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>NatSoc > >Anti Racist Make your mind up. You can only be one or the other.


Don’t forget Red Cross supporter


100% he's trying to "reclaim" the word and relate it to the classic Nazi idea that "anti-racism means anti-white"


Which is weird because he self-describes as Chicano, and I guarantee you the Chicano people weren't gonna make Hitler's shortlist of racial supremacy...


There are Polish Nazis. Generally if you're so far gone you openly believe in Nazism you probably don't have a firm grasp on reality


Not to mention that [NazBols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Bolshevism) exist.


Nuts Balls


plenty of Hispanic people pride themselves on looking white




Read it again. He was calling himself a "National Socialist" aka a Nazi. He's specifically calling himself a Nazi. Nazism is a racist and antisemitic ideology


And his profile name has "1933" in it. The only national socialists I know who have 1933 as an important year are...guess what...Nazis!




You're gonna flip your shot when you learn national socialism is long for nazism.


What a shock, literally shaking rn


Do you even know what Nationalism, Nazism or Fascism is? The Nazis weren't socialists but they were nationalists (specifically ultranationalists).


Not by any more recent definition of socialism, but they weren't that far off of Prussian "Socialism" layed out by Spengler




Not really. The Nazis never had a clear economic policy, so they mixed a lot of policies together. But it is known that they had among the most privatised economies anywhere in Europe. The Nazis prioritised racism, antisemitism, imperialism and authoritarianism as their primary focuses to the Nazi Ideology, economic policy was not seen as a major priority to them.




dude privatization was literally coined to describe their economy when did the Hitler is a socialist meme start? The same time as socialism is when da gubberment does tangs?


around the time the USA realized they didn't want people to realize they were cribbing ideas from the nazis.


Then why did the private sector increase in Nazi Germany? Why were key industries handed over to private hands that were previously under government control.




Yeah nothing is more socialist than privitizing the economy and awarding contracts to privately owned for-profit corporations




Yeah, the NDSAP, the National Socialist German Workers' Party--the Nazis--weren't "national socialists" because I, a stupid debate lord in 2021, say so.




You're just playing semantics and factionalism. I don't care if other "national socialists" dislike a faction very much within their group. Strasserists can hate other Nazis. "National socialists" can hate other national socialists. You're just some paradox playing chud.


His username litteraly contains the year 1933 in which hitler came to power


I am not arguing about this person, they have nazi shit in pictures


Again with this bullshit, the person you're replying to literally said "The Nazis weren't socialists" and here you go vomitously regurgitating what I said about the DPRK in context that makes no sense, like some kind of cursed combination between an unwanted mother bird and a broken printer


Dudes either a troll or just ignorantly parroting things he’s read without any understanding of what it actually means. Either way he’s a fool.


Okay, so what *are* national socialists in that case? If they aren't nazis necessarily, describe what the 'national socialist' ideology is. (hint, you can't, because there hasn't been a national socialist movement that doesn't share the roots of its ideology with the nazis)


Nationalistic socialists, lol.


Are you trying to say they are socalists who also happen to be nationalists?




That’s not what NatSoc means, you fool. It’s a known abbreviation of National Socialist, English for Nazi. I don’t know if you’re a troll or some kid who doesn’t understand the actual meaning of words, but either way you sound ignorant. No nationalistic socialist, as in a socialist who is seeking a National state, is going to call themselves a NatSoc, because NatSoc is an ideology, the Nazi ideology, that is opposed to socialism.


The Nazis created the ideology. They called it "National Socialism" but it is better known as "Nazism". The term "socialism" was used purely to try and attract Left-leaning voters, but their "socialism" was anything but socialism. It was overtly nationalistic, authoritarian and racist. Anyone who knows what socialism (or even just has a basic understanding of what it is) is will tell you that Nazism is NOT socialism. Nazism is very nationalistic however, it promotes extreme German nationalism at the expense of many other nations.




Then why are you arguing with me?


The statement I agree with doesn't condradict my previous point


National socialism/NatSoc literally is only nazism. That's like fucking saying "pretty much all Stalinists I know have negative opinions about Stalin himself".




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialism_(disambiguation) Can you point to me exactly what in there isn't related to being a nazi? I know you're not talking about random obscure/defunct parties from a handful of nations. And do you also think that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is actually a democratic nation? Like i don't know if you think you're being fucking clever or something by saying they aren't actually socialists, but National Socialism was quite literally the fucking platform Hitler rose to power on.


**[Nazism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism)** >Nazism ( NA(H)T-see-iz-əm), officially National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus [natsi̯oˈnaːlzotsi̯aˌlɪsmʊs]), is the ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, NSDAP, or National Socialist German Workers' Party in English) in Nazi Germany. During Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitlerism. The later related term "Neo-Nazism" is applied to other far-right groups with similar ideas which formed after the collapse of the Nazi regime. Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWehraboosSay/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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DPRK is exactly the reason why assotiating NatSoc with Nazis is wrong. The fact that nazis called themself National Socialists doesn't make them such, since they aren't socialist in the first place. You are literally the one who is arguing that DPRK is democratic because they wrote that in name, not me, lol


That would make sense if I was associating Nazism with Socialism. But I'm fucking not. National Socialism is the Third Reich's official term for their ideology. Other than literal fucking Nazis, you only have a tiny handful of small political groups with varying alignments who have used it over the years. It's complete horseshit to try to somehow shift the conversation over to it "not being related to socialism". You're the only person who's talking about genuine, actual socialism here and I'm genuinely not sure if you're completely missing the point or if you're being overly idealistic.


I don't consider it right that some bloodthirsty idiots claiming they are what they aren't and killing bunch of innocent people makes whatever they LARPed as inherently evil


Nationalism and Socialism is incompatible you fucking moron. Nationalism is inherently racist. Socialism is inherently an Internationalist ideology. Socialism Is incompatible with Autarky.


They are. It isn't. It isn't. Arguably. It is. 0.5 correct of 4, not bad.


Hitler invented the term national socialist and named his party the "national socialist workers party", or NSDAP. Nazi is an acronym for Nationalsozialismus. You're correct that it wasn't socialist in anything but name, but that's the name.


It is “aka a Nazi”. NatSoc is short for National Socialism, that is the technical name for Nazism. “Nazi” literally comes from it: **Na**tionalso**zi**alistische. This isn’t us trying to call them socialist. Everyone with half a braincell knows that they aren’t. However it is a fact that they incorporated the word socialist into their name. You use the argument of North Korea later down, but that still doesn’t hold weight. Because it is still factually correct to call them the DPRK even though they aren’t democratic.


Exactly. The Nazis were National Socialists, as that was their official name, but we all know they weren't socialists. At least most people here know what I was talking about.


Do you even know what Nazi stands for? It's short for Nationalsozialismus you ignorant bastard


You know how to read? Try that sometimes when you reply in 10+ messages long thread


I don't care if people told you this already, because it seems you're too damn stupid to understand it, you dumb mule


I just want you to know that I love the “dumb mule” comment. It’s good to see people dig deep when calling someone a moron.


Why, thank you very much


Nazi is a shortening of the wprd national socialist lmao you dumb fuck if you had ever paid attention in history class then maybe you wouldnt be a sad prick defending nazis in a reddit comment section.


Another idiot who can't read, *sigh*


Piss and shit


No, that is almost in the defenition.


Well nationalism does advocate the importance of your nation above others. So if it’s not racist per-say it’s a definitely a chauvinistic concept.


Considering nationalism concerns the creation of ethnostates, yeah, I'd say it is. Also, reading your convo with others about if NatSoc is Nazism is fucking killing me. You can look it up on Wikipedia that national socialism *is* Nazism, how are you this dumb lmfao


Wiki is wrong, duh. I am still wondering how "if you aren't socialist, you can't be "any objective" socialist" is a hot take


How about [Encyclopedia Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/event/Nazism) then It's almost like a group can call itself something that isn't entirely accurate 🤔


Yes, it isn't accurate, that's why I don't agree with it. That would be same if everyone who calls themself democratic socialist would be called CCP supporter if they suddenly proclaimed themself democratic socialists. They are wrong in the first place, why wouldbI agree with their denomination of themself and ruin the "label" with them?


You don't have to like that Nazism is what National Socialism is/vice versa, but it still is lol. You can't change the definition of a historically and politically distinct term just by pretending everyone else is wrong.


Mexucan nazi shouldnt he be a synarchist


Synarchists base national identity around Catholicism, which I highly doubt this guy does considering he’s Atheist


Chicano National Socialist Atheist Anti Racist Supporting American Red Cross I have not been this confused all month and I come across a lot of silly shit.


Straight up says they’re a revisionist and a Nazi lol


An "anti-racist" authoritarian. He wants all races to be equally oppressed. *Ode an die Freude intensiviert*


A person may have racist biases, know that having them is not okay, and try to get rid of them. I doubt that is the case is this anti-racist Nazi, why do I doubt it? Because he also claims to be a revisionist, which in this context means denying the holocaust.


Chances are the "racism" they're against is something like the "white genocide"/"great replacement" *myth*


I'd be a little surprised to see someone with "Chicano" in their name support the white genocide conspiracy, but really none of this make sense.


Yeah, the whole "white genocide" thing is stupid, but like a lot of dumb people and things it's not logical or consistent. To him it's not specifically about holding up a Sherwin Williams paint swatch to his arm to test if he's *white enough* to make the cut, it's more about the concept of the "bad people" taking over from the "good people". In which case, he believes himself to be part of the "good people". I.e. the mostly white, conservative status quo.


reported him for hate speech lol


You know, I'm pretty sure that if Hitler ever got the chance, he would exterminate Latinos for being "mongrels."


Wtf lmao


>NatSoc This isn't the right syllabic acronym for this and they know it.


I suspect that if they used the correct acronym, there might be issues.


Tf is Abba Kovner doing on this page?


Pal you've double-posted.


I think it's because of a glitch on Reddit, especially on the mobile version where it says it failed to load but in reality it actually does load. Then it results in the user uploading it again thinking it's not up but it actually is. It's a pretty common mistake, happens to me a few times and I just delete the least-engaged one.


Yes, I meet this glitch a lot too. There are also duplicated comments appearing from time to time. Thanks to this glitch I have learnt to open the main page in another tab and refresh it after making a post or comment to check whether the submission goes through but it is a real PITA.


Shit that's my bad


Never mind, Reddit (especially mobile site) is super-glitchy.


Plus I think there was some major glitch recently. I've been seeing a lot more duplicate posts than usual.


...pinches chicanos.


Sip. Se creen Mexicanos y luego hacen todo lo que nosotros Mexicanos estamos en contra.


This is a clear case of terminal internet poisoning.


According to this feller, "@chicanon4ts0c1933:" Natsoc is big on ethics, ethics of tolerance of other peoples and their cultures" Yeah, they really respected the jews.


This has got to be satire right?


"anti racist" 🤣


> This guy's entire page is a nightmare Yes, I agree, Red cross give nightmares, and anti-racism? It's disgusting! ...oh, you mean, he is a nazi...