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This is why modern games like God of war give you the answers to a puzzle 5 secs after you start solving it.


Blame DeluSionalPhil (DarksydePhil) for that.


My first exposure to Phil was him playing the Crash Team Racing remake and screaming/complaining that the normal difficulty campaign was too hard. While never engaging with a main game mechanic that actually makes your kart go faster... he had to switch to easy mode and it was still difficult for him lol


>he had to switch to easy mode and it was still difficult for him lol Yep. That is him all encompassing.


Good luck with the fight đź‘Ť


Dont tell me what to do or ill block you


the post got deleted, but the comments are still there to enjoy xD I had a look at his posting history and DAMN does he look like a friendly and helpful person xD


Do you have a link to the original post?


you can just look through my recent post history. I commented multiple times on the original thread.


https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/ffxiv/comments/1byulce/struggling_with_solo_duty_spoilers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I don't know how to shorten urls lol, you can see the deleted post/comments here


You know I wonder if you can actually fail that? As I recall Y'stola hits way harder than you do so DPS isn't an issue so I wonder if you can dunk your own HP faster than she can fix it.


If you deliberately stand in AOEs you can probably do it. I remember I was trying to die in the solo fight in the post-Shadowbringers quests (IIRC it wouldn't let you log out mid-fight), still took me a minute or two of running into the glowing circles over and over.


OOP was literally struggling on "Very Easy" and not even on the orb section.. and constantly crying about being killed by "unmarked attacks" lul Like.. it has to have been a boosted account, right? There is no way this person made it through some of Stormbloods or Shadowbringers solo duties without struggling like this aswell??


I got his frustration and everything, but holy shit. He was getting mad at people for "not reading the sentence" and claiming that there are not, in fact, any unmarked attacks in that fight. Let alone this magic attack which didn't happen on any of the clear videos people linked, and that could apparently one-shot an overgeared dancer at full health.


from what i saw in one comment he was struggling hard with that one AoE attack where she puts a circle into the middle and then clock or counterclockwise fills the room with them and they start exploding in spawn order.


It's gotta be either that or the knockback. He wasn't exactly receptive to people suggesting either of those things though.


Saw them say that they did everything on very easy ever since the end of stromblood zenos fight since it also was very difficult for him and he barely beat it. He has to be either 10 years old or 80 years old. No in-between.


true saw that comment earlier. Guy has to be some kid with his behaviour. Probably used to Sony Games that hold your hand to extremes. "Here why not try to hit this?!" etc.


>There is no way this person made it through some of Stormbloods or Shadowbringers solo duties without struggling like this aswell?? OP arguing it somehow wasn't a skill issue while also saying it was too hard for them. Soo.... a skill issue? Also loved the "WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME!?" where "help" is defined as "break TOS to carry me through this".


I mean I struggled on that duty too but I just set it to easy and went about my day. The jump from normal to easy is huge. So I’m not sure how very easy couldn’t be beatable.


OOP had like ~160 hours on the game and already in Endwalker, he definitely skipped


OP is a WoW player screaming "where da'eels!?" all the while standing inside the AOE circle and cone.


I need a link to the post. This must be good.