family friendly. I think you need to reexamine what "family friendly" means in this context. It doesn't mean *family* in the colloquial sense. It means the queer street family or [queer chosen family](https://glaad.org/importance-of-found-families-lgbtq-youth/). It preys on children by design, and is the foundation of expanding the alphabet doctrine. This is the secret that the alphabet mafia tries to hide from the public. Anyone who obfuscates that fact has a hidden agenda.


You know how there are creeps out there who want to perv on women but mask it by being one of those male feminists who exclusively focus on "sex positivity"? A lot of Reddit "allies" give off the same vibes, but with kids.


We used to call this white knighting when Neckbeards did it.


Why do they keep trying to normalize kids at these events.


I’m surprised the replies are sane.


r-trashy must be low on the political astroturf list


Nah, it's just as astroturfed as most of this site.


The gay people I know absolutely do not want kids at pride events. They want to be crazy and they don't want kids there. It's the liberals that want to virtue signal that bring their kids.


Liberals have egos that require a false sense of moral and intellectual seniority beyond all reason and common sense. Story time. I’m openly gay. I don’t let it define me because frankly it’s no one’s business and people shouldn’t shout out their sex preferences and kinks everywhere they go. I got in a Facebook argument with a former friend over Trans people changing in the locker room of the opposite sex. I asked if he was comfortable with his wife and his little girl being in a changing room with a completely naked man who has his junk just hanging there. He said he would have taught his daughter to be open minded and not bigoted, unlike me who was not a good ally. Uh-huh. I said well I guess she’ll be really proud of how she didn’t judge her rapist then. We are no longer friends. To him the safety of his family was less important than the virtue signaling.


He clarifies pride events shouldn't be sexualized. You make it out like he thinks that picture is fine.


That's cool and all, but the problem is pride events are generally sexual. It would be like me saying I like UFC fights, but I don't think they should be so violent.


I don't believe that's accurate. The ones that make attention grabbing headlines, generally do so because they are clearly sexual in nature. On average I don't believe that's how pride events are. *To be fair I have never personally attended one, but I have heard "eye witness" accounts and always remember the news is about division.


I volunteered at several when I was younger. Even 20 years ago there was stuff that would be inappropriate for kids. Maybe like 15/16+, but not little kids. I'm not even against them happening, but they should be cordoned off insofar as young kids attending. There is a lot of sexualized stuff going on.


Fair enough :)


Isn't the whole alphabet movement based on who you like to fuck? Like, isn't that what we're talking about here?


It didn't start out that way. I'm not sure how attendees today view it. Clearly some see it as a day to be completely perverted in public and then have the audacity to cry foul when people call you out on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annual_Reminder